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Showing posts with label orb videoer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orb videoer. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

UFO `Flicks' - Amid MUFON Links - Is Miami Under Orb Observation?

Regular readers know that UDCC remains committed to finding other UFO websites of interest - and today a website called UFO Flicks Dot Com was on the Latest MUFON reports with this video Miami UFO which `seems' to be perhaps a possible Orb. But, digging deeper into UFO Flicks has also been of interest and only shows the muckiness of the whole UFO saga - IMO. You see, the UFO Flicks website is just about totally anonymous and certainly is not identified with any person by name (the is also anonymous and hidden behind GoDaddy - was started last Nov. 2012). 

Indeed, this website could be anything from a sophisticated `Orb Caller' to a totally BS site involved with UAV's or even the government - if you dig deep enough into all the exposure that the website brings - including its sidebar link list of websites. Seriously, if you want to feel like an investigator this is a good one for you. (Look for DARPA links and UAV's links.)

But - then, I realized that perhaps UFO Flicks - has nothing to do with the video postings on it - if that was possible........

But, I was wrong - as obviously, the YouTube account of Jeremy Thomas - IS UFO Flicks. (He started his YT account in Dec. 2012 and may be called Miami UFO - this is his about page on YT.)

Anyway, the reason I say that is because this video below (a link on UFO Flicks) is one of HUNDREDS of an apparent Orb Caller or simply an Orb Videoer in indeed Miami - `named' Jeremy Thomas on YouTube. Video already has 6K+ views in just a week and a 3/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion:

link -
He's In A Forum Here With Another 2013 Night Vision Multi-UFO but being challenged by someone in the forum.
He Also Posts Here
So, is the guy a BS'er or the real thing - or simply recording the real going on's above the Miami Area? Also, is his `systematic' searching the skies with multiple cameras really proving anything IF the `automatic search feature' is indeed simply finding released balloons over the city that wouldn't normally be visible or even catch anyone's eyes?........... Up To You - the guy does seem to have done his homework - good attitude in the comments on his YT channel too. I also like that on UFO Flicks you can find other YT channels that seem to also be filming Orbs in the sky systematically. 
Now, obviously, that was today's feature - but - I've already found some AMAZING `Sky Symbols' photos also from today's latest MUFON reports - I'll bring them here tomorrow.
My thanks to the people purchasing off my Author Page yesterday - much appreciated. Purchases included the below:

I have also LOWERED the price on the FOUR books below to 99 cents - YES - 0.99
all the above just 99 cents each

Monday, May 21, 2012

Spoof News Producer On YouTube Has REAL(?) UFO Event Covered By Mainstream Media In California

Just when you think you may have seen everything in the so-called UFOlogy field - comes today's scenario. Take one perhaps frustrated spoof TV video producer in LA, -  have him `produce' an Orb event into the sky of LA (supposedly totally unintentional and real) - take it, the video,  to the so-called REAL mainstream TV news - AND VOILA. Okay, it's not the best of pedigree papers, but, assuming the newscast is real (and it is) - and that the real news is not in on the joke - if it is - then we now have an idea of how the MSM might begin to cover the daytime Orb phenomena eventually. Oh, not one mention by the MSM that this guy has produced a dozen spoof newstype videos on YouTube under the name GoNewsNow with a logo that looks exactly like CNN (GNN). Gotta love it.

link - - 65K views in a week, about a 5/1 pos/neg ratio of public votes.
What's going on in California - first Robert Bingham and now this?
More thanks to the folks who Joined Second Life off this blog this weekend - that's about a dozen of you so far - are you setting up a UDCC outpost there? AND, a big thanks to those who purchased two classic reads too - the first, I've throw into the sidebar at the top - Bucky Fullers masterpiece - Spaceship Earth and a C. Vonnegut classic. Thanks also to those that checked out the Coupons at via the affiliate link and the Orion Telescopes too.
As Clockers know (Clockers are those who read every post), UDCC is committed to bringing readers the best in intellectual approaches by bloggers to UFOs - this more than Qualifies. EXCELLENT blog.
Oh, I updated my `news' blog yesterday called Morning Reddit Headlines. If you ever wondered what all the fuss was about the website called Reddit - let me give you a first hand Look at the headlines your hometown paper missed.

AbeBooks Generic Banner 180x150

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Interacting With - The Orb Phenomena

Yesterday I featured the band name The Undisputed Truth and its song `Smiling Faces' - when posting a video that proclaimed to be the BEST UFO video EVER. (Cough.) However, IMO, one area that Internet Bloggers are way ahead of the MSM digging towards the Undisputed Truth - is in the coverage of the Orb Phenomena. And, to that end, let UDCC continue our exposing of the dozens of those `interacting with Orbs'.

YES, today's post is yet ANOTHER individual with Orb Consciousness invading their space (and watch out, when it does, it will be a grip to your intentionality's). This guy's YouTube handle, with nearly 200 Orb/UFO videos is called `whotookmmojo'. Yes, nearly 200 and is still involved in filming more as recently as within the last month.

Now, the video I'm featuring below is only suggestive of the great material `whotookmymojo' is catching - as he is actually catching Orb clusters lately that seem to be taking on more of the `structurelike Orbs' that UDCC has been noting in this blog of late. Or, using a bit of imagination, CRAFTS. Perhaps. How long will the MSM be able to ignore the work and efforts of these true journalists documenting the anomalous around us?

Link to channel - - the video above is the featured video on his page currently
There are really only a few blogs similar to UDCC IMO - with a dedicated blogger trying to figure the UFO phenomena out in some regard. And, while Sunny is a bit more than that in the paranormal field, this blogger also uses MUFON reports like UDCC - and here is a featured report from March - with THREE great pictures - of some 3 Orb Triangles in North Carolina. Great bloglist too in addition to great content.
In UDCC news; The `Feather Orb' has crossed 33K views as of this AM - wow, all in one week. The video is approaching 300 comments also. As Clockers know, I've been providing great Orb videos all week to absorb. And, some more thanks are in order - two books were purchased from this blog yesterday including the Hunt for the Skinwalker - here's your chance:

BUT, the biggest shout-out of the day goes to the SECOND person to purchase the plans for the Solar Panels from the 54 year old electrician. Please let us know, either of you, how your plans are proceeding. MUCH appreciated for supporting our affiliates.
Did you know that you can share this post? Simply use the `share buttons' below - such as the Facebook button or the easy E-Mail button. Thanks for your support of independent blogs. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Mexico City Christmas 2011 Miracle `UFO' Video

Good morning Clockers and welcome all new visitors to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) - I appreciate your interest in the unknown. And, as regulars know, it simply is impossible to keep up with all the forums that `UFO' material `surfaces' - be it via YouTube or blogs or MUFON reports or other similar `citizen reporting' opportunities. So, I don't need to apologize for missing this a few months - but - you will be saying wow after watching this video.

Indeed, make sure to watch AT LEAST the first 6 minutes or so; as it gets especially interesting about the 2:05 second mark when a `flash' occurs near the traveling Orb. It will result in what appears to be `an explosive release' of sub orbs - mini orbs/probes. Eventually Orbs are seen combining and traveling together - moving about. I don't know what it is about Mexico City and Orbs (remember the famous Orb videos before) but this Christmas Display is amazing IMO.

Now, the `kicker' (of course) - the guy who videoed this is - of course - ANOTHER UFO?ORB video man - caller. JMHZ71 YouTube handle. He has literally HUNDREDS of similar and not so similar vids - all up to DAYS ago. ------------------------- IS it THAT easy folks? What happens if MORE and MORE of the common folk go `out' and simply record this stuff in our collective skies? Who `believe' that it may just be this easy with an investment of time and interest? ------------- Time will tell I guess.
The video has 128K well deserved views since Christmas and a 20/1 pos/neg ratio - a must see.

link -
JMHZ's Channel -
BTW, the feather video hit 30K views today. IO9 eventually picked the story up too. Welcome to their readers. And, please make sure to look around today and UDCC has over 500 posts to explore. Some of the best are in the sidebar and down below the post section. You can also share today's GREAT Mexico City post via the Facebook button below in the Share Button area - you can also easily E-Mail this post to anyone using the same buttons - try it out.
Finally - IF you are new, I've been making a BEST of page for JUST the 2012 stuff - videos and pictures of the best UFO's so far 2012 UFO Videos And UFO Pictures.
Amazon Books - Just Click The Picture And Read A Sample

Friday, March 30, 2012

Another Orb Videoer - Orb Caller Emerges/Found

Okay folks, as you know UDCC, with some frequency, features `Orb Callers-Videoers' in these posts. Today I've found yet another who in the last two years has recorded nearly two dozen `daytime Orb' videos. UFO's to many. UFO Disclosure to some. And, some of these videos are quite good in the sense of being clear and anomalous. 

