The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Showing posts with label exopolitics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exopolitics. Show all posts

Sunday, November 9, 2014

2015 UFO Disclosure

The page has turned.... this morning in the Google Analytics for this webpage I saw `2015 UFO Disclosure' as a big G search term that is being referred to this website. Yes, FOUR years after the USA government officially answered the `Are there UFOs' question (answer link was above in the top banner, you already missed it - you need to be more aware).... folks are STILL looking for UFO disclosure and the US government to `come clean'. Hilarious and Sad.

As far as the Obama Administration - they did come clean with an OFFICIAL word... and it's DRAMATICALLY altered the way most folks get their UFO information. The hour long specials in primetime during the ratings sweeps are GONE.... since about late 2011. The FINDABLE Orb videos recorded by private citizens are nearly GONE, as all you can find on YouTube for UFOs are those carried on massive `UFO Gathering Sites' that promote FAKE videos via a network or Disinformation Agents. (See the Ukraine UFO blogpost in the sidebar for much more about the disinfo cabal.)

And, your local station simply tucked their worthless tails between their legs and stopped giggling at the UFO videos that now no longer run on their stations, - the sky talk now is devoted to Drones. (The mindless happy talking heads, repeating what's written on the cue card, haven't even noticed probably.) That's right... without even noticing it... you have been diverted away from thinking ALIEN...  and I'll admit, it might have been even needed to prevent the take over by the loonies of the Exo-Politics movement as 2012 fever was building.

To me the loonies by late 2008-2009, with mindless Larry King inadvertently pumping the UFO specials - often featuring the fringe of the Exopolitics folks; the UFO specials during ratings sweeps on the major Networks, the giggling local anchors, the HARVARD professor still PUSHING the aliens bedroom abduction scenario (the 1 in 7 Americans abducted CRAPPOLA) ..... etc...... have now been replaced by something perhaps even more disturbing..... (WTH you say?)... Cause... guess what? 

Today when I awoke I had a very interesting E-Mail from the person that TOOK THE MORPHING HELICOPTER picture that has been censored off of MUFON. And, guess what? They are flummoxed as to why it was removed... their purpose was to get it out to the PUBLIC. (See their comment below the post BTW.)

Which begs the question.

Is what I blog...... TOO HOT

Am I .... using only my market research analytical skills.... figuring out the ATTRIBUTES that actually MATTER regarding the high strangeness of the UFO phenomena? Such as the `military helicopters' seen immediately after a UFO experience ------ AREN'T REAL in the sense we all understand REAL to be? Who in the world would believe such crappola.... right? PICTURE PROOF MIGHT JUST SPUR OTHERS INTO THINKING SUCH THOUGHTS, RIGHT?

Anyway - we will see if the picture submitter sends the pictures onward to me.... as they CONTINUE to attempt to get their word out. IF they do, and someone isn't pulling MY chain (certainly possible) - you WILL see the censored pictures here.... maybe even tomorrow. Or 2015.

I hope you did catch my mixed emotions about the UFOCoin introduced into the digital marketplace this week.... brilliant idea.... perhaps..... but.... what a crappola brood running the shebang.... and what a STUPID incentive level to advertise to tell your story.... yeah, that's about right. It's worth under a dollar to them and the public evidently. While they make some money to spread their gospel about Alien Abduction. Sad.
Both are appreciated by the government IMO as they distract from the black budget and provide the illusion of a `free thought' society in America. I HAVE CALLED THE 2011 UFO Disclosure Statement `Suppression Through Disclosure' (even if the disclosure is a partial lie). If you want real UFO blogging - and 70% of visitors here have NEVER been here before - YOU NEED TO DIG INTO THE ARCHIVE HERE. This is NOT your typical UFO website.
Oh, did you even notice that the so-called important questions about UFO Disclosure.... never was asked of 2014 politicians? At all? The Exo-politics folks have LOST... ARE A SIDESHOW of carny level. You who are skeptics of any official word are not important. No one even did a post about it in the so called UFO community ... you have learned to keep quiet and keep your `open' minds at rest. Well done.
yeah, sure.... what better source than an old scientist guy with illusions and nothing to prove it with except dolls perhaps.
purposeful discreditation?
Around here, you are made to work to attain understanding about Phenomenology and Logic.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Flushing The Spam

Unless you were one of the dozens on UDCC's private entry blogger list - you didn't have access to the best UFO blogging on the internet late yesterday into this morning. I simply had to shut down the .RU traffic for a half day or so - may shut down again to reject the spam too. All that said, let's get to a bit of blogging.
It's the old `watch a chemtrail' and see the anomalous stuff.

Orbs interest in Chemtrails is well known to Clockers - that said, this one seems more suspicious than nearly all - the `red light orb' `appears' and `interacts' - a bit too much for my tastes in what I've seen orbs do in videos. That said, who knows.
As a sidenote, I often get material from `UFO' websites that purport to proclaim the TRUTH about UFOs via oldtime MILITARY men ... the so-called insiders. The so-called insiders who NEVER almost have others collaborating their stories..... and who all seem to be a part of the `exopolitics' movement of 2005-2012.... (when common sense folks should have stopped listening to them). Folks - OLD MILITARY STORIES are NEVER going to convince ANYONE anymore.... the military has little credence anymore - I simply don't believe the military NOR those that exaggerate to make the military look bad. At least to those with Libertarian views - that is the view.
The NEW Format Kindle Author Page

Sunday, August 19, 2012

`Dr.' Sal's 2016 Warning

(One of the many hoaxers in 2012 was `Dr. Sal' - Dr. Sal eventually confessed this video was a hoax... but as I predicted in 2012 - the CONFESSION video would be pulled eventually allowing only the HOAX video to continue... shows how deep the hoaxers will go in supplying FAKE info for the gullible. 2/8/2016)
Here's something for the Exo-Politics folks and Project Avalon people to drool over and raise vibrations about - an `INSIDER' of NASA with tons of `end of Earth' information that is being withheld. One problem. It's a hoax................. excuse me.................. entertainment. Entertainment hoaxing.

Uploaded Aug. 9th into a one video account and with over 100K views with a 1.8/1 ratio of positive to negative opinion. I will say one thing, this guy can talk a good game and I love the specifics of all of his `claims'. Should spawn a gaggle of imitators to all of our detriment.
Oh, this is the `message' with the video:
A few days ago, my friend asked me to help him tell the world a huge message. For months, I had noticed him withdrawn and worried, and when he explained to me what his secret was, I almost fainted.

The good news is that he's convinced that there's hope, which is the main reason why he wants to defy everything and everyone that has kept him quiet for too long.

Last night he gave me this video, which was almost 30 minutes long. He wanted me to edit out an introduction intended only for me, but I didn't: I want the world to see it.

I only edited a couple of moments in which he is quietly thoughtful or when he searches for a word for a few seconds, with the only purpose of making it as short as possible, without altering the essence of his message.

BUT, only 8,700 or so have seen the above guy's confession video and with a 4/1 NEGATIVE to Positive ratio of opinion. Doctor Sal Fesses Up - which will get buried,  and then pulled at some point - and the `2016 Prediction' will become internet legend.
To all of those thinking the Olympics was the place for forced alien disclosure..............................................
60 of you in America participated in my FREE downloads yesterday off my Kindle Author Page are there any there today?
Amazon Link - Got any kids that would love some Ice Cream?

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Catholic.Org - Asks - Contact with Extraterrestrial Life Imminent? What about God?

Yes, my appearance on tomorrow night will indeed occur about 10:15 Eastern Time - I hope you check it out please, I may need USE This Link To Read About And Go To The Show support. LOL. The discussion turns to Satan or lack thereof the second hour. I'd love to have some of my readers call-in.
So, back to today's headline - I find this overview on Catholic.Org about aliens and what that means to those professing belief in God. It's a classic narrow defensive viewpoint that takes the Carl Sagan, Arthur C. Clark, Stephen Hawking and Morman approach to the God and Life other than Earth positioning's. UFO's are seemingly impossible and of course, the Catholic Church is sited for being ahead of the other Christian religions due to it's 2009 Vatican statements. It's a high school read for a graduate level course.
Thanks again for the purchase from my Kindle Author Page of UFO's, And More yesterday - much appreciated. Please check out my 7 Kindle titles today.
And, I thought I was gonna feature the video below (as it is featured elsewhere) until I checked the poster of the video. RED flags galore, including a recent Project Camelot `like', no tracing of the stats, and it all happened for the alien sounding YT name just a bit too quickly since his huge interest increase for me. Nonetheless, let's take a look at this probable FAKE so we can get an idea of what they can do - this is not to be confused with seemingly legit Circle UFO's which have been featured before on UDCC - Has about 900 views in just a day with the `Morphing' keyword - about a 3/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. Oh, the uploader makes no mention that this is a fake - (nor act like anything strange is going on when filming the anomalous event). Sad.

link -
Now, I found the above video at this story on Gather - which was written by someone named Tom Rose who is selling the Kindle UFO book below:

And, yes, the Mayan Calender figures prominently. Sheeeessshhhh.
Tell you what - why not dig into real UFOlogy via my FREE book on Kindle that includes SEVEN Chapters of REAL in-depth looks at what is possibly important for the average person to know - especially the DIS information. Anyway - my newest UFO book is FREE until Sunday at 12:01AM.
Finally for today - seems the last TWO folks who joined the Leaders and Followers of UDCC EACH have UFO Disclosure websites and are connected to Greer and the Exo-politics movement and a particular movie they are raising money to produce and distribute - you can find those websites Here who shamelessly has the audacity to use MY websites name to filter off traffic to his blog and Here is the head honcho himself.
advanced products for advanced people - a top seller
Maytag UKF8001 Pur Refrigerator Cyst Water Filter 1-Pack

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Amazing `Anomalous Light Formation' Over Illinois Skies Tuesday Night - MUFON Report

Not only that Clockers - this one comes with the `very strange' photos to walk the talk:
Report excerpt:
7pm December 6th 2011 I walked outside to my deck to smoke a cigarette, I put the cigarette to mouth and I looked up to the north I saw 4 scattered lights. In 1 minute time the lights were directly over me, then formed a straight line. I grabbed my phone to take pictures. Then 3 of the 4 lights formed a triangluar shape, circular lights. The lights were bright yellow in the center and a darker orange around the edge of the lights. The 3 lights stayed together while the 4th one stayed behind and was consistent in speed. There was no sound and as the lights were in straight formation above me, the neighborhood dogs started to
Oh, here's an additional picture the person took -
Enjoy that?
Oh, thanks to the person that bought one of the UFO Calendars found in the sidebar yesterday - appreciated.
Every once in awhile I go thru the comments on UDCC and occasionally find GREAT links that readers have turned all of us onto - This One About Dr. Greer Is Priceless and is a nice work of blogging too.
Here's an example of what the MSM `thinks' UFOs and all that stuff is about A David Bowie Piece.
UDCC takes pride in finding you good content UFO/Anomalous blogs - here's another - This Guy Blogs CONTINUOUSLY About The Chemtrail Conditions In His Area  - truly awesome and worthy of a read. Oh, I feature this same selfless guy doing two other blogs with almost no exposure at my Barf Stew blog today - you might want to check him out there too - Barf Stew Today.
You have seen my Barf Stew Blog - Right?
And, before you think the Roaring Sky Noise Phenomena is over - Here's ANOTHER example in Tennesee TWO DAYS AGO: FANTASTIC EXAMPLE OF THE PHENOMENA! (39 VIEWS)

link -
His Description:
This strange sound went on for about an hour. It sounded like a jet hovering over my neighbors pasture. It was lightly raining but no wind nor thunderstorms in the area. Just a light drizzle. At times, it was so loud that it was hard to hear each other talk. After about an hour it just suddenly stopped. I have no idea what was making the sound.

You can also check the new comments section and read how Jennifer confirms those super strange Kiev sky sounds too. Absolutely this Sky Noise Phenomena of 2011 is one of the STRANGEST things yet IMO. I am now only bringing you the best that I find as several websites are now positioning themselves in the dedicated to SNP only posting. This is one that I am now monitoring for Clockers! - UDCC tries to be a resource and to bring value to your time.
Hunting new content - UDCC's positioning.
Sometimes the best way to explain the anomalous - is by listening to the ideas of Bruce Duensing - The Trigger Effect and The Third World. - Anomally Waves.
Bruce also mentions the below book in his heavy post:
 - Not for lightweights.
Thanks for your attention today - see you tomorrow?
IF you liked this post - please share it via the Facebook button below. I appreciate that.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Silent Florida Interstate I-10 `UFO' Video Will Not Excite MSM

Okay Clockers, this is the `hottest' video since the Jerusalem Orb - based on Number of short term YouTube visits - (already over 100K). The video broke about a week or so ago on a somewhat seedy website with NO way to trace the origin. Many folks have said it's a helicopter - or a fireworks hoax; others insist it is anomalous. I have to admit, if it wasn't for being - untraceable, and silent for no reason - I'd being talking about the fact that for several moments in the video it almost seems plasmalike despite the bright lights.

link to the disappointing `revised' footage -
Clockers know that recently UDCC covered the White House Statement about UFOs delivered by Phil Larson - (that NO alien entities had EVER interacted with humans) - here's a MSM `the only UFO blog in the MSM' reaction that shows the Divide In Opinion About UFOs - worth a click.
Meanwhile..... Take That, You Dirty Rats! - Alfred (E Newman) Webre conducts a YouTube interview with a `representive' from the AC - the Andromeda Council - who insists that underground wars with Aliens is on-going --- you see, the aliens are trying to stop humans from ascending into the `fourth dimension'. - As the exopolitics folks continue their Masochistic Disinformation - AND it just hit me - could these Exopolitic NUTS be a cover for the legit people who are trying to get out info about extreme alternative energy? Video is at the link if you are so inclined.
Clockers - I want you to go to this guys blog before he stops blogging altogether - great writer and great thinker. I link here to his disappointment at low `visitor' numbers. Readers of independent blogs - that they find interesting - should always help to spread the word. Do You?
Anyway - the words of D.B. Donlon are found here and give it a look around into the archive - Thanks. - Leave him a few words of encouragement too.
And, finally for today - on Oct. 28th at a HS football game in Arizona - someone took an amazing `UFO' video at the game - this is the LONG version: Are these elaborate hoax fireworks or the real thing?

link - short version with mockery article -
Oh, did you know - The Anagram For `Two Thousand Twelve’ Is Coming True! - Part One - And It Has To Do With Newt Gingrich! - The Heavy Stuff.
Thanks for your visit again today - see you tomorrow I hope. IF you liked this post - PLEASE use your Twitter Account to spread the word. You can do that with the `share button' below this posting. Thanks.
Hand Selected Books For UDCC Readers:

