I implied that Orb Callers/Videoers are indeed actually `dangerous'; well, to be exact - the COVERAGE of Orb Callers and Orb Videoers is..... dangerous - at this point of time while the cat is in the bag. (Remember folks, we live in a society that is willing to give up rights to be safe - so safe that we allow the TSA to search handicapped 3 years olds because they pose a danger.) Yes, dangerous. And, it's not an idea that I've totally missed before, and since I touch on Orb Callers with some frequency I hope my regular readers have `gotten the drift'. `But, if you are a newbie today, let me play out a scenario for your eyes to read and for your space to absorb.
The truth. The truth is that (IMO) `real UFOs' with `aliens' in them - who are IN, literally OUR Reality - (and who stay in and around Earth) are EXTREMELY limited; and that the REAL UFOs, that the media and government would rather NOT discuss, ARE ORBS. Indeed, here at UDCC, 2011 was declared the year of the ORB. (catch that link in the sidebar covered by IO9.com).
When I say, Orbs are the Real UFO, I mean it. A real `thing' (that is temporal) that on occasion seems to provide a bit of intelligent direction, or RESPOND to human intentionality's. All of this phenomena, of course, was first brought to the MSM's attention by Prophet Yahweh - who in about 2005 or so (too lazy to look it up for this post) `produced' an Orb on Live TV in Las Vegas to the astonishment of a TV reporter. At that moment, the cat was out of the bag. (Were `they' looking to discredit it before it became more mainstream?)
Now, this was all while I was aware via YouTube of a handful of `Orb Videoers' around 2005 who existed on the West Coast, who DIDN'T pray to Yahweh, or think that the `white dot' in the sky was containing large black men ready to return to Earth (Prophet Yahweh believes something like that.). Indeed, in the mid 2000's first decade they were simply going out and filming - and LO and BEHOLD, they `caught' Orbs of light transversing the skies. Displaying themselves.
Now, I would hold that those videoers `ritual act' of `going to a particular location and EXPECTING to film the anomalous', was virtually the same - as the `belief' that PY has in his `system of producing alien/Orbs.' His religion. Orbs are or at least CAN BE - evidently, a reflection of human intentions. IMO.
And, that folks, is DANGEROUS. Seriously.
The corporations of America and the world hardly need their workers being distracted by `A Billion Magicians'. And in more ways than one, it is even dangerous to the religious structure of things too. The `religious act' would be `brought to the people level'. Miracles would be nothing more than asking a neighbor to perform the `magic light show'. (A billion means 1 in 7 would have the ability.)
The `opening up' to such abilities - the expansion of human effect and relationship with the unknown - is very upsetting to the power structure apple cart and logo. Don't you think?...... Could that be a reason why the Orbs are SO ignored by the so-called MSM? Because they are a can of worms? Because they represent a rip in the common consensus ontological structure?
Indeed, Orbs have provided the TWO Biggest `UFO' events of the past two years, and have largely changed, IMO, how UFOs will be covered by the MSM. Something I've covered in this blog several times recently concerning the meaning of Phil Larson's declaration about the US governments position about `aliens and UFO information' (see sidebar for link). (IF you are scratching your head about the two ORB events - think the Stanley Fulham NYC predicted Orb event on Oct. 13th, 2010, and the Jerusalem Orb which literally happened at a `significant mankind location' while the Egypt uprising was in full discourse in early 2011.) Not saucers, not Triangle shaped Craft, ORBS.
Almost NO one is writing about the Orb underbelly of UFOlogy - and certainly not the majority of so-called UFO sites or `conspiracy' sites. Indeed, only a few esoteric oriented folks even give a crappola about the subject matter at all - something the powers that be would like to keep the case.
After all, we hardly need `The Danger of a Billion Magicians' mucking up the Forex exchange - right?
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