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Showing posts with label alien. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alien. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2020


While on rare occasion on this blog I have provided some fiction type of writing - well - .... let's leave it at that. Today's writing nearly all of them to my brain...comes from one initial thought - what IF the reason for the world shutdown IS not exactly like what it is known/shown on Cable TV.(?)  (Say it's not true right? They always are straight shooters, right?)

After all, "they, the MSM, don't cover" the COVID19 conspiracies - and, lots of the current "conspiracy" theories, as with all conspiracy theories, have kernels of truth  - such as mentioning the  unusual "coincidences" in the timing of 5G's world turn on(?) -  theories which are seemingly censored on platforms like YouTube almost immediately upon posting, etc..... and, I'm sure that folks who are into some great world order (is that a NWO?) can twist the world response of a lockdown - as some perverted contest between groups of elitists. Conspiracies even exist about the virus origins - from an underground lab escape, to wet markets with bats, and even other animals as the species jumping cause.

But...would such power players, the 1% of the 1% of the world, do such a thing to the "people" who allow their power to succeed (think 2008?).... unknown at best, right(?). Would such power players do the unthinkable and crash the world economy on purpose (?) - and, if so,  for what purpose (?)  (a one world currency$) - (don't answer that, we haven't got to the good part yet). Have the human race proved itself evil yet?

Are we far enough down the slippery slope yet to usher in the alien angle? We are? Well sit right down it's time to slide down that rabbit hole while seemingly still aware of our senses. Now, caution is due and the hole will be getting narrower and kicking up long untouched dust, so beware.

Remember, this is a UFO webspace.

Let's say, like various conspiracy UFO folks seem to believe - that the "aliens" from elsewhere are indeed "here" and indeed "watching" if not watching over Earth. Now, certainly "aliens" that could get to Earth - have far greater knowledge than us humans - and would have no problem at all at being the sole source of the invention or introduction of COVID19 to the human race. IF needed, right?

Oh, don't worry, I won't get all emotionally squishy on you - I won't suggest that they wanted to set the world into a Great Depression to clean up the skies and oceans and finally do - what humans were unable to do; or, perhaps it's about climate change. You know...for the best of intentions. You know...kind of a let the humans figure it out type of thing.

"They", the aliens, would know "human nature" by now - and would know that only an order - an order by the "essential" authorities - would move us all inside - regardless of the consequences. Any consequences are acceptable for economic collapse, even a "culling" of the stupid if that is the outcome. You know...those not following the official directives...even if that directive is "don't go to the grocery store or pharmacy". Impossible words, right? (see bottom of post) Wrong.

But...what IF the aliens didn't actually have our planets best interest in heart but our best interest? know...they KNOW something we don't yet - and yet we can kinda feel in our bones...don't you(?) - it's the immanent end of ...yes existence as we knew it...and maybe more... because I have a new, favorite conspiracy theory to explain why the world we once knew is being brought to an apparent swift end.

What's that you ask? Is your conspiracy mind churning, yet? 

Well, how about an impending ELE - an Extinction Level Event of the size and scope to effectively end humanity. Such as a previously unseen asteroid from our inner solar system or something similar (Yellowstone explodes) . And, these all knowing aliens...having seen similar events play out through out the universe for billions of years...know what is best for the time before a planets civilization comes to an end; and that is, evidently, to be with family. To give as many as possible a pleasant end - rather than no notice at all - or rioting in the streets if divulged too early. (Forget that being in solitary and being alone can be devastating to some.) that the alien connection?

Just, set off a pandemic, observe the authorities "do the right thing" protocol - after all... "they - the aliens" probably have a bell curve chart showing how various worlds reacted when faced with the same knowledge the end is near, if not next. After all, how far into a economic depression will be considered pleasant in any manner (with the risk of violence rising)  - let alone indefinitely. So, how short is the remaining time? 

Seems the birds are singing loudly now, the white noise of humans is abating and the skies are clearing. We already know it is us who is being purged - much like the movie Arrival. The tipping point has passed, you can sense it, feel it, smell it. We all may not pass GO again as we slow down the money game to the speed of molasses. (Allstate is returning money since no one is driving - the cold day in hell has arrived?)

"Shelter In Place" ...that phrase seemingly introduced, out of the blue,  in just the last few years? Strange isn't it? Coincidence as they say. A phrase heard enough now to be accepted at face value. Because, soon,  little will have real value as the economic stranglehold takes hold. Remember the debate about shutting down the country... yeah, there was none. Interestingly, perhaps. 

IF you believe in fiction.

Oh...a free E-Book Today - On Economic Collapse

Sunday, August 24, 2014

UFO Over Lakewood Ohio? - Black Blob In Daytime Sky Video

It's from the MUFON reports - here's the report:
I was returning to work when I spotted so strange, slow moving object in the sky. I pulled out my camera and shot video. There was movement on the object, but no light or exhaust. Silent.
The Video
still downloads quickly with broadband
This one blob looks a bit more `solar balloon' than many of these anomalous daytime objects.
Since I posted here last a few days ago - I've blogged at Reddit on
please, check it out!
Speaking of blogging on Reddit (subreddits or r/) I was contacted by another UFO blogger and by chance he also runs a Subreddit like me - this is his (I think he has stepped away from moderating this as some links are pure goofy crap) Subreddit - Called Alien UFO Research. He's a person named Jeff who notified me about a bad link in my sidebar `' - which is appreciated always. He sent me his website to replace that link - called, you guessed it - Alien UFO Research - a quite highly ranked, only occasionally updated, (I think it's orientation was the 2012 gig) - but, worth a gander IMO. .... It's edgy moreso than UDCC especially in being convinced of the aliens on the ground situation.....
An example of the edgier stuff

(I think I've Ran This Before BTW)

Bottomline? Person with interest in UFOs trying to figure the phenomena out - seeking proof in the outer edges of submissions. Oh, I've offered to interview this guy on my radio podcast The Heavy Stuff - no response.
every single book I have is in Kindle Select
Nick Redfern's Latest

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bedtime `Alien' Abductions - Lucid Dreams? Or, Just A `Bit Further'?

To the degree that it is possible, I avoid the `consciousness' issues that arise for individuals who perceive the anomalous of the world phenomena surrounding us all. But, as regular readers also know, my feeling is that a lot to most of all anomalous phenomena may be occurring within a special consensus of space or perception of such. What I refer to as the ontological side of things - actualization's and such. 

Now all of this above talk arises because someone yesterday purchased the `lucid dream machine' technology that I have available via Amazon in the UDCC sidebar. The person also purchased two `lucid dream' books -- my sincere thanks to you for your purchases off this blog and - my best wishes for you to be very successful in your quest for the lucid dreaming experience. (I've experienced controlled lucid dreaming about 7-8 times when I was actively pursuing such mental endeavors. I can say that without question that the ontological landscape that is available for perception is of a nature unlike our ordinary spatial-phenomena. A very compelling landscape.)
The Product

Product Description

The REM-Dreamer uses infrared sensors to detect when you are in REM (dreaming) sleep. At that point the REM-Dreamer gives you sound and light cues (beeps and flashing lights) to remind you that you are dreaming, unlike the old Novadreamer. Thus, external world stimuli are transferred to the world of your dreams, and it becomes easy to achieve lucidity. The REM-Dreamer kit comes with a very comfortable sleeping mask with a small printed circuit board tucked inside that detects REM sleep, giving cues in the form of flashes or beeps. The kit also includes an LCD display device, which allows the user to adjust all settings very easily. The user can use any of several simple presets, or can customize the number of sounds and light flashes, their volume and brilliance, frequency per second, and duration. In addition, the REM sensor can be set to accurately track your personal REM eyeball movement. The device comes with the 36-page user's manual. The REM-Dreamer has given many people the opportunity to experience lucid dreaming, and the opportunity to use this natural state of consciousness to program their subconscious, influence their behavior, explore the world of the mind, and work with habits of body and mind, depending on their own needs and desires. The REM-Dreamer consists of a circuit board tucked inside the mask and an LCD display. There are two lines in the LCD. The upper line shows the menu entry (for instance: 1. Delay time), while the lower line shows the value of the parameter of the menu entry (for instance: 00:10:00 of the delay time).
It's an impressive technology with a specific consciousness objective - what's not to like. 
Except, perhaps, the world it connects to?
Are `alien abductions' the ones reported out of someones bed after going to sleep - connected to the realm of lucid dreaming?
First, I'd make a strong suggestion that there is a quantitative AND qualitative difference between even lucid dreaming and controlled lucid dreaming - as great as the difference between regular dreaming and lucid dreaming - and as great as NO DREAMING vs regular dreaming. 

AND - that the `jump' to `alien abduction' would be as great a difference - perhaps - `above/beyond/under' the controlled lucid dreaming state. I am also of the opinion, which is all anyone can say about such matters - that the state I'm describing is similar to IF NOT IDENTICAL to - the `mutual hypnosis states' that Dr. Charles Tart used in the late 1960's - to induce - mutually available landscapes for multiple people to perceive and experience as local and now - at least for a portion of their `space as a human'. (Which I maintain is larger than the normal consciousness we see and experience constantly - but - is also `represented' by the consciousness that we see and experience.)
Books By Dr. Charles Tart
evidently his first two books are out of print and out of availability 
(two of my bedrock books I read in the early 70's - SOC is available for about 16 bucks, a steal)
Now as someone who has experienced `missing time', with others, in a seamless experience in normal reality - I am not willing to make any final judgments on what is going on within some special state of consensus that others indicate experiencing - such as an alien abduction experience within some contained reality state of being. The real question is - is that a contiguous space with our normal reality or is it indeed using `our other space' - what I call our `able-to-not-be' space of which we are always part of being too. IMO.

The `part' of our space - that perhaps is `where our doppelganger is'. A `space' that is nearly always in our own `super present' except - when we sleep or alter on purpose our consciousness level (state of being). (Through meditation, drugs,  or other means - even technological means IMO.)

Because, what folks seem to suggest when they experience this night-time alien abduction, is that it is THEY who are being transported to the other location. (Almost without exception in a catatonic state of being - just a space being transported - that has awareness as being that space.) 

Or could there be a dream doppelganger and a `real doppleganger? LOL.
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Monday, July 8, 2013

1976 Missing Time Anomalous High Strangeness

Hello Clockers and newbies - thanks for either your return visit or for having an inquisitive mind. First up today we go to the UDCC bin of anomalies supplied to UDCC by Ken Pfeifer of MUFON. In today's initial offering we go back to the mid 70's - about the ONLY time in `UFO' history that indeed seems to have a number of `real ontological' alien encounters that ultimately involve the phenomena of missing time. (And very very often that missing time is from 1-2 hours.)

(BTW, years ago I wrote this piece in The Heavy Stuff - The Missing Space Of Missing Time Experiences.)

Anyway, here's Ken's offering:

On January 6, 1976, three women were abducted near Stanford, Kentucky. As they were driving together to have dinner, a bright red object appeared in the sky, which Mona Stafford at first thought was an airplane on fire. As the object descended from the right side of the road to a point ahead of them, they could see that it was not an airplane, but a huge object bigger than "two houses."

Original Report: January 6, 1976 was Mona Stafford's 36th birthday. To celebrate, she and her friends Louise Smith and Elaine Thomas decided to drive thirty-five miles from their home in Liberty, Kentucky, to have dinner at the Redwoods Restaurant, between Stanford and Lancaster, Kentucky. Louise Smith was driving them in her '67 Chevy Nova.

The three women had an enjoyable dinner together. None of them drank any alcoholic beverages with their meal. At about 11:15, the trio headed back home, expecting to be home by midnight. At Stanford, Kentucky, nine miles from Lancaster, they turned off Highway 27 and onto Highway 78 towards Hustonville.

Just outside Stanford, a curious thing happened. A bright red object appeared in the sky, which Mona Stafford at first thought was an airplane on fire. As the object descended from the right side of the road to a point ahead of them, they could see that it was not an airplane, but a huge object bigger than "two houses." The object stopped about a hundred yards ahead of them, stretching across the road on both sides. It rocked back and forth for a couple of seconds, and then moved off to the left.
They kept driving, and assumed that whatever it was had kept going. However, after they had been about a quarter of a mile, a blue light appeared through the rear window of the car. At first they thought it was a highway patrol car with its lights flashing, but soon they realized that the flying object had circled around and had come up behind them. Suddenly, something wrested control of the car away from Louise Smith. The car accelerated even though Mrs. Smith took her foot off the accelerator, and the speedometer was soon on 85 mph. Mona Stafford, in the front passenger seat, tried to help Louise regain control of the car, but it was not possible. The women began to feel a burning sensation in their eyes. The ignition lights lit up on the instrument panel, an indication that the car's engine was stalled, but they were still speeding along. They saw a wide, brightly lit road ahead of them, and then, seconds later, the scene became Highway 78 and they recognized they were on the outskirts of Hustonville, a full eight miles from where they had just been. Checking the time, they found that, incredibly, an hour and twenty minutes had passed.

They arrived at Louise Smith's trailer in Liberty at 1:25 am, almost an hour and a half late. They went inside to collect themselves and found that they each had a red mark like a burn on the backs of their necks, and they all had burning, irritated eyes. Louise Smith went into the bathroom and removed her watch to wash her face. She saw that the hands of her watch were spinning at a much higher than normal speed. When she splashed water on her face, she found that contact with water caused pain in her hands and face.

They went next door, to the home of Mr. Lowell Lee, and told him what had happened. He had them separately sketch the object they had seen. The sketches were extremely similar, if not identical. They called the police and the local navy office, but neither showed any interest in their story.

In the days that followed, Mona Stafford had more problems with her eyes than did the other two women, and she sought medical help for severe conjunctivitis. Louise Smith's pet parakeet was now inexplicably terrified of her and the bird died a couple of months later. Smith's car also began to develop mysterious electrical problems.

The navy office reportedly gave information about the story to the news media, and the story was soon in the newspapers. Hearing of the case, Jerry Black of MUFON set up an interview with the three women. J. Allen Hynek of CUFOS and Jim and Coral Lorenzen of APRO also investigated the case. The investigators found that other individuals had independently reported sightings of a UFO in the Casey and Lincoln counties that same night. Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming heard of the case and flew in, and on March 7, 1976, he performed a preliminary hypnotic regression of the women.

In July of 1976, Lexington Police Department detective James Young separately gave the three women lie detector tests regarding their experience. They all passed with no problems. Later that evening and continuing into the next day, extensive hypnotic regression of the women was performed by R. Leo Sprinkle. These sessions were similar to the story of Betty and Barney Hill in that they revealed that during the period of missing time the three women were taken on board the object they had seen. While there they were medically examined by shadowy beings that they later identified as being similar to depictions of aliens. -

Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000's
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And, From The Latest MUFON Reports Today
June 2013 - Cylinder Of Light - Cape Coral Florida
Congratulations to Lon Strickler on his new
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In my Twitter timeline you will find very interesting things and ideas...... such as..... assuming Roswell was an event with Aliens, why was no rescue mission launched?
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Friday, July 5, 2013

UFO Finds On Twitter

Those of you who look at my Twitter feed - know that I've been using the T service more. As a result, of course, I get `referred' to many folks with similar UFO interests in my `who to follow' boxes - many of whom are UFO webmasters. Consequently, I have numerous opportunities to see my website at UDCC in comparison -- so, as I have done many many times in the past - let me turn you onto what's available:
(top 3 million on Alexa.Com)

Perhaps of greatest interest on this 11 PAGE website (UDCC is two) is the finding that July 6th (yes, tomorrow) is UFO Awareness Day from Aliens The Truth. (Anyone wonder how these folks know THE TRUTH? - yep, the ties to the Disclosure Crowd.)
Has an okay `news' section and is a website oriented to Pennsylvania. 
Lots of old 2012 type crappola.
Not one word about Robert Bigelow or Orbs.
IF you are into `secret bases' and `aliens' this might be the website for you.
(no ranking)

A Spanish blog trying to operate as an English blog - less than 3K views ever - stopped updating in mid 2012. All videos. Blog is by a Med student with multiple blogs.
UFO Real? "Please click the adds to support this website."
Yea, pretty much worthless.
MeetUp - World UFO Group
(no ranking)

Now, here's a unique approach - again seemingly pushed by the Disclosure Crowd - to meeting up (using that website) to promote sky watching parties. One recent meetup to watch the sky in Arizona had 7 - which is cool.

Encouraging the world to watch or anticipate the skies certainly is stimulating things.
Falling Awake 1000
(no ranking)

Want to be greeted by a talking Green Alien on a six page website? Then this is the site for you -- promising the best in UFO info. Less than 1000 page views ever. Hopelessly lost in 2012 crappola. 
Weird Lectures
(top 23 million Alexa)

Weird stuff, for weird people, in a weird world. Yeah, that about sums it up in the best for last website worth investigating. A  number of lectures worth listening to  - archive of enormous effort includes John Keel.

Serious stuff, real blogging.
My Kindle Author Page

Kindle Devices Subscribe To UDCC Here - Free Trail Period!

My Latest Podcast On Blog Talk Radio (July 5th)


Book Description

 February 27, 2013
H. R. Phillips is a top UFO blogger with nearly 800 posts on UFOlogy - all since 2007. His intense examination of certain issues during that period provide an insight into what is referred to as UFO Disclosure. Indeed, Phillips specifically focuses on what issues the mainstream media missed covering this millennium before the `official U.S. answer' about UFO Disclosure in late 2011. An answer that in all likelihood amounts to `suppression through disclosure'.

Like other `UFO' books by Phillips, this one too contains his best posts from his main UFO blog UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock and his esoteric blog The Heavy Stuff - along with ADDITIONAL analysis and commentary.

Below are the chapter titles:

Unofficial, Un-Intentional – Disclosure
The Heaven And Hell Of UFO Disclosure
`True' Anagrams For - UFO Disclosure
Vatican Blesses Believers - Of Aliens
Obama's "it depends" Answer To The Alien Disclosure Question - Part Two
The Actual Lack Of Thirst For UFO Disclosure
Is `UFO Disclosure' Already Getting Boring?
U.S. `UFO' Disclosure - Could It Be Done With Limited Impact?
Might Even FORCED Alien Disclosure Mean Virtually Nothing?
C-SPAN Embarrasses
Don’t Worry, The Aliens Are Friendly
Exopolitics Greer - Makes Disclosure Plea
The Unthinkable - Disclosure Happens

Make sure to read also the LONG foreword to these chapters by reading a free sample of the book. This is a book that finally explains what matters now - AFTER the official U.S. answer about the `extraterrestrial presence' and human interactions.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Alien In The Rear-View Mirror Picture (Latest MUFON Reports)

You must see the blow-up of this one - a classic.
And, lately, if one were to believe the report submitted to MUFON - he and his wife have been hearing Footsteps On The Roof - (has he taken a picture of a mental reflection?). He was taking a picture of the distant fire.
More From the Latest MUFON Reports
I've combined two of my best sellers
have you explored the sidebar lately?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Martian Lunacy `Spilts' UFO Disclosure Crowd

As regular readers are aware, because I've went over the issues before - I'm not a big fan of the UFO Disclosure crew of folks; now into their second decade of boring the bejeppers out of the mainstream media with their so-called `UFO' proof by UFO experiencers within the government and military. That said, within the `Disclosure' people - there has also been `wink and a nod' at the goofier edge of the `movement' for UFO and Alien and Energy Disclosure. (Remember, we are all being withheld from Nirvana by the big meanies and conspiracy power folks. Or, something like that.)

And, part of that `outer edge' (perhaps to make the rest more believable?) - has been Alfred Lambremont Webre and especially his insistence on playing `The Martian Card' of the Exo-politics movement. What's that you ask - well, you really don't want to know I assure you - as it involves below the surface Martians, humans and Martians grooving together and if I have my stories straight - time travel and jump rooms. 

IF you dig in to these links within this main link - you will feel the need for a shower shortly afterwards - believe me. The UFO Disclosure Folks Split Ways. And, all this ruckus is because ALW and crew are not invited to speak at the next Citizens Summit or whatever they are calling it this time around.

UFO Disclosure and the anagram truths:
Ludicrous Foes
Lucid Sour Foes
Focus Dour Lies
Foul Discourse
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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Oh Please, OR, Please No....... MUFON ALIEN Report - With Pictures

This report has been up such a short period of time that the woman's actual phone number is part of the report and hasn't been redacted as of yet. (I did here however.) It's probably the most extreme report I've read in a bit of time and that is saying something. I comes replete with 5 pictures and there supposedly is a video. (In my opinion the pictures leave MUCH to the imagination.)

Seriously, this person maintains that they observed a shape-shifting, image projecting, 7 foot Reptilian, peaking in their curtain-less window, two nights in a row. (They have just moved to a rural area and are renting.) This latest MUFON report seems very similar to the Romarek saga.

Here's the full report from Olympia Washington - happened Thursday evening: Direct MUFON Link To Story

The night before last (3/13/13 I woke from a sound sleep with my back door knob rattling,it was approx 2am. 
I had just rented a little house in the country an it was my 3rd night there. 
There was a Alien staring at me through the window at the top of the old door on the back porch. As soon as the Alien saw that I was looking at him, it ran off. 
I was scared an shaking so I told my landlord the next morning an he giggled in dis-belief, he said if it comes back tonight then I should knock on his door an tell him. (He lives next door) 
It came back around 9:30pm 3/14/13, I was texting a friend when I saw it in the same window so I quickly started taking pictures, with my cell phone. 
I took approx 50 pics from all different angles an with it turning its head. I even got pictures of what appeared to be cloaking itself. very scary!!! I am still freaked out an I didnt get much sleep last night. 
I had a feeling it was trying to lure me to the door, It was reptilian, it 
had eyes similar to the Grey alien everyone talks of but it had scales on its head and its shoulders. It also had bony spike shapes over his skull an all I saw were 3 fingers. It was approx 7 feet tall and looked strong. It just stared directly in my eyes, when I moved, His head moved. when his head turned I saw wrinkles on his neck, his nose was flat an he had no lips, "more like a lizard" 
It appeared to have projected images onto the glass, an was shape shifting! I know how this sounds, but Im serious. He made a black spot appear in the center of his face an the spot looked like a beak(maybe owl) Then he shifted into what looked like a clown with a gift in its hands an the other that mostly freaked me out appeared to be of an old man (possible priest) an when it smiled the priest smiled too. I could tell it was just a projection on to the glass, because I could still clearly see him. 
I know how this sounds, as I hesitated telling anyone...But I have great pictures and a video that I took with my cell phone. 
I called my landlord over to share the story an pictures, He is a well known local Animal Veterinarian. He studied the pictures an they also freaked him out. He said he wont walk his dog at night any longer. He explained what he saw in the photos that I took, an is very interested in learning about what I have witnessed. 
I do not know who to call or if I should call anyone, I have many pictures of its face changing shapes an very good pictures of the structures of its eyes, scales, an head. 
I dont know how to take the images from my cell or I would email you a few, I can text the images. 
I am a bit scared from what I have seen, If you have any idea of what It was please contact me an tell me what I can do to keep it away. I am going to the local humane society to get a dog or two, I hope that will help. 
If your interested in talking, you may reach me on my cell: (redacted) but please dont tell anyone my name. I volunteer for the State of Washington an dont want this to interfere with my job or my friends and family. 
I attached a few pictures of it shape shifting, a couple of the pictures are of it turning into what looked like a clown face, an the last image, You can clearly see its head (left) an it projecting a image of the old mans head (right) I have many more images. 
I hung curtains up today, so if it comes back tonight I will not be able to see it.

The Powers That Be
Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?

Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human
What I want to know is why this observer chose THESE pictures while claiming to have such good material? Anyway, I'll start with the projected `Clown Face'....
You have got to be kidding... right?
Here's a few more of the gems.........................
This is totally typical that the person describing the unknown is unable to show a picture with the description --- is this total imagination? Do they see their description in these pictures and that is why they load them up?........ Those first nights in rural areas are indeed mighty scary to a few......
My `science' blog called The AnomalyMan Listing covered how certain analysts are saying the coming Robot Revolution will increase 400% in the next ten years - including, finally, A Robot To Clean The House, I also blog about Glacier Growing and have a video that purports to have `aliens' in it (set to music). Dig around when you get there.
Oh, if you are really brave you can see my inner most thoughts here at a blog that I updated this week for the first time in Years. The slippery slope.
And, at Amazing UFO Stories - I cover an incident from 1968 ... where an alien being Touches The Observer... more too so dig in.
thanks for your support of udcc affiliates
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Monday, January 14, 2013

The `It Was Totally Seamless' Missing Time Experience

What you see in quotes today is from The Latest 20 MUFON reports - a report out of South Carolina of an event that happened to a man yesterday and reported later in the day (no reports are even listed as 1-14 yet). It involves something that I rare have encountered in so called `anomalous reporting' on websites such as UDCC or others. And, I am using the highlighted direct MUFON comment - to let an understanding sink into your mind - and I have a reason.

You see, in the MUFON report the man walks about in the middle of the night doing his usual it sounds - bathroom, and getting a drink. Looking at clock as he begins. Then during the normal sequence of noting his circumstantial surroundings something is dramatically wrong and it's simply NOT the `same time' but is a time - hours later.

Now, yes; I too could think of many explanations for this guys experience - but - somehow - nothing seems to fit as `easily' as what this guy is suggesting - that `seamless, missing time' can even - evidently - begin as a phenomena in ones home. (Or, in your car or in the street. Perhaps I'll explain.) And, I want to once again acknowledge the obvious - anything can be fake - including MUFON reports.

(Speaking of the quality of MUFON reports - the what I call `delusional' - usually at `seeing things' in pictures or simply trying to mess with MUFON readers heads - does exist and I simply screen those worthless pictures out or `fantastic stories' without much detail - as those too seem not real.)

Read this guys account - couldn't be more realish: This is the full account and worthy of your read - January 13th - Missing Time and High Strangeness In South Carolina - because I use only the main highlight below:
I woke up on the couch, it was dark outside and I needed to get up and use the bathroom. My daughters bathroom is not 6 foot from the couch down the hallway. I got up and on my way there glanced over to look at what time it was on the oven clock. It was 2:15. Usually when I get up at this time of night its because something or every once in awhile my 6 year old daughter wakes me up jumping into our bed because of a bad dream which always makes me get up and go to another room. So I go in and use the bathroom which takes only a couple minutes. I walk from there to the kitchen and grab a mountain dew from the fridge, I notice my neck is killing me which is like what i call a CRICK and it hurts like hell. So I go to the couch set the dew on the floor in front of the couch and rub my neck for a moment. I reach down and grab the mountain dew. I pick it up and take a drink and think this is warm, what the heck. I figure something must be wrong with the fridge but thinking it was cold walking over. I noticed i had the use the bathroom and was like what the hell I just went to the bathroom a minute ago. Then I notice that my neck is suddenly feeling alot better, still hurting but not nearly as bad as it was. I keep my laptop on the coffee table and reach over hit the mouse and the computer comes out of sleep mode. This is when I freak the clock say 4:23 am 
I look over at the oven clock and it says 4:24 am. All of this happening in less then 6 minutes at the most. I got a creepy feeling and started to get very upset and a little scared. I look out the doors which is next to the couch and out across the back yard, I look aand see the motion lights down by the barn some 400 yards away are on. Rarely do we ever see these lights come on and have to be triggered by movment of something. Things get worse for me mentally when I glance down and the door is unlocked and not all the way closed. I cannot explain the way I felt at that moment but I ran to my daughters bedroom and she was not there and turned and ran to ours and hit the light. Both my wife and daughter were in the bed asleep. 

The reason I bring this experience to light - is that I also had - with two other people a similar `seamless missing time' experience while in total `awake' consciousness. Yeah, weird enough that I've never on UDCC dug into it. I have covered this in a sense on my blog when I wrote my unique esoteric take on such experiences in a blogpost titled `The Missing Space Of Missing Time Experiences' - it's still available and not in one of my e-books yet. (Indeed, I plan some VERY HEAVY books in 13.) In my speculations I throw caution to the wind to say the least.
Now let me add something that I found to also be at least another possible explanation that I found just a few years ago - and it's from a link that I've had on this page for years - it's about Instant Induction Hypnosis - Beyond Belief (this is not written by me). The hard truth folks is that the human mind and perception field both display modes that are able to be controlled either by others or other forces - evidently.

(And of course, their is the Fortean reason of `no reason other than wonder'.)

So, what are we left with - if we take ALL of the ABOVE into account - and assume that ALL of it is being told in as honest as possible for a human.

Is it more likely that a `person' with the extremely unique ability to induce instant hypnosis was wondering the rural landscape in hopes of flipping out an individual? Or, is it more likely that an `alien' or `alien force' is what induced all of these perceptions? And, perhaps even more importantly - could BOTH the `alien' `answer' and the `alien force' be TWO different things (or the same thing - much how like a human can use a remote control).

(The real ugly side IMO to these experiences on the human level - as someone who has had a major one - is that it makes the Peter Gersten `we are in a computer and we are software' `theory' even more plausible I hate to admit.Indeed once one is trying to prove the opposite - that we are NOT in a computer program - it gets more slippery slope-ish. But, who has a `corner' on real - is your real dream, real?)
As much as UDCC and I like to talk about perceptual events - this MUFON report does seem beyond that and at a minimum a bout of Fortean high strangeness. Indeed, just taking what we have `absorbed' about the whole `alien phenomena' over the past couple of decades - one has to wonder if it is more likely that `aliens' are involved or - as I wrote in 2007 in the above piece `Missing Space' - is it that `we somehow accelerate  during that period. (read my link to know a bit more of what I try to say in a few words here).

And finally the `horror' of the story - could it be true that physical `aliens' enter our homes THRU THE DOOR?
Oh, what a `UFO experience' can bring forth, right?
(BTW, a pure skeptic, or perhaps realist, (not invalidating anything above btw) would be more in the camp of the experiencer on this one, I bet - an individual in pain who had a sleep walking experience.)
But, I'm not through as I strive to bring Clockers the best mix of UFOlogy on the internet - including looking for the LATEST reports of which to bring you the first and  freshest analysis spin. Please bookmark and return.
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Monday, November 12, 2012

MUFON - Another October Tube UFO Report - This One With Occupant Perception

As if UDCC (and the MUFON reports) hasn't stretched your mind enough in the past 30 days or so - comes this new report to MUFON's latest files about an October 16th perception event in Johnson City Tennessee (yes another `southern' tube UFO) - and yes, ONE of his six submitted pictures looks a bit tubeish in shape. First the report shown below:
I was in my front side yard taking pictures of flowers and felt a presence. I stood up and turned facing west and was going to take pictures of fall trees when I observed a long circular white tube which had thin black segments at regular intervals extending from object in the sky that curved toward me. At end of tube appeared to be a dull metal shield which opened like your top eyelid revealing a man who appeared to be in early 30s with black curly hair w/beard and mustache dressed in white robe seated and appeared to be working controls. The surface at end of tube appeared to be oval shaped and had black edges with amber color in middle but I could see man inside. Man never looked at me but I felt like I was not supposed to observe. I remember remarking "so thats how they do it" as the tube retracted back up to ufo and disappeared into bottom of object. This took about 25 to 30 seconds. There was no sound. There were no clouds in the sky to obstruct view of object. There was no wind. At first I thought it might be a satellite in the sky. I was kind of nervous and felt really strange about what I saw but nothing happened. I questioned if I really saw what I did see. I was not afraid of it or that it would harm me. I just had a sense of curiosity. I went back into my house for about 5 mins. I came back out again to take more pics and to see if the object was still there. It was. I decided I would go to my back yard to take pics of more flowers and a crepe myrtle tree. I then observed the object more nw as if it had moved to observe me. I tried to take more pictures of the object as I could still see it with my naked eye but could not find it thru the lens of my camera. I did observe a jet leaving a trail at the time the object was in the sky. I tried to take several pics at different areas of where ufo was located to see if I could capture it again with my camera but to no avail. When I blew up the picture on my pc, there was a distinct glow of color around object. There were no wings or obvious fuel tank, etc. My daughter, who works in Johnson City for the local telephone company, along with fellow employees who were taking a break about 11:30 AM the same day, also saw the same object and many of them thought it was a satellite as well. They did not observe the tube. I was able to take 2 pics of ufo but quality was not the best as I had to zoom out my lens to get a picture and only limited zoom on my camera.
============================== (best image link - looks more tubelike)
======================================= (more Orb looking in this link)
Are you here looking for those strange hovering aircraft that seem to be more prevalent in our perception horizons? Fear not - happened just yesterday in Grove City Ohio - another new MUFON report.
BTW, there were reports on Reddit yesterday that indicated a number of `black helicopters' in the Denver skies since the TV report of the obects that seem to emerge from the EARTH at a specific location and at a specific time. (An old codger brought it to the MSM's attention, of course.) This is a very hot story IMO. Stay tuned. It may be hot for no other reason except that OTHER old codgers in OTHER cities may use the same methodology to reveal who knows what.
Obviously, I didn't update yesterday - I literally wanted the Denver story to seep into your brains. That said, I had FREE books, yes books, on my Author Page yesterday. I promote my free books in numerous manners as you would expect. Anyway, nearly 200 of you downloaded the two books in one day - much appreciated. AND, importantly, some of you bought books from my Author Page including the ones below:

Priced at 1.49                                                 Priced at 2.99

Priced at 99 Cents (2006 Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO Incident)
Check out all my books - perhaps one is Free, if not today, then soon. My Kindle Author Page. Oh, and a big thanks to the person from JAPAN who made the first purchase via Kindle Japan, appreciated.

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Once Upon A TIME

The high strangeness stories multi decades old again bless the latest MUFON reports today - enjoy:
First up March 17th, 1974 - Lancaster, Ohio (I lived within 40 miles of this location on this date BTW)
,,,,I heard an irritating buzzing sound in my ear ,,,no bees were there ,and then I saw the UFO hovering around 10-12 ft. above me but over about 5 ft ,,,next to a wild apple tree ,,,I then tried to run from it ,but kept feeling like something was right behind me ,,,I blacked out in mid stride ,and the next thing I remember I was at the other end of the small woods ( 200 -300 yards away ) standing facing a small tree ,and someone started talking to me ,and told me not to look at them ,and as I started to answer back ,they told me not to talk ,,,Just to think what I wanted to say ,and they would be able to hear me ,,so I did ,and they answered to that ,,,,They were able to hear what I was thinking ,,,,I asked them to speak to me in the language that they use to communicate to each other ,and it sounded like a broken up bunch of garble with snaps ,and crackles in it ,,,in the conversation I had with them they asked me to look at them ,and I told them that I was afraid to look ,and they told me that they felt the same about us people ,and we both laughed ,and I heard other laughs too ,so I asked if there were others there with us ,and they said yes ,that there were two more of them there ,,,after that the conversation in which I never looked away from the tree ,,,they left ,and I heard a kind of whirring sound as they left ,,,,after they were gone I turned around ,and went home ,,,When I arrived home ,my mother advised me that I was 4 hours late getting home ,and where had I been ,because she wasnt able to get ahold of me at any of my friends homes ,and I said I had been abducted by aliens ,and we both laughed ,and I went on in the house thinking ,,,Mom ,,,if you only knew ,,,I really was abducted by aliens ,,,lol,.,,but I knew she wouldnt believe me ,so I never discussed it with her until YEARS later ,,,NOTE : There is ALOT more details to this true story ,but its late ,and I have a doctors appointment at the V.A. Hospital in the mourning ,,,Please contact me for more details ,,,tyvm ,,,

And, how about March 15th, 1971 in Surf City, New Jersey:
pre or post seashore season- unusually warm evening in Mar/Oct 1970?- Rode cycles to sea shore- Standing on sand dunes of Surf City, Long Beach Island, N.J. @20 yards from surf line- dark (@10:30-11:00 PM) upper cloud over, no stars etc.- tide in- desolate- I was one of four cyclists from city of Camden, N.J.- one of whoms parent owned a summer house(currently closed-up until season) one block from this beach- I made a comment about our apparent desolation!- to which one friend said while nodding to the North: "somebodys here?" Looking North @300-400 yards up the beach, we observed a greenish light appear near the waterline? it lasted for a second or more then went out . . . repeating again, and again, as though someone with a flashlight (military, green filter) was walking down the beach in our direction while staying out of the breaking waves water line? we thought! Until the light approached our relative position, near enough to see no one shineing a flashlight, just the geenish, circle of light! I quickly assumed, and said: "its probably a really large firefly" and left the group on the sand dunes, to see for myself! Timing my approach to the lights on/off sequence,(about 5 human strides per flash),I was able to peer into the next, moving south (circular, @3 feet in diameter, bright, greenish-yellow light) and observed nothing more than a brightly lit, visible moving waterline, sand, sea shell fragments, etc. Incredulously I marveled aloud while looking skyward for its source . . . a beam,a sound? "Can you guys see a beam?" "No" came an answer followed by "Get into the light!" "No!" I replied while following along (striding) for 2 or 3 more southward flashes before peeling off and going back to our sand dune perch. The soundless, beamless light was watched for as long as it could be seen, going down the beach, southward, seemingly staying just out of the Atlantic Ocean.
Today's weirdest picture? About an Oct. 14th `Moving Orange Cloud' in Denver Colorado:
Finally for today, there is this `Flat DNA' UFO picture taken in Canada last night - Sky Symbol UFO That Looks Like Flat DNA.








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition