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Showing posts with label hanging jetliner phenomena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hanging jetliner phenomena. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2013

HIGH STRANGENESS! Another `Hanging Jetliner' Perception/Phenomena Invades Latest MUFON Reports

As you might have gathered in the last few days and posts - UDCC will largely direct you to other UFO blogging efforts of mine on a near daily basis. That said, some issues and the in-depth stuff will largely be here - and UDCC is one of the VERY few websites willing and daring to explore the phenomena known here as the Hanging Jetliner Phenomena. (My Sidebar Has More As Will The Labels).
Below is an August 20th, 1994 account just submitted to MUFON on 12/2/13.
I am a farmer and live on the same family farm all my life. It was me and my wife and two year old son at the time. My wife a school teacher had just cooked a great looking meal. This afternoon we were having dinner on the back patio and it was a quite normal country afternoon on the farm. Please allow me to add that me and my wife until that day had never seen anything out of this world or paranormal ever. My wife spotted a huge cargo jet airliner coming down fast it appeared t her to be crashing? She gos crazy trying to get our son away from the house! The jet appeared to us at that time to really be crash landing on us and our house? At first the jet was high and looked like a normal plane in trouble? When we first spotted the jet it was maybe 500 ft. off the ground? The strange thing was it seemed to come down fast then we looked up again and it appeared to just come to a dead stop in air? The other most crazy and amazing thing was we heard nothing no sound at all coming from the engines? NOW BECAUSE OF THE STRANGE NO SOUNDS? We froze and just watched this huge floating military cargo jet AIRPLANE with huge jet engines and wings just floating right for us. The jet got very very close then banked right and floated right passed us with still no sound coming from nothing? The jet was so silent you could hear the wind passing over her wings. At this time the jet was 50 ft. from the ground? And the distance from us to the jet "Line of sight" was maybe 100 yards or closer? The jet moved passed us very slow and very close. Guessing the speed was 5 mph. Still watching the jet but now from the tail end and we noticed the thing had to climb to get over the 100 acres of woods and trees just 700 yards behind our house. Folks let me say again this huge flying Military looking cargo jet was below tree top level and floating over our house in the middle of the country with no people no building no nothing just me and my wife and son? "AND NO SOUNDS" "PLEASE TELL ME HOW CAN A MILITARY C-17 CARGO JET FLOAT IN AIR?" "ALSO LET ME SAY WE THOUGHT IT WAS OVER? WE THOUGHT AT FIRST THIS THING WAS CRASHING ON US AND OUR LIVES WAS OVER INCLUDING MY SONS LIFE? WE WERE VERY VERY SCARED!" We did noticed the jet had no identifying numbers of any kind? I only seen a white star on the tail fin. The windows and cabin area was all blacked out. The body of the jet including the wings and engines and all the other parts was all dull black. I cannot be 100% for sure but the closest we can get is a Boeing C-17 Cargo jet airplane. It was like watching a floating city come over your house in daylight with NO SOUND? I have been secretly searching for 20 years but still have no answers. 
I hope that this gentleman finds UDCC and looks in the sidebar for more about this phenomena that even my wife experienced. Not all folks see the same Unknown when the anomalous appears in the sky and more and more I am beginning to believe that these are temporary phenomenological space-time displacements - the very essence of Husserl's ideas about the transformation of ideas through temporal characters. The other much more disturbing idea is that these `glitches' are really more of a software problem and that WE are within a simulation by an advanced race of intelligence. Again, want to read more? Go to the labels and go to the sidebar.
My Amazon Books
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And, finally, all Clockers need to see my new presence on Reddit.Com -- Strange State UFOs

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

OMG - A 2013 `Hanging Jetliner' Photo Emerges In Latest MUFON Reports

If you want to draw dumbfounded blank stares - bring up `hanging Jetliners' and see what look you get. It's a rarely reported phenomena that UDCC is almost the only game in town as far as reporting the near absurd phenomena. Make sure to hit he hanging jetliner `tag' for more background or see the one remaining link in the sidebar.

Nonetheless, today's beyond belief picture and short report - IF REAL - are astonishing (picture taken yesterday in Illinois). First the picture and make sure to go to the original for a bigger blowup size. 
My nephews wife saw a large military plane hover for about 3 minutes making no sound. She had her cell phone and took a picture. She said it looked big and had 6 engines.... 2 pointing down. Again it was silent. She went inside for a minute came out and it ead gone. 

BTW, some Clockers may remember that my wife indicated to me that she saw a `hanging plane' about a year ago near a small mountain near our home area - I showed her this picture and asked her if it struck a cord - `kinda' (showed her the blown up version of course). Can anyone identify this plane?
BTW, the Colin Bennett story of his hanging aircraft story is getting harder and harder to find on the internet and the only two remaining links seem to have vanished. It is still available via a forum that copied the entire story which I now bring to you below: The Colin Bennett Hanging Aircraft Story
III. A Lancaster Bomber over Powis Square.

Here I offer my own personal experience as the kind of human testimony that did not get into the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society.
It was a Sunday sometime in the midsummer of 1978. I was writing plays at the time, and I had a play being performed at the Shepherds Bush Theatre, only a four-minute bus ride away from where I lived in Notting Hill. Lots of lively people were always passing through my flat (they still do!) in the Portobello Road, but on this Sunday no one called and the telephone did not ring. I felt a bit out on a limb, which is an unusual feeling for me. I decided to go to the theatre and see my play. I did this several times during the week as a playwright learns a lot seeing his own work being performed.
I got to the theatre only to find it dark and closed. I felt like an idiot, because of course I should have realized that there were no performances on a Sunday.
I traveled back to Notting Hill Gate by bus and got off the bus still feeling out on a limb. I crossed the road to the Coronet Cinema and saw advertised a film entitled “Salon Kitty.” I blush to recall – this was a soft porn film about Nazis and prostitutes. I got my ticket and sat there watching this piece of crap and asking myself whether I had finally reached the age where I went into cinemas alone to watch soft porn films!
The film finished round 11.10 pm. It was now dark, and I bought some cat food from a local store and started on the five-minute walk home. I reached my house and was about to turn right into the yard from the pavement when I saw a bright white light in the sky above me. It was raised 20 degrees elevation from the horizontal plane, and was about as big as an outstretched fist, and it was moving very slowly.
It was a most peculiar white light. If it had been say, a searchlight of that power and intensity it would have blinded me; I would have put my hands over my eyes and fallen to the ground.
But no, it was quite pleasurably hypnotic, and it went straight to the back of my head. Almost as if the light had prompted me to do so, I turned to the left and looked in the sky above Powis Square, a play-park in front of my house in Colville Terrace.
I then saw something that I have not forgotten to this day. In the sky above Powis Square was a World War 2 Lancaster bomber no less, hovering dark, silent and quite still over the square, its nose pointing west. There were no lights on it, and its four propellers were not turning.
At this point I decided to call for help. I have to explain something here. At the time I had a third-floor flat in the house I refer to. I had a girlfriend (we will call her Barbara) who lived in the basement flat of this same house. Seeing her lights on to my right, I shouted to her. She came out, and started to mount the basement stairs to come up to street level. I remember thinking at the time in a panic-stricken kind of way that if when Barbara reached the top of those steps she did not see what I was seeing, then I was hallucinating or someone had slipped me something.
Then she saw the bomber, lit ghost-like by the original light which had now diminished somewhat. Her jaw dropped and she was a very frightened woman.
The bomber-shape now began to move to the northwest as the light diminished.
To the utter astonishment of us both, the bomber now began to change shape. It changed (“morphed” we would say today) into a huge triangle that disappeared rapidly to the northwest.
In the sky high above the black triangle there now appeared a much smaller light than the first light, which had now almost faded to nothing. This second light raced across the sky in the same direction as the disappearing black triangle. Another even smaller light came out of this light, and executed some six complete cycles of a sine wave.
The entire display then disappeared, rather like a light bulb being switched off.
Speechless, we got into Barbara’s flat. As soon as I went into her living room, horror struck me. There was man in black sitting on her settee!
At first, at least, he was “explained.” He told me that Barbara had kindly let him in order to wait for James, who lived upstairs and was not at home. The MIB was a handsome man, about fifty years old and well built. He wore an immaculate suit and tie, with a lion’s mane of tawny blond hair over a large head. He was very well spoken and he moved and gestured rather like a rather old-fashioned stage actor. He said that his connection with James was through Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
The MIB, on seeing two pale-faced people who obviously did not want to talk much, decided not to stay and wait any longer and politely took his leave. I could not understand at the time why Barbara (a most cautious and very straight woman) had let in a total stranger in the first place.
Here I have to enter a personal note. As I said, Barbara was my girlfriend at the time, and though I had a third-floor flat, on most nights I usually stayed with her in her basement flat. But this night, in a state of shock, we parted without saying much after the MIB had gone. I suppose both of us wanted to be alone for a while. This struck me as unusual because frightened people usually want to stay together.
I collected my cats from the yard and took them to my flat upstairs. I opened the tins of cat food, and put the food in the cat’s dishes. It was when I straightened up from bending down to do this that I nearly fainted with a terrible realization.
I had lost some time!
It was still only 11.10.
By this time it should have been approximately 11.35.
Of course I did any and every kind of time check: Phone, radio, TV (there were no personal computers then). I phoned the cinema manager and he confirmed the time the film finished. I checked with other tenants in the building. I again went through my rough calculations. No matter how I calculated, I knew I had lost half an hour between leaving the cinema and the ending of the experience.
At this point I should say that I took the kind of decision that can cause accusations of falsehood, deceit and deception. I decided not to rush downstairs and tell Barbara about the missing time, since she was most upset about the incident. I should add here that Barbara was a dour physics graduate with little imagination and sense of the ridiculous.
The next day I saw James, and remarked that he had missed his AA friend the night previous. Puzzled, he asked me about this friend, and I described his appearance. My head spun again when James said he had no such friend as described, adding that there was no such person in the AA groups he attended.
Needless to say this was the second piece of information I kept from Barbara. I did note that James, though of much smaller build, was also very well spoken and he also moved and gestured rather like a rather old-fashioned stage actor.
The follow-through was profoundly disappointing: no dreams, no disturbing recall of aliens, no indications of an abduction-type experience. And nothing remotely like it has happened to me since.
The relationship between Barbara and I broke up almost immediately due to this incident. It was as if she now regarded me as some kind of witching person who had done something terrible to her. I had become a spider who had trapped her in a drama of conflicting explanation structures. For the rest of her life Barbara knew that she would have a broken world-structure in her hands. Naturally, she moved away from yours truly as fast as she could. Barbara, by the highest standards was a brilliantly intelligent woman, but like most scientists, she was ill equipped to deal with this kind of experience. Relativity having not yet settled in as a common cultural reference, Barbara had great difficulty applying her imposed Cartesian/Newtonian framework to the levels of absurdity that she had encountered.
After 25 years I still see Barbara occasionally along the Portobello Road. But she now hurries by me, and according to reports, the man she married eventually once asked her why she appeared to be afraid of me. She said I was “strange,” and left it at that. Her husband (not a very bright or inquisitive fellow I am afraid to say) shrugged his shoulders and forgot about the matter.
We live now in an age where the clocks and measuring rods of late 19th century mechanism are being translated into streams of information which have a life almost of their own. These streams consist mostly of powerful images generated by media and entertainment in which “fact” in the mechanical sense plays little or no part at all. Mythological engineering now plays a part in Western societies equal to that of mechanical engineering, and in many cases the two (such as Star Trek) are mutually supportive. Yet the “hard” physical sciences do not yet understand the equations of Marshall McLuhan, despite the cognitive lens of which I spoke of earlier undergoing changes of focus, definition, and organization. By ratio and comparison we have subjected stone-age cultures to this kind of experience. We would be fools indeed if we thought that it could not happen to ourselves in turn.
It took me some time to realize just how complex my UFO experience was. It had a subtle psycho-mythological substrate. When I discovered this, I was quite shaken by the implications. I had seen a mythological animal, no less. Not a unicorn or a white rabbit with a pocket watch, but a mythological creature for a technological Age: a Lancaster bomber, of all things. Why is such a thing mythological? Because this aircraft was once was a flying lance of freedom, a piece of Britain’s sacred electro-mechanical muscle, just as symbolic as the lance of St George and engaged in an equally desperate life and death struggle with a dragon.
What I saw was a multi-faceted information-based phenomenon, and its mystical unity came complete with a shooting star above it, no less!
All of this, of course, was not felt consciously by me at the time: This interpretation came as a result of the deconstruction of the experience itself in bits and pieces over the years that passed afterwards. It was only after some years had passed that I began to realize how rich in lore and symbols was the experience.
To myself now, years later, this UFO was a liminal object that is something whose “existence” lies between fact and fiction, like an Escher drawing. I am now aware that indeed there were other structured levels involving time, destiny, and personality besides an “objective” component.
I have analyzed the major features of this experience as follows:
(1) The folklore content. The transfer from the myths of pre-technological Age (knights on horseback) to the Lancaster, a “modern” construct.
(2) The National/historical element. This aircraft represented no less than the saving of the National life.
(3) Personal factor. I had seen a film about Nazis approximately some 20 minutes before the sighting.
(4) The screening filter. I applied some screening myself as what I thought at the time was a necessary measure. I did not tell Barbara about the missing time, nor did I tell her about James not knowing the MIB. What I was being screened from in turn is anybody’s guess.
(5) Atmosphere. Just like the one-minute’s silence before the bugles sound at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. Although there was no sound, there was also the feeling I had when the only Lancaster still flying appeared on the Hyde Park horizon in 1995 during the 50th Anniversary of D Day. I had the feeling that all our lives had been saved by such things as this aircraft.
(6) The spectacular hi-tech “alien” manifestation of an ancient almost holy thing such as a Lancaster. I had also the creepy feeling that this “hi-tech” dimension was designed for the framework of my human understanding.
(7) The “objective” content. The UFO moved, accelerated, had a shape-change, and was accompanied by no less than three kinds of light phenomenon. As I have said, I had a witness not normally disposed to the appreciation of such things.
All of these elements form a powerful multi-dimensional information construct in terms of images and situations. Instead of pods on stilts with insect brains, the “aliens” (and what I saw was certainly not of this world) gave this holistic dimension as “communication.” I had always rejected what I always thought to be the hopelessly crude Victorian Station Master’s idea of detecting “signaling codes” from outer space by electromagnetic emanations. This mechanical metaphor was derived from an Age of lighthouses and railways and postal services and a box-like Euclidean space in which parcels and passengers traveled in quantifiable numbers and units from point A to point B. According to the Theory of Relativity, this would surely result in the greatest dead-letter box of all time. The novelist Hermann Melville’s character, Bartleby (whose whole personality was annihilated by working in a dead-letter office of mere Earthlike proportions) would be doubly amazed.
Certainly my “encounter” convinced me that we live in a vaster framework of being and existence than we could possibly imagine. I had the sobering thought that this manifestation was the kind of thing George Adamski and many others saw. This kind of technology, not far removed from holographic TV, could produce a “man from Venus” at the drop of a hat. It would be an equally sobering experience for scientists to find that their discoveries were part of a multi-dimensional media/gaming entertainment system of many levels of focus, development, and application.
The model in my mind which emerged from this experience is that of an islander from a far-flung Pacific culture that has not invented weaving or the wheel, waking up one morning and seeing a sail-rigged ship with paddle wheels and a single funnel pouring smoke into the sky.
I was that islander, and by analogy, and with a little tribal re-scaling, I think I saw such a ship.
Twenty-five years later I was to write a book about George Adamski, Looking for Orthon. I think the book began that night in Powis Square.
Colin Bennett
About Colin Bennett: Colin Bennett was born in Robin Hood’s Sherwood Forest, within arrow-shot of the Sheriff of Nottingham’s castle. He left school after studying science and mathematics, became a professional musician, then a mercenary soldier before winning a scholarship to read English at Balliol College, University of Oxford.
After leaving Oxford, he had several plays performed on the professional stage in London including the Royal Court Theatre before retraining as an electronics engineer to cure what he calls “a bad dose of left-liberal decadence.” After his reconstruction, he then ran his own electronics consultancy and printing firm. He has had two novels published, and now lives within a spear-throw of Portobello Road, London, and hopes he has done with reconstructions. He is frequently consulted on security, conspiracies, and computer hacking. He now heads a team who spend all their time running the Combat Diaries web site
He is the author of Looking for Orthon (Paraview Press) a biography of George Adamski. His following book, on the life work, and ideas of Charles Fort, was Politics of the Imagination (Head Press). This won the Anomalist Award for Best Biography, 2002.
His third biography is due out in March 2005. This is An American Demonology (Head Press) the story of Captain Edward Ruppelt, who headed Project Blue Book in the early 1950s. This Project was the official United States Air Force investigation into the UFO phenomenon. Both the above books are available on Amazon.

    Looking for Orthon: The Story of George Adamski, the First Flying Saucer Contactee, and How He Changed the World 

    Flying Saucers over the White House: The Inside Story of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and His Official U.S. Airforce Investigation of UFOs

    Wednesday, November 28, 2012

    SightingsReport.Com - OMG

    I encountered a lot of interesting material in the past 24 hours to bring to you - but NOTHING tops the somewhat NEW UFO reporting sight that I've found. I'm almost embarrassed to say that this website has been around for a year now and I've never run across it. The site is Sightings Report (dot) Com - the site uses Google Maps and links to MUFON reports and other UFO reporting sites. Those links are INCREDIBLY organized for you to view in almost any configuration that you choose.

    One example; my wife saw what I call the `hanging jetliner phenomena' near our home near Sweat Mountain in the Northern Atlanta suburbs last year. So, I went to the and chose Georgia and 2011 and lo and behold - a report of a phenomena in 2011 within a couple hundred yards at MOST from my wife's sighting. Yeah, it's that impressive.

    Needless to say, I will need to learn how to use the info to my best advantage for my Clocker readers - but, the site offers a lot that is new - including the chance to interact with some of the people who are reporting the UFO phenomena. And, you will see when you go to what appears to be their weekly blog via the same website - that they ALSO have been all over the very things that UDCC has been onto as hot recently - INCLUDING the Virgie Kentucky event.

    This is truly a website worth checking out and bookmarking as I will be using it and speaking of the contents a great deal in the future I assume. -------- Hey, remember who brought it to ya - UDCC - the best in UFOlogy.
    There is another FREEBIE on my Kindle Author Page today again. It's the book below that was featured and made me a Featured Author on FreeBooksy.Com earlier in the year. Oh, it will ALSO be free tomorrow, Thursday.
    Product Details(picture is not an active link)
    Yes, it is my `Beyond The Great Beyond' That is FREE Today. Go read a sample at the bottom of my Author Page.
    PRICED AT 1.49
    My thanks to the THREE of you who have signed up for the SECOND LIFE virtual world via UDCC in November - that's about 2 dozen of you this year that are now in that reality. Thanks............................ Oh, and thanks to those purchasing my HOTTEST book in November again yesterday (Going To The Light At Death - The New Theories)  - you will find that above - click the picture to read a sample.

    Saturday, January 14, 2012

    Connecticut UFO Pictures

    Good morning Clockers. The MUFON reports continue to buzz into 2012 with..... quite frankly.... more and more reports of high strangeness Orbs and possible `crafts' (being `formed' by the Orbs?). Here's the best of three pictures posted by a Connecticut person yesterday of an event a week before on 1/6/12:
    The actual MUFON report is quite small - it can be read January 6th UFO Report at this link. His other two pictures uploaded to MUFON both resemble more Plasma that Craft and are reminiscent of the Sky Writing occasionally captured on film. Anyway, You Can Imagine FACES In This One and while I was going to just provide you the link to the last picture - it is SO BEAUTIFUL - I have it below: (the enlargement of this original is even better than the above picture - make sure to hit the above link)
    Could it be folks that `Earth' due to its `transmissions' of the last century is being `found' more and more by something akin to Billion Year Old Entities? That survive in some sort of plasma form that is `activated' when coming into areas/spaces (such as Earth) with a large `amount' of consciousness? Is our DNA interacting with these Entities in some manner?
    But, I had to give you some more citizen reports from the latest MUFON files beyond the excellent pictures above - as, there are some doozies.
    This man saw an Orb yesterday in Ohio (Akron Area) - rushed outside To See Another at extremely close range. More details in this short report at the link.  .....   Here's a nice detailed description of An Orb On New Years Eve In Vermont. ... And, are you ready for this?
    had pulled up in front of my dentists office, where I had an appointment for a cleaning. At exactly 9:15am, I opened my door, and, as I began to rise from the seat, looked up because there was an SUV next to me. I saw the cylinder immediately. The sky was bright blue and relatively cloudless, as strong winds were blowing that day, and it had hit a period of momentary clearness where I was.  

    Because I had seen a cylinder in October, I was reluctant to admit that one was intruding on the day again, but quickly had to. Absolutely smooth fuselage, pure white, with a thick black band around the mid-section. (The one I had seen in October had the band at the first third of the body.)
    Again, I heard no sound, although I was mindful of wind gusts all around.
    Bob Gardener and I will be speaking soon about the October sighting...and a couple of uncomfortably odd things that have happened to me since...but he has taken on anothers case load, and I understand he is swamped. However, I did email him briefly just now that I would be filing this.

    My feeling on seeing this one was, as in the first one, exhasperated, again because I was in a hurry to get a list of things done, and knew this would have to be addressed. However this time, there was a definite tinge of apprehension.

    I lost sight of the object when it had flown to such a distance that I couldnt see it.
    As Clockers know, UDCC was one of the first to identify the `Hanging Jetliner' as a new phenomena. Check the tags of UDCC for this for some great reads. Seems these are REALLY exploding in perception. IMO.
    And here is another report of an object sighting YESTERDAY - of an Downward Pointing Triangle Craft That Change Colors While Hovering - you will want to read this to find out for how LONG this guy observed this object and what it was hovering over...... Here's a Picture of an 1/12 seen Light Display in Arizona..... See's very detailed UFO close up and then experiences Missing Time - Just Two Days Ago - this report is making a splash on the internet.
    The high strangeness of human perception - any different than in the past? Or, more KNOWN due to communications?
    I've already started gathering my BEST UFO stuff for 2012 - Including featured videos you see on UDCC - right here at 2012 UFO Videos - it's my new Squidoo page dedicated to being a resourse for UDCC material.
    Thanks for your visit today - IF you think this is worthy of Sharing On Facebook - that would be appreciated. The buttons to share are below the post - thanks. UDCC also has lots to explore on the sidebar now - including Internet Games Such As Second Life. Be Brave, Be An Explorer in the Second Life.

    Friday, December 30, 2011

    UDCC Mailbag - Texas MUFON Member Pam's - UFO/Orb Experiences

    Over the past year, UDCC has had the privilege of serving as a sounding board a number of times for readers of UDCC who have something to say - today is another such occasion. As you can see from the headline today, it's a person named Pam who has sent to me some video and has a YouTube channel I will share with you. But, what I will share, with her permission, is some of her ORB story, in this, The Year Of The Orb, 2011.
    This was Pam's second contact with UDCC:
    Thank you for responding..

    As far as the orbs are concerned, after my first sighting and turning into a Believer last year, I would see orbs. At our Mufon meeting our Director, John Schwab tells the others that I am the women that sees lights.. Well it was true. I had quater size in my bedrm. it stopped in front of my TV, they were also visible when I started sky watching last yr.. I would communicate or try, mentally but then it was more toward Crafts and we would see least few times. there was a LOT of activity here on NW side San Antonio, Tx.. I really hadn't felt them like before and sightings tapered off since Jan. this yr.. However, I wanted proof and was mentally calling for it when I started filming Orbs in daytime daily, both morning and evening. They use to come to my porch, I would generally just see flicks of light but one day a really small one, dime size stopped right in front of me at dusk.. i had to smile at it cuz so cute and small..

    Several members of Mufon would come to my apT. to film for months but we never saw anything, which I believe because we were really loud..
    Now I see the Stars that our aircraft are Very interested in nightly.. have filmed them as well.
    I have tons of hrs of daytime orbs and other strange flying objects, most on external hard drive as my computer is always full of my vids..
    I thought the orbs were like God's eyes but really believe they may be intelligent probe types for gathering intelligence.. Sounds crazy I know...
    I have so many colors of the Orbs, green, white, amber, black, red and orangy looking ones. Most move very fast just blur other almost dancing in sky. I also capture something like black clouds of energy, they jump across the screen, u see it on one side then it reappears several ft away...
    I believe that for awhile I could communicate with Craft but only one way..??? But after awhile I became afraid and I no longer felt a connection.. sounds crazy I know..
    I usually film something everyday thats strange..
    I had stopped filming for month,all of November this yr,but went out to smoke sitting outside saw a Star being buzzed by our planes.. The Star dimmed and jumped from its position to several miles away so I called my husband out to see.. The Star did it several more times until it just turned off.. Unbelieveable.. I have vids of this Star and our planes from last months, they are much better last week because Star really turning on which is visible to naked eye flashing red, green, blue and white.. Anyone that I point it out to can see as well. Sorry so long and Thanks again..
    (red is UDCC emphasis)

    Certainly one of the possibilities of Orbs (and the phenomena is probably more than one thing (space)) is that `they' are probes with intelligence gathering the same. ---------------- I guess I would ask Pam if the `planes' were jets, or props, or what type........ I would also doubt, slightly, that noise prevented some event - that said, the setting is no doubt important often IMO....... and, my suggestion is that Pam's case in support of her ideas would be stronger with additional videos by others NOT associated with her in anyway. Seems their SHOULD be many folks in San Antonio that are catching these outside events...................... As a believer in `perception structures' - that can be localized in my opinion to a conscious space (human) - one cannot have real verification. Indeed, IMO, as strange as it sounds - `events' such as these might only be video(able) to one person................ It must also be taken into account that OTHERS may be the ones `calling' the Orbs and that one is simply an observer. Just sayin.......
    Pam then shared a much fuller story about her on-going Orb experiences:
    Yes, if you wish to.

    However, if your interetested in the whole story it's really-eally crazy sounding.
    I saw, I guess mid-afternoon, latter part of September 3 amber Spheres appear not 100 yds away with 6 or 7 dancing smaller white orbs. I was totally freake- could not believe my own eyes.

    Then, not sure of the order as I didn't write it down, at 8:30 pm while at Wal-Mart, gotten out of daughters car at back of parking lot to smoke, looking up at night sky as I did at the time after what I had seen, a smallish retangular dull black object hanging above parking lot lights with a wire leading up to sky. The object I only saw few seconds as it slowly moved into glare of lights and no longer visible. That really, again, freaked me out.

    Few days later, again in daylight, saw a dull silver object kinda floating above treetops that looked as tho slowly revoving as a glint would show- it moved out of sight.

    Let me back track and say that after the first sighting I HAD to watch every evening.. I don't know now if I did so because I wanted to or what. But every evening before twilight I would be outside no matter the weather for over 4 months.. No night time TV or anything, just sitting outside by myself watching..

    During that time, as I told you lights would appear briefly fly by, crafts of some kind as well. I would mentally be communicating or trying to as though I had a connection-- maybe it was jjust me??

    I told my youngest daughter who lived away for college, my husband was away as well for training and his job, an my other daughter wanted to hear nothing about it-- so I was experiencing this alone..

    I could see at night, what I believe were the 3 amber spheres out in the sky, sitting there well below the stars, but unlit very faint in sky, one of our planes flew around each of them one night but nothing occured. Also, looking up at sky, there were as far as I could see, dark small objects maybe 100 yds up, sitting in sky, every now and then they would light up, looked like thin sticks, white w red tip usually in pairs and fly away, only a night or two and then gone..

    To make a very long story short, I had started filming with small camera approx few weeks after first sighting, but I would miss the crafts- of course..

    I saw at dusk, out on NW horizon, really bright light an was watching it with binoculars, not filming( didn't have tripod) the light started emmitting a electrical charge as well started elongating then looked as tho it turned into eye shape that then turned int a freaking plane that flew short distance stopped went as white and bright as anything I've ever seen, turned back into ballish shape looked as tho going to explode and went out first letting out a small something.??

    ( the plane thing looked whitish body w pinkish tail)

    I saw again days later, what looked like a grey military hugh airplane approx where 1st saw Spheres, turn on nose and just hang in sky, nose down.. My youngest daughter and her B-friend were coming to dinner, and I was really scattered after what I had seen told them about it but of course, no one really believed me..

    At Thanksgiving, again my youngest daughter, sitting out side with me on 3rd floor apt. balcony, it was freezing here in San Antonio with high winds, I was mentally and few times out loud calling Them to show themselves so she could see.. nothing came out and we later at twilight went out to take trash to dumpster, as we rounded the corner there above the tree tops, a Craft hovering there, I laughed out loud to see her expression on her face, jaw dropping literaly.. She had her cell in pocket but couldn't take pic as it disappeared.. We talked about it briefly but months later when I reminded her at interview Mufon meeting, she was vague about it as tho she had forgotten..??But remembers now after we talked tho we differ on shape of it.

    Our planes during this time were going crazy in sky, all commercial flights that flew tho at night had stopped except our crazy planes, I have footage of them.

    I hadn't downloaded or looked at pics from my tiny camera since started filming. I didn't know how.. and didn't ask for help..

    Finally, decided to download my memory cards after daughter showed me how.

    In afternoon, in my bedrm, set up TV beside bed, as just as I started watching a quater size Orb appeared right in front of tv, as though it wanted to see what I was watching. I hadn't been watching TV for all this time, I would sky watch evenings till late and daytime clean and research on web UFO'S.. All

    I saw a light on horizon, again at twilight that was very brite, started filming it no tripod couldn't tell what it was... I 'll send it to you..

    I saw in nightime, over the hugh ground spotlights set uo on Nort horizon, a saucer shaped Craft that had no lights on, but as spotlights were then pointing up showed the object, kinda wobbling hovering or barely moving, rocking, until it moved out of the lights..

    I finally went to Mufon meeting w my youngest daughter, was interviewed by (CHANNEL NAME) cooterlooter, told him my story..

    He came to film, first visit, we were standing out on balcony and I was telling them of how the sky sometimes would just light up as tho a camera flashed, but really bright, as I was telling him, the sky flashed, he didn't record it as he was aiming up into the sky and this was more ground level north horizon.. you cn hear them saying " did u see that" me laughing as it happened again..

    So, I later as time went by, sighting decreased, my fear and anger probably caused loss of connection I had been feeling with Them..

    I guess it was June this yr, nothing really occuring odd lights at night flying by or popping on and off, At twilight a dime size orb stopped in front of me on balcony, I thought it was cute so small... I smiled at it but it left..

    Here's another strange story, I was in bed, around midnight started feeling sick, thought i had food poisoning.. In the bathrm --back and forth-- finally around 4 am, had just been reading in bathrm 15 mins or so, returned to bed, as my head it the pillow, heard strange mechanical soundind low music... I looked toward window then turned toward door leading toward hall, only light in house on, looked toward the hall saw post of foot of bed, thought to myself" 100 percent what an Aliens head looks like... felt PEACE, no fear and was instantly asleep.. Now that again freaked me out, I mean I was awake then instanly asleep... next morning awoke early perfectly fine when I had been really sick and feeling like it was going to go on and get worse...???

    During I guess Febuary this yr, I couldn't sleep in my rm, (before being sick) I would sleep out in living rm for over month, don't know why, I when sleeping in my rm, have dreams, don't remember what and awake bolting and running to living rm, totally scared never remembering why.. happened sooooo many times..

    At Mufon meeting months ago, one of our speakers, forgot his name, he was from Enland, an Experiencer, called on me and later told me I was an Experiencer, I laughed and said no, i was a watcher... I asked him why he said that and he said I can tell from ur eyes... The mufon people that come to my house heard him- I think they agree with him...

    As i was saying, in June this year, not seeing anything wanting to see, asking to see, started filming daytime orbs across st at elementary school and buildings close to it.... Orbs are everywhere but lighting needs to be right to capture on film..

    I know I forgot other things but got to go and this is toooo long... hope yu believe me.. most dont

    Thank you....


    ps.. I have hundreds of hrs of vids.. most with our planes acting crazy, others???
    craft at dusk
    (the above is a very impressive daytime Orb video)
    Red is UDCC emphasis -- reason: Pam, the FIRST time I ever used a laser pointer and flashed a `countup/countdown' (flashing once, then twice, then 3 and so on and then down from 10) -- I perceived an entire section of the sky flash. I about crapped my pants. True story Clockers that I can't believe another is saying too. ---- Also notice Clockers - ANOTHER HANGING JETLINER!
    This is Pam's YouTube Channel with over 2 dozen Orb videos - some impressive, some not.
    Book Description

    Publication Date: November 1, 2011
    Are we alone? From War of the Worlds to Invasion of the Body Snatchers, ET to Close Encounters, creators of science fiction have always eagerly speculated on just how the story of alien contact would play out. Editor Marty Halpern has gathered together some of the best stories of the last 30 years, by today''s most exciting genre writers, weaving a tapestry that covers a broad range of scenarios: from the insidious, to the violent, to the transcendent.


    Wednesday, November 30, 2011

    Is The `Fake Plane' / Hovering Jetliner Concept - Moving Earthward?

    Hello Clockers - you might want to buckle your seatbelt and read the instructions in the seatback in front of you - because even the IDEA that `aliens' or `the trickster' or `advanced human technology' is suddenly putting `the jet motif' into the `perception structure' - is one that is surely bound to crash your mind and belief system.

    You can check the tags below for `hanging jetliner' - and find that more and more folks are experiencing the perception of what appear to be `hanging or nearly hovering jetliners'. Including my wife as I have reported. As you will see from today's report - some of these hanging planes ARE MISSING PARTS - like the wings! Indeed, without the wings, more and more of these so-called UFOs are matching the `rectangular' or `boxlike' forms that are also seemingly increasing in 2011.

    But, today's featured UDCC `citizen UFO report' - is from the MUFON `latest' casefiles today - that is of an object low in the skies on August 15th of this year in New Jersey - VERY low in the skies. Below is the written description:

    This was the description:
    I should have submitted this sooner. However, i didn't. Anyways, It was about 7pm, August 15th, 2011(still daylight, clear sky, and no clouds) and i was driving north bound on black horse pike in Bellmawr NJ. I pulled up to the light at wendys and i noticed what i thought was the front end of an airplane, about 75 to 100 yards in the air, crossing the black horse pike about a mile up ahead, going westbound. It was very low and big.I thought at first, wow, this plane is low, its gonna crash. But it continued. As it continued to cross it stopped, hovered for a few seconds, then proceded again. While looking at it, it didnt seem right... The front was rounded, but square, with no windows, but I noticed 3 or 4 windows on the side at the top, with more holes or exhaust ports on the side. It had a milky white color on the top half, and a dirty silvery metalic bottom. It was made of some type of metal, almost submarine like. As the back end came across, i was expecting to see a tail or tail wings, but there was no tail, just a little hump on the back end. It did not have any wings or rotar blades, it just drifted across the tree tops to the west and then it was gone. I was kinda taken back for a moment, like wow that was really freakin cool. I looked to the person in the car next me, to see if they saw what i saw. But they turned left and showed no interest. I serverd in the USAF as a Security Officer back in the late 90's and i have never seen a craft like this... To me it was a mix between a plane, a helicopter, a sub and a space shuttle rolled into one. The best way to describe its shape is, it looked like a flying metal loaf of bread... Very wierd, but cool...
    Here's another picture of the `loaf of bread' that he provided in his report:
    What's your take Clockers?
    Is some sort of computerish program - programming our atmosphere with visible temporary phenomena?
    Is this some sort of over the top `faction' of those who wish for mankind to be more aware of the `changes to come'?
    Are `aliens' working on some sort of slow but gradual intensification of `weirdness' in lo of some grander event? Are `they appearing as `planes' to appear less threatening or more `normal'?
    Has some sort of ..... computer program..... (that ugly chance that we are only that) F'ed UP?
    Believe it or not - other MUFON reports were just as `unusual' - and here's a sampling -
    And, MUFON's Link
    Oh, BTW, thanks to the person that bought the book below off my blogs yesterday:

    Here's a description of it:
    As 2012 fast approaches, opinions about what to expect on this much-anticipated date are sharply polarized. Will humanity experience a global, spiritual transformation? Cataclysmic Earth Changes? Or both? Or nothing? If Earth and its inhabitants are scheduled for some life-changing or life-ending event, we should ask ourselves what we know and how we know it, and how to prepare for our future.

    Drawing on decades of research into history, religion, and the esoteric, Laura Knight-Jadczyk introduces the concept of "the Wave" to describe the possible phenomena behind all the hype surrounding global transformation. Riding the Wave not only collects the most probable scenarios we may face in the near future it provides the context to make it all intelligible.
    With roots in the science of hyperdimensions made popular by physicist Michio Kaku and the Fortean theories of the late John Keel, Riding the Wave suggests that many of the noticeable changes to our world in the last century are symptoms of the approaching Wave. From climate change, extreme ......
    You get the idea.
    Finally, welcome to the few new `followers' recently - be aware that I occasionally feature the `leaders' like yourself on UDCC. Dig into the archive to find a bit of `coverage' of nearly every regular on this website.
    More High Strangeness In The High Skies - Tomorrow. Oh, and PLEASE use the SHARE buttons below. Please Re-Tweet this or use the Facebook button or Google + button. Bloggers thank you when you help to share the content you enjoy.

    Saturday, January 1, 2011

    Will The Proliferation Of UFO Shapes In 2011 Continue?

    Happy New Year!

    First, thank you for visiting UDCC as one of the first websites you came to in 2011 - and this year UDCC will strive to bring you a UFO blog without prejudiced opinions as to where the UFO phenomena is `going'. IF anywhere. LOL. That said, the phenomena does, for sure, continue to evolve - at least what is supposedly being seen, photographed, and videotaped in the world's skies.

    What I mean by that is that in 2010 we had what I'd call `virtually' (no pun intended) new forms of UFOs - literally new SHAPES. Such as the Moscow PYRAMID -- Such as HORSESHOE shaped UFOs - Such as BLUE CIRCLE shaped UFOs - and yes, TWO reports of AIRLINE JET shaped UFOs (reports from our readers in Alabama) -- To even a TUBE shaped UFO seen over Las Vegas.

    I won't mention the `SKY-WRITING' UFOs `shapes' I guess.

    Granted, the above are `exceptions', but represent a possible evolution also, of the now standardish Triangle or V-Shaped Craft that seems to be most projecting to human perception nowadays. That is not to suggest that the Model T shaped Saucer still doesn't show up too. Or, the occasional `Mile-Wide' UFO shape of the last couple of years.

    And, I won't mention the seeming development of the ORB phenomena (multiple orbs at a time, orbs near chemtrails,) either.

    So, are we about to see TRAPEZOIDS? Will the Sky-Writing turn into PICTURES? ----------- I mean, just how bizarre could it all get? Seems pretty weirded out right now to UDCC. But, it isn't hard to `predict' that this is not the end of `change'.
    You may have noticed the January Setting for the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock has moved a half-hour towards Midnight (mainly due to the 3 Horseshoe UFOs in the daytime) and is now at 10:45 PM to start 2011.
    Don't be utterly surprised if the USA does a `Soft UFO Disclosure' in 2011 that the Exopolitics people will herald as the next change in Humanity. I ask you - have the numerous Soft UFO Disclosures of the past few years by one country after another changed YOU?

    Indeed, in this post - I outlined just how casually our slicker than slick President Obama could let this all `slip':

    ".... imagine President Obama taking the time for some softball questions by our ever so investigative media -- `what do you think sir' - to which our President will say something like this "well, I've read the report and it does have some interesting testimony and many strange, almost surreal, occurrences - of which I don't know what to make of" ... "parts of it - do have a security aspect and our military has had an interest in such reports -- but -- I have 100% knowledge that we can defend our airspace - there is NO reason for concern and never, evidently, has been"..... "And, while a very very limited number of reports over the decades - seem to suggest entities not of human origin - I will leave it to others and the American people what to ultimately believe - because as you know, the mind can play strange tricks"...... "And, after reviewing this data and talking with our military - I can assure you we are not under any threat. That said, I have instructed MR. _________ to form a taskforce - to review any threats of unknown origin and to yearly provide a look from a security angle about phenomena"

    And, with that - would be the END OF THE STORY -- and would YOUR life be changed?
    Finally a couple links of interest:

    Lesley Gunter of TDF had this most interesting link this past week about a Chemtrail Plane being forced to land by another country --- Gunter warns us all of the `source' - US Reported In “Panic” After Chemtrail Planes Forced Down In India, Nigeria - I'd also like to point out the post in from June 2009 - but, it is exactly the type of story the media would bury here.

    Recent UDCC backlink -

    Finally, thank you to the individual who donated via the PayPal button yesterday (at the bottom of the sidebar) - your significant donation was appreciated.

    Oh, if you haven't yet - why don't YOU become a Fan of this blog by hitting the Favorite Tab?

    Thursday, December 9, 2010

    Another Alabama UDCC Reader Has `Hanging Jet' To Report

    As some of you are aware - I started this blog as an offshoot of my blog called The Heavy Stuff as at the time THS had become too UFO oriented for my tastes of what I wanted that blog to be. And, up until September of this year - I stayed within a 1-4 posts a month schedule pretty much. I found it quite easy to cover the issues of UFOs as I saw them with that posting frequency. And, really, once you say the same general opinion four times or more - it gets to be an effort to put the mind to the screen so to speak.

    I say all that because up until now(ish) this blog has not been part of any `I'll share this with you' type of info. However, with the increase to frequent postings - `information' has filtered the way of UDCC -- most recently exemplified by the comment on a year plus old `high strangeness' UFO report about a Hanging Jetliner Picture/Story - that I covered.

    And, I admit, it takes a bit of an open mind to even consider such reports as something beyond nonsense. And, no one of the observers of such phenomena - other than the writings of Colin Bennett - have put a face onto the phenomena. And, even with my last post I tried to put some semblance of `logic' to it - maintaining that it would certainly seem to be indicative of some kind of cloaking phenomena or mind projection phenomena.

    I would still take that positioning.

    However, on Monday Dec. 6th between Midnight and 1 AM I received an E-Mail concerning yet another `Hanging Jet' - here is the content of the contact:


    Saw your blog post on the hanging jets in Huntsville, AL. Intrigues me, as I have seen one in Madison, AL. Madison is right next to H'ville. It would take a dive back through my journal, but I could give you the exact date and the approximate time of day.

    However, I work in the aerospace field, and I CANNOT have my name associated. If it was discovered I had said anything about this, my career would be over. I've heard of other high strangeness in the area.

    The jet in question was a large military jet, painted black.

    As you can see - I have honored this contact as far as withholding the `non working' address used to contact me. Now, here's the even stranger part - this person did it thru my Squidoo account (in which I don't believe you can even enter a fake email - which is what I see on my end). Also, while I will not say anything in particular about the identification on the name associated with the above mailing - when I sent the returned E-mail to a account of the same name it did NOT return.

    And, yes, I did look up the name via google and yes there is someone of the name that could very loosely be said to fit the self-description of the person above. So, as far as all that goes, I guess I am trustable now. LOL.

    That said, I have NOT gotten an answer to my inquiry at all in any manner and I feel my leg has more than probably been pulled by a low level trickster of some sort (and no, at least as of now I am not saying the trickster of high strangeness fame).

    But, a few more things - about THIS `Hanging Jet' Report - literally qualitative things I take away for the ENTIRE presentation of this information to me via a back channel of my contact on the internet (as simply leaving a comment works too as I approve each comment). Anyway, first thing, this person keeps a dated Journal and uses the term high strangeness and now brings yet ANOTHER DESCRIPTION - that does NOT match the prior ones about this Hanging JetLiner Phenomena.

    Does that lend more credence to thinking mind control/mental projections is the more likely? Or, is it just as likely some inner working of a cloaking to use such data of the mind?

    I certainly don't know, - but - what I do know is that this will probably be the last time a dead end contact will be the UDCC headline. That said, I will continue to provide `updates' simply within other posts should the contact seem sincere. However, this contact somehow gave a fake E - then didn't respond to what anyone would have done - change the .net to .com.

    I gave two days for a further contact - UDCC will keep you updated.
    Finally, as a postscript, I can't help but think of Blossom Goodchild's 2008 prediction of `UFOs Hanging Over Alabama' - as the sign from above. As indeed, if multiple people or all people in Huntsville Alabama were able to film such an event - the high strangeness factor would BE EQUAL to an UFO event IMO. And, perhaps without all the fanfare associated with a full blown UFO event - while providing the fortean `impossibilities' of all and any type of occurrence.

    Here's the link to the previously reported hanging jet in Alabama - just a few days ago.

    The Fortean Collection: The Book of The Damned, New Lands, LO!, Wild Talents, The Outcast Manufacturers (with Linked TOC)Fortean Phenomena

    Fortean Times (Jan 2010) How Dennis Wheatley Sold Black Magic to Britain; Twilight Zone At 50; St Theres Goes to Prison; Balloon Boy; Thoughtography; Ig Nobel Prizes (FT256)The Complete Books of Charles Fort: The Book of the Damned / Lo! / Wild Talents / New Lands

    My Squidoo blog that was contacted -








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    The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
    Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
    a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

    design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

    a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition