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Showing posts with label orb caller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orb caller. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Orb "PowerUP" Is So Strong It Produces A Halo

For over a decade now...UDCC has been showing the Orb Phenomena as BEING largely..the UFO phenomena...some have taken the night vision calling/belief protocol to new levels .... this is from  the night of 22nd of Sep 2018, filmed by James Gilliland and the STARGATE UFO YOUTUBE CHANNEL. The link to the video below is Here....Orb Powers UP - with 50,000 views and a 50/1 ratio of positive to negative. BTW...I do not subscribe to the idea that Orbs are crafts...except with rare circumstances. 

And, yes...I've covered the Gilliland Ranch in March 2013 - it's a good read. Here's an excerpt:

As I mentioned in December's post...I have a number of videos I will be posting and I have also been reading OLD "UFO" blogs that have went by the wayside for one reason or another. that regard I'd like to look at a 25 post blog that only existed in late 2010 and early 2011...about the peak of Orb activity being covered here as the true UFO phenomena. The blog was called UFONICLES - and in this first link...the author laments, and gives a thoughtful analysis of how the MSM reacted to Jerusalem UFO In Jan 2011 - one of UDCC's most important examinations back then.

Indeed...the author of the blog interacted with another blog that I was part of at the time...called The C Influence. Which I also covered here at UDCC - Arvin Hill - His Description Of The Phenomena of which I provide an excerpt below:
I started peeling the UFO onion two years ago after keeping the subject at arm's length for thirty years - in part because it was too enigmatic, and the signal to noise ratio was indecipherable; but also to keep the cultural contamination to a minimum just in case I should ever pursue my own research. I was afraid of a lot of things as a kid, but I found UFOs and their ostensible occupants intriguing, not frightening.The contextual nature of what transpired makes it impossible to effectively convey how it all unfolded. Some events included: profoundly mystical dreams; close proximity fly-by's, day and night; numerous structured, choreographed demonstrations illustrating the relationship between UFO stealth and human cognition; telepathy; photography. The majority of my experiences occur while I am....

Read the detailed full text at the link above. - He also provides some final insights at his Blogger Profile - explaining more as to why his blogging effort was so short...
Good Sunday Reading, Right?
The Archive Awaits

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The 2015 Grand Canyon - Grand UFO/Orb Display

I've featured YouTube Orb videographer DarkSkyWatcher74 a few times already.... some don't like his material because at times it gets featured by some of the scammers (who he must listen to to get some coverage for his material IMO) - but, this video - except for a reservation or two of mine - is right up there with about as UNKNOWN a phenomena ever - the flare up of about 8 separate Orbs in close proximity. My reservations  with the video have to do with it's IMO abrupt ending and editing until the amazing stuff a couple minutes in. (And of course calling it a FLEET.) That said, the video has over 12K well deserved views and about an 8/1 positive to negative vote.
(course language)

I also just posted to NY UFO's too - It's part two of the ENTITY reports in 2015 in that state.
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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Orbservation Anyone? - The 2015 Seeing `Lots' Of UFO's Feeling - Los Angeles Orb Faithfuls Spotlighted

As I alluded to in my most recent post... there's two camps of folks who are seemingly seeing `lots' of anomalous sky phenomena.... and BOTH times... seems to see MANY orblike things in our atmosphere simultaneously - what I call the multiple orbs phenomena. Now... of course, those of a particular science bent (think the Facebook group that I love and am a member of that has folks actively searching with the latest equipment)  are very reluctant to .. well... believe... those that believe and can prove - that orbs can simply be called `into being' by simply being a meditative observer(s). ( Hilariously, the non-believers (the techies who find via equipment) will do anything to believe themselves, that every summoning/observing is a fraud of pre-planned balloon releases.) Pointing fingers in other words. (And, hilariously, not realizing they are actually doing the same via intentionalities via their `science' proof methods.) I think I went into that in yesterdays posting. 

Anyway... today I go - via YouTube video... to one of these `ORBservation' sessions (new coined term used here for the first time) -- where a group of individuals shows up at a pre-planned public place and time with camera and video in hand (these are the believers in calling who are now using the science folks methods too). Indeed, the lines are beginning to blur. And, while this is 2016 - what the non-believers in calling orbs don't seem to understand - is that I have seen this same phenomena (regular orb observation) on the internet as early as 2003 or so and it simply has grown as more people become aware.

Now is that to say that perhaps these `calling' observers aren't occasionally  DUPED by others, or their own beliefs at times, and are indeed picking up various balloon releases that happen over all big cities - at times? Of course that happens... but the phenomena of sky orbs is known, just as the orb phenomena is known to be responsive to select individuals or locations... orbs have been shown to respond to human intentions... the real question is = what are the orbs in their own space representations? 

And so,  this video is uploaded by YouTube account Fausto UFO (a prior caller who has seemingly lost his ability and now is in a more loose public calling/observing group) and looking closely at his account (you will see some strange slippery slope beliefs there) and reading between the lines - my surmise is that he was a `caller' four times about two years ago.... and was picked up at that time by the dreaded TPOTM (third phase of the moon).... which quickly drained his `power' IMHO... and now Fausto Perez (his name evidently) is part of a `group' that is able to, in a sense, re-gain his prior methodology/efforts by organizing these watching groups. Yeah, it's complicated.

Anyway... enough... and I will also print the most recent comment posted about this video... and it is very meaningful too to those that may read a bit too much into localized calling power of groups. Perhaps. 

SO - are you ready to see ORB-UFOs (in loose formation perhaps) a dozen of them in close proximity? 

Yeah, you are right... the YouTube cover `packaging' of this video doesn't give one much reason to believe - I know...... but IMO the guy seems like a sincere prior caller who would like to see the glory again in the sky. Give it a view.

Oh, remember I said above that I'd print one important comment that was below this video? Here it is and it's a point I have made before to NON believers who see orbs in their local area on a regular basis... it might simply be - you observing someone else's efforts and intentionalities.

I live in Venice Beach and have viewed similar UFO formations at night, but the orbs were orange most likely due to the alternate color of the sky. It's been a few years since the last sighting but I believe it was 9 orbs forming three triangles that were in a pattern. One by one they slowly dissolved into the darkness and when the last one disappeared the street lights flickered most likely due to intense energy. Taking credit for any visitation is bold, even more so considering how many govt bases are around and how little they tell us about black project tech. Interestingly enough Deepak Chopra recently mentioned how he has been changing his meditation frequency to try and contact ET, which is the same tip I've been on. But I would never claim to have summoned UFOs considering how many others meditate at any given time in a city of millions and the aforementioned factors.

Hey, thanks for being a Clocker.
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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Orb Caller Dean Clark Reaches Out To UDCC

Anyone who follows this blog with any regularity knows that the orb calling/videographer aspect of UFOlogy IMO is indeed WHAT UFOs are........ with that in mind last night I got a message from one of the earliest known `callers' or summoners - who are now getting a tarnished image due to a few being associated with SCAM UFO websites/YouTube pages. But, nonetheless... IMO - Dean Clark was one of the originals and this is the message he left on one of my 6 posts I've done about him since 2008 on this blog this morning. He left this comment on this post - one of the best I did about his works. Click the link to see some of the amazing phenomena that Dean called into the sky in front of investigators.

Hi, i am the Dean Clark you search for......
ufo's are very real ,and beings of another world are here among us...both day and night they are here......there is a thing called soul catchers....orbs as they have been called,,,they roam the earth both above and below out to them speak to them as you would speak to another person,they are there and they can hear you.....i have thousands of unseen videos and pictures i need to expose but it seems each time i try i am kicked off help me show the world what i have discovered............... 

I've indicated to Dean that I'd like to interview him and put it in these pages... we will see where that goes. My e-mail for Mr. Clark and anyone else is 
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

J. Sparrow - Aussie Orb Videographer

This guy is one of the active posters on `In The Field' the FB group I belong to of folks who actively `look' for sky anomalies. I have covered him before. This guy has TONS of videos at his YouTube channel - see them Here. I've selected a video he uploaded in the past few weeks that REALLY gets incredible..... as I'm opening my mind to the Multiple Orb phenomena being able to manifest as the blinking light phenomena - (and fake plane phenomena) - you must watch this video at what he says is a multiple Orb display after a number of days of rain (he was anticipating a show BTW).

But... I really want you to watch at about the 2 minute mark as an orb takes off into the sky seemingly and THEN discharges another Orb. Wild. Less than 200 views.

Have A Great ThanksGiving

Friday, September 25, 2015

RIP - Prophet Yahweh..... Final Call On Video?

Cruising around the internet yesterday I ran across info that suggests that one of the men responsible for `outing' that Orbs can be `put' into the daytime sky... has died (in 2014) Prophet Yahweh. Many many folks of good character and bad character alike... did not like the Prophet or his message that what was in his flying saucers he called into the sky involved Black sky agents...... and perhaps very appropriately..... that said, he was perhaps the first to demonstrate that something anomalous seems to be able to respond to human intention.... in very specific locations in the sky.... and on and about Planet Earth. The most famous being his calling into the sky Orbs on live TV when all they wanted to do was dis him. 
Link To The Notice Of His Death

I'm not here to retrace my coverage with PW but to leave you with what I found... his last video may be this one at Live Leak in 2014:

I also found this essay written by Billy Cox yesterday too -- the breakthrough message contest..... called Hello? We're Probably Not Here lots of well deserved despair about our current world's state..... Worth A Click And Three Minute Read - good comments too. Written yesterday.
I've blogged about PW before as you can see below:

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Did Bangor Maine `Sensitive' Capture Orbs On Film?

Today, or soon, I will be updating my Maine UFO `state' UFO blog... the state UFO blogs are in the sidebar BTW. I do these updates by searching the MUFON database and restrict the results to a state in a given time frame... in this case Maine and the last year was my frame. The search returned 33 `hits' some with pictures, etc... and one of the most recent and with pictures was this person in Bangor who captured.... well... who knows what... could even be lens flares or camera problems... but what was captured was beautiful if not anomalous. 

Now as Clockers know (Clockers are regular readers) - MUFON routinely removes the best pictures and stories to it's database (as can be seen by cruising my state UFO series) and so in 2015 and beyond I've decided that any picture I post will have been from my saved version in my computer... that does not mean that MUFON will not removed the original links or stories.

Anyway... you'll want to get over to the sidebar and capture some GREAT blogging recently in Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington State..... but, let's begin with the story of how this person became `sensitive' (a NDE) at the Short report link and how they have a sense for what is in the sky. Evidently this is NOT the first time... interesting.
Couple Pictures
(taken 4/20 at 11AM)
Now the person didn't just capture dark dots
Or simply a Chemtrail remains?
Finally, there is NO context for the picture we see below except beauty... an ultimate close up of something (the MUFON report suggests these close ups contain faces at times)
Now the sensitive `thinks' that THEY can sense when to take the pictures... the chicken and the egg would suggest... that the `intentions' of the human might be what the anomalous detects to provide the anomalous event.
Oh, remember back in February when I told you that the UFO Disclosure crowd would put on one of their Dog And Pony Shows? In Mexico? The one on 5/5 when the world would be focused on other fun things? ..... Yeah, the one with the `smoking gun' alien slides and supposed alien body?.... well that is what it turned out to and pony droppings.... the UFOlogy `alien' crowd has been tarnished yet again by these clowns.... Clockers know I've been dissing this crowd for quite sometime.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Sir Farquat - 2013 Orb Caller, Willits California

The fear of TPTB IMO are the Orb callers... the ones potentially in touch with affecting the visible reality we all share. As regular readers know.. I've documented MANY orb callers on this page and nearly all express some sort of structure of belief form similar to that you read from Sir Farquat stated below 
Published on Jul 25, 2013
If you stop the video just right, at around 22.5 sec. you can get a good look at the shape of the beam.

These experiences are not only about the contactee but they are experiences that are meant to be shared with everyone because the more we can lessen the fear in humanity about ET, the sooner they will unveil their presence to us.
The sooner they unveil themselves to us, the sooner religion will fade away and so will religious bigotry and the sooner these things begin to happen the sooner humanity will stop hating, fighting and killing their brothers.

This was the third ET contact over my home since Jan. 21 2013. It was an amazing experience plus I was lucky to record it. It has left me with the impression that this beautiful Light Ship responded to my summons. I did so by going deep within myself and finding pure loving intention then simply stating that I believe in the existence of our ancient Galactic family. Then I asked to be enlighten thru a contact experience with a member of our family of light. Is it Coincidence? maybe a random Fly by?

Dr. Steven Greer states that ET summoning experiences are, Close Encounters of the 5th kind. As I posted this video, this was my second 5th kind encounter. I'm just a regular guy and if I can have these kind of experiences on my back deck, I believe that anyone can.

Its simply about being true of heart, having the belief and desire to create the experience we truly want, ...then creating it.

with this video upload. 2400 views in 22 months. His powers already seemed to have peaked.

Sir Farquat YouTube Page Orb Calling... Orb Responding
If it seems like some time between updates... did you look in the sidebar at all the COOL STATE UFO updates?
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Saturday, October 18, 2014

DarkSkyWatcher 74 Interview

I have a feeling that DSW74 is only tied in with some folks because no one else will take it seriously.... I'll explain in a moment.... that said, this is a good example of Intentionality UFOs IMO on this video. Listen to the interview until at least the 5 minute mark to see some exceptional footage over the Alien Inn.

The reason I say my comment above  that is I found the material above Here At DarkSkyWatcher and up in the sidebar corner - who DSW probably has to use as a way for exposure (IMO) is SUSAN DUCLOS who I outed as almost certainly promoting fake material Right Here (totally constructed fabrications) in the Ukraine UFO saga earlier this year. Which all ties into the loonies in the exopolitics movement.
UFO Disclosure=Ludicrous Foes
How about a little bit more - a bit more spooky - hey it's October!
BTW, `stories' in the Reddit category of `No Sleep' (where this link came from) can be fiction. Just sayin.
I've made the comment before - similar to this - that shouldn't we as the human species - hope or pray that the Universe has a mechanism to respond when that many souls parish via the hands of others INSTANTLY?
Much Thanks To Those Purchasing From My Author Page Recently

Friday, August 29, 2014

2000's Classic UFO Videos - Part Two 2009

The Great Squidoo Clearout

One of the strangest of phenomena that UDCC has uncovered via MUFON reports and other sources is the `hanging jetliner' phenomena (something my wife saw within 5 miles of our home too @2010) - the report below was submitted with a picture and happened near Huntsville Alabama (remember that Huntsville has part of the NASA program too): Both the picture, an excerpt of the story, and the report link are below:
1-9-09 (9AM)
Eyewitness Photo
Yesterday morning at around 9:00 AM when I was driving to Huntsville, I saw a stationary 747 or 737 passenger plane parked in the sky about 100 feet above a field just to the right side of the road. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first because the car was in motion and I was definitely driving towards the nose of the plane, but as I got closer I realized that it was truly just sitting there parked in the sky...
 The exact location of the craft was approximately ½ mile north of the Toyota plant in Huntsville on Pulaski Pike Rd. I don’t know why it chose this location because there is only a field full of llamas, alpacas, some donkeys, horses and cows...Back in 2000 when we lived in Texas, the whole family (kids, me, hubby) saw the exact same thing! A large passenger plane parked in the sky, about the size of a 737 or 747, and it too was parked so low you could see every detail of its wings, engines, windows, paint job.
The one today was painted with a silver-grey bottom and orange on the sides (like a Northwestern Airlines plane). It had no “underbelly” rocket boosters or anything. There was no way in the physical world it could have been hovering because passenger planes that are made to stay in flight while moving simply drop to the ground if they are motionless.
About 30 seconds after I parked the car, it started to go away (I guess the occupants saw me?). It went slow for about 5 seconds then Whoosh!, disappeared going in an upwards northeasterly direction very fast. Also, the sphere that was dancing around everywhere disappeared. The weather for the sighting was perfect, 100% clear sky, no clouds anywhere. 9:00 AM, broad daylight.
Carolyn Z.
Original Link To Story

Seriously, can a report be stranger, read stranger? Not only does the photo in NO way match the daytime perception - (like many many UFO reports) - this has happened to this person BEFORE!
In early 2009, Travis Walton Was Interviewed About His Alien Abduction

BTW, I knew a person who lived in Snowflake at the same time as this occurred - swears by the character of Walton.
This report contains several of the emerging motifs about the UFO experience in the 2000's (2009) and one is that the phenomena of Orbs is able to `transform' or morph into other shapes or objects - like triangle craft, from simply orbs - (or provide the perception of) especially when it gets closer in proximity to the individual. They somehow take on consciousness types of images.

Now these orbs in this report did not transform into a visual craft for these two men - but they did morph into multiple orbs and make formations - and,  did have the effect of disrupting their vehicle ATV much like the old time lore about UFOs. Also, another common phenomena is  = the pictures NEVER look like the description. Indeed, what's of additional interest is that these photos emerged to look like the `sky symbols' of the Stephenville Texas video of 2008. (one of the recent mental impressions out there for humans to consider for the UFO phenomena in 2009 - even unconsciously?).
Here's a sample Picture reminiscent of Stephenville and one of three submitted with the report.
There was some great investigative `Roswell' UFO research being done in 2008-09, as the lead-up to what was hoped would be UFO disclosure -  this was some of it.

Some look for `UFO's' under the oceans, or in the skies, - but, some shift their examination to the realms of near outer space - and very occasionally a MUST SEE `in our atmosphere' video is submitted by those folks. In 2009, this video emerged of an UFO `moving' in deep space to avoid an asteroid going past at that moment. - link and video below. Some may consider this truly PROOF - or, as the link suggests, could it be a bug moving on the telescope at the perfect moment? Or, a hoax of course.

In June 2009 came one of the few close-up daytime `Triangle' craft (more like a wedge) photos from Greenville SC - Link To All Four Pictures And Story Of Photos and one photo below:

More From 2009
with a trippy `explanation' offered in the comments that says don't believe your eyes.
to those connecting the dots in 2009, the Vatican was getting in line for disclosure with statements like this
In 2009, Dean Clark was still calling UFOs into the skies... I did correspond with Dean too BTW.... Dean Clark Video Link.
Now, Dean Clark Was Not the Only One Projecting Orb/UFOs into existence in 2009 - either in the sky or ONTO photographs like Robbert van den Broeke:
And, finally, a background piece that ties nearly all of this together and even involves Dr. Greer.
How About Coverage On CNN For A Similar Video And Pictures To The Phoenix Lights?
Indeed, in 2009, the aliens seemed poised to break into our dimension at any time - beckoned or not. Here Lon Stricker conducts a long investigation with one person - and comes away perhaps with the power of belief:
Indeed, `aliens' were in focus in 2009 also because Robert Bigebow - the unmentionable name by the MSM in UFO politics - funded MUFON investigators for `special cases' - most of which involved entities on the ground. Here's some background about the first 19 Cases Involving The Rapid Strike Team To Get MUFON To Investigations In A Timely Manner.

(as an aside, the survey below from NIDS - Roper, in 2005)
(more at the link above)
When asked what they thought UFOs were:
25% thought they were alien spaceships
19% said UFOs are normal events that are misinterpreted by witnesses
12% thought they were secret government programs
9% said hallucinations
7% said travelers from other dimensions
(the above info on another `2012' UFO blog - meaning that ended in 2012 when the aliens didnt show up)
Pretty good overview of 2009 in UFOlogy, right? - I've still got part three up my sleaves (to tidy up a bit too) - and perhaps that too will be part of Labor Day Weekend - stay tuned.
Oh, the book that won me my Author Award from Freebooksy.Com is, well..... FREE Today - it's called `Beyond The Great Beyond' - hey, IF you download this FREE (usually 2.99 and rarely put into free mode) please write a review.... appreciated.
Thanks for your readership - Take a look around for more to click.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

More On The NEW Chemtrail Plane Design - The Triangle

So a bit more background on Sunday's posted Video of the New Triangle Chemtrail plane being leaked out in middle America for all to see....drippppp dripppp. Anyway.. here's an analysis of the `jet' and the comments are truly keepers.... including the OP talking about the MSM `error' in even giving accurate information about the date of the occurrence ..... evidently, if you say it happened months ago rather than `just the other day' it makes it more murky.... anyway... here's the important link to read New Triangle Chemtrail Plane.... look for it in the sky near you.
Here's some real UFO blogging for you.... got contacted at my Texas UFO blog by what appears to be another Texas Orb Caller - this one preferring to work with what I'll call `close up' orbs. Has a whole YouTube channel filled with these so-called orbs (aliens often claimed BTW) - Over 100 Videos right here many with fewer than 100 views. Her/his(?) YT channel is called Starcrazzy1. 
Whereas her still active blogspot blog - which also features YT videos of a wider array - (and is entertaining for the alternative crowd) - is called Star Crazy About The Moon
The video below, since 2012 with 500+ views, is an example of the active use of imagination for aliens but also is an example of producing an orb effect in extremely local conditions.
Like many of these `2012' websites - lots of DEAD links in the sidebars as a tribute to those exciting 
times for callers who believed the bunk. Indeed, it seems like this caller is trying to figure it all out again... placing lots of faith in religion.
Now, also of interest is that on Star Crazzy's blog, ANOTHER orb caller is revealed - called on YouTube Orbstats - this woman (in Connecticut?)  also has scads of Orb videos..... positioned, appropriately IMO as living orb ships, ..... hmmm.
Now, that said, the use of imagination by these limited folks who seem to be in visual demonstration contact with these beinglike orbs, is EXTRA interesting.... like this flipped out account of Pterodactyl Blue ETs
Whereas in this latest Orb video upload in late May 2014, with under 100 views, is some very compelling close up ORB video IMO.
Orbstat has a very interesting array of Orb videos and `Orb Fleet' videos (about a dozen of these) - some are singular orbs, some multiple and some structured (with a few `alien' imagination ones perhaps thrown in, orbs with faces etc). But, overall simply orbs..... IMO... and like most 2012 callers... it seems the ability is slowing down.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Orb Caller In Chile Brings Orbs To Near Ground Level

As Clockers are aware - I've been featuring a UFO website called UFO Flicks - and one of the Orb Callers (they don't use the term) that they link to is one from Chile who uses mirrors to bring the Orbs into visibility and then to near ground level. Stick with this video as the first minute can be confusing as he highlights its coming down from the higher atmosphere. Eventually you will see the video in real time and the orbs close up in a sense....... also you will note that OFTEN it is THREE orbs (as is amazingly often the case for these projections)..... Was Shaman Lujan Matus right about the escalation of UFO activity starting in 2011 -- that UFO activity being Orb activity?

dozens of orb videos
could it be as simple as mirrors? and belief?
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Monday, April 28, 2014

UFO Disclosure 2014 - Again

The plan is to do some rambling..... to talk about the search terms of interest.... like `when will the aliens return the passengers of Flight 370'.. that I read today in my stats from Google Analytics. AND, wouldn't THAT be the `story of the century'?..... A bit like the show being promoted right now.... resurrection! There THEY would be - the passengers and the aliens! What an introduction to the world, right?

I'm quite surprised that the Susan Duclos, Paul Gilbert and the FAKE UFO disinformation folks haven't worked up a piece or two suggesting that this is all imminent.  IF you are wondering who I am talking about - you evidently didn't see my EXPLOSIVE piece earlier this month about the Ukraine UFO (that never existed and is a total complete BS lie by the forces of disinfo). - Think I'm kidding? The BS Of UFOlogy.....

So, the FIRST thing to say about UFO disclosure in 2014 is that you have to wade thru tons and tons of PURE crappola and be VERY careful the sources you use...... continuing........ and one would THINK that the folks within the UFO Disclosure Traveling Show would be it, right? 

You know, supposedly former military folks talking about UFOs stopping our nukes and stuff... with others in their crowd saying much more such as the ALIENS are here (if not multiple races of such)..... and yet others of the same crowd say they time travel and more.... ALL the same crowd of folks..... the same crowd of folks that had a successful (in a sense) `news conference' in DC a time or two in the mid part of our first decade of the 2000's.... and they slowly gathered steam as there was no pushback.  The question was (I think) to the MSM - how much of this is TRUE? A question they (the MSM) had no way to prove.

As the traveling UFO show grew near the end of that first decade of our new millennium  - and the year 2012 approached - the LOONIES came out in force... the `alternative thinking crowd'.... those expecting either Armageddon or to Ascend to some new higher mankind `vibration' -- think of the Project Avalon folks for this type of crappola....... MEANWHILE... the UFOs in our collective skies, along with the `carry in your pocket' technology to catch pictures and videos (cellphones)... seemed to change the very nature of what constituted what a UFO was.... indeed, things seemed to be developing on many fronts as the 2008-2009 (yea we have a new black president and America is changing euphoria).. the anti-war, anti-military democraps were waking up seemingly..... for one.... and lo and behold... the technology of cellphones was now capturing  and creating a new phenomena that I call here at UDCC  `Orb Videographers and Callers'....... 

You are only beginning to catch up. (New Readers To UDCC)

I haven't even mentioned Robert Bigelow... a person very connected to the strangest of the strangest UFO reports via the government and the public... who the MSM seems to treat as totally OFF LIMITS.... I'd need too much space for one quick post.... I'm giving you the overview to do your own legwork as a new user here who THINKS that UFO disclosure is STILL coming in some manner..... (IT ALREADY HAPPENED in 2011) - here's the links -   HERE and Here.... it can't come ... it already arrived and no one at any other UFO website is telling you; let alone the MSM.

But, what about someone like Dr. Greer you say?.... well, Greer it turns out, IMO, is now actually a `commercial Orb caller' (I'd let someone go so far as to say they are calling the space of an entity). A guru of sorts... but no different IMO than at least a dozen or two `orb callers' that I've identified on UDCC over the last 7 years. He's embedded within a faction of the Traveling UFO Disclosure Show and is a hero to the alternative crowd. 

Nearly ALL the Traveling UFO Disclosure show crowd are anti-war, anti-military, and supposedly anti-truth suppression (but, do they have or share the TRUTH?)..... all these folks IMO are using manipulations to keep their point of view being viable.

As you perhaps know, this all became ugly as the UFOs caught by the new technologies continued to saturate the world, resulting in the multi-camera/people `Jerusalem Orb' in Jan 2011 - which took the MSM by storm after the predicted NYC UFO in late 2010 - it was the fourth `UFO' the MSM covered with the open ended question mark at the end (the Chicago O'Hare and the 2008 Stephenville being the other two). And a slippery slope could be seen developing..... by the powers that be (TPTB). (Also, such as the near immediate disinfo about the Jerusalem Orb.)

Meanwhile, the media, led by Miles O'Brien and Larry King (about 2008 being the peak) were giving credence to the voices of the aliens on Earth crowd. Even if only every other month in non-prime time on CNN. UFO specials were commonplace in other media during the sweeps (rating periods). They, the MSM, were even dabbling into the serious unknown of `alien abductions' .... but mainly the `sleeping dreaming' in my bedroom type of alien abductions.... (beginning the total confusion of objective and subjective aliens).

Hell, it wasn't even 2012 yet... and while anyone with any mind was pretty sure - no one knew if the ancient knowledge was going to come to pass.... for sure at least. Meanwhile in 2011 the Orb phenomena seemed to accelerate... much like the actual prediction of Shaman Lujan Matus in these very pages. 

And, as mentioned earlier, the Orb calling phenomena was in full swing - with copycats of Dean Clark moved into action by 2010..... could this be the proof the 2012 loony crowd might even  be right? Heck, even former astronauts were hinting Roswell was real.. was a can of worms about to begin crawling over everyone's skin? Was every `missing child' and missing person report to be thought of as a possible alien abduction?

Then, as if to cool the 2012 fervor..... the `UFO Answer' was given (link was provided above already) - by the USA government - delivered NOT EVEN IN PERSON - but by a letter issued by Phil Larson on government stationary. That answer was hardly what the UFO disclosure crowd wanted, indeed, it was the opposite; - the USA government not only said they were hiding nothing concerning UFOs, they said the totally all encompassing `no alien interaction between or with ANY humans': - aliens were NO LONGER REAL and NO LONGER TO BE CONSIDERED as ON EARTH by the MSM. It was simple to read between the lines the the MSM had been given its marching orders.

I've repeatedly called it Suppression Via Disclosure - and you have seen a TOTAL BACK OFF by the MSM since.

The total void was taken up by the nut crowd in 2012 - but, who have SINCE run into all kinds of `confirmation' problems of their own.... Oh, and the void also permitted a new phenomena of thought control..... the internet `UFO Gathering Sites' phenomena.... and fear and disinfo sites .... like Before It's News, Above Top Secret and such.... and the MSM decided, with pressure as I've already pointed out - to relent,, and to let the UFO story be just that ... a story. Not the truth. And, to leave the `coverage' to the manipulated alternative crowd.

And, things continued to `evolve' with `UFO Disclosure' the UFO disclosure traveling show lost steam and kicked out some members of their cabal. The 2012 NUTcrowd was humiliated by the no-show of Armageddon and at not becoming a higher vibrating human. And, the Orb callers nearly all found that their so-called `power' was limited in scope and timeframe. Nonetheless, bits of each continued into 2013 surviving and re-grouping... (as I mentioned just last post - the backtracking by some is beyond remarkable.).

Which dumps us all into 2014 in an attempt to catch you up with so called UFO disclosure....but, isn't the real question `what are UFOs'... and why is the powers that be so reluctant to talk about them? To that, the answer is IMO multifaceted as regular readers around UDCC know.... and is not the purpose of this mind excursion to satisfy the 80% of all visitors who are NEW everyday - and who are wondering about UFO disclosure 2014. Now, if you are new - go to the sidebar and enlighten yourself to a different point of view about the UFO phenomena and UFOlogy in general.

Friday, April 11, 2014

UFO Disclosure 2014

Nearly everyday, and usually first monthly, in the search terms which bring folks to UDCC is the term `UFO Disclosure 2014'. And, as you can imagine as someone with over 1000 posts about the Ufology phenomena - it's somewhat irritating that more folks aren't aware of the late 2011 `answer' to the UFO/Alien question by the United States government by an official but lower level bureaucrat by the name of Phil Larson. You can find Phil's exact statement in the sidebar - and some of the MSM's analysis of it too.

The simple crux of it is this - officially - A BIG NO! ----- NOTHING IS BEING WITHHELD ABOUT UFOs, AND NO ALIEN HAS EVER INTERACTED WITH A HUMAN. Simple as that - go look it up for yourself in the sidebar to your left..... But, what wasn't realized at the time.... except for yours truly... was that it was going to change the manner in which the MSM covered the `Unknowns in our skies' categories. And, theirs was indeed a new immediate change.... probably only picked up upon a very few folks; the change being effectively `suppression by `disclosure''.

No longer does the national or even the local media entertain the idea that `aliens', real `aliens', are in any way associated with real experiences that people have that seem unexplainable. Indeed, we are all to collectively forget the ratings bonanza that CNN set out upon in the mid 2000's first decade to `out' the `so called facts' about the UFO phenomena - and that it included real aliens in some manner. My book about those heady times of 2008-2009 - when a gullible `Democratic' gaggle of ex-military folks decided that now was the time to push our near worthless leaders for `the truth' of the phenomena and matter - is below:
But after the NYC UFO (predicted) event in Oct. 2010 and then the Jerusalem Orb coverage in early 2011 - the pressure from the media was building once again (after the pause to look at the near collapse of the economic system?) for some sort of `answer' to the question - and by late 2011 `they got' an answer they didn't expect. NO.
Since then, the `UFO' specials in even the `sweeps' rating periods are GONE - totally from the MSM channels. Meanwhile, the `internet' phenomena of `UFOs' has totally been dominated by the FAKE `gathering sites' (largely since the announcement by the government) -- probably a collection of largely disinformation plants of who knows who. And, consequently, the MSM has totally washed itself of any `Internet UFO' sensations.... that may crop up on the `gathering sites'. In a sense, appropriately.
IF any of all this is new to you - please search my labels under Gathering Sites = and get a good background read on things. It isn't pretty at all. The `TRUTH' is totally obscured ... for whatever reasons. (Most likely black budget details IMO.) Aliens, especially with the recent BLASTING of the `out of bed alien abduction' scenario, are now a part of the FANTASY WORLD. (Of entertainment.)
So, for those still under the illusion that `the government' is going to somehow `come clean' about the:
1942 `Battle Of LA'
1947 Roswell
1997 Phoenix
2006 O'Hare
2008 Stephenville
(Or all of the on the ground aliens of the 1950's)
Incidents - or any of the others I could list - it simply ain't gonna happen - and it's time to accept that the MSM will NEVER dig for `the answer' now or again.
Now, many of my readers do understand the nature of the disinfo agents - those making up stories about UFO's - (as I demonstrated within the last month) - and I mean LITERALLY MAKING UP STORIES even down to FAKE links covering the FAKE stories. Total bullshit. Seriously.
But, mixed in with all that - with the disinfo - is yet the other aspect ... that of the individual experiencer. Those with perceptions `literally' of the impossible - be it Bigfoots in urban areas, or aliens out in the field. Experiences of the unknown - that are BEYOND a memory - they are an experience that is on-going and mixed with ones normal consensus reality. The experiences that nearly always happen in an up awareness state of mind or anticipation.
Unique locations and expectations seem to be at the core of the experience for many. Suggesting that the unknown, can be beckoned in some `concrete' fashion - or may already exist in some information structure.
Indeed, if you want real UFO disclosure consider these ideas of someone who has looked at 1000's of reports now on MUFON and other locations..... the UK study that was released about UFOs had a small un-promoted idea that hits home about a part of the 2014 phenomena... and that was that `when three orbs come together, often in a triangle, that the area between them can be a projection' --- in other words an object for perception. Your `typical'  impossible `solid Triangle neighborhood UFO' for example, that we see so often in current MUFON reports.
The question really is - what are these `spaces', these objects of perception - and how do they get into our perception field to see them? (The side question is - are all perceptions - yes all - suggest that our consciousness is tied to some ultimate computer program - for lack of a better term/reference. Are we REALLY to believe that NOWHERE in our universe that an intelligent species hasn't created fake internal worlds like what we seem to experience? Is there some special reason why WE aren't THAT?) Are the non-normal perceptions `blips' (UFOs and such) in the program or a clue into the real phenomenological structure?
If you read closely between the lines around here - I believe the latter. (Which is just as mystical, IMO,  as being inside a computer program.)

I believe `spaces' `display' a type of space to our normal consensus reality - which is overwhelmingly of nearly all one type - but does MIX with `other types of spaces'. Now these other types of spaces are - in general - so elsewhere and elsewhen, as to not `bother' us so to speak in our normal here and nowish location we inhabit.
But, not at all times and not at all places.
Because it seems, based on many reports, that when the human is focused on something slightly non-normal (calling an Orb or hunting in a Bigfoot location) that the `other' type of `space' (object) can `draw closer' into our location for inspection almost. Indeed, in my opinion (IMO), that - object/space is the same `expired' reality that mixes with ours - that our actualized now `runs off' `into' so to speak. (A very real `place' - event.) It's literally `immediately here'. (but past, and technically NOT REAL - in the manner that OUR PAST isn't real).
As I described in my E-Book, Now and Real have a very slippery slope.....
And, because of such - the powers that be (TPTB) want to diminish the `truth' - lest we have - as I've blogged in the past - `A Billion Magicians walking around our planet'. To focus instead the collective us/all, often with fear - to focus on the `real and now'. Hence the lack of focus on today's Prophet Yahweh,  one Mr. Robert Bingham - Orb Caller. (Or like what Mr. Dean Clark was doing in Kentucky in 2008-09.) Three known Orb callers of many in the past decade alone.
Indeed, as I've now written in my newest E-Book, the `visible universe' is likely to have at a minimum ` QUINTILLIONS' of concurrent civilizations of at least our Earth `radio level' of intelligences. Some civilizations of which will be BILLIONS of years older.
As I say in the above book - no Galactic Federation is going around the universe trying to right the wrongs on a Quintillion advanced planets - let alone all the planets still striving for our so-called sophistication.

So, what does all the above mean for you concerning UFO Disclosure in 2014?

It means that NO one - and no one country is going to be allowed to declare the aliens as real and be taken seriously by the bought and controlled media of the world.
It means that the REAL UNKNOWNS about the strange phenomena seen and experienced in our skies is NOT going to be offered up as compelling evidence by the MSM, ever.
It means that nearly EVERY viral UFO video is guaranteed to be a FAKE and disinfo for sheeple designed to not question the official authority.

And, we haven't even mentioned Robert Bigelow.
45 Of you in the USA and 9 in the UK downloaded FREE books off my author page yesterday - please review them on Amazon too.
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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition