The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Showing posts with label multiple orbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multiple orbs. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Australian YouTube User J Sparrow - Videographer Of Orbs

Who knows how long it will last for the last Orb summoner I've found and identified for UDCC readers... this time an Aussie. His video channel on YouTube has a number of recent captures but the one below is an incredible hit.

Now... I don't believe this is a CRAFT materializing but I do believe this is anomalous Orb activity. Borders on Fortean as I've noted before.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Surviving The Golden Age Of Gaia

A man named Steve Beckow authors one  of the surviving `alternative' `2012' blogs that I so often mock... called Golden Age Of Gaia which IMO.... nowadays... has a bunch of gobbledygook very similar to the hey days of `the movement' in 2012... that said, it's actually a pretty entertaining blog and is well done IMO.... check it out.

The reason I draw your attention to such a clearly `intention' driven blog is that I had bookmarked an excellent link on the blog a few years ago about UFOs.... and they had ONE pretty excellent UFO page with about a half dozen videos to CONVINCE others of the presence of alien ships. We've had some of them already here on UDCC but I wanted to at least get the link with the multiple videos into your hands and let you watch them and decide for yourself. Like many of the fake videos of 2012 and before.... lots of CGI made to pass for UFOs... but perhaps some gems too.

As you can see, the videos begin at the link above with one of the massive Orb displays in Mexico (one of the things that drives me crazy with these type of `believers' is that every orb they see is some sort of inter-dimensional craft.....oh please).

That said, this is a particularly good one even if it's on TPOTM website on YT. Beware of the serious vulgar language at points of the tape... the comments at the video are very worth reading too via the link below.
South Carolina UFO 2012


Friday, March 13, 2015

Structured Orb Video

To me.... the structured Orb phenomena is simply a collection of orb lights very close together that because of the `clumping and overlapping' of their individual orbness - can be imagined to be nearly anything the mind can conjure up... usually `crafts' will be seen in some manner... anyway... this marks the first of the videos I downloaded to this computer a little over a year ago and will now be featuring at UDCC's Facebook Page - so, go see it there and remember to like the page... excellent. And thanks.
And, perhaps you have already seen in the sidebar that the state UFO blog for Pennsylvania UFO blog has updated again with an excellent daytime Orb photograph... you might want to see.
More? You Glutton.
ran into this one recently... based on what I read and it's only a page or three.... UDCC is a rare UFO website... (no kidding) as we don't fall for the CRAFT angle on anomalous phenomena around here.
Oh, in news you heard here in 2012 about Saturns moon Enceladus.... now, we have a very interesting Update.
Thanks for your readership
IF this is your first time here.... look around the sidebar for MUCH more.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2010 - Orbs Above Australia Racetrack - Reader Reports

As you know, many of the reports at UDCC are outreaches by readers of their personal experiences... this is a very articulate report from down under and one would assume was witnessed by 1000's.... perhaps:
HI Rick,
In 2010 a friend and I saw 3 x Orbs identical to the one you viewed at Bathurst NSW Australia, below is the encounter.

Bathurst, NSW 
7th October 2010
Mt Panorama Race Circuit
A friend (K) and I (S) were watching practice and qualifying at the Bathurst 1000 car races at approx. 10.30am, 7th Oct. 2010. Cloud cover (Cumuli Nimbus) was fairly low, reasonably thick and occasionally broken. There was a break in the race program so I sat back on my chair and looked above from where we were sitting and noticed 3 Orbs above the centre of the race track. They were moving from south to north just below the cloud level and appeared to be following each other about 50 metres apart, occasionally moving at 90 degrees away from each other then back into line. I pointed them out to my mate (K) so he could confirm that I was not hallucinating. The Orbs were Torus shaped, clear to translucent in appearance, and appeared to have a darker pastel coloured vertical shape through the centre from top to bottom, (the centre was similar to a cat’s eye marble).To give an estimate of each Orb’s measurements I would say approximately 20-25 metres diameter. I compared the size of the Orbs to a helicopter that was in the area for TV telecasting operations at about the same altitude. We watched them for several moments and took a shot with my pathetic phone camera. I decided to get the attention of a professional photographer at the track side and pointed them out to him. I returned to my seat watching them again as they approached a break in the clouds. I then noticed in the blue sky at least 30,000 feet above (about jet ceiling height) a brilliant white object which appeared stationary in the sky. The Orbs at that point manoeuvred through the break in the clouds and ascended to the bright light and we watched this unfold until the cloud obscured our vision. We are still wondering to this day what we had witnessed and don’t know if the photographer caught any shots of the event. My camera didn’t catch the Orbs but the bright object higher was photographed but goes very pixilated when zooming in to view it.
The reader was talking about this report... from NZ and was featured here 2012 Post and featured this incredible video.
Here's the video link in the 2012 post Daytime Orb.
I thank the reader for their report. A Search did not yield any pictures.
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Monday, January 26, 2015

Drone Flyer Spots Daytime Dancing Orbs In Jacksonville Florida Yesterday (Sunday)

Well well well, those hated RC's - from looking up - may be an increasing sourse of the daytime UFO phenomena - and, in the latest MUFON reports with pics and video... his report of the orbs jumping around is interesting and would seemingly rule out other possible `normal' explanations.... (balloons and other RC's) --- Cluster Orbs are rare... if this is real and not balloons... 2015 could bode well for UFO reports.

Here's one of three pics submitted with the MUFON report

Here's the MUFON Report
I was outside flying my quadcopter so I was looking up and saw a large group of objects that appeared very strange. I watched for a minute or so and when I could clearly see them changing directions I ran to grab my cell phone. I zoomed in with my cell phone as much as possible and recorded them until they were gone. They were very shiny objects all moving in a similar direction but constantly changing direction around each other even backwards, almost like they were dancing or playing. When the sun would reflect off of them they shined almost like stars in the sky which aided in their directional changes to be seen. There was no sound whatsoever. I know for a fact that aircraft can not move like these objects and they definitely were not balloons, balloons can't go backwards large distances or backwards at all. I assume they were around cloud height in the sky and were moving at a fast speed. I took some stills from the video as well.
The other two pictures in this case I've posted into my Subreddit at Strange State UFO... link is at the top of this page.
There is also the video in this case but it exceeds Google's limits in size by a small amount. (I may put it on the UDCC Facebook page if that works in size.)  It also is at my Reddit subreddit... but here's the link directly too. It's 1 minute and 11 seconds long and really doesn't focus in until about the 35 second mark and beyond. It's an interesting experience and video... anyone else in Jacksonville see this?
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Thursday, October 23, 2014

1958 - And The Memories Of That Special Boy Scout Camping Trip

So a man in his late 60's has stepped forward to an amazing UFO (Multiple Orb) experience in Oklahoma in the late 50's (when young boys still dreamed of Martians before the first pictures of the surface).
Anyway - it's a great short articulate report worthy of your time.

I was twelve years old in the summer of 1958. While on a Boy Scout camping trip we (all four or five Scouts and our Scout Master)observed an object that looked like a star but it was moving slowly from the Northeast to the Southwest in a straight line across the sky. As we lay there watching it thinking it was "Sputnik" one of the Scouts shouted there's another one! Sure enough coming from the opposite direction (from the Southwest to the Northeast) but far away from the first, was a second object, also moving about the same slow speed and in a straight line on a collision course with the first object. As we watched we picked sides each saying "My ship is going to destroy your ship" etc... Just as the two came within what appeared to the eye to be 3/4 of an inch apart a flash of light was transmitted between the two objects. It was impossible to tell from which object the flash came. However, the second object (the one on the left) disappeared and the first object continued it's course without change of direction or speed.

At first we were stunned, then we all began shouting at once. Our Scout Master seemed as shocked as the rest of us but refused to talk about it. I would be interested in knowing if other people witnessed this event.
So, of course - I searched MUFON for such a report - nothing from Oklahoma in 1958 came up - the oldest Oklahoma report was from 1969 when the man would have been 23. Story or experience? The behavior of the Orbs certainly is within the phenomena characteristics we commonly see reported. 
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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Recurring Orb Phenomena In Salem Ohio Caught On Camera

You can sense the urgency of this person as the phenomena continues to be on-going... they say a month now. These pictures are from the latest MUFON reports of an event Sept. 5th - looks a bit like the sky symbol phenomena and what is being seen in places like Missouri.

This will be my second report. I have been observing these objects this month and also during the month of august. I hope this report will be taken more seriously. These objects can be seen most nights. Unless it is stormy or too cloudy. Using 7 x35mm wide angle 9.5 degree binoculars to look at These objects. On this night they moved lower and close enough that i was able to photograph them with my cell phone. They made no noise. They hover for long periods of time moving in an pendulum, zigzag, anda sort of figure 8 pattern. Then they will move closer or further away.periodically in the manner i mentioned above.they also emmit balls of light. They are ejected at very fast speed. These object at times then emit a flash of light simular to a flash grenade. There is a farm across the street. If the orbs are ejected over the farm the cows sound like they are screaming. These craft also change their attitude. One night there were at least15 - 20 of them in a circle several miles in diameter. And they were all flashing their lights like a strobe light On the 6th of september at about 3:30am i sat up in bed to close the window. And there was a round obe across the street above the neighbors back yard. It dropped straight down from several hdred feet to behind the trees i think it landed somewhere behind the neighbors in the woods or a field. It decended so quickly i didnt have time to photograph it. And to tell the truth it kinda rattled me a bitto see it that close There have been several reports of ufos in the tri-state area. Several of them being in ohio. One in salem ohio just this week. And there was an incident in Pa that was seen by not only rhe wittness. But several police as well.the objects are hard to describe. I think i will let the photos speak for themselves .
Some Of The Cellphone Photos
I cover this story more with pictures at Strange State UFO.
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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

`State' UFOs Sizzle Into Summer

So, I've updated two more states in the state UFO blog series - again, for each state I looked at dozens and dozens of MUFON reports to pull the best for each location. I found some GREAT content..... that you will need to check out.

In Missouri - four GREAT UFO pictures and two videos.... and yet another occasion where multiple folks capture the same `ufo' in different locations - much like the California Update last week (see sidebar). So, let me bring just one of those strange Orb pics:

Weber Rd And Bayless UFO
And, in Oregon, I highlight a person who calls a daytime yellow orb into the Sky - and how about a guy who uses a RC plane to video orbs? Strange.... but, it's Oregon.
I've got a HUGE 2014 Update later today from the state of New York - check back to look at the sidebar.
5 `borrows' last month - thanks


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Are Ground Level Orbs INCREASING?

So, I do another state UFO update - this time Florida and not only do I find tons of recent material, I find once again that someone has captured the Orb phenomena near ground level. But, that submission was more than that - the Orbs were distinctly Red Orbs - yes, multiple orbs, like 15 of them. So, red orbs, in a group, at ground level - with two pictures of the LAST one (they were in a car). See those two photos below:
The Florida reports also had (a review of 50 most recent reports at MUFON) - at least 2 reports with Aliens, and a separate one with an implant..... you can feel the fear in these reports. Interestingly, none of these alien contacts were recent... have the subjective aliens left again? Some serious great reads at Florida UFO.
Oh, you will NOT believe the STRUCTURE in the Florida skies in one photo - supposedly seen by many.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Orb Caller In Chile Brings Orbs To Near Ground Level

As Clockers are aware - I've been featuring a UFO website called UFO Flicks - and one of the Orb Callers (they don't use the term) that they link to is one from Chile who uses mirrors to bring the Orbs into visibility and then to near ground level. Stick with this video as the first minute can be confusing as he highlights its coming down from the higher atmosphere. Eventually you will see the video in real time and the orbs close up in a sense....... also you will note that OFTEN it is THREE orbs (as is amazingly often the case for these projections)..... Was Shaman Lujan Matus right about the escalation of UFO activity starting in 2011 -- that UFO activity being Orb activity?

dozens of orb videos
could it be as simple as mirrors? and belief?
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Monday, June 23, 2014

Strange Orb Display In California 6/18 Caught By Many And Reported To MUFON With Pictures And Videos

At this point... it's all at my state UFO blog - it's up to SIX different accounts, some from very close to underneath it (the bright lights). As you can see at the link and the videos at the link - it appeared not only as one bright light but as two at times - it also repeatedly vanished in one location to show up in another. It was also moving slowly in some videos.... as I say at California UFO... this reminds me of two Orbs in particular in early 2011 - the Jerusalem Orb and the Toronto Orb a week or two before. One of the accounts to MUFON was submitted with 10 pictures... including the floating overhead shots. Incredible. Will it recur? Has any explanation come forward in 5 days?
As I mentioned the other day - UFO Flicks website links to some important UFO documents... just like UDCC does in the sidebar of the page you are reading. But, I wanted to point out their link to a Dec. 27th 1969 report  about UFO's (a rebuttal report to the official final government view on UFOs in 1969) - and I will copy and paste just a taste of the page below:
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 134th Meeting
General Symposium, Unidentified Flying Objects
James E. McDonald, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
December 27, 1969
(interesting excerpt)
Within the federal government, official responsibility for UFO investigations has rested with the Air Force since early 1948. Unidentified aerial objects quite naturally fall within the area of Air Force concern, so this assignment of responsibility was basically reasonable, However, once it became clear (early 1949) that UFO reports did not seem to involve advanced aircraft of some hostile foreign power, Air Force interest subsided to relatively low levels, marked, however, by occasional temporary resurgence of interest following large waves of UFO reports, such as that of 1952, or 1957, or 1965.
A most unfortunate pattern of press reporting developed by about 1953, in which the Air Force would assert that they had found no evidence of anything “defying explanation in terms of present-day science and technology” in their growing files of UFO reports. (red is my emphasis)
Tons of excellent reading at the above link for the above report - be curious. I will be continuing to dig into UFO Flicks in upcoming posts.
What if the Orb phenomena `steps it up'? These California videos suggest just that to me at this point of time - what is also curious is that ONLY six folks recorded and reported this phenomena... or will there be many more come forward as this isn't even a week old. NO TV coverage as of yet that I am aware of. Updates expected.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

`Public Person' Anonymously Comes Forward With 2012 (Oct25th) Cluster Orb Pictures And Orb Story (Latest MUFON Reports)

If you are looking for a compelling articulate description of an unusual daytime Orb experience over California - step right up. You'll note the strange lack of mentioning what city this was over:
2012 Orb Group In California Full Description

On October 25, 2012, at approx. 2:15 in the afternoon I was sitting out the back door of my shop at my house when something flew by from the North very high up in the sky to the South and caught my attention. I stood up and looked over my house when something extremely bright to the East way far away and way high up in the sky shot a beam like a laser and hurt my eyes. This larger bright orb seemed to have somewhat sent three orbs to the West which by then was over my house straight up and a little to the East. Two of them did a right angle turn and then went straight up out of sight while the third orb did a left angle sharp turn and seemed to have traveled several miles to the North and instantly turned the opposite direction which was to the South in just seconds and disappeared. I ran in the house to get my camera to take a photo of this event. 

I was absolutely terrified. When I came out the back door of my shop there was two more very bright orbs coming from the East and I started taking pictures of these two orbs. They went straight up into the sky where I could not see them anymore when another group of very bright orbs, 16 of them, were maneuvering in different patterns and configurations to the West in what seemed to be a straight line doing stunts I have never in my life seen like this. I don't really know how long I was taking pictures of these orbs. I just know I kept on taking pictures until this group of 16 orbs finally went over my house to the West where I could not see them anymore because the Sun was to the West over my roof. All of these orbs were the same size except the large one in the beginning of this event. At times they would turn the color blue just like the color of the sky that day. 
The person goes on to say (read the link) about how it has disrupted their life and sleep. Pics or it didn't happen right?
Here's a pic or two:
(click all of the pics to enlarge them and see the orbs)
(different intensity cited in the report? blueish)
(it's hard to say much because if pictures are taken immediately they can appear to be more similar than others of course)
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Friday, June 6, 2014

Two Daytime Orbs Hover Over Italy - Many Witnesses Videoing Event

I don't read Italian but I wouldn't describe this as a flotilla but as two daytime Orbs - looking very similar if not identical to many other daytime Orbs observed in the world over the last few years.... this video, up just this week has over 20K views, about a 4-1 positive to negative take by the voting public.

(including at least one I will be featuring soon)
Not much seems to be caught on camera until about the 1:35 mark - something strange also about the 3:30+ mark - but all in all, two orbs and a growing group of folks who are going WTH?

Monday, June 2, 2014

UFO Pictures And UFO Videos From Latest MUFON Reports

The New Era

Today's UFO News
seen below
1/25/14 - Pueblo Colorado (reported 5/31)
However a horribly inarticulate report, if you want to read the report you'll need to go to how I covered this at my SubReddit

the guy claims to have been filming Orbs since 2012 - that said, he sees a bit more into this video than I did - the report, again, is in my SubReddit -
I want to thank you for being on the private mailing listing - as the `regulars' -  please continue to feel free to comment and interact with UDCC. I will probably be changing the look here too as time goes on. Make sure to tell your friends about UDCC if they want to visit at the end of the month.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Is The Proof At Hand? The Newport Beach California Structured Orbs Videos Of 2014 - The Recurring Orb Phenomena

I chuckle just a tad as I type those words `proof at hand' as today's video may be just that for many Clockers, if not myself, as it is certainly the best example of the recurring structured Orb phenomena in 2014 if not ever. Using high grade equipment, someone associated with the Robert Bingham Orb calling phenomena named Jim Martin - has captured a number of significant videos in just the last month or so. Nearly all of the 14 minute video is worth your time, even when the mystical music kicks in for a bit of time. The very recent video has 17K views and a 15 to one positive to negative pubic voting ratio.

The video consists of excellent daytime and night vision Orbs, both single and multiple Orbs and lots and lots of extreme close detail via the excellent equipment being used. This seems in all ways folks the real deal about exposing the anomalous nature of the Orb phenomena.... indeed, IF more folks in Newport Beach were doing the same simultaneously, providing just those extra smidgens of proof.... then..... who knows..... certainly this is well beyond what the MSM should be responding to if we weren't in a total clampdown on such coverage.

Now, before I turn the video loose on you and all us Clockers expand the Universe of believers in the Orb phenomena..... let me say that others over the last few years have captured the exact same content in their areas and localities too... it's just that this is so concentrated in time, location and quality. To find out much more about the Orb calling and Orb videographers hit the labels for this post. - Uploaded a week ago.

If you use the link you will see that he has about a dozen other videos for you to  check out - including a calling session.
I've been working on another real detailed long post for you this week... just not ready yet... about the slippery slope of Crop Circles... specifically a few in the early 2000's. Soon, perhaps tomorrow or Sunday.
Thanks for your readership.
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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Escalating Orb Displays - Multiple Locations - What's Going On?

Okay, let me trace this one out just a bit. As readers of this blog know - I've positioned for quite sometime the Orb phenomena - including focusing on `callers', `videographers' and `recurring orbs (one location)' and `structured orbs' - which is the newest development in the last 20 months or so: - what is often referred to as a `UFO wave' if it makes it to the so-called mainstream media.

Again, as readers of this blog know - I've identified almost a `motif' these Orbs follow when the encounter takes a turn for the `immediate and present' - based on the location of the observer. This has been generating incredible perceptions that I call the `Neighborhood UFO Phenomena' (NUP) - a localized `display' of visual/virtual space that almost always is the morphing or transformation of the `light in the sky Orb' BECOMING something else as it approaches.. Almost always slowly to hovering and almost always SILENT.... as if the `scene' has an unnatural or unreal quality to it. These NUPs then drift out of the line of sight.... what are often described as HUGE and impossibly low..... and yet they are NEVER reported `downstream' if you will (well almost never... the Phoenix Lights come to mind).... seemingly making the experience itself be drawn into question for its reality structure IMO.

Now it seems that perhaps part of this experience is being caught by more and more folks - as the close up groundbased daytime Orbs (such as the Feather Orb of San Antonio) is increasing perhaps (One was filmed in the Canary Islands this year too) - as is the `catching' of the Orb phenomena putting on a show - whether it is `splitting' into multiple Orbs (even on command perhaps) - shooting beams - recurring nightly - having structure - SOMETHING seems to be edging into real fringe territory for human consciousness to be able to photograph perhaps. (All those cameras `going dead' at the imperfect moment, which still is highly reported, is easing up a bit.)

Or, is it simply the jokesters and hoaxters who now are able to rig up sophisticated light displays with balloons and such and THAT is what is being caught on film and identified as `alien'? Indeed, if the jokester does it nightly and someone who is close by but doesn't know the source.... a person could think that they themselves are `producing' this Orb show... that THEY are the ones in contact with something.... I'm not saying this is the case but certainly some folks who DO live close to callers might think this too.

And, on repeated occasions I've went through the list of reasons why various forms of release of Orb content is suspect -  as are the type of accounts, and the verbiage within. I will not do that again... simply always be suspicious of most circumstances of `over the topness'. All that said, today's headline should not be taken lightly as I have found a STREAM of STRANGE ORB videos and stories on YouTube - and NOT at gathering sites (although one name strikes of that). And all recently - it's hard to know where to begin first and I cringe at slowing down this website to embed more than one of them but - just hang in there for the load as it will be worth it. (I may even allow only one post as a default for loading instead of my usual 2 or 3.)
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I'm going to begin all this with where I encountered it - at a smoltzy sounding YouTube account `research4truth12' (often bad, seldom good) with this ONE video (sometimes good sometimes bad) - of which the guy gives a great write up and great close ups of an extremely short video for what it is purported to be - a close encounter. What is of interest... again with the caveat that hoaxers abound... is how much it looks again like the structured Orbs that are indeed being seen more and more seemingly.

But, this guy is articulate and a good storyteller - enjoy and then I will continue.... Over 67K views and with a 5-1 positive to negative ratio of public opinion - YT link for Port Huron Michigan Orb/UFO: (The video is a bit confusing in that it BEGINS with the close ups and then goes into a `Blair Witch' Real mode - the `explanation' clears it up a bit.)
His YouTube `About' (this video)
This is what happened on the night of Oct 27, 2013...

I live in a rural part of Michigan and the closest major city is Port Huron. I saw a very strange object up in the sky near my home. So, I jumped in my vehicle and followed it down a public dirt road. Then it suddenly turned so I ended up turning onto a private unmarked road which is probably used for farm equipment to tend to the adjacent field crop. 

At that point, I was running out of road to go any further. So, I got out of vehicle to take a better view of it. Then, suddenly, the object started moving towards me. It startled me so I ran like hell for a little bit. It was making a very strange low swirling, please try and turn up your speaker volume to hear it better.

Once I moved a distance back, I zoomed out the camera a bit more and noticed the object was hovering directly over my vehicle. Then it started to lower itself as it slowly rotated directly over my roof! At that point, it appeared to be shining a very bright green beam over it. Then suddenly, it shot straight up into the sky and the swirling sound disappeared at the exact time it vanished. This was a very eerie experience and even my hair was standing on end through the entire time and felt as if there was highly dense static electricity in the air!

What the heck do you think this is people?? This thing scared the bejesus out of me!


For the debunkers that come on here and type "FAKE" without doing any in-depth analysis or proof of evidence that it's a fake just tells me that they're prejudging the video before even watching it. 

Also, if they were sitting in my shoes at that time and experienced what I saw, they wouldn't be saying fake either. The video doesn't do this sighting any justice as the light intensity and the sound that came from the object was intense. Even my hair was standing on end at the time.


For me, the trail then begins with `Bob's' first referred video at YT - to this one of a similar nature - It's titled `UFO Orb Sighting 2nd Appearance' - this one is VERY similar to the one I put on UDCC the other day from Shelby Township in Michigan (who btw I heard from and he has more in the comments below the post I did about Shelby Township last week) ... simply a low Orb moving around and pulsing.. this one is supposedly from a Security Cam (sometimes good - but remember my recent post about folks, hoaxers, messing with such video cards - just a reminder) 
jcattera YT - Oct. 12th Orb/UFO Security Cam 67K views too, 7-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion - and it's a persuasive video IMO. I like how the exit of straight up is available. This Was The 1st Video - October 2nd and 13 minutes - same pulsating Orb
Oh, if you want to be a bit suspicious about the above - here's JCattera's YouTube Channel - ALL UFO videos and a gap between those and now the `Original' content.... after a 5 month haitus.... hmmm. Now, all this aside.. the commentors on this video make mention of seeing BEINGS at two points in the video for a few moments - like they are beaming up. I personally didn't see it and didn't go back after reading all the comments - hundreds of comments. Also interesing in the comments is the appearance of Whitney Strieber offering his services and this guy REFUSING to do it.
But, on JCattera's channel at the link to the 2nd Orb video are a number of comments that lead one elsewhere -- to others filming Orb UFO's:
I mean, could this REALLY be NASA tracking Meteors?
440 views - Septemeber Upload - 2 video account (but puts MUSIC to it?) you can read in his `about' that he found reference that this was NASA in the mainstream media - cover up?

That's quite a bit to chew on already and I bet I bookmarked 3 or 4 other oddities in the arena. ..... HEY, how about sharing this post on your Facebook Account or Twitter? Or, are you scared to show your interest?
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Monday, October 28, 2013

Albuquerque UFO/Light (Pictures) - Last Night - MUFON Reports

Good morning Clockers. From what the articulate Report indicates it was around 8 PM last night.... the person got a number of `light' shots... but the one below was the most distinctive:

Heck Of An Enlargement Too
Again... the light according to the report was so bright.. it would be surprising if this is the only report IMO.
July 4th 2013 - Lake Stevens Red Flashing `UFO' Video

It doesn't look like much to me... short video.. recorder is pretty surprised but could be anything from a Robocopter (somewhat unlikely) to simply a LED light attached to a balloon. I don't think this is one of the `real anomalous' of firecracker fame.

Recurring 3 Month UFO/Orb In Fredricksburg Texas Caught on Camera 10/25

This Picture, again from Fredricksburg, indicates an Orb/UFO VERY similar to the famous Dean Clark orb calling events:

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Orb Splitting Phenomena - `Structured Orbs'

For at least a couple years UDCC has been BIG into the multiple and splitting orb phenomena as any of the readers around here know. Indeed, the `changing orb' is PART of the UFO motif that has been emerging according to witness reports - again, over the last few years - and sometimes involves the orbs becoming `structured' as in almost craftlike. And, as you will again see by the Ken Pfeifer report below - this one again has all the new UFO characteristics.


It was Dec 14th, a typical cold Michigan night. I came outside to meet a family member who was dropping off a down payment for a T-shirt order. I do costume Designs and while I stood outside waiting for them to pull up, I noticed a really fast object to my right darting by in the sky. I thought it was something like a shooting star but was not sure because it shot by so fast. It caught my attention and made me extremely alert and I immediately began to comb the night sky in search for anything strange or sudden movements. There wasn’t alot of stars visible that night but a few none the less, so as I was doing my observation, another object caught my eye and it appeared to be a bright star much more brighter then anything else in the night sky. I noticed it starting to flicker and make some slight movements and change colors from bright white to a darker blue then a reddish color. I was shocked and excited by my discover. I waited and watched this object another 2 mins before for my family members pulled up and I proceeded to observe this object as I walked from my front yard, where I was standing, to the drive way. I rushed into the house grabbed my video recorder and came back outside. This time I approached the drive way to get a better angle and clear shoot with my camera and then proceeded to start shooting as much as I could. I zoomed in closer on the object and I was able to witness something I never seen before in my life. This bright star had morphed from one bright light into two distinct points of light and two different colors and they started to make movements like two orbs colliding and dividing separating and joining again changing patterns and growing in size. I observed the erratic activity for several mins then something else stranger began to happen.

 The one star or orb multiplexed and grew from two points of light to 3 then 4 then ultimately 8 to 12 different orbs was seen at one time or another. They increased in colors as the patterns and movements became more rapid and more complex in directions. They all seemed to move as one unit flashing and changing colors and and going from one to several at speeds of light they would move so fast and jump out of frame and then come back into my frame even when I tried to zoom out I could only see one object that appeared to be flickering then when I zoom in again it would start to build up and make more balls of light or multiply in size and grow bigger and became more evasive in this movements. I stayed and observed it for around 15 mins or so before the freezing cold forced me inside. I went inside to warm up and charged my battery and decided to go back outside after around 20 mins or so and captured similar activity in segments of 15 mins for a total of 40 mins to a hour. The object was visible around the 4th segment of me coming back out to capture more footage. It moved out the reach of my cam and I wasn’t able to record anymore. I’m attaching a few still shoots from the actual video footage. Let me know. I’m curious to have a expert analyze my recording and get some answers.

And the pics:
How about another read from Ken? Another one with a photo:



Approximately 11:30 am, I arrived at home from work in Socorro, NM. I had gone home to paint my garage floor during lunch. After talking to my wife she went outside to play with my 2 yr old son. Within a few minutes she called me and I went outside to investigate. She pointed to an object in the sky. I looked up and saw what appeared to be a well defined globular object of a whitish color with a brightish tinge of bluish purple. At first I thought it must be a high altitude balloon or maybe a satellite. It appeared very distant but sizable and at first appeared to be hardly moving. Its relative position was away from the sun with a clear sky and thus could be clearly seen almost directly East to NE.  At this point I ran back inside for a camera and took a picture using my personal phone camera. The object was strange enough to warrant further observation. At this point I thought I’d better get it on tape, so I scrambled to find the camcorder, at this point hoping I would be quick enough to catch it when I got back No issue the object had planned to stick around!  I began taking footage with my camcorder, and notice that other similar objects also show up on the camcorder screen besides the one that was visible with the naked eye and would appear to go from a globe shape to a diamond shape (probably artifacts I thought). At this point I wanted to know what it was so I grabbed my telescope. The object still stuck around, now at a position almost directly overhead but appeared to be far far away.

My first observation when my telescope was focused on the object was that of what appeared to be a perfect sphere with a bluish purplish hue with what appeared to be perforations or little dots (Imagine drawing a circle on paper and filling out the circle with dots). As far as I know this could have been a planet. However the telescope was removed from looking at the object and refocused several times from different positions in our backyard with the same result.  We thought, well, strange object and stopped recording, since we already had it on tape and it didn’t do anything new but continued using the telescope. The object then transitioned to the SSE within the next 10 minutes, but now at a faster rate than it was moving previously.  While I was looking at the object through the telescope, I saw a bright green flash in the scope and my wife yelled that the object hadseparated into two, what appeared to be identical objects. When I looked up from the scope, I saw now two, what appeared to be two almost identical objects moving in unison with each other. My wife mentioned that during the separation there appeared to some kind of smoke trail and a long cylindrical object that fell earthwards in a wobbly pattern during the separation (I hope someone finds it, whatever it was). When observed again in the telescope, the initial bluish purple hue, object was still there, but now seemed to have a smaller black object in front that obscured a portion of the purplish bluish sphere.  The objects then appeared to transition together at a lower level across the SSE to Eastern horizon and now appeared even more distant and was no longer visible to the naked eye. I am sure there is some logical explanation. One is that it may have been a weather balloon test; not to mention atmospheric turbulence and tricky sunlight. Times we saw the objects clearly visible: 11:35 AM Mountain Time to 12:50 PM Mountain Time. Wish I had camera attachment on my telescope, this was the most amazing!
Surely you're not ready to do this one more time are you? Perhaps tomorrow!
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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition