"And The Hits, Just Keep On Coming" CKLW Slogan late 1960's
The most recent bout of predicting seemed to begin anew last Oct. - as some of you remember - Ms. Blossom Goodchild received insight from her contacts with the beyond to tell us that aliens would hover for days straight in Alabama skies to announce their arrival and presence on Earth. That was supposed to happen last Oct. 14th. Guess what happened? Nothing.
Earlier this year the date was touted as May 31st --`or else' -- or else the Exopolitics movement was going to do it. The `or else' was directed at the government. Guess what happened? Nothing. Indeed, most recently, those in the movement seem to have shown their frustration at the lack of progress by virtually BEGGING the government and President Obama to come clean about alien technology. I blogged about it in my last post.
So, if enlightenment, if that is what it is to be called - isn't coming from `above' as in Ms. Goodchild's case ----- and --- isn't coming from the `inside' -- as in the Exopolitics movement case -- perhaps a prediction from `the outside' will work. In this case, the outside is Web Bot, a search engine tool/software, that is used to make predictions. (Don't worry, I'll be providing links.) In this case, predictions about alien disclosure and even some personalities that will be involved.
But, let me back up. My first exposure to a Web Bot prediction concerning the Nov. 27th Obama Disclosure was with this link on Nov. 6th to the online version of The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal and an article by Micheal Duff The Lubbock Avalanche-Journalhttp://lubbockonline.com/stories/110609/col_513172671.shtml. In this article, he says that http://web.bot/ is used in an article analysing it's finding by a blog called http://ufo-blogger.com/ (are you still with me).
Now, without a question - Ufo-blogger.com has lots of Web Bot material and predictions -- but, for the life of me - I could NOT come up with anything that predicted this Nov. 27th date and am not sure where Mr. Duff at the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal did either. Perhaps it is embedded in one of the many videos on the site with the predictions of Web Bot. Indeed, the website even has a tab for Web Bot. BTW, the software reports of the creators of the Web Bot Project, Clif High and George Ure, sell the predictions/download for 10.00 on http://www.halfpasthuman.com/. Oh, by the way, expect the `predictions' to be full of doom and gloom that you will be reading.
Anyway, the Web Bot predictions didn't end there - as then I came across this today - http://www.examiner.com/x-2912-Seattle-Exopolitics-Examiner~y2009m11d9-Web-Bot--Andrew-Basiago-is-predicted-planetary-level-whistleblower-for-Mars-life-and-time-travel - (yes, this is the same Andrew Basiago that I covered Sept. 10th in my blog The Heavy Stuff http://theheavystuff.com/?p=116) -- and, what a story it is. Seems that the Web Bot has predicted that Mr. Basiago will rise to planetary status in the next few months due to his findings about Mars --- here's the `wo-wo' stuff about the Web Bot predictions http://exopolitics.blogs.com/files/mars---clif-high-identifies-andy-as-planetary-whistleblower-predicted-by-alta---9-18-09-1.pdf. (Seems I beat the Exopolitics blog to Basiago by a week or so.)
So, after all this - what is my take?
My take is that Black Friday (Nov. 27th) the media will be in the shopping malls NOT in the White House briefing room for Alien Disclosure. You can take that as a prediction. That said, is the Web Bot wrong to predict that Basiago will be taking a more visible role soon about the wo-wo ideas of life elsewhere - perhaps not. Media coverage could soon extend into the new documents that seems to show an alien crash at Roswell via FOIA releases. And, that could propel the MSM to look for more `edgy' guests like Basiago - and, as I said when I covered his stuff in THS blog -- this guy does have some very interesting photographs of the surface of Mars.
Finally, one interesting thing about all this chatter is what it does to this blogs `hits' - which have escalated with virtually no posting since most of this chatter began: see the chart on top of the page or here http://www.sitemeter.com/?a=stats&s=s44m4ever&r=35 -- is my website a predictor too?
Is a Midnight clock setting imminent? Or, will the Bot be wrong again (it predicted a 10,000 fold increase in UFO reports this last summer)?
Hey, don't laugh too hard.
If you want to see my daily high strangeness webpage - go to www.squidoo.com/AnomalyMan --- I bet you will enjoy it.
Here's the video that mentions Nov. 27th.
So... No change... At what time does the clock sit now?
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, here in Australia ABC news has only just published the Vatican's announcement relating to the "Alien life is possible" topic. Pretty old news right? However, I find it bizarre that have only published it now and as headline "Breaking" news no less!
here's the link >>> http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/11/13/2742484.htm
ABC here down under stands for Australian Broadcasting Corporation (for those that don't know) - Still government run & funded last I checked.
So anyway, I thought I'd add to the topic... You know, under "UFO/ET Disclosure" or "Project Blue Beam" perhaps.
I also wanted say I love reading your posts. Being an Aussie, I too share your sarcastic view towards this topic: Some of these guys take Disclosure all too serious, and perhaps more people ought to as well, but there are way too many skeptics out there and with all these zany predictions being thrown about, it only adds to their skepticism.
I just wish one of these ET's would land on the White house lawn and introduce themselves "G'day my name is Ned I'm form a planet named Zoltar" or something.
Let us not put faith too much faith in an AI's prediction, however, I am unashamed to say that I do have my fingers crossed.
Cheers Lou
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments.
The clock will be re-set in December based on all that happens or doesn't happen in November. It does seem to be reaching a pinacle for the clock at even 9:30 PM.
Concerning the Vatican thing - actually it's at least the 2nd time this has occured - but, this is certainly more formal.
One must be sarcastic at times to make a point (recently, on my blog The Heavy Stuff -- I asked -- Gnomes, A Sustainable Population? -- to mock those who talk about bigfoot's having sustained populations).
Finally, concerning alien self-disclosure via landing on the White House lawn -- I think it is much more likely that IF an entity wants to self-disclose to humanity that it will come slowly and be more like `regular' passovers that would be literally `waited for' and observed by humans -- much like what is going on in some locations today.
Explaining further - in Pennslyvania this summer a few folks got so interested in the night skies that they regularly filmed some unknown craft that traveled at least 100 miles each night. So, 2 folks tell 20 - 20 tell 200 -- 200 tell 2000 and at some point the media may indeed cover it as news.
We will see.
Rick Phillips
I've been trying to follow the halfpasthuman.com stuff for a little while. Its pretty gloomy stuff, to put it mildly, and I think it needs to be taken with a fair dose of salt.
ReplyDeleteThat said, there is sort of a "whistleblower" theme running through some of the latest reports from HPH.
I can't say any of the Basiago stuff is at all compelling, and that seems to be what they are keying in on (it makes me wonder what the heck goes into their algorithms), but the recent, non-HPH stuff including the "climategate" hacking last week, and the "whistelblower" from the IEA (International Energy Agency), a few weeks ago makes me wonder. Maybe something is in the offing.
I'm not holding my breath, but keeping my ears open.
Is this the same Web Bot that predicted 1.2 billion human deaths from the B.P. oil spill? Ha! Pinch of salt required, methinks!!
ReplyDeleteIs this the same Web Bot that predicted 1.2 billion deaths from the B.P. oil spill? Ha! Pinch of salt required, methinks!!