Well, as you can see from the title of this post - you will have a few more to digest today and links to more of the same. Also, you will note I've provided BLUE LED videos for some comparison so you can make up your own mind on the matter.
Are you ready?
A pretty incredible video to start off - these 4 Blue UFOs are WAY UP in the sky - and seem very stable if these are part of a kite system or balloon system of a hoaxer. The source is untraceable which clouds the veracity and the video is on a `hyped up' source page. For example, using the word FLEET in this instance. Supposedly shot in Turkey in Sept. 2011.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN4JuTEpCAk or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIP72NXpI2I&feature=player_detailpage
Anomalous? Nefarious? Alien Disclosure? OR, hoaxer/fun seeker?
Now here is what a KITE with LED Lights looks like. To me, very very Kitelike and LED looking. I will have the BLUE LEDs coming up. Here's more Kites With Lights
Now, actually, the year BEGAN on 1-4 with a BLUE UFO over Russia and you can see that here in this under 2 minutes TV Reporting of the incident - again, a pretty convincing solo blue Orb. 1,200 views or so.
Then on May 12th in the UK was this blinking BLUE Orb - under 800 views and uploader has this video only - anomalous?
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQRxLMQfS-o
And, here's another UK Blinking Blue `UFO' on June 23rd - under 700 Views - These Lights are a number of colors and somewhat LEDish IMO. That said, seems legit videoer. This is perhaps the most kiteish in appearance. Here's a strange BLUE LIGHT in the sky In Mexico. Quick video. STRANGE.
Finally, here's the most similar LED lights I could find to this whole saga - A 42inch BLUE LED Light Bar With Several Lights --- hmmmm.
Seek and ye shall find - right?
Here's an update on my more `science' blog TAL (The AnomalyMan Listing) - Humans Were Catching Tuna - A Deep Sea Fish - 42K Years Ago and a great video on YT explaining in simple terms - The Speed Of Light. You'll enjoy the look and feel of this blog too I bet.
Thanks for your attention today - see you tomorrow?