First, up - this GEM of which a sample is provided:
This "movement" however, is nothing more but co-opting by the same type of people who brought to you Zeitgeist, and true to Luciferian agenda, they are trying to hype up a new world and promise you "Truth". In it, a new "hidden knowledge" that contains a secret form of energy locked in the air itself, and known by the ancients, and ALIENS, is set as a solution to world poverty, and the UNITING of peace and freedom loving people.
This new movement has complete Masonic fingerprints all over it, their clickable ad features a beam of light shining on a lady's face with the concealed right eye, and the left eye exposed. Their documentary premieres on line on 11-11-11, which is classical constant use of the Masonic 33 emblem. The company who produces it is Clear Compass Media, emphasis of course on the Masonic COMPASS
Please read the above AND MORE In This Forum a click away.
I also found these links giving various views of The Thrive Movement - First, THE WEBSITE, THE Official Trailer For The Movie - next, Here's the first date of some blog coverage 9-15 - on the blog 2012 The Awakening (gag me with a spoon?) - and Galactic covered THM early on.
And, how humorous is it that The Thrive Movement was/is actually the name of a blog -- seemingly run by High School and Junior High kids that catalogues `good deeds they do' - find that here --- Carry The Grocery Bags For The Eldery - And THRIVE --- wonder if the Thrive Movement has copyright issues?
Not to be outdone, Godlike Productions asks `who's paying for The Thrive Movement?' (must have cost a bundle for those G adsense placements) - and - could any conspiracy be complete without a blog dedicated to BUYING GOLD - seeing possible revolution due to The Thrive Movement ---- ooooookkkkaaaaayyyyyy.
OR, perhaps a bit more conspiracy is your cup of tea?
No problem. Here's a tease from This Link:
Are we approaching some kind of tipping point, is human consciousness escalating to the next level. Do we have something incredible to learn from this new movie about the THRIVE Movement. Could the Occupy Movement, the Geopolitical Changes, and the Disclosure issue be related ?
Indeed, Human sees The Thrive Movement as a long heralded event. Hallelujah. Keep your mind guarded if you click this link.
And finally is which is an undeveloped idea (blog) with a GREAT picture to absorb for a minute - so take a look.
Ron Paul's gig can be found Here - See Today's Totals Grow.
Certainly, as 11-11-11 approached and now on 11-11-11 - one can say that both The Thrive Movement (TTM) and Ron Paul are without real coverage. TTM seems to be a bit late to the `movement' cause - with the MSM not even giving time to The Tea Party or OWS in recent weeks - wanting to keep the nearly empty glass from further spillage.
FREE Energy --- it's a wonder that THAT hasn't been picked up by the slightly zany OWS crowd - or for that matter - TEA Party preppers. But, it's just too far out for the MSM to swallow or is allowed to report - make your choice about that. I hardly think the MSM would be happy to lose the power companies as advertisers by saying they are partly responsible for keeping technology from the people ---- in a 3minute and 30 second `in depth' report which would surely show `both sides'.
World PEACE? Is that what it looks like to YOU?
UFO Disclosure or Alien Disclosure? Have these folks heard the White House answer given by Phil Larson? (Featured Three Posts Ago here on UDCC). ----- the short answer --- NO ALIENS ARE INTERACTING WITH HUMANS.
That said, the USA's economy has been in RECOVERY for over TWO YEARS already -- words from the same people - the government. Believable, right?
So, unless a neighbor whispers in your ear today to come join him at his home for a secret screening first run feature about something ready to change the current world power structure - this may be the last you ever read about TTM in these pages.
Thriving or Dying - Your Call.
IF anyone of the UDCC readership gets asked to a viewing - PLEASE report in.
Lastly, changed some things around on the template, take a look around today. Thanks.
IF the end is near, the book below is helpful perhaps. A best seller believe it or not. Thrive or Die?
Check this out, I have only just come across it. It looks quite recent and dramatioc--the shooting down of UFO!
ReplyDeletesee what you think:
<a href=">FOIA Request to U. S. Naval Air Station Pensacola re the Anti-UFO Attack of 23 Oct 11</a>