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Showing posts with label sky lights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sky lights. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2012

UDCC Mailbox

As Clockers know, on occasion I print communications I receive about the UFO phenomena. Today's post will be that as I have had several communications with Pam who has sent to me pictures and videos she believes are anomalous in nature. I've featured her YT channel before openyoureyes10 before as she was convinced she was filming recurring Orbs.

Additionally, Pam is a fan of UDCC - perhaps even gaining some insights within this very blog (pats on back). Anyway, this morning Pam sent to me some video she has on YT and some pictures - I responded back and then Pam sent me this:

I appreciate your view on "actualized space" but I must differ due to my own experiences and my daily reality. The fact is, as I've told my Mufon friends, I sense or "see" objects that streak by(I'm on 3rd floor) either next to balcony railing or just in sky generally..

My goal is that people realize that there are "objects" in our skies, UFOS, that are not just Alien Crafts, that what they see as ordinary may not be ordinary at all. For people to become aware in their daily lives to their surroundings..

People speak of "fake planes" caused by Orbs imitating planes but I believe thats not all they are imitating..

Either I've come into this late and it has been going on for some time or "Change" is happening, for reasons that I'm not aware of.

What is STRANGE is that after not being able to find and film Orbs or the strange objects for some time, after I ahd been stating that I ALWAYS film something strange - and had for many many months, that after I had read your article about perhaps someone other could be calling the Orbs and such to appear, that I started mentally calling them this past month--pleading for them to come and show themselves. Well, I believe They have come. In my first film 4 days ago, the sight of a small Orb caused a real happiness for me...and then, the actual, what I believe to be a Real Probe to be visible(I've seen one other during my first sightings, so it isn't jut the camera)

And, for something even more strange, I am now wondering, after my months of not filming or "seeing-sensing" anything and now being able to, could it be due to a strange, flickering "light" last week that I could see with my naked eyes one night or because of my pleading? I even filmed it not that it shows well on film. it was Sooooo strange.Just a thought...AND, the two articles, one of which you provided, that helped me reaffirm my previous sightings way back when. I feel there is a reason I just need to discover what it is..

This isn't about me, I just wanted to share that... LOL (CRAZY)

Please remind people to really LOOK at their daily surroundings and sometimes just taking a moment to pause and reflect while staring out at the sky, to "look" but don't really "see", not focusing on any one thing, and I bet they will see something....
I don't know how familiar that Pam is with Carlos Castaneda's guru Don Juan - but he spoke endlessly about `seeing' as opposed to `looking'. Indeed, awareness/intentionality's - IMO - can be a `trigger' for `the unknown' to actualize. I'd also direct Pam to where I covered a Kentucky man who brought MUFON to his property and literally `produced' a light show of Orbs in front of them. MUFON eventually said that he produced a `spiritual' phenomena. (as opposed to alien I assume)
Readers are welcome  to contact UDCC via the comment area or at . I am still hoping to have that interview with the MUFON special investigator of NJ. And, I still have in the bin a great in depth lookback at one particular UFO case of 2011. So stay tuned. I also want to remind my readers that I will be `signing' books at the book release party at Poem 88 in Atlanta next Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM with Robert Cheatham. IF you are a resident in the Atlanta area (alexa suggests I have about 150 or so Atlanta readers) please come out and shake hands - I'd love to meet you.
How to Summon and Command Spirits, Angels, Demons, Afrit, Djinns. 3rd Edition. (Instructions and techniques on how to communicate with spirits)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Canadian TV Reports On Sky Noise Phenomena - Purports To Have Answer

In only the second TV report I've been able to uncover about the Sky Noise Phenomena - it has to do with last weeks HUGE Canadian strange sky noise. Yes, the one that sounds like `synth' and more. You have to hear this video and hear the explanation too by a local scientist - who says it is electromagnetic radiation - the `gathering site' this is on thinks such info is DISinfo. What's your opinion?

link - (hattip to SOL)
Here's a smattering of comments at the above video:
Ya, its normal alright ! So normal that in my 35 years of existence, and my neighbor of 68 years, have never once heard sounds like this come from the sky.  What type of hoax are they going to play on us ? HAARP ? Project Blue Beam ? Who fucking knows ? But as long as we are knowledgeable on such things, they can't get away with it. Research both of those topics, please !
The explanation these "experts" give is absolutely ludicrous. And this noise is "normal" and "casual"? Give me a break...
The noises started in 2011. I heard it was hoaxed to keep people in fear. People who are in fear are easy to control and manipulate. Probably right patjees, they are using HAARP to make the sounds
Auroras are producing those sound..... LMFAO ! So i'm able to fart with my toes ! NWO Scientific moron !
Finally for today - Strange UFO Videos - has ..... well... a strange UFO video. This one will test your memory, it's from 1979 and happened on LIVE TV at a football game. Indeed, the video is posted in both its CLOSE UP form and LONG form - it really is a must see Clockers. 1979 Three Rivers Stadium UFOs

A big thanks to the person who bought the plans for the 100 dollar electricity machine - let us all know what you find please.
Clockers, that 19.01 cents off your next Restaurant meal coupon in the top of this page IS REAL! Google does not have FAKE affiliates. IF you want to save 19 bucks on a sit down meal - you owe it to yourself to check this out. Thanks.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

More North Coast Lights - This Time Mentor Ohio

Have a MUFON report today from near where I grew up and where I know folks - Mentor Ohio, exo-suburb of Cleveland Ohio. This report has several very interesting features - I'll let you absorb the report raw:
I was driving on I-90 Eastbound on the East side of Cleveland OH near the town of Mentor OH. I and my passenger saw a bright (intensity of lighting)bluish / white ball of light develop off in front of us at an unknown distance. To do my best guess, it was maybe 1/4 mile... but it could have been 50 miles. It was hard to determine.

The ball shaped object immediately caught both of our attention, and stayed sort of a pulsating ball for maybe 4 seconds. Then, the ball remained, but a perfectly shaped "V" ray of light shot to the sky, and then it went out.

Both I an my passenger both said Holy @#$% what was that... at exactly the same time. There were numerous cars on I-90, and I know they saw it too in that many of us hit the brakes on our cars at the same time.

My first thought was the the nuclear power plant (Perry Electric Plant) had exploded. My second thought was some sort of nuclear explosion happened way off in the distance, and there was some sort of terror attact. My 3rd, 4th, & 5th thoughts were it was some weird lighting (no storm and clear night) or Gasoline Truck accident (None found), or Electrical Transformer explosion (have seen those before, and not the same). So, I dont know what it was, and I can not venture a guess.

I felt scared, because I know there is a Nuclear reactor near there, and the possibility of terrorism.

The object just disappated like a light turning off.

As for the next question ... # of witnesses... I know about 8 cars in front of me all hit their brakes at the same time. I stopped 2 exits ahead for gas, and ran into a husband and wife who saw the same thing. They couldnt explain it either. So I dont know how to answer that question. There were 2 or 3 (my son was sleeping in the back) who saw it in my car, plus many others on the highway.
Obviously, it is impossible to know from this report what occurred. It certainly is within the realm of being nothing more than a very large fireworks setup. IMO.
MUFON.COM also had this picture of THREE `Triangles' - Picture shot on 1-1-12 and Clockers we've seen this before back on July 4th I believe.
I hope you caught the UPDATE to yesterday's post at 5:30 or so this morning. It's worth the read and has to do with Eligael reacting to yesterday's post. Indeed, I may even be forming some sort of `Alternative 3' type of theory in my mind.
I should have up a link to my appearance on Beyond The Edge Radio last week soon. And, I will be appearing again at Poem88 for the book signing of Robert Cheatham's new book that I contributed to - called Materialization's and Manifestations. The book signing is Feb. 15th - come and buy a book if you are an Atlantan - I will also probably speak for at least a few minutes with Robert. Music and Refreshments too. Poem88 is an Atlanta Art Gallery.
More and More Clockers are trying the game Dire Grove in the sidebar - thanks. Make sure to use the COUPON on this page, then you can save 19.01 cent off your next sitdown eat out meal. It's a no-brainer.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Stunning UFO Videos Posted To YouTube In Last 48 Hours

And, some of the UFO videos you will be catching here first in a sense (other websites not onto them yet). That said, in this day of CGI and `YT gathering sites' - who is to say for sure what to believe and what to discard. In no way do I vouch for these, and can only provide you my opinion and best guess based on the actual posting circumstances of the video. As always Clockers decide.

Also, I don't want to post all of these videos as it slows down the loadtime of the site - but - make sure to hit the links if the description is worthy. Okay, I've got so many lined up that I need to decide how to order this post:
Ok, first up - a TV report of a boy 10 in Israel shooting some UFO footage about a week ago while on a ski cable car (it seems) - the description of the TV report is below the video at YT. Not much footage really IMO, and one comment of a dissenter of the video said it is just reflections (which is also possible IMO for this video - note that `reflections' is a favorite - dissing comment to good video too). Anyhow, here's the Israel Ski Area UFO - about 16K views in two days - 7/1 ratio on like/dislike.
Oh, I have VERY interesting news. After I ran the post updating on Eligael  of the Jerusalem UFO - I indicated that I may try to contact him via his new website. I did that. I also sent him my link to the 50 link review on UDCC. I asked him a question or two and issued a challenge or two.

I have heard from Eligael today - I will update soon.

This next one is a CLASSIC that I suspect may be removed soon from YT. It is supposedly of an AMAZING DISPLAY OF ORB/UFOs - and it is and you can see it at the link. Supposedly shot two nights ago in Florida. These are some of the most energetic Orbs you will see and an amazing movement display. Problems - the link references a `gathering site' as his source - (and this is already a gathering site) - and then in listing the `source' link - it says the video has been removed by the user. And, IMO, the tape simply ends too quickly and does not have very believable dialogue.

IMO - this is the second time in recent memory where the exact same scenario occurred - gathering site refers gathering site - and original video no longer exists. Convenient. Too convenient. Nonetheless - LedaOhio5's UFO Upload of this amazing video. 465 views. 9likes/4dislikes. ----------- LED's, Flares? Who knows.
This video - supposedly shot in Brazil on January 3rd is VERY similar to the above video in Florida (not shown, only linked): Lots of `Orbs Dropping'(?) and Movements.

link - (gather site - no orginal sourcing) 57K views since Jan 5th (it's that good) about a 10/1 like ratio.
Here's another OMG - Sky Noise Phenomena in Chile - Uploaded on the 14th, occurred the 12th - 3,700 views - Trumpet sound - Scary Sky Noise - this is well worth your click Clockers. WTH is going on? 25/1 like/dislike ratio. The below is one of the commenter's at the video:
Oh my god that the same sound I heard last year Oct, it's the strangest noise and it goes right through your body. My dogs woke me up barking at my bedroom window at 3am and then I heard it. I looked out the window and went out the back could not see anything, I listen for about 1 hr and then it stopped because I live on a farm (ranch) I had no noises to contaminate with that sound. Thanks for sharing. Australia
Then, it was time to move onward to DAYTIME anomalous phenomena in the sky videos - here's one, videotaped in Germany with appropriate teenage girl reaction shot. Certainly seems to be `something' - balloon? Flying Saucer? 847 views, gathering site, no legit sourcing, only to another gathering site.

link - - looks worth your minute and 50 seconds - ends too abruptly for me.
Here's a YT video, shot in Paris on Saturday night - under 140 views - seems to show an interesting stationary Orb for about the first Five Minutes - Then, Evidently - `Becomes' A Plane? and begins moving. 3/3 likes/dislikes - Caution, seems to be an ongoing Orb filmer of recent.
How about a 14 minute daytime Orb over Romania on Jan. 13th? Certainly seems legit IMO - Romanian Orb and here's another SUPER bright UFO/ORB display that is simply over the top in movement ETC - HAS TO BE CGI? - a must see if simply for the audacity of some folks to see what will be believed. IF the real thing - heaven help us all. Cyprus Orbs and 8 minutes to make it truly amazing.
These super bright ORBs are impossible to ignore and NOT see - one would expect more than just one video IMO. Just sayin.
So, I saved the best for last, right? Well, not so fast.... the most interesting - okay. First - an LEDish Kiteish looking phenomena - a Blue Light UFO? Or Mischief? 2,100 views, only video of uploader, seeking subscribers for new ufo videos?, 12/7 likes/dislikes. Uploaded two days ago with no description. Fakery sensed in comments.

link -
Or, finally, is the BEST video of the day this one - Short Daytime UFO/Orb/Craft with about a thousand views. That was reported to MUFON and I assume is a MUFON tape. Recommended. Shot on January 14th.
I found more but the above will keep you busy for tonight. I hope you had a chance to tune in to the Beyond The Edge Radio Show Last Night - I certainly had fun talking with Lon And Eric. If I can get a link to an archive of the show I will provide it. Word is - I may get a re-invite too.
Something in the Amazon Software is preventing affiliates such as myself from using `Just the Image' format that I have used on UDCC for sometime now - I can't even use the `TEXT Only' - it is weird - so, until they fix it - you'll have to bear with these stuppid looking things they provide affiliates. Please, if you see something of interest - check it out. Thanks.
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Connecticut UFO Pictures

Good morning Clockers. The MUFON reports continue to buzz into 2012 with..... quite frankly.... more and more reports of high strangeness Orbs and possible `crafts' (being `formed' by the Orbs?). Here's the best of three pictures posted by a Connecticut person yesterday of an event a week before on 1/6/12:
The actual MUFON report is quite small - it can be read January 6th UFO Report at this link. His other two pictures uploaded to MUFON both resemble more Plasma that Craft and are reminiscent of the Sky Writing occasionally captured on film. Anyway, You Can Imagine FACES In This One and while I was going to just provide you the link to the last picture - it is SO BEAUTIFUL - I have it below: (the enlargement of this original is even better than the above picture - make sure to hit the above link)
Could it be folks that `Earth' due to its `transmissions' of the last century is being `found' more and more by something akin to Billion Year Old Entities? That survive in some sort of plasma form that is `activated' when coming into areas/spaces (such as Earth) with a large `amount' of consciousness? Is our DNA interacting with these Entities in some manner?
But, I had to give you some more citizen reports from the latest MUFON files beyond the excellent pictures above - as, there are some doozies.
This man saw an Orb yesterday in Ohio (Akron Area) - rushed outside To See Another at extremely close range. More details in this short report at the link.  .....   Here's a nice detailed description of An Orb On New Years Eve In Vermont. ... And, are you ready for this?
had pulled up in front of my dentists office, where I had an appointment for a cleaning. At exactly 9:15am, I opened my door, and, as I began to rise from the seat, looked up because there was an SUV next to me. I saw the cylinder immediately. The sky was bright blue and relatively cloudless, as strong winds were blowing that day, and it had hit a period of momentary clearness where I was.  

Because I had seen a cylinder in October, I was reluctant to admit that one was intruding on the day again, but quickly had to. Absolutely smooth fuselage, pure white, with a thick black band around the mid-section. (The one I had seen in October had the band at the first third of the body.)
Again, I heard no sound, although I was mindful of wind gusts all around.
Bob Gardener and I will be speaking soon about the October sighting...and a couple of uncomfortably odd things that have happened to me since...but he has taken on anothers case load, and I understand he is swamped. However, I did email him briefly just now that I would be filing this.

My feeling on seeing this one was, as in the first one, exhasperated, again because I was in a hurry to get a list of things done, and knew this would have to be addressed. However this time, there was a definite tinge of apprehension.

I lost sight of the object when it had flown to such a distance that I couldnt see it.
As Clockers know, UDCC was one of the first to identify the `Hanging Jetliner' as a new phenomena. Check the tags of UDCC for this for some great reads. Seems these are REALLY exploding in perception. IMO.
And here is another report of an object sighting YESTERDAY - of an Downward Pointing Triangle Craft That Change Colors While Hovering - you will want to read this to find out for how LONG this guy observed this object and what it was hovering over...... Here's a Picture of an 1/12 seen Light Display in Arizona..... See's very detailed UFO close up and then experiences Missing Time - Just Two Days Ago - this report is making a splash on the internet.
The high strangeness of human perception - any different than in the past? Or, more KNOWN due to communications?
I've already started gathering my BEST UFO stuff for 2012 - Including featured videos you see on UDCC - right here at 2012 UFO Videos - it's my new Squidoo page dedicated to being a resourse for UDCC material.
Thanks for your visit today - IF you think this is worthy of Sharing On Facebook - that would be appreciated. The buttons to share are below the post - thanks. UDCC also has lots to explore on the sidebar now - including Internet Games Such As Second Life. Be Brave, Be An Explorer in the Second Life.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Worldwide January 1st UFO Displays

Hello Clockers - well, if yesterday would have been a good date to reveal one selves to the world:ie; alien disclosure - let's see what a search of YouTube finds today that was uploaded yesterday:
1) Looked at this one first, 17 views, just a moving light in the sky level Orb,  IMO - Jan. 1st, UFO Videos - #1. This one has 43 views, the guy said he saw the same one last new years eve - could be a balloon with LEDs IMO - but, who knows - LEDs?
2) Somehow, this one has garnered over 90K views in the last two days - again, just a moving light in the sky and a guy who uses the word UFO just before the huge fireworks display. Lots of hubbub over NOthing?. It's no better than these lights in the Florida sky (120 views) Florida Orb.
3) I'm going to play this one - 239 views - on Orb standards I'd give it about a 4 but in all honesty of interest just because of ANOTHER UFO/Orb `observing' fireworks. Doesn't look like a lantern IMO.

link -
With 151 views comes this California Blinking Orb of under a minute. Flashes Blue and other colors - 2012 Blue Orb. We've seen these before but seems a bit `mechanical'. Astonished reaction of the videoers when the object moves/vanishes.
Saved the Best To Last of Course
From a Dublin WEBCAM and only 30 seconds into the new year - Excellent Orb capture

link -
That is - unless you like the more nefarious Orb display - such as during a snowstorm in Scotland and close up to the car where the video is shot from - Snowstorm Orb.
And, actually, I have a real strange `craft' (or is it a balloon) video that was also filmed on Jan. 1st that I will share tomorrow or the next post. BTW, some good recent comments can be found in the comment section today including MORE hanging Jetliners (which believe it or not is starting to show up in my search engine). WTH is going on folks?
Thanks Clockers - And Newbies. Please share this post via the Facebook or Email button below - thanks.
Thanks as always for checking out these hand picked items for Clockers

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Silent Florida Interstate I-10 `UFO' Video Will Not Excite MSM

Okay Clockers, this is the `hottest' video since the Jerusalem Orb - based on Number of short term YouTube visits - (already over 100K). The video broke about a week or so ago on a somewhat seedy website with NO way to trace the origin. Many folks have said it's a helicopter - or a fireworks hoax; others insist it is anomalous. I have to admit, if it wasn't for being - untraceable, and silent for no reason - I'd being talking about the fact that for several moments in the video it almost seems plasmalike despite the bright lights.

link to the disappointing `revised' footage -
Clockers know that recently UDCC covered the White House Statement about UFOs delivered by Phil Larson - (that NO alien entities had EVER interacted with humans) - here's a MSM `the only UFO blog in the MSM' reaction that shows the Divide In Opinion About UFOs - worth a click.
Meanwhile..... Take That, You Dirty Rats! - Alfred (E Newman) Webre conducts a YouTube interview with a `representive' from the AC - the Andromeda Council - who insists that underground wars with Aliens is on-going --- you see, the aliens are trying to stop humans from ascending into the `fourth dimension'. - As the exopolitics folks continue their Masochistic Disinformation - AND it just hit me - could these Exopolitic NUTS be a cover for the legit people who are trying to get out info about extreme alternative energy? Video is at the link if you are so inclined.
Clockers - I want you to go to this guys blog before he stops blogging altogether - great writer and great thinker. I link here to his disappointment at low `visitor' numbers. Readers of independent blogs - that they find interesting - should always help to spread the word. Do You?
Anyway - the words of D.B. Donlon are found here and give it a look around into the archive - Thanks. - Leave him a few words of encouragement too.
And, finally for today - on Oct. 28th at a HS football game in Arizona - someone took an amazing `UFO' video at the game - this is the LONG version: Are these elaborate hoax fireworks or the real thing?

link - short version with mockery article -
Oh, did you know - The Anagram For `Two Thousand Twelve’ Is Coming True! - Part One - And It Has To Do With Newt Gingrich! - The Heavy Stuff.
Thanks for your visit again today - see you tomorrow I hope. IF you liked this post - PLEASE use your Twitter Account to spread the word. You can do that with the `share button' below this posting. Thanks.
Hand Selected Books For UDCC Readers:

 - click any book picture for more info.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

MUFON Reports Again Include `Beings' And High Strangeness

I hope your weekend is going smoothly - welcome to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) - hope you find the UFO Disclosure type of information you were searching for today. And, indeed, today UDCC returns to the best source of current UFO reports - MUFON's database of most recent entries.
Ready for attention grabber number one? How about several `Glowing Red Tubes' In Massachusetts last night - click for the report. (?Could be some glowing lanterns with modifications?) One one hundred feet off the ground.
NUMBER TWO - A 1990 sighting that once again had the characteristic of lack of talking afterwards by the observers (just like number three):
Just coming out of a retail store at a strip mall. The mall was near the intersection of Montgomery and Berks counties. I owned the store and was taking a new employee to another store I owned. The employee was a old friend and a he had a private piolets licence. Looked up and saw 7/8 small ball like objects flying around a stationary rectagular object. The ends of the large object were concave. My friend saw it. I went back into my store got another employee who came out and saw it. Their were a few other people in the area who saw it. Oddly no one seem to care much about what they were seeing. After about 15 mins my old friend an I went to the other store. When I came back the objects were gone. To this day I can not get this sighting out of my head, and the lack of observers caring about what they were seeing is a mystery to me.
Couple things on the above report - note the shape `rectangular' and note what I take to be ORBs going around it.
NUMBER THREE - `Alien beings' or Punks? A 1991 experience:
...... (this is just an except -go to the link for the full story)
While I was in the kitchen "K" called to me "they are in the window". I returned into the room to see "K" talking though the glass to the boys in the hood. He asked them if they like to call someone. Suddenly the taller guy looked directly at us. We both saw his face. Whoa...what the ****? There is something really odd about this guys face. Aaaaah!!! This was not some sort of deformity either. I have met my share of shady looking characters but this fucker was something else entirely. Now that I think of it I don't think it was human. Not exactly sure what it is. All I saw was this broad grim faced thing with dark eyes and I don't recall seeing a nose. A rather menacing face to say the least.

Now the adrenaline is pumping so I ran outside anticipating a fight. "K" tried to hold me back but it was too late. We both pursued them into the driveway. The two of them waited for us. Just as one of us attempted to
get closer they would advance further into the yard. There is no fence. The Yard empties into a large field. It's just too dark to pursue them any further and I wasn't willing to take chances knowing there could be more of them. What ever they are. I do recall saying out loud "this is private Property." and "you are trespassing." These two bastards slowly made their way back with their hoods pulled up. The last we saw of them they were swiftly walking down Ramsay street. The remaining hours of the night was uneventful.

What was really weird is how "K" no longer wanted to go to the pub crawl. instead he went home. We never spoke of the event until several years later.

What is so strange about that night was everyone left the house before 10 O'clock. There was little to no traffic. The place was completely deserted just like an old western town. These hooded bastards had the perfect opportunity to do whatever they wanted. To this day I can not fathom what had transpired. I'm not sure is they were spirits or something else entirely. All I know is they tried to communicate with me but at the time I didn't take it as a friendly encounter. I felt threatened and scared like a wounded animal which made me ........................
Conclusion Here
And, a couple quick reports - Good Orb Description (2 Orbs Very Close) - Triangle Craft Flies Low Over Maryland House Last Week.
And, yes, I saved the BEST FOR LAST:
I am a police officer and was on duty the night of November the 27th in Lee's Summit, Missouri. I was at the intersection if 291 Highway and 150 Hwy when I noticed a round object with very bright white lights to my west. It would take a baseball held at arm's length to cover the object. The white lights had a blue hue to them and all of the lights were on the bottom of the craft. The lights were strobing, and there was no sound whatsoever. It was a clear night with no cloud cover, and the oject was very low, just above treetop level. I watched as it hovered, and filmed it with the dash cam on my patrol car for approximately 15 minutes, then finally turned the camera off because I didn't want to use up memory on the camera. I called dispatch, who got a good laugh out of it, but they wouldn't take me seriously. I requested a copy of the video when I arrived at the station and will forward that to MUFON when I get it. The object then moved to the west slowly at first, then sped up very quickly and was out of sight in a couple of seconds. I stopped at Quick Trip and several families came up to me and asked if I saw the UFO. I assumed that they would call in a report, but according to dispatch there were no other reports received. I am disturbed that something like this was not taken more seriously by my supervisor and looked into. I searched the internet and found Missouri MUFON, and decided to file an official report. I am a former Marine, have been a police officer for six years, and have never seen anything like this before. I am familiar with conventional aircraft, and this was not any type of normal aircraft.

I saw a similar object on October 31 in the same location but did not file a report about it. This object was closer than the other one. I called another officer to come out and he saw the object, too. We both want to remain anonymous at this time. I am interested in helping investigate UFOs in this area.
For those new to UDCC - Lee's Summit is a HOT Spot for UFO sightings of low flying/hovering bright craft.
And, remember folks - the above is out of ONLY 20 REPORTS!
Finally, thanks Clockers for your support in 2011. Tomorrow will be a long winded piece so be here for that too. Oh, and yesterday this blog FINALLY got a few Facebook visits -- and all because some of you helped by clicking on the `Share Buttons' below - appreciated. If you think this post is worthy of a re-tweet or a Facebook posting or a Google + notation - please help the cause below. See you tomorrow.

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Views About `UFO' High Strangeness

Good morning Clockers and welcome to all newbies to UDCC, welcome aboard the ship named `High Strangeness'. And, in that regard as you can see from the title - the subject of today's focus on `UFOlogy'.
This high strangeness `discussion' is being brought to you by MUZ (and myself) - as MUZ has taken the time to answer somewhat in depth my Q's yesterday about a particular High Strangeness UFO MUFON report that I featured yesterday on this blog. Indeed, while MUZ's comments probably apply to most high strangeness situations in general - yesterday's featured MUFON report was of a `Loaf of Bread' UFO - that resembled a part Plane/Helicopter/Submarine/Space Shuttle - object. His drawing of the craft can be seen Right Here or simply page down this webpage.
Anyway, I asked several questions: MUZ copied them and responded - this is how he responded. MY words and reply are in RED or red italics.

What's your take Clockers?

Is some sort of computerish program - programming our atmosphere with visible temporary phenomena?

MUZ - I don't know. It is a complete puzzle. UDCC-Muz and others, I really want you to consider what I am saying here -- what would be so hard to put a hologram into a confined area of space that is then a visual perception? From above OR from BEYOND

Is this some sort of over the top `faction' of those who wish for mankind to be more aware of the `changes to come'?

MUZ - I hope for that. I look at the insanity of those with trhe power in this world, and those who don't dig whats going on and are asleep. I like to think that I have an ionkling and am doing my bit to wake me and others up, but you also want to know there are other forms of help---and a big part of this will be a Tricksterish kind of help. It HAS to be because this entrenchned ignore-ance goes very deep. You find it hard to reason it away. For example you can try and use reason on a 'war on drugs' advocate all day and get nowhere. These rigid notions go deep, and are mingled with millenia-worth of conditioning. I often wonder if these 'high strange' events are meant to trick people out of their 'reason'. UDCC-Your last sentence is the very definition of Fortean events. And, IMO, you are 100% correct of some impressions being VERY DEEP.

Are `aliens' working on some sort of slow but gradual intensification of `weirdness' in lo of some grander event? Are `they appearing as `planes' to appear less threatening or more `normal'?

MUZ - It could be that, but I would say it is not to appear MORE normal but more weird lol. But it ALSO could be man-made. There is that knowledge that so much secret shit is going on and they could be coopting strange phenomena to confuse us. This is what they tend to do. For example you often here some conspiracy theorists right-off the WHOLE of the womens liberation movement as being the plan of the globalists. But this is not true--women had the RIGHT to challenge the patriarchal oppression against them, but what the globalists or elite do, as said is infiltrate and COOPT genuine movements. They have done the same with the psychedelic movement etc--so we have to be aware of this. Their main goal is to KEEP THEIR POWER and to make out they are superior than 'common folk'. UDCC-The global control of `the important info' is true IMO also. The `distractions' the MSM creates is truly easy to see thru if you are not enamered with either political party.

Has some sort of ..... computer program..... (that ugly chance that we are only that) F'ed UP?

MUZ - I greatly challenge the whole propaganda that we are robots with no freewill--which is the supposed ' philosophical and scientific' idea of humans. And from this BS comes 'is reality a computer programme'. This is VERY dangerous idea, as these same mindsets go about totally trashning planet Earth.

If ANYTHING the enitities whatever they are--and it most likely is diverse--are trying to wake us up from 'our' SILLY notions about reality. We really know jack ALL about reality but many of the arrogant movers and control freaks will not admit this, and like a bull in a China shop are blindly destroying everything! UDCC-Since I look at Phenomenology a little different than just about anyone - literally taking humans and rocks into the same `equalness' (both are spaces) - I see `freewill' and `determinism' in a unique light to most people on this planet. My blog The Heavy Stuff - is where I get into that stuff. Once again, thanks MUZ for your response.
MUZ's website is not for those with lightweight minds - as MUZ delivers with IN-DEPTH thinking about Various Esoteric Subjects - his blog is called - `Into the faery woods'
Oh, once again, thanks to the person who used my blog to view the latest episode of Glee on Amazon - (for the Fourth time off this blog?) That is one Wednesday night ritual UDCC is thankful for. Clockers can support this website with all Amazon purchases they make via going to Amazon via the links - such as the A links below:

 8.99 Novelty Sign
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is The `Fake Plane' / Hovering Jetliner Concept - Moving Earthward?

Hello Clockers - you might want to buckle your seatbelt and read the instructions in the seatback in front of you - because even the IDEA that `aliens' or `the trickster' or `advanced human technology' is suddenly putting `the jet motif' into the `perception structure' - is one that is surely bound to crash your mind and belief system.

You can check the tags below for `hanging jetliner' - and find that more and more folks are experiencing the perception of what appear to be `hanging or nearly hovering jetliners'. Including my wife as I have reported. As you will see from today's report - some of these hanging planes ARE MISSING PARTS - like the wings! Indeed, without the wings, more and more of these so-called UFOs are matching the `rectangular' or `boxlike' forms that are also seemingly increasing in 2011.

But, today's featured UDCC `citizen UFO report' - is from the MUFON `latest' casefiles today - that is of an object low in the skies on August 15th of this year in New Jersey - VERY low in the skies. Below is the written description:

This was the description:
I should have submitted this sooner. However, i didn't. Anyways, It was about 7pm, August 15th, 2011(still daylight, clear sky, and no clouds) and i was driving north bound on black horse pike in Bellmawr NJ. I pulled up to the light at wendys and i noticed what i thought was the front end of an airplane, about 75 to 100 yards in the air, crossing the black horse pike about a mile up ahead, going westbound. It was very low and big.I thought at first, wow, this plane is low, its gonna crash. But it continued. As it continued to cross it stopped, hovered for a few seconds, then proceded again. While looking at it, it didnt seem right... The front was rounded, but square, with no windows, but I noticed 3 or 4 windows on the side at the top, with more holes or exhaust ports on the side. It had a milky white color on the top half, and a dirty silvery metalic bottom. It was made of some type of metal, almost submarine like. As the back end came across, i was expecting to see a tail or tail wings, but there was no tail, just a little hump on the back end. It did not have any wings or rotar blades, it just drifted across the tree tops to the west and then it was gone. I was kinda taken back for a moment, like wow that was really freakin cool. I looked to the person in the car next me, to see if they saw what i saw. But they turned left and showed no interest. I serverd in the USAF as a Security Officer back in the late 90's and i have never seen a craft like this... To me it was a mix between a plane, a helicopter, a sub and a space shuttle rolled into one. The best way to describe its shape is, it looked like a flying metal loaf of bread... Very wierd, but cool...
Here's another picture of the `loaf of bread' that he provided in his report:
What's your take Clockers?
Is some sort of computerish program - programming our atmosphere with visible temporary phenomena?
Is this some sort of over the top `faction' of those who wish for mankind to be more aware of the `changes to come'?
Are `aliens' working on some sort of slow but gradual intensification of `weirdness' in lo of some grander event? Are `they appearing as `planes' to appear less threatening or more `normal'?
Has some sort of ..... computer program..... (that ugly chance that we are only that) F'ed UP?
Believe it or not - other MUFON reports were just as `unusual' - and here's a sampling -
And, MUFON's Link
Oh, BTW, thanks to the person that bought the book below off my blogs yesterday:

Here's a description of it:
As 2012 fast approaches, opinions about what to expect on this much-anticipated date are sharply polarized. Will humanity experience a global, spiritual transformation? Cataclysmic Earth Changes? Or both? Or nothing? If Earth and its inhabitants are scheduled for some life-changing or life-ending event, we should ask ourselves what we know and how we know it, and how to prepare for our future.

Drawing on decades of research into history, religion, and the esoteric, Laura Knight-Jadczyk introduces the concept of "the Wave" to describe the possible phenomena behind all the hype surrounding global transformation. Riding the Wave not only collects the most probable scenarios we may face in the near future it provides the context to make it all intelligible.
With roots in the science of hyperdimensions made popular by physicist Michio Kaku and the Fortean theories of the late John Keel, Riding the Wave suggests that many of the noticeable changes to our world in the last century are symptoms of the approaching Wave. From climate change, extreme ......
You get the idea.
Finally, welcome to the few new `followers' recently - be aware that I occasionally feature the `leaders' like yourself on UDCC. Dig into the archive to find a bit of `coverage' of nearly every regular on this website.
More High Strangeness In The High Skies - Tomorrow. Oh, and PLEASE use the SHARE buttons below. Please Re-Tweet this or use the Facebook button or Google + button. Bloggers thank you when you help to share the content you enjoy.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Orb Caller - UFO Videoer - William Roehling - `Massive Mothership' And `Crashed UFO In The 1930's'

Hi Clockers. The below video is of yet ANOTHER `Orb Recorder' that I've re-run across recently (I've actually featured this guy once before too.). The video, shot in September at an UFO viewing party, is pretty compelling as `high in the sky' Orbs go. ....... Mothership? ....... The only thing I can say is that if you watch it all - it seems to slightly change direction and also seems to have another smaller Orb run ahead of it near the end of the video. Almost 4,000 views.

link to channel -
William is up to over 100 UFO videos on his channel - all in less than two years. Many with `interaction' with the Orb. And, yes, he also has `ideas' about where all this is coming from and why as you can see from his self description at YouTube below: (one of the best descriptions on the internet)
Childhood Abduction)from 8-10 yrs old. When i was a child, i couldn't sleep (insomniac) i would hear things come into my room, my eyes were squeezed shut in terror, they would touch their face to my face(Nose to Nose)& i was out, don't remember anything, this happened many times!

From 10 to 13yrs old:

I used to see UFOs in the clouds, i felt they were watching me, i would run home & tell my father(worked for "NASA") he told me 2 forget about it & do my homework! This happened several times growing up & was always obsessed w. UFOs!

Age 16 yrs old:

My father sat me down 1 evening & told me a story that changed my forever!

He told me, when he worked 4 "NASA" early 1960s, He was n Security!

When he 1st started at "NASA" 1 of the security officers told him, they (NASA) had a "Flying Disc" Down in 1 of the underground hangers, NASA acquired in the late 1930s, from Canada, it was found stuck in the mud, like a coin that was dropped in mud & stuck straight up like a coin!

Canada let the U.S. take control of it.

A classic 30 ft in diameter Sliver Disc.

He eventually had the chance to see a picture of what was inside of it when it was opened, "Bodies" 4 of them!

2-Greys & 2- Trolls, yup i said "Trolls"!

2-Hairy little Gorilla looking "Troll's"!!!

Eventually he was able to see the craft close-up, said it looked like it was wet, almost like liquid Mercury but solid, a classic 30 ft in Diameter Flying Disc.

The day he finally got 2 view it inside, changed everything he ever knew about 1960s modern day scientific reality, he was told: This is how you can tell the difference between "Man Made" & "Alien"? When he looked inside the 30ft in Diameter Flying Disc,

The inside was over 100ft in Diameter?? Yes i said over 100ft in Diameter!! There was nothing inside the Flying Disc, no Lights, Levers, Handles, Steering Wheels, Buttons, Windows, Drawers nothing that a Human would need to travel in a craft?

There were 4-Four Seats around a Mound or Column, a panel came out that was used for placing their hands on & a Head Band?

There was an upper room he didn't get to see, a Holographic Map Room: There were small Bumps 2 wave your hands across, then Maps of unknown Star Systems would appear as if you were there in the Stars, He was told: it took our scientists over 3yrs to find a Star system that we were able to recognise as ours!

Nov. 2005 my life would Change Again forever!

I was driving my Toyota Land Cruiser on Hwy 280 nth just passing "The Stanford Linear Accelerator" Palo Alto California. My windows open cruisin at 80mph, 2-Two strange Golf-Ball size, dark brown/almost Black, furry, lightly glowing Orb-Entities, side by side, O-O suddenly appeared, almost like they came out of a dimensional window, shot into my drivers window,

hit my left Temple, blasted thru my Head, popped out my right Temple, blew out my passenger window, as if they were shot out of a gun, it all happened so quickly, nothing happened to me, it didn't hurt, but the feeling it left in me was amazing, my head started burning, the burning was in a, what felt like a tube that was made by the Orbs-Entities, the burning was an energy that was left by the Orb-Entities, it started buzzing& Burning,(Indescribable) it was a kind of "Cosmic Energy" & was getting stronger by the minute, it didn't hurt, it actually felt "Incredible"(2 say the least) To describe the Intensifying Energy: Take a strip of Mink Fur, place it across your eyes & hold it, then pull it across while holding it against ur eyes, it's the incredibly soft feeling of the soft fur sliding across your eyes, but X100= The feeling of the energy that was now buzzing in my head(believe it or not)! The feeling stayed in my head for a yr & 1/2, it comes back whenever i think about it or whenever i get "Pulsed" by the Orb-UFOs that i Interact with when recording them. A report ws filed w. the "West Coast UFO Reporting Center"

(Peter Davenport) but mysteriously disappeared during recent search, when reporting, i was asked if i had witnesses or pictures, i said no, he said he couldn't help me because there isn't a UFO Craft or an Alien, but go a head and send in the report anyways. After that night, my UFO experiences shot through the roof! Now these Orb-UFOs are all over the sky around my home, when i tried talking to them, they started dancing & darting all over the sky, it was amazing to see w. my friends & family, although they thought i was nuts! The more i told my story, the more they thought i was crazy, who ever heard of this experience happening to anyone else, anywhere?

2007 i met "The Father of Modern Day Night Vision Ufology"(Ed Grimsley)

I calld & told him about my experience, he wanted me to tell my story to "Jose Escamilla" Jose told me he just made a movie about the exact Orb-Entities(Critters) that "Mated" w. me & wanted me to meet with a scientist named:

"Trevor James Constable" who's an expert on those EBEs,"Etheric Biological Entities" or (Critters) More to come.....
Trevor James Constable Book below:

This book presents evidence that UFOs are mainly invisible and consist of both physical craft and living, biological creatures. The author convincingly shows that our atmosphere is the home of huge, invisible living organisms that are sometimes confused with spacecraft when they became visible. Mr. Constable has photographed both types of UFOs with special infrared film, some of which are reproduced in this expanded and updated edition. Despite his bold leap into the future, the general public and official ufology have a hard time accepting the evidence. In recent years teams of engineers and technicians in both Italy and Romania, unaware of Constable's earlier discoveries, obtained virtually identical infrared photos of UFOs, which were published in Italy. In 1996, NASA used ultraviolet-sensitive videotape to record swarms of invisible UFOs that looked like Constable's earlier photos. Examples from these photos are also contained in this book. Also covered are earlier pioneers into important life energies that play a big role in this research, including Wilhelm Reich, Rudolf Steiner, and Dr. Ruth B. Drown. This is an important book, recommended for those interested in the higher realms of our physical reality.
Clockers - if you particularly like one of the videos, make sure to leave its URL in the comments.
See You Tomorrow.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Latest MUFON Reports Continue To Ignite Imagination

Remember folks, these are the cream of the crop of a sample of ONLY 25. UDCC will occasionally feature `citizen reports' as we have been recently - at a much higher level than normal for UDCC. Read On.......
A nearly Transparent Triangle Craft seen last night in Utah.
Do you remember the song in 1966 called `Their Coming To Take Me Away?` Well..... you can slowly hear the Desperation In This Guys Writing as he describes a Connecticut event that happened on July 3rd. Elaborate Firecracker? The final descent of a Chinese lantern?
And, ANOTHER Hovering Craft Over I-70 In Missouri - Well, Actually - Make That TWO Hovering Crafts In Missouri Yesterday.
WTH is going on in Missouri?
And, what till you read this one: - here's a tease:
The object was totally silent, and left no visible trail such as smoke, debris or exhaust. There was no aura or any type of visible distortion of the light surrounding the object. From my 8 years experience as a Navy F-14 pilot with 1700 hours, I would estimate that the object was at an altitude of approximately 1000 feet above the ground, at an estimated speed of 600 - 700 knots, and would have an actual diameter of 10 to 15 feet. As the object was traveling away, it was observed to slightly vary its course from left to right and back, rather than follow a ballistic trajectory. This made it seem to me to be in to be in controlled flight. I was observing this very slight "sidewinder" motion as if looking from the rear of the object, rather than the underside, due to its relatively low altitude (i.e. If it were a jet I would have been looking up the tailpipe.) In about 5 seconds it passed out of sight beyond the top of the north side of the football stadium. I thought immediately that it was a controlled flying object which was neither civilian nor military. My wife was in awe and said "What WAS that?" I was
Use that link above for the full story. Happened on 11-12.
Or, how about a NON-HUMAN sighting, in Michigan, on Aug. 31st of this year - A Close First Person Description.
Not weird enough for you? If you are really daring you can check out my latest post on The Heavy Stuff - in it, I look at some of Bruce Duensing's latest efforts and let it flow from there.
BTW, Bruce and I will be featured along with about 8 others in Robert Cheatham's upcoming book - I've seen the cover and back page - ....................................holy cow.

 - this one is actually on the rankings at Amazon.
Cheatham's Website where you can see the upcoming cover and back cover -
Thanks for stopping by again today Clockers. Newbies, how about `following' UDCC via the sidebar and be updated with new UFO material multi times every week.








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition