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Showing posts with label sky noise phenomena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sky noise phenomena. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sky Noise Phenomena Breakthru To MSM Moves UFO `Clock' To 11:55 P.M.

Twice in January the Sky Noise Phenomena (SNP) was unable to be ignored by the MSM of the local communities - both in Canada, and in Puerto Rico - and BOTH `demonstrations' of the phenomena were truly what can only be described as `over the top'. No `hum' or `low jet roar' here - both were HUGE sounds and numerous times for each. And, BOTH resulted in the `skeptics' literally `making up' their own strange sky sound videos. Hoaxes. Supposedly to show people how easily they are fooled. Disinformation agents who distract from the lack of MSM coverage of the phenomena going on worldwide. Indeed, the post of the month, viewed on many websites was UDCC's speculations on what the Sky Noise ISN'T.

And, the `Orb' displays in January were also a cut above - especially this one only 36 minutes into the New Year and captured by a webcam in Dublin - Orb, just floating up a river. As was this one taken by a Night Vision Camera UFO/Orb `Appears'. And, this picture of a Four Orb `Craft' was probably one of the best in awhile.

The 3 minute move from 11:52 to 11:55 P.M. comes despite the `USA' official position about UFOs, Alien Interactions with Humans, and the US Government `hiding' any UFO information from the public - made last fall. (See sidebar for details.) This despite OVERWHELMING opinions of the population about UFOs, and the government hiding such information - yes, a direct spit in the face of public opinion.

So, the anomalous has shifted slightly from `objects' seen in the air, to `sounds' with no origin, as the next variation of UFOs. And, more and more, the Orbs being seen seem to be gaining a bit of `structure' - as if decloaking in some manner. Indeed, it's hard to imagine what `displays' can possibly move the Disclosure Clock any later without pushing the Midnight limit.

Or, will the government's blanket denials of UFOs, and the media's seeming reluctance to delve into the SNP mystery, mean that the clock has reached it's latest setting and can only slip backwards from here? The skies now hold the answer to real UFO Disclosure.
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sky Sound Before Canadian Quake In 2010 Video

Good evening Clockers. Working up a good post about an `old' UFO event covered here when it was a current - I think you'll like it. But, for today - a lookback at before the Sky Noise Phenomena became a more commonplace thing.  Indeed, I know that Duensing has said he has heard such high pitched anomalous sounds. But, this was just before, day of, the earthquake: about 150K views.

link -
Now, the video maker gets into other side issues that don't correlate to the sound IMO - and the comments at YT stress that the LIGHT in the clouds is NOT anomalous.
Oh, and I updated TAL (my science leaning blog) - with a lead post about Pythons in Florida - great picture too.
I want to welcome readers -- TWICE in just two weeks, --- let me suggest the stuff below for much more previous content you might also enjoy. Thanks for hitting the link.
I also want to thank the 2ND purchaser of the plans for the 100 dollar energy (electric via magnets, 3 US patents) machine - again, please let us know how it goes. Etc.
See you tomorrow.
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Are Skeptics Getting Desparate About The Sky Noise Phenomena?

As you are probably aware, whatever happened earlier this month in the Costa Rican skies - soundwise - has alerted the naysayers to rise up on the internet. And, in typical fashion, I have now found some of the naysayers typical `logic' when addressing `the unknown'.

Find someone who knows nothing about the sky noise phenomena - play the most extreme example of it for a `reaction' - then note that the phenomena is so hot that people are making copies of Other Videos (and still going viral). And, EVIDENTLY - that proves it is all a hoax (regardless if the original copied and faked video is real or not). Yep the smoke and mirrors of the naysayers - and - the public awaits any official word or confirmation in any manner.

Anyway, these make for interesting reads - and have embedded videos I've already covered here. First up - Edmundton's Gig City - The Entertainment Source - who quotes the local sound engineer who says the sound is `synth' - the instrument. Hey, why dig any deeper right? And, while the above article includes the girl who copied the original, and purported it to be her own sound recording in a different location of Canada, - you have to see how the whole thing gets `edited' by the Skeptics section of the Doubtful Newsblog. And finally, Skeptic.Com makes sure we all know that their are prior historical accounts of sky sounds - so forgettaboutit...... Nonetheless, it is a good historical account you should incorporate into your thinking. Even if it isn't caused by some sudden increase in urban noise or the canyons of echoes in the wilderness. Then, there is this intellectual read on the phenomena last summer - with tons of videos (if you aren't aware of how hot this got last summer too) at Reality-Choice.Org. Strange Times Indeed.
Defensive? Denial? Desparate?
Need at least ONE more diverse take on the SNP? Well, how about the take of the website I can almost feel the Countdown Clock Moving.
And, sometimes Sundays at UDCC are for a good Sunday Morning Read - Strange Happenings - two minute read, well written first person high strangeness.
I've exchanged some nice emails with MUFON's NJ man - Ken - who also directs me to his archive of UFO photos you may want to dig much deeper into Ken is the Chief Investigator - BTW, here's NJ's MUFON site too . I've invited Ken to send photos of 2012 UFOs to UDCC and that we'd bring some to our readers. We also invite Ken to do an interview with UDCC if he wishes.
Here's another `gathering site' non attributed Blue UFO video - or LED on a kite? Supposedly happened in Chile in 2011.

link -
Thanks for your visit - please share this post with your friends who never talk about UFOs and who have never heard of the Sky Noise Phenomena. Thanks - just use the one click share buttons below. Thanks to your help UDCC recently touched 30,000 page views in 30 days - the running average is always on this page. Indeed, lots of info about this website is available via the sidebar.
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UPDATE - SEE SOL'S link via the comments which provides the `outside of Earth' (radiation belts) being the cause. Certainly has merit too. ---- Don't tell the sound engineer.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Couple Of Georgia Anomalies

Good Afternoon Clockers and Newbies. Figured I'd keep it short today and local (to me) - one from 2010 (a CNN UFO report in the Georgia skies) and one from 2011 also in the Atlanta area the now famous Sky Noise Phenomena. Indeed, while I have no idea why this guy only filmed 30 seconds of the SNP that he says lasted 12 minutes, - I can tell you that this is nearly EXACTLY what it sounds like -- like a Jet that simply will not end. To me, in Atlanta - sounds of this level and length are NOT unusual at all and really can't be identified as the SNP really IMO. THAT said, I believe this guy that it lasted 12 minutes as I have heard it that long (longer really, up to 20 minutes) , at a lower level, in the middle of the night. (last summer)
Anyway, here's this guys short video - listen, as this IS what the majority of the Sky Noise Phenomena sounds like. NOT like the spectacular ones that get the attention.

link -
And, here is a relevant comment from the above video for everyone to consider as it points out something VERY relevant:
ive been hearing this a lot lately and although i live by an air force base its different. its a rumble like jet sound kinda yes u can feel it sometimes.. EXCEPT WITHOUT THE DOPPLER EFFECT. when u "hear" something coming tward you, get close then pass you.. that CHANGE IN PITCH "shows" its moving through space & time. this sound i keep hearing its like a jet that is hooving in one place for 10 minutes. not going up, down, left nor right. equal volume in every direction. its odd on the senses.

maryjaneofthejungle 2 months ago
And, finally for today - that CNN UFO Story.
I want to thank you for your visit today. And, today's last bit of GEORGIA news is this link which is what is now in the upper sidebar. In this book - some great bloggers take on some meaty esoteric issues. My thoughts about my Phillips Phenomenology are a 12 page chapter of the 285 page book. ------------ I am helping promote this book for Robert Cheatham the books author and organizer and who I will be appearing with on Feb. 15th at 7:30 PM in Atlanta at Poem88. It will be a book signing if you want my signature and I will probably say a few words about the current state of the UFO saga too. I want to emphasize that I am NOT making anything on this book but believe in the idea of gathering together thinkers into one forum. And Robert has done that.

That said, I am sliding down the slippery slope perhaps into authorship and WHEN I have something to sell - Clockers will be the first to know. So, go check out, via the books preview at the link above, page 10 table of contents for some of the heaviest titles of chapters you are ever likely to read. Thanks.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What The Sky Noise Phenomena ISN'T

It's not a hoax, I've heard it. IF it comes to YOUR area - you may have to admit it too. Perhaps, you aren't listening closely enough, or, can't believe it IS happening when you hear it. Because, once you hear it - the soapy slippery slope is just ahead. After all, the MEDIA isn't even reporting it - BIG surprise there, right?

But, UDCC has already covered the `WHY reason' that the MSM may very well let the Sky Noise Phenomena (SNP) be where it is - IN THE SKY and ON the Internet. It literally IMO is TOO HOT for the MSM to cover as I stated in this post. For lots of reasons (click above link for more on that angle).

After all, what in the HELL is it?

Could we POSSIBLY, in any manner, be talking about some sort of pre-ordained Apocalypse foretold by religious books of thousands of years ago - as they say on the End Time sites? IF so, alot of non-religious folks like myself may have much to learn about. And, if the government came right out and said, `we don't know what is causing these new sky noises' - you can bet the END Timers of 2012 would be heard loud and clear. I've even trotted these thoughts out at DB Donlon's blog in the comments - So, could the SNP
be related to `the other side' - literally `the dead' or Earth Guardians going `off duty'?

We better hope not - but - only a fool would say it is NO chance about this SNP. Even if I believe, at this point, that it is NOT `paranormal' related. Even if the `paraNormal' is simply not understood physics in some manner. Because IF it is `the other side' and indeed these sounds in a sense represent - increasing change upon us - I doubt that the world's power structure is ready for such an upheaval as 24 hour a day worldwide SOUND. IN THE SKY.

I don't think I'd need to say how scary this phenomena would be if it is simply accelerating at an increasing pace, frequency and volume. Remember, the USA drove the IRAQ `red brigade' (or whatever it was called) to their knees with 40 days of bombing and noise. IMO, the world would be on it's knees in even less time. MUCH less time. A frighteningly short time - days perhaps? Would you carry on your life if the SOUND was EVERYWHERE?
Folks, this is MUCH scarier than `aliens are in our skies' - MUCH SCARIER. imo. Aliens, in all the ways they are percieved at least COULD be peaceful, etc - change the world in a better way. Could, or they could destroy us.

But, at least ALIENS could be `good'.

Now the above is dependent on an ESCALATING SNP event pattern. And that is a HUGE assumption for a phenomena that even the Internet is JUST beginning to acknowledge. So, it's probably NOT going to get worse - just slightly more and more hit wider areas for more time and more sound level. Maybe 1% of all people saying they have heard it by years end or so. That is more realistic = and the real `politics' that the MSM will be dealing with. And, I've already told you above WHY the MSM with that level of REAL experience of the people with NOT cover this AT ALL. I mean it. Only if it is unavoidable (on live TV or over a widespread area). After all it is SO transient.
So, the SNP isn't FAKE. And ISN'T going to be covered by the MSM unless unavoidable. And, I hope, ISN'T `religious' in nature.
But, what IF it is an Earth phenomena or indeed - some sort of sky phenomena from `outer space' (entering into some sort of fields that aren't normal in some fashion). What IF humans are indeed going to have to cope with Sky Sounds? Whatever the cause. What then?
OR, the whole SNP indeed could be some sort of `advanced tech' of humans - of a military bent. And, in all honesty, to me IMO seems the most likely of the four choices of - Aliens, Natural Earth/Sky Environment, Return of Religious Figures, and Humans. And, to have to be in a position of HOPING that it is nefarious military type humans - compared to the other choices - shows how dire this whole phenomena could be ultimately.
I wish I could bring to you a more hopeful analysis. But, unless this SNP begins to fade away into `what ever happened to those strange sounds in the sky' - don't bet on it. This is potentially quite serious - too bad we don't have a real and free media to report on the phenomena.

At least they haven't shut down the Internet yet.
Today I bring to you the link posted yesterday in our comment section by a reader of UDCC. It is VERY worthwhile even if longer and you will hear VERY VERY strange sounds - extreme sounds - in this video that you must hear to take this whole matter seriously. 20,000 views.

link -
Thanks for your visit today. IF you think this post is worthy of sharing with your friends - please use the `share buttons' below to post on Facebook, etc. All help in spreading the SNP word and the opinions of UDCC are appreciated.
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Video Defines Ludicrous Foes Of UFO Disclosure

As Clockers know, the anagram for UFO Disclosure is Ludicrous Foes, and today's YouTube video is the perfect example IMO. The video is from a `gathering site' with no link to any original. (Note video is also shot by unreliable teen male demographic - with graphic obscene language.) The video shows either a sophisticated light show of a `hoaxer' (with the video folks possibly in on the joke) - OR - possible communication of `conscious Orbs'  in a display of UFO Disclosure - it simply is not possible to discern with this little to go on. How's that for a range of outcomes? Less than 100 views.

And, the Sky Noise Phenomena is simply ..... getting more complicated. I mean, are we to ASSUME (remember the, ass out of u and me) that NO ONE ELSE in this area of Spain stepped outside during this extreme Sky Sound Event just 3 days ago? A HUGE sound that turned ON and OFF? Is that pushing plausibility, or are we still getting a handle on what it takes for multiple YT videos to appear about ANYTHING? About 7,000 views.

link -
hattip - (unless this website soon limits its number of page loading YouTube videos via the settings tab - I may no longer link to it as it is VERY slow loading for some machines IMO.)
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

OMG - The Sky Sound Phenomena Continues In 2012 - Costa Rica TV Report

There has been, up until now, a slight bit of comfort that the strange Sky Noise Phenomena that UDCC has been reporting on since last spring, was `localized'. Localized at least in the sense that the vast vast majority of the odd sounds have been only heard over limited areas - even the famous Florida Sky Sound last year was somewhat limited in area.

But, this YouTube report, uploaded on Monday with 22K views, and already covered by Godlike Productions and - features a TV account of  a sound supposedly heard over more than a 100 mile range. Not only heard, heard up to 100 times. It's a BOOMING sound not unlike others heard in the last year and as part of the SNP - Sky Noise Phenomena.
The report is in Spanish, but - you will hear the sounds and `get the drift' of the report.

link -
While the comments are nearly totally in Spanish - one sees reference to the conspiracy idea of underground nukes and such. As Clockers know, UDCC finds the various forms of the SNP to be beyond reasoning out at this point - but - IMO, could indeed, wearisomely, be nefarious in some manner.

At least this is a `current' type of coverage by the MSM - but - then again, with something THIS widespread and so MANY times - it was beyond IGNORING. Will it take some sort of similar happenning in the USA for the coverage to actually begin on the phenomena? Time will tell.
And, here's an amazing UFO report from this morning at 1:23 AM in South Carolina ---- get ready for a heck of a read: (full report below link
I was wide awake and walking out to my vehicle to respond to a structure fire at 1:23AM and noticed a very large slow moving cigar shaped craft that was moving very slow right above the tree tops, no more than 300 to 400 feet away from me and made no sound. The sky was clear and the moon was almost full, so when i grabbed my night vision gen3 monocle it was hard to see the craft clearly, but i could see no wings only the fuselage. The body of the craft or fuselage was abnormally long and appeared to be at least twice the length of any aircraft Ive ever seen and Ive dealt with many different aircraft as I was once in the USAFs Crash Rescue Team. It did not have standard aircraft light markings, its lights seemed backwards... The red blinking/pulsating light was on the front and it had 2 white dimmer lights on the rear. within a minute it was across my yard and into a very large open field area and as I left my house en route to the emergency call i looked to my left across the field and it was gone. It should have been very visible at the slow speed it traveled which was almost a hover or landing speed.

I have seen many military aircraft over the years and Emergency Medical Life flights come over my house very low, but nothing like this and you can hear them for miles, this thing was silent. Also no other aircraft in the area.
MUFON's latest 20 reports Right Here. For more about our ludicrous foes. And here is my new webpage on Squidoo called 2012 UFO Videos and some real winners are already up.
Thanks for your visit today. I am seeing a bit more traffic from readers sharing these posts on Facebook - thanks. Please use the share buttons below if you think the Sky Noise Phenomena coverage deserves a wider audience. And, please look around this blog for much more content.
I will be interviewed on `Beyond The Edge Radio' on Sunday evening - listen in for a more full understanding of my positionings.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2011, The Year Of The Orb - The 2011 UFO Saga - Told In Story Form - With Top Five Videos

If you remember in the last chapter,  titled 2010 - the year ended with a huge level of expectations as for what to expect to happen in our skies in 2011 - do to the unprecedented PREDICTED October 13th, 2010 day-long UFO sky display that eventually had LIVE TV coverage with the man in the street in NYC.  As such, the Stanley Fulham predictions for 2011 loomed as he himself passed before the year began. Would alien contact be accelerating as he predicted so that aliens could save our atmosphere? Would the `shapes' of UFOs continue to develop new attributes as they did in 2010? (Reports have suggested a possible increase in  squareish, and rectangular and irregular shapes IMO.)
But, most importantly, would some form of UFO disclosure come in 2011 - some sort of direct `answer' about the anomalous phenomena seemingly being captured more and more on camera. Would the government of the USA itself take the `soft disclosure' route already taken by other countries, and, begged for by the exo-politics branch of the UFO contingent of folks.

And to that end, perhaps most amusingly of all official stances of the government in 2011, a man named Phil Larson stood in front of a podium and read some prepared statement in answer to the long awaited desires to know if aliens exist, or if the government is hiding information about such matters. You will be happy to know that your government is NOT withholding such information and according to Phil Larson (whose anagram is An Op Shrill) - humans have never interacted with alien entities. ............................... But that we continue to look with our telescopes and microscopes for life elsewhere other than our earth centered universe..................... Not quite the outcome that was desired by the Exo-politics folks.
At least TPTB got that out of the way, right? Now, President Obama could point at that as some sort of symbol of our open government system..... I mean, why dangle any carrot or grey area in the answer right .... cough cough?

And, if Donald Rumsfeld could answer `What is building 7?' to a question in 2011 - be happy that TPTB were willing to give any version of an `answer' at all - lord count your blessings. This answer of Phil's despite numerous retired military personal a bit more knowledgeable perhaps than Larson -  even inferring our NUKEs have been compromised by anomalous phenomena............ So, you have your answer sheeple, now be happy with it - and move along to the back of the pen please for your shots. Oh, and remember, your government has answered the `Alien Disclosure ' questions - And as a reminder, the answers are NO and NO.
But, the digging into the dusty pile of already released soft UFO disclosure papers and files in the most recent years of the 2000's  has produced some interesting `findings', or perhaps only opinions would be more accurate. Especially about what we here at UDCC call the Orb phenomena. As this year it came to light that this was the analysis of some UK agency:

That Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP or UFO) Exist is indisputable. Credited with the ability to hover, land, take off, accelerate to astonishing velocities and vanish. They can reportedly alter their direction of flight suddenly and clearly can exhibit aerodynamics characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile - either manned or unmanned.

The Conditions for the initial formation and sustaining of what are apparently buoyant charged masses (of Plasma), which can form, separate, merge, hover, climb, dive, and accelerate are not completely understood.
Dependent on a color's temperature and aerosol density, it may be seen visually, either by it self generated plasma color, by reflected light, or silhouette by light blockage and background contrast.
Occasionally and perhaps exceptionally, it seems a field with, undetermined characteristics can exist between certain charged buoyant objects in loose formation, the intervening space between them forms an area, viewed as a shape, often Triangular, from which the reflection of light does not occur. This is a key finding in the attribution of what have frequently been called black "Craft", often triangular and up to hundreds of feet in length. - The UK Ministry of Defence

Check out this document recently declassified by the UK Ministry Of Defense on Unidentified ]Aerial Phenomenon or UAP's, or as they are called in the US....UFO's

That's pretty darn close to what disclosure may be folks. Orbs are the key IMO to the vast vast majority of the anomalous sky phenomena. What is most intriguing to me perhaps is that the area between the plasma takes on special characteristics. That would seemingly make them MORE than plasma balls of some sort. Is this in-between area of the `Triangle of Lights' that often is seen as `part of the lights' which thereby forms a craftlike object - some sort of a projection of the Orbs? WTH?
So, in the same year that we have the declaration that nothing has EVER gone on concerning aliens -  and the declaration of something unknown going on; that mysteriously forms those black triangles in the sky perhaps...... is where we all - the public, are left to decide for ourselves.
But IMO, the `story' of UFO Disclosure is not so neatly wrapped into either of the official government viewpoints on `UFOs'  that I have just covered above. Indeed, the story of 2011 in UFOlogy, perhaps because of the big upcoming fear year of 2012, for the internet, largely focused on anything but the official government lines about such matters. As you know, governments are not in much favor in the worlds eyes right now with many billions of citizens.
So, away from the official chatter, - was the `internet world of UFO's' - which includes it all as you have seen on UDCC; but the 65th chapter of this story is `2011' and what made an impact. And, what made that impact was the 2012 syndrome - the end has to be near; and things have to be accelerating! (The websites always say, don't you feel it?) Indeed, in 2011 you could end up reading the end of time garbage for months and leave your mind as mush - so - this review of 2011 will include (and just did) some of the conspiracy and some of the high strangeness.
These were some of the other subchapters in the year counted as 2011: the first one, the MSM is yet to even delve into.

                          2011 - The Year of The ORB

While it's been buried deep within the history of UFOlogy - it's now becoming much more apparent that Orbs recur in certain locations and sometimes  even `come' or shine on command - some folks doing this mentally while others are via contact lights such as lasers. Orb callers who have orbs splitting and merging before the video camera.

Indeed Orbs that do all the things that the UK government paper above says they do. AND MORE. In fact, `the Jerusalem Orb' original videos of the dropping Orb - and the TV coverage given within the first week - changed somewhat the coverage of UFOs since then.

Indeed, compared to the alleged HUGE increase in UFO reporting to MUFON in 2011 and other quarters, the media has almost kept their mouth totally shut (except to be a mouthpiece for Phil Larson) since the Jerusalem Orb Drop. That even included ignoring the amazing spate of reports in the Lee's Summit area of Missouri - that included more than `just an orb'. Indeed, the lack of MSM interest of the on-going nature of many anomalous sky events is incredible to those even casually following the reports.
It will take something spectacular to shake the shutdown of the overall reporting on the anomalous now - especially with the upcoming political season in 2012.
Indeed, the anomalous reports are changing in ways the MSM is yet to really report; - such as the new Sky Noise Phenomena being reported in many places of the world. Such as the evolving seeing of more `boxlike' and rectangular `craft' - or simply strange hanging craft that look like hanging jetliners to apartment buildings. Saucers have not vanished from reports but it is nearly so.
But, back to what the internet covered of UFOlogy in 2011; - well, how about the endless predictions of the aliens `showing' or disclosing themselves? Remember `The Agency' Predicting UFOs over Washington D.C. back in February? OR, Shaman Lujan Mathus's prediction that March 8th (3-8-11) would be important? Or, the various Galactic Federation predictions? Dates were continuously floated all year long - some traced to bogus one man campaigns by UDCC

As the 65th year went on (1947 year one), the MUFON reports started to contain an increase in localization and high strangeness - with LOTS of startling close up experiences to report. (Very disappointing videowise however.) 2011 also saw the continuance of the nearly beautiful `sky symbols' experiences first associated with the Stephenville Texas events,  where the `sky light show' changes literally every second in impossible ways.
The year 2011 also had many videos of unknown sources that seemingly were over the top in stretching belief. UDCC vouches for none of the UFOs nor the current `understandings' of the UFO community for `where things stand' on any given video. These were the videos of most impact and interest to UDCC and the public in 2011. And, to that end - the below represent the Top UFO Videos, and Stories, OF 2011.
Drumroll please..................................................!!!!!!!!

UDCC's 2011 Number One - The Jerusalem Orb

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Two - The 2011 Sky Noise Phenomena

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Three - Phil Coseski, Orb Caller

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Four - The July 4th LIVE TV - UFO on Chicago TV

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Five - Fisherman Cellphone UFO Video And Story

first covered on UDCC -
You may want to bookmark the above and send it to some friends. PLEASE share this post if you think it is worthy via the Share Buttons Below such as Facebook. Your help at spreading the UDCC viewpoints are appreciated.

 (54 folks rate this a 4.5 stars)
Book Description (From Amazon)

Publication Date: October 13, 2009

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Serious Look At The Possibly Nefarious Side of UFOlogy In 2011

Hello Clockers and Welcome Newbies to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) - you've arrived on a good day - it's time for a `review' of what loosely passes for the UFOlogy spectrum in 2011. And, frankly, going thru a year of posts was mind numbing - I was surprised at how much had blended together or how much I was blotting out. But, then, it really was a year with EVERYTHING.

Including even NEW potentially nefarious Phenomena - such as the SKY Noise Phenomena - if you thought Chemtrails were bad - welcome to the 2010's. Indeed, the noise phenomena - like most anomalous phenomena it seems - has already seemingly evolved into different `forms/sounds' - some from way up in the sky and some from seemingly very local locations. Some high pitched sounds, some low rumbling ongoing tones. The phenomena is prevalent enough in the Atlanta area that I've heard it myself on multiple occasions over the past year.

It's subtle folks, just listen for what sounds like a fading jetliner that simply DOESN'T fade and you will possibly hear the most frequent type - at least in my local area. As I've said in this blog - WTH are `they' - I assume TPTB - doing? IT sounds like the atmosphere itself is being `fried'. Could it be some effort to combat the carbon dioxide buildup? The heat buildup? Methane?

But, beyond that, sound can be used in many ways - including as a weapon or to create fear IMO - just listen to this woman's voice in Florida in one of the earliest YouTube examples of the sky noise phenomena:

Perhaps the most nefarious YouTube video of the year IMO. And, these strange sky sounds keep appearing at the most public of moments - such as at a live major league baseball game - again, in Florida: listen closely, you can hear the announcers fear as the unknown noise continues.

Now, I won't bother here with the high pitched sounds or bring you dozens and dozens of similar recordings made almost exclusively in the past year of the more `hum' oriented sound. But, the lack of ANY coverage by the MSM of the phenomena almost speaks for itself. As has their continued ignoring of the Chemtrail Phenomena since the mid 90's. So, without question, to UDCC the strangest development of the year with possible nefarious implications is the SNP.
However, also in 2011, UDCC sensed an increase in `smaller' hovering spheres - often seen over peoples homes. Are these data collectors of some sort? Mind devices? And what would be the purpose of the government working with local law officials on a top secret project (away from public scrutiny) about another data collector - that looked like a UFO - that was to hover to 10 days at 60K feet? Strange and nefarious enough for you?

Tomorrow's post will bring you my TOP UFO Videos and Top UFO Stories of 2011 Listing - you do not want to miss that.
These above videos first appeared with my take at the time The Akron UFO and SNP At Baseball Game and the original Strange Florida Sky Sound.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Amazing `Anomalous Light Formation' Over Illinois Skies Tuesday Night - MUFON Report

Not only that Clockers - this one comes with the `very strange' photos to walk the talk:
Report excerpt:
7pm December 6th 2011 I walked outside to my deck to smoke a cigarette, I put the cigarette to mouth and I looked up to the north I saw 4 scattered lights. In 1 minute time the lights were directly over me, then formed a straight line. I grabbed my phone to take pictures. Then 3 of the 4 lights formed a triangluar shape, circular lights. The lights were bright yellow in the center and a darker orange around the edge of the lights. The 3 lights stayed together while the 4th one stayed behind and was consistent in speed. There was no sound and as the lights were in straight formation above me, the neighborhood dogs started to
Oh, here's an additional picture the person took -
Enjoy that?
Oh, thanks to the person that bought one of the UFO Calendars found in the sidebar yesterday - appreciated.
Every once in awhile I go thru the comments on UDCC and occasionally find GREAT links that readers have turned all of us onto - This One About Dr. Greer Is Priceless and is a nice work of blogging too.
Here's an example of what the MSM `thinks' UFOs and all that stuff is about A David Bowie Piece.
UDCC takes pride in finding you good content UFO/Anomalous blogs - here's another - This Guy Blogs CONTINUOUSLY About The Chemtrail Conditions In His Area  - truly awesome and worthy of a read. Oh, I feature this same selfless guy doing two other blogs with almost no exposure at my Barf Stew blog today - you might want to check him out there too - Barf Stew Today.
You have seen my Barf Stew Blog - Right?
And, before you think the Roaring Sky Noise Phenomena is over - Here's ANOTHER example in Tennesee TWO DAYS AGO: FANTASTIC EXAMPLE OF THE PHENOMENA! (39 VIEWS)

link -
His Description:
This strange sound went on for about an hour. It sounded like a jet hovering over my neighbors pasture. It was lightly raining but no wind nor thunderstorms in the area. Just a light drizzle. At times, it was so loud that it was hard to hear each other talk. After about an hour it just suddenly stopped. I have no idea what was making the sound.

You can also check the new comments section and read how Jennifer confirms those super strange Kiev sky sounds too. Absolutely this Sky Noise Phenomena of 2011 is one of the STRANGEST things yet IMO. I am now only bringing you the best that I find as several websites are now positioning themselves in the dedicated to SNP only posting. This is one that I am now monitoring for Clockers! - UDCC tries to be a resource and to bring value to your time.
Hunting new content - UDCC's positioning.
Sometimes the best way to explain the anomalous - is by listening to the ideas of Bruce Duensing - The Trigger Effect and The Third World. - Anomally Waves.
Bruce also mentions the below book in his heavy post:
 - Not for lightweights.
Thanks for your attention today - see you tomorrow?
IF you liked this post - please share it via the Facebook button below. I appreciate that.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks That The Exo-Politics Folks Have Quieted Up

Happy Thanksgiving Clockers; and to all newbies today - thanks for being inquisitive about UFO Disclosure. On this thanksgiving I will bring a number of links I found yesterday but didn't get around to blogging. And, as you can see, the whole Exo-Politics mess is what I bring to your eyes first.
One of the irritating 95% or more dis-information sources in the past decade or so has been the Exo-politics movement; which has claimed to have inside sources time after time of truly over the top ideas about the human condition. You will find nearly EVERY conspiracy theory represented at some level of the exo folks. (Solar Warden type stuff.) But, thankfully, one of the worst offenders of common sense seems to have taken their glory and decided to bask in the glow of the disinformation. Yes, I'm talking Project Avalon - Project Camelot - which seems to have vanished with these links as thier last representations of near lunacy.
Human Visits to a Mars Base - no problem - Here's an overview from their own page or if you need more deep throat insiders check out these last blog postings Over 5 months ago.

Yes, over 5 months ago. Over 5 months ago. Be thankful.

All that said, here's someone doing a deep analysis (?)/ believer - who puts all of the BS (as he calls it himself) outthere - You might be reading this the rest of the day - believe it.
Now, I don't know if the produced video has any connection to the Exopolitics folks and I don't have awareness of their beliefs in particular - but, underground aliens are right up their alley for sure: All of 67 views in over a month - HOT. and of course, the hollow earth website oh, the letters stand for world-alien-police-living-underground
Entertained Yet?
Here's a person in Michigan last month who heard (and if you turn the video up you can too) sounds coming from UNDER the ground (which sounds a lot like the Sky Noise Phenomena too) - strange days indeed: 1,400 views or so.

link - (lots of comments) And, as Clockers are probably aware, at least some folks of a conspiracy bent are saying the Sky Noises ARE actually coming from underground excavations by governments for when we are all moved underground because of some pending disaster.
Sky Noise Phenomena recorded on Aug. 31st: New York State. 599 views.

has a `control sound' video at his channel too that was recorded 15 minutes later - Here.
If you think that the Triangle UFOs are new - think again. Here's a fine website that has dug out examples of REPORTED Triangle UFOs as early as 1947 - Excellent Website Too.
Finally - THANKS for being a Clocker today - please bookmark if this is all new to you as UDCC is updated multi times every week.
This guy is a cool blogger who has put together some of his heaviest thoughts into a book - check it out:

Sample Chapters:
How to materialise in a parallel universe

How to channel other people's thoughts
How dreams contain not only your thoughts but the thoughts of others
How the earth is the physical representation of mankind's ideas
How contradiction creates consciousness
How being born is the equivalent of going lucid
How mysticism is the father of science
How black holes and quasars have a distinct connection with awareness
How gravity is made of willpower
How the Sith want what is best for man
How open source software can give us clues to create an 'open reality'
How ego writes bits onto the holographic hard drive known as the universe
How shamanism is a defense against the New World Order
How the greatest secret truth known to man was embedded in a song performed by Queen

Sunday, November 20, 2011

MORE November Examples Of The 2011 Sky Noise Phenomena

Hey Clockers. This evening UDCC brings you - AGAIN - the on-going Sky Noise Phenomena (SNP) - one of the NEW anomalous phenomena happening all over the world this year. That said, today's November examples are right here in the good ole USA. And, once again, the phenomena is `expressing itself' in more ways than one sound - and is happening both in the daytime and nighttime.

UDCC is about the ONLY anomaly website that is still covering the SNP on an on-going basis - spread the word:
First up - with 383 views - Recorded in Ohio on November 8th, 2011: Still the most common SNP - a loud hum.

This roaring noise I keep hearing late at night it's on going non stop on many nights. I don't live near an airport and no interstate is nearby.

I thought I would share. I hear coast to coast am listeners reporting the samething.
was recored 11/8/11 130am went back out at 230am and it was still there at the exact same volume level.
I am certain it's not traffic, a plane,jet or train. recorded in eastern ohio
Next up - Daytime UK - The SKY HORN sound - 732 views - early November:

Now, South Louisiana - early November 2011 - almost exactly like the Ohio Hum: 265 Views:

Still not weird enough for you? How about this very strange High Pitched Sound In LA in the middle of the night in October? or - This SNP recorded in the past month.
Thanks Clockers - please spread the word with the Facebook and Google Plus buttons below. Thanks. OR, check out the books below presented by Amazon for UDCC readers - no lightweights at UDCC.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sky Noise Phenomena Continues Into October - Latest Examples

One of the true mysteries of the past year has been the Sky Noise Phenomena, (SNP) which has been occuring all over the world, but does seem more likely to recur in some locations or general areas. An example of this recurring is the new SNP from Beaverlodge Alberta Canada - a location we've featured before: 266 views, uploaded and occured on Oct. 12th.

Description with video:
Just recorded 3 short video's this morning,between 9:00 and 9:30, to let you know it's still going on. Every day since the beginning of Sept. I keep hoping to see something but all I get is the crazy noise.Today it lasted well over 6 hour's.

Check out pt. 2 & 3 from today, or my earlier recordings from Sept.2011
(Red is UDCC emphasis)
Does UDCC have any Alberta readers living close to this area?
Meanwhile, this person thinks they heard the phenomena in Massachuass on Oct 15th - it's short and they claim it is in only the first 30 seconds of the tape. (My hearing isn't the best perhaps.)
Frankly, the next one is almost an OMG type of situation. Guy is fishing in boat - sky rumbles for minutes before getting out video - then at 1:16 in the video a SKY FLASH and THEN the rumble really gets loud - strange - happened in Minnesota in late September - posted recently - 714 views.

link -
From the comments under the above video:
Thanks. This is the one that I referred to in my post. It happened around Tampa where I live. This is the same exact sound that I heard just last week. Mine was a little earlier in the day, so I never detected a flash, but the sound is EXACTLY the same. MacDill AFB is also very close by. I'm very concerned..

Lastly, here's one from Oct. 4th with also some strange comments to check out if you wish -
Have to mention a Chemtrail plane experience yesterday in the Atlanta area. As I've mentioned before, if one is very aware, you can see the chemtrail planes all `turn on' in a given area of the sky often within seconds of each other. So, yesterday, while with a buddy we see one of the planes painting the sky and I told him to watch as another would appear shortly - and not 20 seconds later..........
Thanks for being a CLOCKER today - why not become a follower in the sidebar? See you tomorrow.
Scientific Ufology: How the Application of Scientific Methodology Can Analyze, Illuminate, and Prove the Reality of Ufos

Monday, October 17, 2011

Odds And Ends

Have gathered up a number of links and still have some (really lots) to clear out from other periods of time - so, today and probably tomorrow expect just some listings such as the below. You will enjoy these clips, articles and websites!
Here's something that I will probably dig into - seems someone has taken the time to MAP -- are you ready? -- 41 of theSky Noise Phenomena's Of 2011. Some are indeed clustered as has been suspected.
BTW, here's a recent visiting company to the blog searching `ufo disclosure' The_Aerospace_Corporation - hmm.
You'll have to wait LESS than a minute into this video for the `good stuff' - REAL clear saucer shaped craft:

And, on a similar note - here's some more background on the claims of aliens interfering with our Nukes - Aliens And Nukes. Worrisome or comforting?
Robert Hastings Book
Want a good read from an excellent blogger? And, how's this for a title Does Lake Erie Harbor an Underwater UFO Base? - none other than the The Paranormal Pastor - fine site to explore today. Includes video too at the link.
Having fun yet?

Ran across this strange book of possible interest to UDCC readers.
And, here's an OMG collection of UFO reports From Israel and The Number One UFO Researcher There - whole gambit, very interesting. You'll bookmark this. Detailed Read.
Here's another Compelling UFO sighting In 2011 that you haven't heard squat about. Quick Read, with Picture.
More Good Reads Tomorrow Too - See You Then

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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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