The video I've chosen to feature of YouTube man `ishowUFO' is one from the very end of 2011 (Dec. 28th) - it's a multiple orb/splitting orb video if we need to categorize everything. Has a significant and deserved 30K views:

link -
Channel -
It's pretty impressive - don't you think? Make sure to check out others he has caught in the California skies...... and, he doesn't even rant crazy stuff like Endtimer/Orion  crappola.
BTW, the featured video on Monday has over 28K views (and more than likely 5k+ of them here, when I posted it the video had under 60 views) - and here I feature another `strange' light display that `openureyes10' caught in her neighborhood in 2012 (indeed just 3 weeks ago) - Strange `Earthly' Field Lights - you'll be shaking your head on this one too. WTH? I can also report that openureyes10 is also digging into some of her original recordings done a few years ago.
Thanks for your visit today. Oh, and a big thanks to the person who stuck their neck out and purchased the plans for the SOLAR Panels (featured above, the one where the 54 year old electrician talks you thru step by step at how to set them up and buy and make them inexpensively) - please let us know how this works out!
solar baby steps

solar room fan - under 25 bucks
Eco Solutions Solar-Powered Auto Vent Fan
under 30 for the car

12.99 for your own 50 foot UFO

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Danger Of A Billion Magicians

Yesterday's post of P. Garcia's Orb capture in San Antonio was the lead `post' on, and was also featured on Coast To Coast AM (links to both sites in the sidebar). I expect that upwards of 1000 folks will see the post today. And, in that post, I used a phrase that I don't remember using before - comparing Orb Callers - Orb Videoers to `Magicians'.

I implied that Orb Callers/Videoers are indeed actually `dangerous'; well, to be exact - the COVERAGE of Orb Callers and Orb Videoers is..... dangerous - at this point of time while the cat is in the bag. (Remember folks, we live in a society that is willing to give up rights to be safe - so safe that we allow the TSA to search handicapped 3 years olds because they pose a danger.) Yes, dangerous. And, it's not an idea that I've totally missed before, and since I touch on Orb Callers with some frequency I hope my regular readers have `gotten the drift'. `But, if you are a newbie today, let me play out a scenario for your eyes to read and for your space to absorb.

The truth. The truth is that (IMO) `real UFOs' with `aliens' in them - who are IN, literally OUR Reality - (and who stay in and around Earth) are EXTREMELY limited; and that the REAL UFOs, that the media and government would rather NOT discuss, ARE ORBS. Indeed, here at UDCC, 2011 was declared the year of the ORB. (catch that link in the sidebar covered by

When I say, Orbs are the Real UFO, I mean it. A real `thing' (that is temporal) that on occasion seems to provide a bit of intelligent direction, or RESPOND to human intentionality's. All of this phenomena, of course, was first brought to the MSM's attention by Prophet Yahweh - who in about 2005 or so (too lazy to look it up for this post) `produced' an Orb on Live TV in Las Vegas to the astonishment of a TV reporter. At that moment, the cat was out of the bag. (Were `they' looking to discredit it before it became more mainstream?)

Now, this was all while I was aware via YouTube of a handful of `Orb Videoers'  around 2005 who existed on the West Coast, who DIDN'T pray to Yahweh, or think that the `white dot' in the sky was containing large black men ready to return to Earth (Prophet Yahweh believes something like that.). Indeed, in the mid 2000's first decade they were simply going out and filming - and LO and BEHOLD, they `caught' Orbs of light transversing the skies. Displaying themselves.

Now, I would hold that those videoers `ritual act' of `going to a particular location and EXPECTING to film the anomalous', was virtually the same - as the `belief' that PY has in his `system of producing alien/Orbs.' His religion. Orbs are or at least CAN BE - evidently, a reflection of human intentions. IMO. 

And, that folks, is DANGEROUS. Seriously. 

The corporations of America and the world hardly need their workers being distracted by `A Billion Magicians'. And in more ways than one, it is even dangerous to the religious structure of things too. The `religious act' would be `brought to the people level'. Miracles would be nothing more than asking a neighbor to perform the `magic light show'. (A billion means 1 in 7 would have the ability.)

The `opening up' to such abilities - the expansion of human effect and relationship with the unknown - is very upsetting to the power structure apple cart and logo. Don't you think?...... Could that be a reason why the Orbs are SO ignored by the so-called MSM? Because they are a can of worms? Because they represent a rip in the common consensus ontological structure?

Indeed, Orbs have provided the TWO Biggest `UFO' events of the past two years, and have largely changed, IMO, how UFOs will be covered by the MSM. Something I've covered in this blog several times recently concerning the meaning of Phil Larson's declaration about the US governments position about `aliens and UFO information' (see sidebar for link). (IF you are scratching your head about the two ORB events - think the Stanley Fulham NYC predicted Orb event on Oct. 13th, 2010, and the Jerusalem Orb which literally happened at a `significant mankind location' while the Egypt uprising was in full discourse in early 2011.) Not saucers, not Triangle shaped Craft, ORBS.
Almost NO one is writing about the Orb underbelly of UFOlogy - and certainly not the majority of so-called UFO sites or `conspiracy' sites. Indeed, only a few esoteric oriented folks even give a crappola about the subject matter at all - something the powers that be would like to keep the case.

After all, we hardly need `The Danger of a Billion Magicians' mucking up the Forex exchange - right?
Thanks for being here today. Did you know that you can share this post on your Facebook by clicking the F in the `share buttons' below? You can also E-Mail this post to a buddy in the same manner too. Thanks. --------- Oh, have you visited yet my Best Page On HubPages? About Time Travel?
the item below is one of my 99 cent Kindle Books - Check It Out.


Friday, December 30, 2011

UDCC Mailbag - Texas MUFON Member Pam's - UFO/Orb Experiences

Over the past year, UDCC has had the privilege of serving as a sounding board a number of times for readers of UDCC who have something to say - today is another such occasion. As you can see from the headline today, it's a person named Pam who has sent to me some video and has a YouTube channel I will share with you. But, what I will share, with her permission, is some of her ORB story, in this, The Year Of The Orb, 2011.
This was Pam's second contact with UDCC:
Thank you for responding..

As far as the orbs are concerned, after my first sighting and turning into a Believer last year, I would see orbs. At our Mufon meeting our Director, John Schwab tells the others that I am the women that sees lights.. Well it was true. I had quater size in my bedrm. it stopped in front of my TV, they were also visible when I started sky watching last yr.. I would communicate or try, mentally but then it was more toward Crafts and we would see least few times. there was a LOT of activity here on NW side San Antonio, Tx.. I really hadn't felt them like before and sightings tapered off since Jan. this yr.. However, I wanted proof and was mentally calling for it when I started filming Orbs in daytime daily, both morning and evening. They use to come to my porch, I would generally just see flicks of light but one day a really small one, dime size stopped right in front of me at dusk.. i had to smile at it cuz so cute and small..

Several members of Mufon would come to my apT. to film for months but we never saw anything, which I believe because we were really loud..
Now I see the Stars that our aircraft are Very interested in nightly.. have filmed them as well.
I have tons of hrs of daytime orbs and other strange flying objects, most on external hard drive as my computer is always full of my vids..
I thought the orbs were like God's eyes but really believe they may be intelligent probe types for gathering intelligence.. Sounds crazy I know...
I have so many colors of the Orbs, green, white, amber, black, red and orangy looking ones. Most move very fast just blur other almost dancing in sky. I also capture something like black clouds of energy, they jump across the screen, u see it on one side then it reappears several ft away...
I believe that for awhile I could communicate with Craft but only one way..??? But after awhile I became afraid and I no longer felt a connection.. sounds crazy I know..
I usually film something everyday thats strange..
I had stopped filming for month,all of November this yr,but went out to smoke sitting outside saw a Star being buzzed by our planes.. The Star dimmed and jumped from its position to several miles away so I called my husband out to see.. The Star did it several more times until it just turned off.. Unbelieveable.. I have vids of this Star and our planes from last months, they are much better last week because Star really turning on which is visible to naked eye flashing red, green, blue and white.. Anyone that I point it out to can see as well. Sorry so long and Thanks again..
(red is UDCC emphasis)

Certainly one of the possibilities of Orbs (and the phenomena is probably more than one thing (space)) is that `they' are probes with intelligence gathering the same. ---------------- I guess I would ask Pam if the `planes' were jets, or props, or what type........ I would also doubt, slightly, that noise prevented some event - that said, the setting is no doubt important often IMO....... and, my suggestion is that Pam's case in support of her ideas would be stronger with additional videos by others NOT associated with her in anyway. Seems their SHOULD be many folks in San Antonio that are catching these outside events...................... As a believer in `perception structures' - that can be localized in my opinion to a conscious space (human) - one cannot have real verification. Indeed, IMO, as strange as it sounds - `events' such as these might only be video(able) to one person................ It must also be taken into account that OTHERS may be the ones `calling' the Orbs and that one is simply an observer. Just sayin.......
Pam then shared a much fuller story about her on-going Orb experiences:
Yes, if you wish to.

However, if your interetested in the whole story it's really-eally crazy sounding.
I saw, I guess mid-afternoon, latter part of September 3 amber Spheres appear not 100 yds away with 6 or 7 dancing smaller white orbs. I was totally freake- could not believe my own eyes.

Then, not sure of the order as I didn't write it down, at 8:30 pm while at Wal-Mart, gotten out of daughters car at back of parking lot to smoke, looking up at night sky as I did at the time after what I had seen, a smallish retangular dull black object hanging above parking lot lights with a wire leading up to sky. The object I only saw few seconds as it slowly moved into glare of lights and no longer visible. That really, again, freaked me out.

Few days later, again in daylight, saw a dull silver object kinda floating above treetops that looked as tho slowly revoving as a glint would show- it moved out of sight.

Let me back track and say that after the first sighting I HAD to watch every evening.. I don't know now if I did so because I wanted to or what. But every evening before twilight I would be outside no matter the weather for over 4 months.. No night time TV or anything, just sitting outside by myself watching..

During that time, as I told you lights would appear briefly fly by, crafts of some kind as well. I would mentally be communicating or trying to as though I had a connection-- maybe it was jjust me??

I told my youngest daughter who lived away for college, my husband was away as well for training and his job, an my other daughter wanted to hear nothing about it-- so I was experiencing this alone..

I could see at night, what I believe were the 3 amber spheres out in the sky, sitting there well below the stars, but unlit very faint in sky, one of our planes flew around each of them one night but nothing occured. Also, looking up at sky, there were as far as I could see, dark small objects maybe 100 yds up, sitting in sky, every now and then they would light up, looked like thin sticks, white w red tip usually in pairs and fly away, only a night or two and then gone..

To make a very long story short, I had started filming with small camera approx few weeks after first sighting, but I would miss the crafts- of course..

I saw at dusk, out on NW horizon, really bright light an was watching it with binoculars, not filming( didn't have tripod) the light started emmitting a electrical charge as well started elongating then looked as tho it turned into eye shape that then turned int a freaking plane that flew short distance stopped went as white and bright as anything I've ever seen, turned back into ballish shape looked as tho going to explode and went out first letting out a small something.??

( the plane thing looked whitish body w pinkish tail)

I saw again days later, what looked like a grey military hugh airplane approx where 1st saw Spheres, turn on nose and just hang in sky, nose down.. My youngest daughter and her B-friend were coming to dinner, and I was really scattered after what I had seen told them about it but of course, no one really believed me..

At Thanksgiving, again my youngest daughter, sitting out side with me on 3rd floor apt. balcony, it was freezing here in San Antonio with high winds, I was mentally and few times out loud calling Them to show themselves so she could see.. nothing came out and we later at twilight went out to take trash to dumpster, as we rounded the corner there above the tree tops, a Craft hovering there, I laughed out loud to see her expression on her face, jaw dropping literaly.. She had her cell in pocket but couldn't take pic as it disappeared.. We talked about it briefly but months later when I reminded her at interview Mufon meeting, she was vague about it as tho she had forgotten..??But remembers now after we talked tho we differ on shape of it.

Our planes during this time were going crazy in sky, all commercial flights that flew tho at night had stopped except our crazy planes, I have footage of them.

I hadn't downloaded or looked at pics from my tiny camera since started filming. I didn't know how.. and didn't ask for help..

Finally, decided to download my memory cards after daughter showed me how.

In afternoon, in my bedrm, set up TV beside bed, as just as I started watching a quater size Orb appeared right in front of tv, as though it wanted to see what I was watching. I hadn't been watching TV for all this time, I would sky watch evenings till late and daytime clean and research on web UFO'S.. All

I saw a light on horizon, again at twilight that was very brite, started filming it no tripod couldn't tell what it was... I 'll send it to you..

I saw in nightime, over the hugh ground spotlights set uo on Nort horizon, a saucer shaped Craft that had no lights on, but as spotlights were then pointing up showed the object, kinda wobbling hovering or barely moving, rocking, until it moved out of the lights..

I finally went to Mufon meeting w my youngest daughter, was interviewed by (CHANNEL NAME) cooterlooter, told him my story..

He came to film, first visit, we were standing out on balcony and I was telling them of how the sky sometimes would just light up as tho a camera flashed, but really bright, as I was telling him, the sky flashed, he didn't record it as he was aiming up into the sky and this was more ground level north horizon.. you cn hear them saying " did u see that" me laughing as it happened again..

So, I later as time went by, sighting decreased, my fear and anger probably caused loss of connection I had been feeling with Them..

I guess it was June this yr, nothing really occuring odd lights at night flying by or popping on and off, At twilight a dime size orb stopped in front of me on balcony, I thought it was cute so small... I smiled at it but it left..

Here's another strange story, I was in bed, around midnight started feeling sick, thought i had food poisoning.. In the bathrm --back and forth-- finally around 4 am, had just been reading in bathrm 15 mins or so, returned to bed, as my head it the pillow, heard strange mechanical soundind low music... I looked toward window then turned toward door leading toward hall, only light in house on, looked toward the hall saw post of foot of bed, thought to myself" 100 percent what an Aliens head looks like... felt PEACE, no fear and was instantly asleep.. Now that again freaked me out, I mean I was awake then instanly asleep... next morning awoke early perfectly fine when I had been really sick and feeling like it was going to go on and get worse...???

During I guess Febuary this yr, I couldn't sleep in my rm, (before being sick) I would sleep out in living rm for over month, don't know why, I when sleeping in my rm, have dreams, don't remember what and awake bolting and running to living rm, totally scared never remembering why.. happened sooooo many times..

At Mufon meeting months ago, one of our speakers, forgot his name, he was from Enland, an Experiencer, called on me and later told me I was an Experiencer, I laughed and said no, i was a watcher... I asked him why he said that and he said I can tell from ur eyes... The mufon people that come to my house heard him- I think they agree with him...

As i was saying, in June this year, not seeing anything wanting to see, asking to see, started filming daytime orbs across st at elementary school and buildings close to it.... Orbs are everywhere but lighting needs to be right to capture on film..

I know I forgot other things but got to go and this is toooo long... hope yu believe me.. most dont

Thank you....


ps.. I have hundreds of hrs of vids.. most with our planes acting crazy, others???
craft at dusk
(the above is a very impressive daytime Orb video)
Red is UDCC emphasis -- reason: Pam, the FIRST time I ever used a laser pointer and flashed a `countup/countdown' (flashing once, then twice, then 3 and so on and then down from 10) -- I perceived an entire section of the sky flash. I about crapped my pants. True story Clockers that I can't believe another is saying too. ---- Also notice Clockers - ANOTHER HANGING JETLINER!
This is Pam's YouTube Channel with over 2 dozen Orb videos - some impressive, some not.
Book Description

Publication Date: November 1, 2011
Are we alone? From War of the Worlds to Invasion of the Body Snatchers, ET to Close Encounters, creators of science fiction have always eagerly speculated on just how the story of alien contact would play out. Editor Marty Halpern has gathered together some of the best stories of the last 30 years, by today''s most exciting genre writers, weaving a tapestry that covers a broad range of scenarios: from the insidious, to the violent, to the transcendent.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Orb Caller - UFO Videoer - William Roehling - `Massive Mothership' And `Crashed UFO In The 1930's'

Hi Clockers. The below video is of yet ANOTHER `Orb Recorder' that I've re-run across recently (I've actually featured this guy once before too.). The video, shot in September at an UFO viewing party, is pretty compelling as `high in the sky' Orbs go. ....... Mothership? ....... The only thing I can say is that if you watch it all - it seems to slightly change direction and also seems to have another smaller Orb run ahead of it near the end of the video. Almost 4,000 views.

link to channel -
William is up to over 100 UFO videos on his channel - all in less than two years. Many with `interaction' with the Orb. And, yes, he also has `ideas' about where all this is coming from and why as you can see from his self description at YouTube below: (one of the best descriptions on the internet)
Childhood Abduction)from 8-10 yrs old. When i was a child, i couldn't sleep (insomniac) i would hear things come into my room, my eyes were squeezed shut in terror, they would touch their face to my face(Nose to Nose)& i was out, don't remember anything, this happened many times!

From 10 to 13yrs old:

I used to see UFOs in the clouds, i felt they were watching me, i would run home & tell my father(worked for "NASA") he told me 2 forget about it & do my homework! This happened several times growing up & was always obsessed w. UFOs!

Age 16 yrs old:

My father sat me down 1 evening & told me a story that changed my forever!

He told me, when he worked 4 "NASA" early 1960s, He was n Security!

When he 1st started at "NASA" 1 of the security officers told him, they (NASA) had a "Flying Disc" Down in 1 of the underground hangers, NASA acquired in the late 1930s, from Canada, it was found stuck in the mud, like a coin that was dropped in mud & stuck straight up like a coin!

Canada let the U.S. take control of it.

A classic 30 ft in diameter Sliver Disc.

He eventually had the chance to see a picture of what was inside of it when it was opened, "Bodies" 4 of them!

2-Greys & 2- Trolls, yup i said "Trolls"!

2-Hairy little Gorilla looking "Troll's"!!!

Eventually he was able to see the craft close-up, said it looked like it was wet, almost like liquid Mercury but solid, a classic 30 ft in Diameter Flying Disc.

The day he finally got 2 view it inside, changed everything he ever knew about 1960s modern day scientific reality, he was told: This is how you can tell the difference between "Man Made" & "Alien"? When he looked inside the 30ft in Diameter Flying Disc,

The inside was over 100ft in Diameter?? Yes i said over 100ft in Diameter!! There was nothing inside the Flying Disc, no Lights, Levers, Handles, Steering Wheels, Buttons, Windows, Drawers nothing that a Human would need to travel in a craft?

There were 4-Four Seats around a Mound or Column, a panel came out that was used for placing their hands on & a Head Band?

There was an upper room he didn't get to see, a Holographic Map Room: There were small Bumps 2 wave your hands across, then Maps of unknown Star Systems would appear as if you were there in the Stars, He was told: it took our scientists over 3yrs to find a Star system that we were able to recognise as ours!

Nov. 2005 my life would Change Again forever!

I was driving my Toyota Land Cruiser on Hwy 280 nth just passing "The Stanford Linear Accelerator" Palo Alto California. My windows open cruisin at 80mph, 2-Two strange Golf-Ball size, dark brown/almost Black, furry, lightly glowing Orb-Entities, side by side, O-O suddenly appeared, almost like they came out of a dimensional window, shot into my drivers window,

hit my left Temple, blasted thru my Head, popped out my right Temple, blew out my passenger window, as if they were shot out of a gun, it all happened so quickly, nothing happened to me, it didn't hurt, but the feeling it left in me was amazing, my head started burning, the burning was in a, what felt like a tube that was made by the Orbs-Entities, the burning was an energy that was left by the Orb-Entities, it started buzzing& Burning,(Indescribable) it was a kind of "Cosmic Energy" & was getting stronger by the minute, it didn't hurt, it actually felt "Incredible"(2 say the least) To describe the Intensifying Energy: Take a strip of Mink Fur, place it across your eyes & hold it, then pull it across while holding it against ur eyes, it's the incredibly soft feeling of the soft fur sliding across your eyes, but X100= The feeling of the energy that was now buzzing in my head(believe it or not)! The feeling stayed in my head for a yr & 1/2, it comes back whenever i think about it or whenever i get "Pulsed" by the Orb-UFOs that i Interact with when recording them. A report ws filed w. the "West Coast UFO Reporting Center"

(Peter Davenport) but mysteriously disappeared during recent search, when reporting, i was asked if i had witnesses or pictures, i said no, he said he couldn't help me because there isn't a UFO Craft or an Alien, but go a head and send in the report anyways. After that night, my UFO experiences shot through the roof! Now these Orb-UFOs are all over the sky around my home, when i tried talking to them, they started dancing & darting all over the sky, it was amazing to see w. my friends & family, although they thought i was nuts! The more i told my story, the more they thought i was crazy, who ever heard of this experience happening to anyone else, anywhere?

2007 i met "The Father of Modern Day Night Vision Ufology"(Ed Grimsley)

I calld & told him about my experience, he wanted me to tell my story to "Jose Escamilla" Jose told me he just made a movie about the exact Orb-Entities(Critters) that "Mated" w. me & wanted me to meet with a scientist named:

"Trevor James Constable" who's an expert on those EBEs,"Etheric Biological Entities" or (Critters) More to come.....
Trevor James Constable Book below:

This book presents evidence that UFOs are mainly invisible and consist of both physical craft and living, biological creatures. The author convincingly shows that our atmosphere is the home of huge, invisible living organisms that are sometimes confused with spacecraft when they became visible. Mr. Constable has photographed both types of UFOs with special infrared film, some of which are reproduced in this expanded and updated edition. Despite his bold leap into the future, the general public and official ufology have a hard time accepting the evidence. In recent years teams of engineers and technicians in both Italy and Romania, unaware of Constable's earlier discoveries, obtained virtually identical infrared photos of UFOs, which were published in Italy. In 1996, NASA used ultraviolet-sensitive videotape to record swarms of invisible UFOs that looked like Constable's earlier photos. Examples from these photos are also contained in this book. Also covered are earlier pioneers into important life energies that play a big role in this research, including Wilhelm Reich, Rudolf Steiner, and Dr. Ruth B. Drown. This is an important book, recommended for those interested in the higher realms of our physical reality.
Clockers - if you particularly like one of the videos, make sure to leave its URL in the comments.
See You Tomorrow.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

YouTube user `Orionifo' - Orb Videoer And Caller - How Long Can The MSM Ignore Orb Callers?

Hello Clockers and newbies to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock), today I bring to you one of the Orb Callers that I most closely monitor (which to be honest, with a list of Orb Callers of some length, is only occasionally, perhaps a few times a year at most). With info gathered from his website called Orion IFO's Research - and his YouTube account - OrionIFO (as in the constellation and Identified Flying Object) - is Phil Coseski, 52, of the Pine Hills area (interestingly, the area that my wife and i lived in Atlanta for 10 years was known as the Pine Hills area) in New York, I think.

Yes, I've featured this guy before - but, I ask you today to compare the object that Phil filmed in July 2011 (which he says is from a specific star system and to whom he is in personal, I believe mental, contact with) - with the YouTube Video I ran just two days ago on the last post. Indeed, IF you freeze frame Phil's footage at almost anytime during the first 90 seconds and again near the end of the tape (when the craft/orb fires up) - the comparison is very impressive in its similarities. And, of course, to MANY Orb videos that UDCC has run over the past year or so.

Phil's YT channel has 100's upon 100's of similar videos - all taken in the same location. He says he often is `contacted' to let him know when to go out with his video camera (again, contacted by mind I believe - to my knowledge he doesn't say in person - but I could even be wrong in that - indeed, I invite him on to here (UDCC - for an interview or to provide a long post) to provide some background on his beliefs as I seldom take too much time to delve into the specifics which seems to be the prelude to anomalous events).

It would take the media just a few occasions of being with Phil to let the public have a completely different understanding of the awesomeness of our reality structure - how dynamic it can seem to be to `individual willing and intentionalities'. Especially in specialized locations - IMO.

Phil literally seems to be beckoning a reality demonstration via the Orb phenomena. How can the mainstream media NOT be interested in such? Or, is it simply `too much' the Prophet Yahweh feel? Especially with Phil's `strong beliefs' in WHO his contacts ARE! (Much like PY too in that regard of strong beliefs.) And, obviously, IF they let Phil speak on the MSM, it would sound totally off the edge - hence, no coverage.

But, the below video, combined with Phil's banter, and beliefs, should be enough to wonder about your own understanding of Orbs. It certainly ALSO seems that PERHAPS that Phil is videoing some sort of `STRUCTURE' which is `displaying an appearance' for Phil to film. Which all to me boils down to a phenomenological event.

All that aside - take the full two plus minutes to observe Phil in full glory mode - the video is well worth your time: 1,800 views.

link -
Now, either page down the page to see the most recent YT `front picture' or use this link to compare the above video directly -
Now, when one compares the talk of Phil, above, with the idea of this link Details About The Four Races Of Grey Aliens, one might ask why one is on BS and the other isn't (?) - because the one is BS and the other is real phenomenology in action.
Oh, UDCC started covering the SNP (Sky Noise Phenomena) in April - and BS started covering it in March - but, this link, suggests that perhaps February is the beginning - February Sky Sound.
Hacking Matter: Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite Weirdness of Programmable Atoms
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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition