The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Showing posts with label 2011 ufo disclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011 ufo disclosure. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Strange Blue `Object' - `UFO' Video From Nashville

I was looking around to see if in 2011 any `blue ufos' had turned up on YT - and, I made have found a VERY good one. The dialogue in natural, it doesn't seem hoaxed,  the account ONLY has this video - seems legit. Now, what the object is - I don't know. This is one of the most CLEARish `Objects' you are going to catch `treetop level' IMO. It can't be that big can it?

It doesn't even look that Orbish to me. In 8 months less than 200 folks have seen this. Happened back in March in the Nashville Tennessee area:

Description with video:
It was really windy out and a huge storm had just hit two days prior. There were up rooted trees in and around my back yard. I noticed this glowing blue circle in the top of a tree! I was able to zoom in and catch some pretty good footage and i still can not figure out what it is! It moved like a jellyfish! It looks like the air what jellyfish are to the sea! AWESOME!

What kind of object is this Clockers? Is this a Sky Creature? Or something much more nefarious?
The observant among you has noticed the new `book banner' above this post - did you check these out?

 Here's Another Good Book
As you know, UDCC is not the only UFO blog on the internet; and UDCC tries to connect you to other ones that have something to say. Here's one with over 140 posts this year who looks closely at previous reports Of UFOs go lose yourself for an hour or so.
Here's one that's been in the bin too long - UFOs and NUKES - make your own mind up on this one IMO.

Thanks for stopping in today - hope to see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Did A UFO `Fleet' Arrive In Sartoga County On December 9th? (YouTube Video)

Okay Clockers - while I bring this to you today from - Cosmic Drama Queen - with an untraceable sourcing (she claims SHE shot it BTW) - that somehow looks VERY familiar - that I make NO claims for - however, IF it is true, is quite convincing in its anomalousness. (Has CDQ become the NUMBER ONE `Orb caller'.) A HUGE number of views for just a couple days (313K) - set to I believe Cat Stevens music I guess for effect, (or is that Don McClaine). Especially be ready to stop click your video from the 1:50 mark to about the 2:40 mark. What in the world is going on? It seems that some structure, perhaps with those black parts being key, is present in the sky. WTH? Some `orbs' seem to turn on and off during this close up period in the video. Could the holding back of setting the UDCC clock ....... for December's time..........

link- all kinds of awards but no specific stats... hmm
But, as I said, I smelled something fishy - and this site is evidently the driving force of Cosmic Drama Queen's multi-hundred thousand hits. Caution, it's a `hard-R' blogsite with a mix of sex stuff and sensational stuff. A Russian Site - need I say more.

But, perhaps my suspicions were misplaced - as the video I thought she may have been using was this one below - `of another `fleet' (of balloons IMO) - that does indeed IMO `act' differently - than today's `fleet' of who knows what:

I featured the above `fleet' post in September -
But, I swear I remember it (the first video today of CDQ). That in itself, doesn't disparage what is on the video which could indeed be nefarious in some manner. But, to TRUST Cosmic Drama Queen - in an unsourced video - who has an agenda (mans cosmic evolution) - to get hits via a Russian Viral source with other UFO videos - (perhaps I need to send the weird stuff UDCC finds on YT) - pulls at the credibility strings a bit much.

But, with all my disparaging remarks: here is what she says to one of the commenters on her video:
Yeah...that's what I was trying to capture, I have a 20X optical zoom better than most cameras these days...could quite focus...with my naked eye, the dark traveling spots looked like small rectangles and I noticed them in two distinct areas of the formation...many in the "geese contingent" say it's a blue goose...I did not hear a sound nor see wings, just white glowing balls with two distinct dark rectangles moving against the flow...You are the only on who has picked up on that.
You owe it to yourself to read the comments at the first video to get a sense of what folks are saying about this. Could it be a flock of Geese? Can ORB Callers produce phenomena of this level?
Oh, I updated some of my other blogs that you may have an interest in yesterday or recently - at my `Science Edge' blog TAL I posted about a study which shows A Persons Language Affects Their Color Perception. If you haven't checked out TAL - it's a good read of ... like I said, edgy science ideas - some every edgy and speculative. I also updated TCI (The C Influence) my Esoteric based group blog with a bevy of great writers - find that post .
Clockers - Did I find you guys the coolest Christmas Gift Below - A Levitating Globe!

Friday, December 9, 2011

MUFON Reports Becoming Jaw Dropping - This Batch Includes A Dog Abduction

These Clockers and newbies are HOT off the latest reports wire at MUFON - Last 20 Reports.
First up - that dog abduction: New York - 11-28-11
I was outside shovelling snow when I heard a weird sound. That's when i looked in the air and saw something hovering above my house. It was clearly a UFO because it was too close to be anything else. It was a coppery, golden color with flashing red lights. I felt priviledged that I was witnessing this rare event. Then my dog went around front and the UFO took it up through a beam and dropped it backed down about a half hour later. Weirdly my dog was completely unharmed and shortly after the UFO left leaving a tail as it flew away. (Red UDCC emphasis)
Here's a link to an interesting `orb' that turned up in a picture that someone was taking of Chemtrails on 11-11-11 - Like A Button In The Sky.
Here's a HOVERING Craft above car in Georgia that happened YESTERDAY.
On the way on my wife saw what she that was a fast flying low plane until the object slowed down as it went above are car and stopped and hover right off the road,there was 6 others cars that stopped and seen it to.

The object hover for about 30 to 60 seconds and then shot off. When the object went over the car my wife last all towers on her cell phone.the object was a dark triangle with 4 bright white lights that seem to go fade in and out.For years I have told my wife we are not alone and now she knows.The object was so low that we could tell that it was not a plane or weather ballon.It was the real thing
Here's lights HOVERING near Norman Oklahoma - YESTERDAY - FOR MINUTES -
And, a super strange 1980 Ohio report:
I was working on my car in the parking lot of my Fathers garage with a friend, it was about midnight, I was under the car and Fred was under the hood, as I pulled myself out from under the car to get something (I was on my back facing the sky)I spotted a bright light, no bigger than the surrounding stars, but it was making a zig-zag pattern across the sky and traversed about 1/4 mile in about 2 seconds, it then lowered at about light speed to about 1500 ft. zipped back to it's original starting point (500 ft. lower) and did it again.

Fred and I watched this thing do this 2 more times untill it was at about 500 ft, we could then discern a shape of the thing, It was white and was comprised of three equally sized spheres connected in a triangle by 3 tubes.
as the craft did it's pattern again it veered from the pattern and began to fall toward us as a leaf would from a tree, somewhat erratic but controlled, we fled like scared mice and ran toward the street (about 100yds. from my Dad's parking lot) we tried to get two other people to just look up and they would have seen it too but both would not.
We watched the craft hover above a tree in the yard of a house next to the IGA store where we had ran to.
I could have hit the thing with a rock, it was an irridescent white, (Like the inside of a clam shell) each sphere was approx. 20ft. in dia. and each sphere was approx. 10 ft. from each other' the thickness of the tubes was about 4-5 ft. I am quite sure of the measurements as I have worked construction all of my life, and having been in the Navy I am quite sure of the altitudes also.
We both remember watching this thing above the tree, the entire episode lasted about 20 minutes (to our memory) but niether of us remember going back to the car, we did end up there though and our last recollection is that it was about 3:30 am.
I have watched shows of yours and similar ones as well, I have not seen any other descriptions of this craft in recent years, but I have seen it in the distant past, there was a woman (in Oregon I Believe) on a similar show who actually painted portraits of the same craft.
If you have no interest in this sighting can you at least put me in touch with someone who has seen the same thing, the afforementioned woman had an up-close and personal encounter, and I srtrongly believe that we have also.
And last but not least, please take this seriously, we have wanted information about this most of our lives, we know what we saw! we know it wasn't from around here! we just want some answers, or to speak to someone who saw the same thing.
Thank you very much.
You may contact me for further information if you wish at the number or e-mail I disclosed.
Or, how about an amazing description of a year 2000 or so report by a pilot of 22 years? Very Detailed And Believable.
And, yes, the best has been saved for last. An orb picture from 1998 with a description to almost match the Jerusalem Orb of 2011: First, the photo link - Mufon Photo Link - which I show cropped below:
This was taken around 9pm on what used to be the outskirts of San Antonio. There was cloud cover, so the sky was dark and easy to notice this object slowly dropping out of the clouds. It seemed to have one central glowing ball and three to four smaller versions that rotated around the lower half. I was on a hill and you can see the tree line below on the first photo. By the time the second photo was taken, it begins to disappear into the tree cover. No sound, very silent. These were the only two photos I could get focus on before it was out of sight. My apologies for the prints on the film. NOTE: This area is also less than two miles away from an Army installation, Camp Bullis.

My first thought was it was a helicopter turning toward me because of the sudden, direct bright light and decent from the cloud cover. It was in no way frightening, however it was a heart-pounding experience to say the least; seeing something you can't explain with rational thinking. I'm hoping this post might facilitate others to comment if they were in this area in 1998.

Remember, that's JUST the last 20 reports!
Once again thanks to those people making the Amazon Purchases yesterday off my blogs (probably this blog in all honesty). That included only one book but TWO food items and one electronic item. Appreciated indeed.
Still time to shop - So here's some fun with more UFO related stuff.
Get YOUR DEGREE in UFOlogy Here
How about a remote controlled Sky Creature?
Lastly, please share this post via your Facebook account IF you think it is worthy. Appreciated.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shall We Call `Them' Sky Creatures?

Good evening Clockers and newbies to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) thanks for stopping by today. As you can see by today's headline, UDCC will touch once again on an idea I've supported in theory as early as 2008 on this very blog. I asked if Rods Could `Grow/Evolve' Into Orbs and then Into UFOs? - that idea has been picked up more and more recently as the atmospheric events seem at times to be almost lifelike in some manner - often responding to basic stimulation from humans such as store bought Lazar Lights and even just `human thoughts'. (The Orb Calling Phenomena.)

All that said, today's lead link is to a well written article touting a similar idea well worth the read and GREAT artsy photo with the story (with the click alone). The blogpost is called - Sky Beasts - Not Sky Crafts - lots of it based on others who have expounded on the idea years before the internet: such as this guy in this book in 1978:

 Crafts as Alive Hybrids
The idea is not outlandish at all if you extrapolate what a truly advanced society might be able to construct via our own imaginations in 2011. --- After all, a LIVING Computer Hardware system, that could be `self feeding' and with consciousness or complete learning abilities - may indeed LOOK LIKE the phenomenas we as humans have been observing.

Indeed, the very differences in appearance may be more related to the `trigger humans expectation' than anything else. IF the consensus of the `runoff' of a particular phenomenology is for an `Orb' an Orb becomes a potential - and so on. And so on. (This is NOT to discount the very idea that the Sky Creatures may be living, independent entities NOT normally associated with human interactions.) I present this all as an idea - not a conclusion.
Speaking of SKY Creatures - have you followed the latest `revelation' from NASA photo's dug out by conspiracy folks? Yes, I'm talking about the `Craft' by Mercury - Read the MSM Debunking Here - have to go with the MSM on this one. LOL.
And, speaking of NASA catching unusual things in any atmosphere - how about off the coast of California - and, how about this photoshopped looking object of what would be ENORMOUS size - It Does Get Laughable At Times craft the size of Oregon.
UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes
And, it's always fun when UDCC gets visit from the Skeptics Forum (we promote end time dates evidently - diss them perhaps, promote?) - Find That Forum Here.
Oh, and another big thanks to the person - now a weekly gig evidently - who comes to UDCC to go to Amazon - to watch the latest episode of Glee in HD - your continued support in this manner is appreciated.
More soon - You Gonna Be Here?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Amazing `Anomalous Light Formation' Over Illinois Skies Tuesday Night - MUFON Report

Not only that Clockers - this one comes with the `very strange' photos to walk the talk:
Report excerpt:
7pm December 6th 2011 I walked outside to my deck to smoke a cigarette, I put the cigarette to mouth and I looked up to the north I saw 4 scattered lights. In 1 minute time the lights were directly over me, then formed a straight line. I grabbed my phone to take pictures. Then 3 of the 4 lights formed a triangluar shape, circular lights. The lights were bright yellow in the center and a darker orange around the edge of the lights. The 3 lights stayed together while the 4th one stayed behind and was consistent in speed. There was no sound and as the lights were in straight formation above me, the neighborhood dogs started to
Oh, here's an additional picture the person took -
Enjoy that?
Oh, thanks to the person that bought one of the UFO Calendars found in the sidebar yesterday - appreciated.
Every once in awhile I go thru the comments on UDCC and occasionally find GREAT links that readers have turned all of us onto - This One About Dr. Greer Is Priceless and is a nice work of blogging too.
Here's an example of what the MSM `thinks' UFOs and all that stuff is about A David Bowie Piece.
UDCC takes pride in finding you good content UFO/Anomalous blogs - here's another - This Guy Blogs CONTINUOUSLY About The Chemtrail Conditions In His Area  - truly awesome and worthy of a read. Oh, I feature this same selfless guy doing two other blogs with almost no exposure at my Barf Stew blog today - you might want to check him out there too - Barf Stew Today.
You have seen my Barf Stew Blog - Right?
And, before you think the Roaring Sky Noise Phenomena is over - Here's ANOTHER example in Tennesee TWO DAYS AGO: FANTASTIC EXAMPLE OF THE PHENOMENA! (39 VIEWS)

link -
His Description:
This strange sound went on for about an hour. It sounded like a jet hovering over my neighbors pasture. It was lightly raining but no wind nor thunderstorms in the area. Just a light drizzle. At times, it was so loud that it was hard to hear each other talk. After about an hour it just suddenly stopped. I have no idea what was making the sound.

You can also check the new comments section and read how Jennifer confirms those super strange Kiev sky sounds too. Absolutely this Sky Noise Phenomena of 2011 is one of the STRANGEST things yet IMO. I am now only bringing you the best that I find as several websites are now positioning themselves in the dedicated to SNP only posting. This is one that I am now monitoring for Clockers! - UDCC tries to be a resource and to bring value to your time.
Hunting new content - UDCC's positioning.
Sometimes the best way to explain the anomalous - is by listening to the ideas of Bruce Duensing - The Trigger Effect and The Third World. - Anomally Waves.
Bruce also mentions the below book in his heavy post:
 - Not for lightweights.
Thanks for your attention today - see you tomorrow?
IF you liked this post - please share it via the Facebook button below. I appreciate that.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Silent Florida Interstate I-10 `UFO' Video Will Not Excite MSM

Okay Clockers, this is the `hottest' video since the Jerusalem Orb - based on Number of short term YouTube visits - (already over 100K). The video broke about a week or so ago on a somewhat seedy website with NO way to trace the origin. Many folks have said it's a helicopter - or a fireworks hoax; others insist it is anomalous. I have to admit, if it wasn't for being - untraceable, and silent for no reason - I'd being talking about the fact that for several moments in the video it almost seems plasmalike despite the bright lights.

link to the disappointing `revised' footage -
Clockers know that recently UDCC covered the White House Statement about UFOs delivered by Phil Larson - (that NO alien entities had EVER interacted with humans) - here's a MSM `the only UFO blog in the MSM' reaction that shows the Divide In Opinion About UFOs - worth a click.
Meanwhile..... Take That, You Dirty Rats! - Alfred (E Newman) Webre conducts a YouTube interview with a `representive' from the AC - the Andromeda Council - who insists that underground wars with Aliens is on-going --- you see, the aliens are trying to stop humans from ascending into the `fourth dimension'. - As the exopolitics folks continue their Masochistic Disinformation - AND it just hit me - could these Exopolitic NUTS be a cover for the legit people who are trying to get out info about extreme alternative energy? Video is at the link if you are so inclined.
Clockers - I want you to go to this guys blog before he stops blogging altogether - great writer and great thinker. I link here to his disappointment at low `visitor' numbers. Readers of independent blogs - that they find interesting - should always help to spread the word. Do You?
Anyway - the words of D.B. Donlon are found here and give it a look around into the archive - Thanks. - Leave him a few words of encouragement too.
And, finally for today - on Oct. 28th at a HS football game in Arizona - someone took an amazing `UFO' video at the game - this is the LONG version: Are these elaborate hoax fireworks or the real thing?

link - short version with mockery article -
Oh, did you know - The Anagram For `Two Thousand Twelve’ Is Coming True! - Part One - And It Has To Do With Newt Gingrich! - The Heavy Stuff.
Thanks for your visit again today - see you tomorrow I hope. IF you liked this post - PLEASE use your Twitter Account to spread the word. You can do that with the `share button' below this posting. Thanks.
Hand Selected Books For UDCC Readers:

 - click any book picture for more info.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is The `Fake Plane' / Hovering Jetliner Concept - Moving Earthward?

Hello Clockers - you might want to buckle your seatbelt and read the instructions in the seatback in front of you - because even the IDEA that `aliens' or `the trickster' or `advanced human technology' is suddenly putting `the jet motif' into the `perception structure' - is one that is surely bound to crash your mind and belief system.

You can check the tags below for `hanging jetliner' - and find that more and more folks are experiencing the perception of what appear to be `hanging or nearly hovering jetliners'. Including my wife as I have reported. As you will see from today's report - some of these hanging planes ARE MISSING PARTS - like the wings! Indeed, without the wings, more and more of these so-called UFOs are matching the `rectangular' or `boxlike' forms that are also seemingly increasing in 2011.

But, today's featured UDCC `citizen UFO report' - is from the MUFON `latest' casefiles today - that is of an object low in the skies on August 15th of this year in New Jersey - VERY low in the skies. Below is the written description:

This was the description:
I should have submitted this sooner. However, i didn't. Anyways, It was about 7pm, August 15th, 2011(still daylight, clear sky, and no clouds) and i was driving north bound on black horse pike in Bellmawr NJ. I pulled up to the light at wendys and i noticed what i thought was the front end of an airplane, about 75 to 100 yards in the air, crossing the black horse pike about a mile up ahead, going westbound. It was very low and big.I thought at first, wow, this plane is low, its gonna crash. But it continued. As it continued to cross it stopped, hovered for a few seconds, then proceded again. While looking at it, it didnt seem right... The front was rounded, but square, with no windows, but I noticed 3 or 4 windows on the side at the top, with more holes or exhaust ports on the side. It had a milky white color on the top half, and a dirty silvery metalic bottom. It was made of some type of metal, almost submarine like. As the back end came across, i was expecting to see a tail or tail wings, but there was no tail, just a little hump on the back end. It did not have any wings or rotar blades, it just drifted across the tree tops to the west and then it was gone. I was kinda taken back for a moment, like wow that was really freakin cool. I looked to the person in the car next me, to see if they saw what i saw. But they turned left and showed no interest. I serverd in the USAF as a Security Officer back in the late 90's and i have never seen a craft like this... To me it was a mix between a plane, a helicopter, a sub and a space shuttle rolled into one. The best way to describe its shape is, it looked like a flying metal loaf of bread... Very wierd, but cool...
Here's another picture of the `loaf of bread' that he provided in his report:
What's your take Clockers?
Is some sort of computerish program - programming our atmosphere with visible temporary phenomena?
Is this some sort of over the top `faction' of those who wish for mankind to be more aware of the `changes to come'?
Are `aliens' working on some sort of slow but gradual intensification of `weirdness' in lo of some grander event? Are `they appearing as `planes' to appear less threatening or more `normal'?
Has some sort of ..... computer program..... (that ugly chance that we are only that) F'ed UP?
Believe it or not - other MUFON reports were just as `unusual' - and here's a sampling -
And, MUFON's Link
Oh, BTW, thanks to the person that bought the book below off my blogs yesterday:

Here's a description of it:
As 2012 fast approaches, opinions about what to expect on this much-anticipated date are sharply polarized. Will humanity experience a global, spiritual transformation? Cataclysmic Earth Changes? Or both? Or nothing? If Earth and its inhabitants are scheduled for some life-changing or life-ending event, we should ask ourselves what we know and how we know it, and how to prepare for our future.

Drawing on decades of research into history, religion, and the esoteric, Laura Knight-Jadczyk introduces the concept of "the Wave" to describe the possible phenomena behind all the hype surrounding global transformation. Riding the Wave not only collects the most probable scenarios we may face in the near future it provides the context to make it all intelligible.
With roots in the science of hyperdimensions made popular by physicist Michio Kaku and the Fortean theories of the late John Keel, Riding the Wave suggests that many of the noticeable changes to our world in the last century are symptoms of the approaching Wave. From climate change, extreme ......
You get the idea.
Finally, welcome to the few new `followers' recently - be aware that I occasionally feature the `leaders' like yourself on UDCC. Dig into the archive to find a bit of `coverage' of nearly every regular on this website.
More High Strangeness In The High Skies - Tomorrow. Oh, and PLEASE use the SHARE buttons below. Please Re-Tweet this or use the Facebook button or Google + button. Bloggers thank you when you help to share the content you enjoy.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Orb Caller - UFO Videoer - William Roehling - `Massive Mothership' And `Crashed UFO In The 1930's'

Hi Clockers. The below video is of yet ANOTHER `Orb Recorder' that I've re-run across recently (I've actually featured this guy once before too.). The video, shot in September at an UFO viewing party, is pretty compelling as `high in the sky' Orbs go. ....... Mothership? ....... The only thing I can say is that if you watch it all - it seems to slightly change direction and also seems to have another smaller Orb run ahead of it near the end of the video. Almost 4,000 views.

link to channel -
William is up to over 100 UFO videos on his channel - all in less than two years. Many with `interaction' with the Orb. And, yes, he also has `ideas' about where all this is coming from and why as you can see from his self description at YouTube below: (one of the best descriptions on the internet)
Childhood Abduction)from 8-10 yrs old. When i was a child, i couldn't sleep (insomniac) i would hear things come into my room, my eyes were squeezed shut in terror, they would touch their face to my face(Nose to Nose)& i was out, don't remember anything, this happened many times!

From 10 to 13yrs old:

I used to see UFOs in the clouds, i felt they were watching me, i would run home & tell my father(worked for "NASA") he told me 2 forget about it & do my homework! This happened several times growing up & was always obsessed w. UFOs!

Age 16 yrs old:

My father sat me down 1 evening & told me a story that changed my forever!

He told me, when he worked 4 "NASA" early 1960s, He was n Security!

When he 1st started at "NASA" 1 of the security officers told him, they (NASA) had a "Flying Disc" Down in 1 of the underground hangers, NASA acquired in the late 1930s, from Canada, it was found stuck in the mud, like a coin that was dropped in mud & stuck straight up like a coin!

Canada let the U.S. take control of it.

A classic 30 ft in diameter Sliver Disc.

He eventually had the chance to see a picture of what was inside of it when it was opened, "Bodies" 4 of them!

2-Greys & 2- Trolls, yup i said "Trolls"!

2-Hairy little Gorilla looking "Troll's"!!!

Eventually he was able to see the craft close-up, said it looked like it was wet, almost like liquid Mercury but solid, a classic 30 ft in Diameter Flying Disc.

The day he finally got 2 view it inside, changed everything he ever knew about 1960s modern day scientific reality, he was told: This is how you can tell the difference between "Man Made" & "Alien"? When he looked inside the 30ft in Diameter Flying Disc,

The inside was over 100ft in Diameter?? Yes i said over 100ft in Diameter!! There was nothing inside the Flying Disc, no Lights, Levers, Handles, Steering Wheels, Buttons, Windows, Drawers nothing that a Human would need to travel in a craft?

There were 4-Four Seats around a Mound or Column, a panel came out that was used for placing their hands on & a Head Band?

There was an upper room he didn't get to see, a Holographic Map Room: There were small Bumps 2 wave your hands across, then Maps of unknown Star Systems would appear as if you were there in the Stars, He was told: it took our scientists over 3yrs to find a Star system that we were able to recognise as ours!

Nov. 2005 my life would Change Again forever!

I was driving my Toyota Land Cruiser on Hwy 280 nth just passing "The Stanford Linear Accelerator" Palo Alto California. My windows open cruisin at 80mph, 2-Two strange Golf-Ball size, dark brown/almost Black, furry, lightly glowing Orb-Entities, side by side, O-O suddenly appeared, almost like they came out of a dimensional window, shot into my drivers window,

hit my left Temple, blasted thru my Head, popped out my right Temple, blew out my passenger window, as if they were shot out of a gun, it all happened so quickly, nothing happened to me, it didn't hurt, but the feeling it left in me was amazing, my head started burning, the burning was in a, what felt like a tube that was made by the Orbs-Entities, the burning was an energy that was left by the Orb-Entities, it started buzzing& Burning,(Indescribable) it was a kind of "Cosmic Energy" & was getting stronger by the minute, it didn't hurt, it actually felt "Incredible"(2 say the least) To describe the Intensifying Energy: Take a strip of Mink Fur, place it across your eyes & hold it, then pull it across while holding it against ur eyes, it's the incredibly soft feeling of the soft fur sliding across your eyes, but X100= The feeling of the energy that was now buzzing in my head(believe it or not)! The feeling stayed in my head for a yr & 1/2, it comes back whenever i think about it or whenever i get "Pulsed" by the Orb-UFOs that i Interact with when recording them. A report ws filed w. the "West Coast UFO Reporting Center"

(Peter Davenport) but mysteriously disappeared during recent search, when reporting, i was asked if i had witnesses or pictures, i said no, he said he couldn't help me because there isn't a UFO Craft or an Alien, but go a head and send in the report anyways. After that night, my UFO experiences shot through the roof! Now these Orb-UFOs are all over the sky around my home, when i tried talking to them, they started dancing & darting all over the sky, it was amazing to see w. my friends & family, although they thought i was nuts! The more i told my story, the more they thought i was crazy, who ever heard of this experience happening to anyone else, anywhere?

2007 i met "The Father of Modern Day Night Vision Ufology"(Ed Grimsley)

I calld & told him about my experience, he wanted me to tell my story to "Jose Escamilla" Jose told me he just made a movie about the exact Orb-Entities(Critters) that "Mated" w. me & wanted me to meet with a scientist named:

"Trevor James Constable" who's an expert on those EBEs,"Etheric Biological Entities" or (Critters) More to come.....
Trevor James Constable Book below:

This book presents evidence that UFOs are mainly invisible and consist of both physical craft and living, biological creatures. The author convincingly shows that our atmosphere is the home of huge, invisible living organisms that are sometimes confused with spacecraft when they became visible. Mr. Constable has photographed both types of UFOs with special infrared film, some of which are reproduced in this expanded and updated edition. Despite his bold leap into the future, the general public and official ufology have a hard time accepting the evidence. In recent years teams of engineers and technicians in both Italy and Romania, unaware of Constable's earlier discoveries, obtained virtually identical infrared photos of UFOs, which were published in Italy. In 1996, NASA used ultraviolet-sensitive videotape to record swarms of invisible UFOs that looked like Constable's earlier photos. Examples from these photos are also contained in this book. Also covered are earlier pioneers into important life energies that play a big role in this research, including Wilhelm Reich, Rudolf Steiner, and Dr. Ruth B. Drown. This is an important book, recommended for those interested in the higher realms of our physical reality.
Clockers - if you particularly like one of the videos, make sure to leave its URL in the comments.
See You Tomorrow.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Incredible UFOs Burn Over Russia 2011?

Or, are there better explanations? (below video found at Godlike Productions:) (about 4,200 views)

Indeed, do you think that it could be a Remote Control plane with Fireworks? (24k views)

link -
Or, how about a Glider Plane with Fireworks?

link - (about 1,800 views)
Here's another example of a Night Pyro Bi-Plane Show:
What Do You Think? and here is an extremely interesting view of the same thing Filmed From The Cockpit.
What do you think Clockers? Those Russian `UFOs' certainly go across a large portion of the sky don't they? In your opinion do you think they look like fireworks, or, something nefarious?
Remember - UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes.
And, a HUGE thanks to those purchasing from Amazon on my blogs yesterday - including a Timberland Men's Earthkeeper Moccasin Toe Waterproof Boot (shown below)
 - other purchases too - again, thanks from UDCC
Now, check out these possible items of interest too:
Encounters at Indian Head: The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Abduction Revisited
De Lafayette Mega Encyclopedia of UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Aliens Encounters & Galactic Races (Volume 8)

Please share UDCC via the Facebook button below - Thanks Clockers.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks That The Exo-Politics Folks Have Quieted Up

Happy Thanksgiving Clockers; and to all newbies today - thanks for being inquisitive about UFO Disclosure. On this thanksgiving I will bring a number of links I found yesterday but didn't get around to blogging. And, as you can see, the whole Exo-Politics mess is what I bring to your eyes first.
One of the irritating 95% or more dis-information sources in the past decade or so has been the Exo-politics movement; which has claimed to have inside sources time after time of truly over the top ideas about the human condition. You will find nearly EVERY conspiracy theory represented at some level of the exo folks. (Solar Warden type stuff.) But, thankfully, one of the worst offenders of common sense seems to have taken their glory and decided to bask in the glow of the disinformation. Yes, I'm talking Project Avalon - Project Camelot - which seems to have vanished with these links as thier last representations of near lunacy.
Human Visits to a Mars Base - no problem - Here's an overview from their own page or if you need more deep throat insiders check out these last blog postings Over 5 months ago.

Yes, over 5 months ago. Over 5 months ago. Be thankful.

All that said, here's someone doing a deep analysis (?)/ believer - who puts all of the BS (as he calls it himself) outthere - You might be reading this the rest of the day - believe it.
Now, I don't know if the produced video has any connection to the Exopolitics folks and I don't have awareness of their beliefs in particular - but, underground aliens are right up their alley for sure: All of 67 views in over a month - HOT. and of course, the hollow earth website oh, the letters stand for world-alien-police-living-underground
Entertained Yet?
Here's a person in Michigan last month who heard (and if you turn the video up you can too) sounds coming from UNDER the ground (which sounds a lot like the Sky Noise Phenomena too) - strange days indeed: 1,400 views or so.

link - (lots of comments) And, as Clockers are probably aware, at least some folks of a conspiracy bent are saying the Sky Noises ARE actually coming from underground excavations by governments for when we are all moved underground because of some pending disaster.
Sky Noise Phenomena recorded on Aug. 31st: New York State. 599 views.

has a `control sound' video at his channel too that was recorded 15 minutes later - Here.
If you think that the Triangle UFOs are new - think again. Here's a fine website that has dug out examples of REPORTED Triangle UFOs as early as 1947 - Excellent Website Too.
Finally - THANKS for being a Clocker today - please bookmark if this is all new to you as UDCC is updated multi times every week.
This guy is a cool blogger who has put together some of his heaviest thoughts into a book - check it out:

Sample Chapters:
How to materialise in a parallel universe

How to channel other people's thoughts
How dreams contain not only your thoughts but the thoughts of others
How the earth is the physical representation of mankind's ideas
How contradiction creates consciousness
How being born is the equivalent of going lucid
How mysticism is the father of science
How black holes and quasars have a distinct connection with awareness
How gravity is made of willpower
How the Sith want what is best for man
How open source software can give us clues to create an 'open reality'
How ego writes bits onto the holographic hard drive known as the universe
How shamanism is a defense against the New World Order
How the greatest secret truth known to man was embedded in a song performed by Queen

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mankind - 11-11-11 - Thriving OR Dying?

Yep - 11:11:11 A.M. has come and gone. I assume Ron Paul's money bomb is going off. And, has anyone heard one word about The Thrive Movement? ------- Indeed, when I searched The Thrive Movement today on the big G - I found some of the links I provide below which gives a good `overview' of the `movement' scheduled to be beginning today (isn't it yesterday or tomorrow somewhere?).

First, up - this GEM of which a sample is provided:
This "movement" however, is nothing more but co-opting by the same type of people who brought to you Zeitgeist, and true to Luciferian agenda, they are trying to hype up a new world and promise you "Truth". In it, a new "hidden knowledge" that contains a secret form of energy locked in the air itself, and known by the ancients, and ALIENS, is set as a solution to world poverty, and the UNITING of peace and freedom loving people.

This new movement has complete Masonic fingerprints all over it, their clickable ad features a beam of light shining on a lady's face with the concealed right eye, and the left eye exposed. Their documentary premieres on line on 11-11-11, which is classical constant use of the Masonic 33 emblem. The company who produces it is Clear Compass Media, emphasis of course on the Masonic COMPASS

Please read the above AND MORE In This Forum a click away.
I also found these links giving various views of The Thrive Movement - First, THE WEBSITE, THE Official Trailer For The Movie - next, Here's the first date of some blog coverage 9-15 - on the blog 2012 The Awakening (gag me with a spoon?) - and Galactic covered THM early on.
And, how humorous is it that The Thrive Movement was/is actually the name of a blog -- seemingly run by High School and Junior High kids that catalogues `good deeds they do' - find that here --- Carry The Grocery Bags For The Eldery - And THRIVE --- wonder if the Thrive Movement has copyright issues?
Not to be outdone, Godlike Productions asks `who's paying for The Thrive Movement?' (must have cost a bundle for those G adsense placements) - and - could any conspiracy be complete without a blog dedicated to BUYING GOLD - seeing possible revolution due to The Thrive Movement ---- ooooookkkkaaaaayyyyyy.

OR, perhaps a bit more conspiracy is your cup of tea?

No problem. Here's a tease from This Link:
Are we approaching some kind of tipping point, is human consciousness escalating to the next level. Do we have something incredible to learn from this new movie about the THRIVE Movement. Could the Occupy Movement, the Geopolitical Changes, and the Disclosure issue be related ?
Indeed, Human sees The Thrive Movement as a long heralded event. Hallelujah. Keep your mind guarded if you click this link.
And finally is which is an undeveloped idea (blog) with a GREAT picture to absorb for a minute - so take a look.
Ron Paul's gig can be found Here - See Today's Totals Grow.
Certainly, as 11-11-11 approached and now on 11-11-11 - one can say that both The Thrive Movement (TTM) and Ron Paul are without real coverage. TTM seems to be a bit late to the `movement' cause - with the MSM not even giving time to The Tea Party or OWS in recent weeks - wanting to keep the nearly empty glass from further spillage.

FREE Energy --- it's a wonder that THAT hasn't been picked up by the slightly zany OWS crowd - or for that matter - TEA Party preppers. But, it's just too far out for the MSM to swallow or is allowed to report - make your choice about that. I hardly think the MSM would be happy to lose the power companies as advertisers by saying they are partly responsible for keeping technology from the people ---- in a 3minute and 30 second `in depth' report  which would surely show `both sides'.

World PEACE? Is that what it looks like to YOU?

UFO Disclosure or Alien Disclosure? Have these folks heard the White House answer given by Phil Larson? (Featured Three Posts Ago here on UDCC). ----- the short answer --- NO ALIENS ARE INTERACTING WITH HUMANS.
That said, the USA's economy has been in RECOVERY for over TWO YEARS already -- words from the same people - the government. Believable, right?
So, unless a neighbor whispers in your ear today to come join him at his home for a secret screening first run feature about something ready to change the current world power structure - this may be the last you ever read about TTM in these pages.

Thriving or Dying - Your Call.

IF anyone of the UDCC readership gets asked to a viewing - PLEASE report in.
 - UDCC readers are not lightweights!
Lastly, changed some things around on the template, take a look around today. Thanks.
IF the end is near, the book below is helpful perhaps. A best seller believe it or not. Thrive or Die?

Amazing UFO Stories AND Strange UFO Videos

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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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