link to the disappointing `revised' footage -
Clockers know that recently UDCC covered the White House Statement about UFOs delivered by Phil Larson - (that NO alien entities had EVER interacted with humans) - here's a MSM `the only UFO blog in the MSM' reaction that shows the Divide In Opinion About UFOs - worth a click.
Meanwhile..... Take That, You Dirty Rats! - Alfred (E Newman) Webre conducts a YouTube interview with a `representive' from the AC - the Andromeda Council - who insists that underground wars with Aliens is on-going --- you see, the aliens are trying to stop humans from ascending into the `fourth dimension'. - As the exopolitics folks continue their Masochistic Disinformation - AND it just hit me - could these Exopolitic NUTS be a cover for the legit people who are trying to get out info about extreme alternative energy? Video is at the link if you are so inclined.
Clockers - I want you to go to this guys blog before he stops blogging altogether - great writer and great thinker. I link here to his disappointment at low `visitor' numbers. Readers of independent blogs - that they find interesting - should always help to spread the word. Do You?
Anyway - the words of D.B. Donlon are found here and give it a look around into the archive - Thanks. - Leave him a few words of encouragement too.
And, finally for today - on Oct. 28th at a HS football game in Arizona - someone took an amazing `UFO' video at the game - this is the LONG version: Are these elaborate hoax fireworks or the real thing?
link - short version with mockery article -
Oh, did you know - The Anagram For `Two Thousand Twelve’ Is Coming True! - Part One - And It Has To Do With Newt Gingrich! - The Heavy Stuff.
Thanks for your visit again today - see you tomorrow I hope. IF you liked this post - PLEASE use your Twitter Account to spread the word. You can do that with the `share button' below this posting. Thanks.
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The Florida Very Strange Video looks like some source of light behind a fish bowl. I'm almost sure of that.
ReplyDeleteGlaucio - Thanks for your speculation. Good as any I guess. So, are you saying it is simply a hoax manufactured video?