 - click any book picture for more info.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks That The Exo-Politics Folks Have Quieted Up

Happy Thanksgiving Clockers; and to all newbies today - thanks for being inquisitive about UFO Disclosure. On this thanksgiving I will bring a number of links I found yesterday but didn't get around to blogging. And, as you can see, the whole Exo-Politics mess is what I bring to your eyes first.
One of the irritating 95% or more dis-information sources in the past decade or so has been the Exo-politics movement; which has claimed to have inside sources time after time of truly over the top ideas about the human condition. You will find nearly EVERY conspiracy theory represented at some level of the exo folks. (Solar Warden type stuff.) But, thankfully, one of the worst offenders of common sense seems to have taken their glory and decided to bask in the glow of the disinformation. Yes, I'm talking Project Avalon - Project Camelot - which seems to have vanished with these links as thier last representations of near lunacy.
Human Visits to a Mars Base - no problem - Here's an overview from their own page or if you need more deep throat insiders check out these last blog postings Over 5 months ago.

Yes, over 5 months ago. Over 5 months ago. Be thankful.

All that said, here's someone doing a deep analysis (?)/ believer - who puts all of the BS (as he calls it himself) outthere - You might be reading this the rest of the day - believe it.
Now, I don't know if the produced video has any connection to the Exopolitics folks and I don't have awareness of their beliefs in particular - but, underground aliens are right up their alley for sure: All of 67 views in over a month - HOT. and of course, the hollow earth website oh, the letters stand for world-alien-police-living-underground
Entertained Yet?
Here's a person in Michigan last month who heard (and if you turn the video up you can too) sounds coming from UNDER the ground (which sounds a lot like the Sky Noise Phenomena too) - strange days indeed: 1,400 views or so.

link - (lots of comments) And, as Clockers are probably aware, at least some folks of a conspiracy bent are saying the Sky Noises ARE actually coming from underground excavations by governments for when we are all moved underground because of some pending disaster.
Sky Noise Phenomena recorded on Aug. 31st: New York State. 599 views.

has a `control sound' video at his channel too that was recorded 15 minutes later - Here.
If you think that the Triangle UFOs are new - think again. Here's a fine website that has dug out examples of REPORTED Triangle UFOs as early as 1947 - Excellent Website Too.
Finally - THANKS for being a Clocker today - please bookmark if this is all new to you as UDCC is updated multi times every week.
This guy is a cool blogger who has put together some of his heaviest thoughts into a book - check it out:

Sample Chapters:
How to materialise in a parallel universe

How to channel other people's thoughts
How dreams contain not only your thoughts but the thoughts of others
How the earth is the physical representation of mankind's ideas
How contradiction creates consciousness
How being born is the equivalent of going lucid
How mysticism is the father of science
How black holes and quasars have a distinct connection with awareness
How gravity is made of willpower
How the Sith want what is best for man
How open source software can give us clues to create an 'open reality'
How ego writes bits onto the holographic hard drive known as the universe
How shamanism is a defense against the New World Order
How the greatest secret truth known to man was embedded in a song performed by Queen

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Psssst; Whatcha Doin 11-11-11? Wanna Start A Movement?

I have no idea how many times I saw the ad on this page - certainly dozens of times. (Of course, one can't click ads on ones own website.) And, eventually after seeing it dozens of times on sites like The Debris Field, I hit the link.

Yes, I'm talking about the link ad that shows a woman removing a blindfold that says `the world is waking up'. And, when you do hit the link it takes you to this website Thrive Movement which tells you about a `movement' that a group of folks (think Exopolitics plus) hope to begin on 11-11-11. Yes, finally you know the `special' thing that begins/happens on that memorable day.

The link takes you to a couple minute video that ties the alien conspiracy into nearly ALL of the major conspiracies found on the internet - but, seldom mentioned by the MSM. Think the Occupy Wall Street movement times 30 as far as nefariousness. Anyway, I could show the video here as it is on YouTube - but, you need to go to the link for the full monte about the movement.

For example, the video includes Icke, and Greer among others. For example, what are YOU doing on the 11th? Want to host a SHOWING OF THE MOVIE in your home? Sign up for the movement now and be the first in your neighborhood to talk about Free Energy. And watch them roll their eyes.

Just as easy to get rid of money IMO.
Here's a few more links that caught my UFO Disclosure attention recently.
Such as the Air Force changing a manual about what to do IF a pilot sees a UFO ------- AFTER the Huffington Post Asked about it ---- It's NORAD's Role Now.
And, here's Regan Lee who has focused on a MUFON report of particular interest - one of those rectangle UFOs seen more in the recent past Comment and UFO Report - the reporting person reported memory problems after the UFO experience.
Here's some of what Earthfiles (great site) has put together about the Missouri events of 2011 and specifically some info about Oct. 4th's event. That said, I'd be skeptical of the emphasis placed on the stunt pilots that seem to be just hearsay IMO. Includes events back to 2007 and one Orb event in 2011 that invovled 125 orbs.
Thanks for your visit to UDCC today. Please send UDCC to friends, spread the word - thanks.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Major George Filer USAF (Ret) discloses his own ET Contact

Good Morning Clockers. Thanks for hanging in there during my vacation and break. Today's offering is perhaps significant in that it brings a well known UFO man into what can be called the Exopolitics camp of the UFO phenomena. The video is a full ten minutes, but really goes quickly and I hope you watch it fully. The UFO man, George Filer, has one of the major UFO sites too. I do believe that this video, with under 7K views, and released this month is one of if not the first time Filer has been so direct about his DIRECT contact with aliens as a boy.
Description with video:
Neil Gould, Founder of Exopolitics Hong Kong, Director of the Exopolitics Institute (Dr Salla) interviews Major George Filer USAF (Ret) Feb 2011. In a relaxing moment Major filer DISCLOSES for the first time that he and a childhood friend had CONSENTING ENCOUNTERS with Human looking ETs and had actually boarded their spacecraft where they were mentored by highly evolved beings with respect to human behavior, nuclear issues and man's inhumanity towards man. Major Filer admits that these encounters were the impetus behind his tireless work, keeping around 8000 people informed on UFO sightings worldwide through his FILERS FILES. The interview was filmed and Directed by Jake Gould and assisted by Liat Gould

Finally, here's Mr Filer's UFO website - a TREASURE of ufo photos -
Ufos: Politics, God and Science Philosophy on a Taboo Topic
Ufos: Politics, God and Science Philosophy on a Taboo TopicFiler's Files: Worldwide Reports of Ufo Sightings
Over at BS today, I re-start up that blog with a mysterious Flying Bird video sure to entertain Clockers. -
Finally, and a little off the beaten path of UDCC is this deep discussion of religion (the Flier stuff had some overtones as you saw too) - - UDCC digs into the mysteries and opinions of such.
Thanks for your visit today.
Going Solar in 2011?
Sunjet 150 Solar Water FountainSolar Water Fountain Kit
Eco Traveler Solar Panel Laptop Briefcase run cursor over pictures for more description - click for even more and reviews of the products.
Finally, a big thanks to the folks who purchased a version of the biofeedback device found on this page. Appreciated.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mid 2011 - UFOs, What Are They; And, How Does That Relate To UFO Disclosure

Every once in awhile, it is probably a good idea to present an overview to my readers of the full range of my ideas, opinions, and analysis, on UFOs and UFO Disclosure. And, what better time than the middle of the year during the Week of the Fourth Of July - the day to celebrate our so-called `freedoms'. So, are all of you Clockers ready? (Clockers is the term used by myself to describe those in the `leaders' area of the sidebar who are thereby altered to each and every update - these folks represent a huge percentage of total visits as do those that return daily yet have never become a public leader - or follower.)

First, let's define UFOs - the simplest being Unidentified Flying Objects - the `things' and `phenomena' seemingly in our atmosphere from the ground, on up, to outer space. And, using that as a starting point, let me make it clear immediately that we have MULTIPLE `things' and phenomena going on which prevents a lumping of all UFOs into any ONE category ---- which is why `disclosure' is a can of worms. A can unlikely to be opened too far.

Perhaps the most strong feelings and thoughts I have about UFOs are about what is commonly referred to as ORBS; - balls of light - that seemingly can have all kinds of possible attributes attached to them, - even including, occasionally, consciouslike behaviour and actions. The ORB phenomena is so open-ended as to defy a single description.

Indeed, this kind of ORB, the conscious type, could even be an above ground Earth atmosphere -- LIFEFORM - as I have speculated before and much as Bruce Duensing speculates here - - and certainly, the Government has no incentive to suggest this possibility. (Thinking of UFO Disclosure.)

Indeed, if you read Bruce's post above - one can only imagine a scenario of humans `evolving' into machine/hybrids living in `caves' (structures) while an advanced evolving lifeform begins to rule the skies and even the planet itself. Something not beyond the realm of being possible, despite being fantastic.

OR, and likely, IMO, is that some ORB phenomena literally could be remnants of dead human spirit - continuing in the phenomenology structure IMO. These most likely are the ones close to the ground or barely showing up in photographs. But, or perhaps, OR, - the same phenomena could be a `calling' into the unknown or showing of the `unknown' in our phenomenology structure which ONLY involves the human intentional consciousness. OR, the same phenomena could be an on-going `living phenomena' that occasionally only shows itself as a glowing sphere. (see previous paragraph)

Clockers and others know that these ORBS, these glowing spheres, have been described as tiny when near the ground to seemingly large enough to see well up  into the Earths atmosphere. (But, think about it - these small ones would NOT be seen very high into the atmosphere.)  Daily, these glowing balls of light are reported to MUFON and recorded on video cameras and uploaded onto YouTube - and other internet services. Heck, some even get reported to me at UDCC while events are happening. (The NYC event in October for example.)

And, in very rare occasions - these ORBS have been seen to transform into --- well ---- you name it.


Bigfoots, UFO Craft, Aliens, Owls, etc etc etc. ANYTHING. ----------------------- BUT NOW, I THINK WE ENTER A DIFFERENT CATEGORY - THAT BEING A PERCEPTION STRUCTURE. Of NON-Permanent, `temporal beings/phenomena'.

Briefly, the above is my belief that some phenomenology structures are indeed `overlayed' with a `perception structure' of non-ordinariness. Temporarily. And, without mass.

I doubt VERY MUCH that the government has ANY interest talking about the ORB phenomena of `lights in the sky' or near the ground - IN AN MASS MEDIA MANNER. It simply is a can of worms to them. It also is viewed as a very transitory event except in certain instances - which I will expand upon shortly. And, obviously, if reality is so pliable as to permit PERCEPTION OVERLAYS - our leaders are hardly going to `confirm' something so seemingly bizarre.

In short, whatever the light balls are - THEY are not `aliens' of which a `Government' could do much about - as they seem more related to human intentionality's and localized perceptions. Why should the government come forward and say something like - "yeah, a bit of the reality you can experience has no foundation in concrete mass containing phenomena - and maybe a part of what you perceive - is something that is `not much less than pure fantasy to a localized consciousness".

Want that to get even murkier? (How would that be possible right?)

I also believe that mind control - via who knows what means  - even mass hypnosis possibly - might make one question ones perceptions even more - (read this link to understand just how weak most of us are to manipulation - now, does the government have or use such stuff - how would I know? I don't. But, it indeed could be ONE explanation for the bizarre nature of `missing time' from `aliens'.

But, it is possible, and must be admitted when considering the range of what can seemingly be seen by one person - which is what the `phenomena' of many `sightings' seem to be. (By that I mean, even strange nighttime ORB sightings in clear skies should be seen by MANY or even videotaped by many if they are REAL phenomena and NOT perceptual data in some manner.) (The endless valid question, "why so little, to no confirmation videos, of these phenomena"? Answer, the phenomena is a perceptual overlay of one person.)

The above huge range of phenomena called ORBS covers easily 95% of all MUFON reports. IMO. (But, unlike the MSM that will tell you to ignore this 95% -- `because of misidentifications' -- the ORB phenomena is such a can of worms that Governments will NEVER talk about it. Even if it seems to be the majority of the unknown. It simply won't fit into soundbites, and, even messes with the human `religion' aspect/powers -  when we say some of these phenomena are based on beliefs.)

Then, finally, we come to what most folks think of when they hear the word UFO, ---  the UFO Crafts, of various shapes and sizes. Really only a sliver of UFO reports on MUFON.

But, IMO, even more so - they (the crafts) seem to have the `was I the only one who saw this thing' - attribute. And, once again, even the multiple person experiences could simply be the result of instant hypnosis techniques shown in the link above in this post. (Could `we humans' even be being manipulated by our environment?)

And, once again, at least to me, reports of crafts, without confirmation, especially in this `video age' at the personal level era we have entered, - limits or should limit - ones `belief' in any individual recording of the anomalous.  

I won't even mention the hoaxers and CGI tricksters. (Sorry.)

But, yes, I do believe that some of these observed` crafts' to be `real' in our phenomenology time-cone; but, I doubt very much that they `outnumber' the `perceptual ones'.

Indeed, IF these REAL craft do exist - I suspect that `invisibleness' via cloaking is certainly a likelihood (not seen with unaided eye) the extreme in cloaking. And, most likely, that is the case IMO with these advanced craft. Which, of course, ANSWERS the question as to `where are they' and why do we not see them more often?

IMO, the real question about these `real' crafts is - WHO DRIVES THEM?

Humans, Aliens, Computers or something in-between biological and mechanical beings. And, logically, an alien race advanced enough to know of intelligence here on Earth; that they would like to observe, - and, advanced enough that they can `send a craft' to do it (observe) - would also be advanced enough to NOT need a biological captain of the ship so to speak IMO.

(Therefore, my take is that FEW if ANY crafts would need to be `manned' by aliens.)

To me, it also makes sense that as the signal of mankind's radio waves invades the universe - that other very advanced lifeforms (maybe humanlike, maybe not) may indeed wish to monitor us -- if for nothing more than entertainment. Indeed, if things like `craft' can get here, perhaps even `instantly', they would also be able to transmit whatever they are monitoring back to their home base (planet) instantly, IMO.

And, when you are watching HUMANS for entertainment, what could be better?

Certainly, the Government has NO interest in telling us all that we are monitored in ways beyond our belief - and that we are fodder and entertainment for beings beyond our human understandings.

But, to muddy even this scenario - I must admit that it is possible, if not likely, that our government may know how to build nearly the same type of craft as humans imagine seeing and report seeing. (And, certainly, I have no way of knowing `the likely %' of `alien vs human' seen sightings.) So, yes, `UFOs' could be driven by humans within the world government structure or rich humans outside of the government structures.

But, remember, EVEN if Governments have a craft via unknown means, (figured out by the human brain or reverse engineered)it doesn't mean the human mind has figured out how to instantaneously put that craft outside the time-cone for interstellar travel (IF that is what is happening, which I doubt, regardless of Solar Warden crappola).

(After all, its possible that the number of `visiting' races may be limited STRICTLY to the radius of our `radio footprint' in the universe - and that NONE - or nearly NONE - of the `alien visitors' we have are arriving via loops avoiding the time-cone. Perhaps ALL `aliens' arrive in manners below the speed of light in other words. Which means we could expect more and more as time went onward.)

And, certainly, Governments do NOT want to talk about these advanced technologies, if they have them, or our `enemies' (humans that don't look like us or talk our language) will becoming enlightened. So, no disclosure about advanced government technology is near IMO.

Which leads to how Governments seem to be handling `the UFO disclosure problem' - as the peoples beliefs grow in the phenomena.

Answer - with soft disclosure; ie: NOT confirming aliens or any concern about aliens, BUT, releasing to what amounts to be `old dusty files'. (A 24 hour story.) That nitpickers can go thru and that the MSM can/will summarize in soundbites of under 90 seconds; and that also will leave open the possibility that the events are `illusions' (which as I've told you - I do believe that these perceptual overlays do happen) - but that all in all are NOT worrisome (much as they reiterated in the late 60's).

But, is that true? Because some things are worrisome about UFOs to the Government IMO - at least a little bit.

For example, if there was no worry, why the FREQUENT reports of helicopters and fighter jets in the areas of UFOs/or ORBs sightings? They MUST be reacting for SOME reason - as if to respond to a `breach' in the `structure' almost IMO. Perhaps closing some portal perhaps? Reacting to changes in the balance of what is REAL? Who knows?

Also worrisome to the Governments, IMO, is the very very limited cases of apparent `alien'/entity contact - with `investigations' recently funded by the Robert Bigelow MUFON quick investigation teams. Indeed, it is my contention that Mr. Bigelow is almost a liaison/processor of information available to the Government - and the organizations he runs and supports - from the defunct NIDS onward.

I would hope I don't have to mention to Clockers the relationship that Mr. Bigelow has had to the top notch FAA pilot reports of UFOs for over a decade; without ever once being questioned by the MSM about those reports or analysis or investigations. Also, lets not forget what NIDS had to say about the Triangles seen flying in the skies -

And THAT silence and partnership between the Governments association with Mr. Bigelow and the MSM is very nefarious IMO. UFOs are to be treated as ENTERTAINMENT. (And remember who controls your licence.)

Which brings into specter the whole disinformation campaigns that Governments like to run in areas they don't want to talk about. Of course.

And, since they are in cahoots with the MSM on how these UFO matters are to be covered - the bits they do feed to the public tend to be suspect - especially the so-called `analysis' often offered by the MSM after UFO events. Such as the Stephenville Texas UFOs, The O'Hare UFO incident, etc. The `interviewing' of witness with credibility, etc.

And, since the clamp is on in these areas - one would have to suspect that these things are WORRISOME to the Governments -- and is that something you think that they want to DISCLOSE? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

So, in some manner, at some level - we appear to be having REAL events occur - that matter on some level to `Governments'.

Is it simply to keep and maintain the `official line' as humans being the ultimate `thing' that the universe has ever offered (for God and religious folk) and the whole religious issue thing? Perhaps; but, IMO it probably is more than that - it is probably FEAR. Yes, fear.

Because, events in restricted spaces (O'Hare) and MILE WIDE Crafts (or even 1/2 mile wide) - (Stephenville initial sighting) are NOT something taken lightly to be told to the public - on a variety of levels, including making the Government look weak.

Indeed, UFOs represent that flaw in our `security' at a level well beyond our `enemies' we swear to in the MSM.

But, `control of disclosure' , isn't ultimately in the hands of the Government - or the MSM - if `aliens' wanted to do elsewise.

And, until VERY recently - yes, literally that day in Oct. 2010 in NYC - the one that slightly validated the UFO prediction made by Stanley Fulham - the `aliens' seemed content to only slowly increase allowed `observations' - if they were increasing them at all.  However, the NYC event was seemingly an allowed observation that lasted long enough for the MSM to even conduct  man on the street interviews while in progress.

And, then, just months later, the murky truths and produced falsehoods about the Jerusalem Orb Event by the MSM in early 2011. Of course, both events also presented with the typical `trump card' `Ignore This' - sidebars - be they `balloon releases' and/or obvious fake videos (in the case of the Jerusalem UFO).

(But, I must add my own caution to the most recent events I site above, NYC and Jerusalem, and as Clockers know --- I find the co-incidence of the elevated human emotional state during both those events - worldwide and localized - to have been stupendous and suspicious in their co-incidence to the events. The Chilean minor rescue for NYC's event,  and the peak of the Egyptian winter riots for the Jerusalem event. This suspicion makes me less certain about the `alien escalation').

Even more annoying to my readers (probably) - is that I don't even discount the possibility that some of the phenomena is Fortean (or Trickster) in `cause' - literally. But, that is a discussion for another day.

But, IMO, the ORBS phenomena does seem to be escalating - perhaps even rapidly - some internet links this spring said there was a HUGE increase in the tagword UFO on YouTube this spring -- a HUGE HUGE increase. And I believe that as one who literally searches for those for my readers. The question of course, is this simply the result of expansion of our video technology to the ground level for all people? Or, is the phenomena increasing - I believe it is both.

And, IF the ORB phenomena has much of its BEING in human intentionality's and consciousness - could the SHEER NUMBER OF HUMAN BEINGS CONSCIOUSNESSES BE `TRIGGERING' some phenomena? Has consciousness in its literal form and perhaps with added artificial intelligence in our biosphere (noosphere)(even via the internet) - reached a tipping point to elicit these `events and responses'? Is the `emotional' element of humans involved?

Will we `know' anymore 5 years from now that we don't know today? One thing we do know - the MSM can avoid ANY issue it chooses or is told to avoid. Completely. For decades.
And, they, the media,  have little incentive when it comes to UFO Disclosure. The Exopolitics and `Interstellar Humans via Black Budgets' are strictly off limits for serious discussion - As are `aliens walking on Earth'. (Somehow `aliens in the sky' is not as nefarious evidently.) Or, heaven forbid - they live here or seeded us.

At best, to the MSM, the `aliens' have arrived recently, just watch us and don't abduct us, and are not to be worried about. The same `line' of the governments.

So, IF UFO Disclosure comes, it is likely to be thru the aliens and the common man - in some sort of over the top unbelievable display - such as at a Fireworks Display in Washington D.C. tomorrow night or similar event over the Hudson River.

As, at this point,  something needs to one-up the Jerusalem Orb event - if we are to consider that a significant alien contact escalation is in progress. (Even an identical event to the JO would be as impressive if done in front of gathered crowds.)
Finally, I do have the opinion that an impasse has been reached in the `national coverage' of the UFO phenomena. We must remember that is was only 5 years ago that the O'Hare witness was in silhouette on the MSM. Or, how quickly the media covered and UNcovered the Stephenville Incident. OR, how the `idea of confirmation videos' was handled in the Jerusalem Orb Event.

Indeed, until the `London UFO' of last week (which to me showed a staged street scene like NYC's, and BAD CGI of a `Mothership' - providing a needed `escalation' for coverage by the MSM in the UK) - which really wasn't covered here in the USA - it shows that MORE will be needed for MSM national coverage.
And, lastly for this mid year 2011 overview, I provide this latest in science. A link that shows that NOTHING at all - can produce - LIGHT. (For those who wonder where the ORB light comes from.) - Moving mirrors make light from nothing -
Thanks for being a Clocker. IF you are new to UDCC, please click in the sidebar the `leaders' widget - so you will be a Clocker too.
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Friday, May 6, 2011

Fantasy? Standing In Line For A Google Inplant!

In the last couple of days I've had a thought come into my mind `Google Implant'. Uncertain where it came from, I turned to the internet to find - this has been written about and indeed I found similar links without a problem about the possible coming trend to implant our modern technology directly into the body - IF NOT THE MIND. Here's one example link to ponder - - however, what blew me away, was, HOW LONG this story has actually been out-there, and the possible story you perhaps read once on the MSM (and from there has been buried IMO) - Google founder dreams of Google implant in your brain

Body modification - or channel ploy? -
I mean, just imagine if one could choose to have not only information but understanding rolled into it from the Google database (?) - would those `humans' that REFUSE to be implanted - simply be viewed as STUPID in comparison? Especially, if that WAS THE CASE? Feel free to comment if you wish.
Did you know that JFK died 10 days after asking for UFO info? That is the scuttlebutt going around and the link is here at my `conspiracy' links - - worth checking out. More `stories' too.
And, you were wondering about who were the StarGods of the Exopolitics Movement and Beyond? Wonder no more Clockers,
MUFON TODAY - literally from the last 20 reports - Another SQUARE Orb? - and this is the report - - High Strangeness Folks.
And, how can I not bring you the latest `Face On Mars' circulating on the internet -- only slight imagination needed -
Thanks Clockers - UDCC is now a top million in the world website according to Alexa - see sidebar. (That said, a few months back was the recent peak.) - And, thanks for pushing UDCC back over the 10K monthly visitor numbers too. Keep sending to friends the UDCC link - thanks -
The Google Way: How One Company is Revolutionizing Management As We Know It
In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives
In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives
pssttt.... wanna take a paranormal survey? -








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition