Nonetheless, it is indeed `flippy' to have these Orbs so readily available for capture on `film' (as digital data). Let's begin:
How about just LAST NIGHT in Downey, California - where again, as usual, THREE ORBs form that loved checkered pattern of the Triangle:
Next up - a Miami, Florida rainbow yields one of those `I didn't see it' pictures (of course in this sense - it's by the Sun) - has to be simply a result of pointing towards the Sun right?

Yeah, I know it's rotated - but the result is the same.
The next one is a bit more nefarious perhaps - again in Florida and this time about 3 weeks ago - and AGAIN - it's the result of a citizen becoming more aware of the ENDLESS Chemtrails in our skies and simply taking a picture of it (BTW, those are my words, the citizen was simply taking pictures of jet trails)..... anyway.... here's what showed up:
The blowup is well worth your click as -- with some imagination - one can SEE that these 4 Orb(like) points of light almost have a `swishing' into this position from above. Go ahead - hit the above picture link.
And, finally we have a person in Slater Missouri - who says that EVERY clear night for the last two months has seen small lights appear into the sky - as Clockers will realize - we've seen these similar Sky Symbols before.
Above link well worth the blowup.
They look pretty damn similar to that time lapse capture from yesterday - don't you think? ----- What if `we humans' had the science ability to `put an energy image' into the atmosphere of another planet? Would we do it, would it look like these? You know, just to `say' `you are not alone'?
Speaking of feeling alone - have you been `shut out' of UDCC recently? Told that this blog was `private'? I've done it a couple times now and will continue in 2013 to take UDCC to being a nearly `private' blog. You can be part of the `private' by putting your name onto my mailing list (I then am transferring that to the blogger list for private entry). To join the private list - click the link below (which takes you to the MailChimp form):