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Showing posts with label Jerusalem Orb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerusalem Orb. Show all posts

Monday, June 23, 2014

Strange Orb Display In California 6/18 Caught By Many And Reported To MUFON With Pictures And Videos

At this point... it's all at my state UFO blog - it's up to SIX different accounts, some from very close to underneath it (the bright lights). As you can see at the link and the videos at the link - it appeared not only as one bright light but as two at times - it also repeatedly vanished in one location to show up in another. It was also moving slowly in some videos.... as I say at California UFO... this reminds me of two Orbs in particular in early 2011 - the Jerusalem Orb and the Toronto Orb a week or two before. One of the accounts to MUFON was submitted with 10 pictures... including the floating overhead shots. Incredible. Will it recur? Has any explanation come forward in 5 days?
As I mentioned the other day - UFO Flicks website links to some important UFO documents... just like UDCC does in the sidebar of the page you are reading. But, I wanted to point out their link to a Dec. 27th 1969 report  about UFO's (a rebuttal report to the official final government view on UFOs in 1969) - and I will copy and paste just a taste of the page below:
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 134th Meeting
General Symposium, Unidentified Flying Objects
James E. McDonald, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
December 27, 1969
(interesting excerpt)
Within the federal government, official responsibility for UFO investigations has rested with the Air Force since early 1948. Unidentified aerial objects quite naturally fall within the area of Air Force concern, so this assignment of responsibility was basically reasonable, However, once it became clear (early 1949) that UFO reports did not seem to involve advanced aircraft of some hostile foreign power, Air Force interest subsided to relatively low levels, marked, however, by occasional temporary resurgence of interest following large waves of UFO reports, such as that of 1952, or 1957, or 1965.
A most unfortunate pattern of press reporting developed by about 1953, in which the Air Force would assert that they had found no evidence of anything “defying explanation in terms of present-day science and technology” in their growing files of UFO reports. (red is my emphasis)
Tons of excellent reading at the above link for the above report - be curious. I will be continuing to dig into UFO Flicks in upcoming posts.
What if the Orb phenomena `steps it up'? These California videos suggest just that to me at this point of time - what is also curious is that ONLY six folks recorded and reported this phenomena... or will there be many more come forward as this isn't even a week old. NO TV coverage as of yet that I am aware of. Updates expected.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Eligael Gedalyovich

I'm not sure if you recognize or remember his name anymore as `Important' in UFO terms is mighty short term - but - Eligael Gedalyovich was the person who was most involved with the `Jerusalem Orb' video in 2011 - the LAST time the MSM showed ANY real interest in the UFO phenomenon - and prior to the `suppression through disclosure' move of the USA government in late 2011.

Last year, in early 2012 he re-surfaced with some new internet presence -- and I was there tracking it in this post on 1/10/12. As an update, I have been in contact with EG this year via a weird `happening' on the internet - LinkedIn To be exact - as somehow a relative of his showed up looking to make contact with my profile. (Those E-Mail connections can get pretty weird.) And, EG and I will be collaborating later in 2013 about the 2011 event in a new E-Book. Stay Tuned.
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2013's OMG - Once A Year - `Orb Video' - Canary Islands 6/29/2013

As `the' UFO blogger who named 2011 the year of the Orbs (year of the Jerusalem Orb video) - picked up by the internet alternative media IO9.Com as you can see - and who was largely the UFO blogger who `broke' the incredible 2012 ` Feather Orb Video of San Antonio (picked up by Coast To Coast) .......................... I proudly present (and am to a large degree breaking) what is IMO (in my opinion) --- THE 2013 ORB VIDEO OF THE YEAR (so far of course).

I found it at one of my previously featured `finds' in UFO blogs - Anything UFO's - which features an honest blogging effort and features just a few worthy videos on occasion (with commentary). But, that site was carrying a `gathering sites' version of the video - and digging a bit deeper - I was able to find the original uploader. (Who thankfully did NOT have a suspicious catalog of suspicious videos.) Indeed, I don't think this dude even knew what he captured or how rare it was.

He has 27 Videos In His YouTube Account - now, the guy is obviously a `head' as he has multiple videos on cultivating peyote..... perhaps that is a `reason' for the Orb showing itself to him?....... He's not positioning himself as a mystic or anything like that - although most of his writings are in Spanish so I may not know that. That said, he describes this amazing video in English as you can see: He also uploaded it the same day as he shot it on JUNE 29th - that 2 minute 57 second version is here - it has about 2,500 views and a 7-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. 

It makes total sense that he uploaded this version - as he assumed that he had `lost' the `Orb' in the underbrush that he was videoing..... then, evidently, he looked at what he continued to film.... and found that JUST after the end of the original uploading he `thought' he saw it `fly off' (at the 3:00 mark to the 3:03 mark) --- and he then `made' a `version' of those 3 seconds in a 16 second clip that shows something flying off (could easily be an insect as he himself says and indeed you can see lots of insects in the Orb video -- showing the Orb to NOT be insects.) Anyway, that 16 second version of something flying off is Here and only 52 views as of this posting. Clockers can make their own decision of this one -- it indeed could be it `taking off' IMO.

But, that leaves us with the WHOLE video (which is nearly 4 minutes but the uploader tells us that nothing happens after the 3:03 part) - and this version at posting, uploaded the other day, also has under 65 views. Yeah, I gotta knack for these things.....
I will post what the videoer says is the exact location too:

So the reason I bring this version to you - is so that you can see the `exit' of the Orb in real motion/time .......
This object was filmed at a distance less than 150 meters, with a high definition camera. (But I do not have time to use a tripod so it moves a little) :-( Anyway pictures are of great quality and impressive content. This happened in Spain, Canary Islands, Gran Canaria, Santa Brigida, Ravine of the Leaks - 29/06/2013 - 8:00 AM. 
*Interesting parts of the video are:
1º-From 0:00 to 2:35 
2º-From 3:00 to 3:03
Enjoy it.

There are moments in this video when the orb took on the more orange glow of the San Antonio Orb of 2012 where it looked nearly identical IMO. Certainly seems to be the same phenomena IMO.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chemtrails - TOO HOT For Facebook

I my twitter stream I found today's lead story. It's about someone using one of the VERY few pictures available of a jury rigged passenger jet - with internal containers of who knows what for the world sky spraying program well into its second decade now - and posting it to Facebook; only to find their account closed upon their return.
First, the picture:
Then, the link to the story and much more discussion - FACEBOOK Bans Chemtrail Plane Picture, makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, right?

I also found the above yesterday - A MUST for UDCC Clockers? Click for more info on this Amazon Product..only 3.95 to flip out your neighbors.....
BTW, I've decided to start my next UFO book - this one will be about the Jerusalem Orb of 2011. I've re-contacted Eligael, who has abandoned one of his websites, via Twitter to see if he will be involved in some manner. As I was searching around yesterday for Jerusalem Orb - I found this `believer' website..... Jerusalem Orb 2011..... down the rabbit hole.
And finally for today - seems the MSM has moved on from the Sky Noise Phenomena to the Sky Boom Phenomena: 40-1 Positive to Negative rating on this TV clip:
Hattip -
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Trend Line On Orbs

To me, the funny thing is how it peaked in January 2011 - but, doesn't have the STORY as to why on the graph - the answer is obviously The Jerusalem Orb of Jan. 2011! And, once again, the `regional' map of the world shows the strong USA interest in the phenomena.
About 40 of you downloaded the FREE books from my Kindle Author Page yesterday - much appreciated. Much appreciated were the PURCHASES too. Remember, IF you don't have a Kindle device ----- You can download the software for FREE from Amazon for your PC laptop. YES, your LAPTOP becomes a Kindle for FREE - that is how much Amazon wants you to get into this E-Book Thing. --- Some of my EBooks are below:

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

The UFO Disclosure Overview

I love charts and hard numbers. What you are looking at is the worldwide trend via Goggle for the words UFO Disclosure. And, as you can see, the world is hitting lows not seen since early 2009 and is continuing the downward level of interest since early 2011 (Jerusalem Orb?) - and is even a bit lower than when the USA did it's `UFO Disclosure' in late fall 2011 (see Phil Larson's statement in the sidebar).

As you can see, I also have the USA Search volumes and it follows the same path: And, finally, I provide the state level for interest in UFO Disclosure - they are always hopeful in the great Northwest. This is the direct link to the page - you can manipulate the data in many more ways.
Just don't let anyone tell you that the demands are rising on the governments of the world to `tell something'. Real data, real opinions. UDCC.
Oh, you might want to make sure to return on Christmas Day for the presents under the UDCC tree. ............ Enough said.
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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Grading UFO Reports - 2012 Style

As I sit here pondering today's post it is slowly EXPANDING in my minds-eye. What began by trying to figure out if a MUFON report forwarded to me by Ken Pfeifer some time ago contained a real or a Photoshop image, (the MUFON report is less than clear and Ken simply included it) - but, since in the report the person makes no statement of taking a photo I am assuming a manufactured image.
That then evolved into should I bring this already saved Pfeifer MUFON report (Clockers only get the cream of what is sent - since I am more into the `find content' mode) onto the blog - after all - the report had already passed my standards for saving and bringing to Clockers.
I will present the report at the end - but, suffice it to say that it is one of those very few, super close, of course silent, beautiful craft observed doing the impossible, MUFON reports - not exactly a dime a dozen on MUFON. (Let's also remember that Ken has access I believe to a different set of content too.) OH, and with picture and a length of experience, verified by clock, of something beyond a mere hallucination - that was also covered by the reporting person verifying his mental drug related state of mind.
All the elements? ---------------- Or, all bases covered?
But, one doesn't have a UFO blog attempting to bring viable plausible material and content to readers, ----- without huge skepticism. `Bells go off' when something is a bit too perfect on occasion. -------- Such as close up reports of fantastic craft in populated areas that somehow escape EVERYONE else's attention. (And additionally - none of those people had a video capability via their phone or such.)

Now, here's the other thing about the `perfect' sighting you will be reading and seeing below - by being two minutes in length and being so low - it does limit the total of `possible confirmation locations on the ground'. You know, perhaps only at most a few hundred in the immediate area could have had a chance to see this event and perhaps none of them were outside. It is on the edge of plausible without dismissing the perfect report.
But, the kicker, is for me, the ambiguous photo `ownership'; - is this a rendering or not. Let's assume my stupidity in demanding such and that someone will say it obviously IS. That's cool - but as we all know these days ANYTHING can be rendered including near perfect CGI.
So, I think we might need a UFO Grading Report System - (ok, a UGRS for those that love acronyms) something at least a bit objective and perhaps only being rendered this time for fun; but, let's explore what I feel might be worth consideration.
*= loosely used

Reports with `multiple objective proof via multiple confirmation witnesses'!

You know, be thinking, The Jerusalem Orb - The Phoenix Lights - or the daylong NYC event of Oct. 13th, 2010. 

Reports with single `objective proof*' such as video or pictures!

Sourcing - How did the content come to be on this particular internet page? Did the sourcing come from a site known for `promoting' this type of content? IF YouTube video, is this the original uploader? IF so, how many videos of a similar nature has this been uploaded as original content? Does the uploader have an original content suggesting an interest in producing videos?

Reports without `the proof', but with witnesses for confirmation!

Question To Ask - Can you compare the reports of multiple witnesses?

Reports without the proof or confirmation witnesses in an unpopulated area!

Reports without the proof or confirmation witnesses in a populated area!
SO - looking at it THAT WAY - this report is a `second level' or `the lowest level' of report. But, using skepticism as a guide, let's look at those key questions for those providing `objective proof'. 

In this case, without confirmation in the report of taking a photo the assumption is that it IS a generated image - as such the report falls to the lowest level of attribution. BUT, let's play futher and say the picture was legit. --- Well, the sourcing came from a site known for `promoting' the idea MUFON as an anonymous report. (This is not a newspaper report with names and such or other media that is citing a specific real person.)
Now, that is NOT to disparage this report - I've already said above that it was possible to lack confirmation or other witnesses even in populated areas in our day and age. Real reports of UFOs certainly are not and have never been dependent on such attributes, as I know from my own close up sighting. (Now exclusively inside one of my UFO Kindle books - that was once a post in this blog.)

But, in this day and age of `UFOlogy' and fame from hoaxing and hoax entertainment - and from just the ability to pull the wool over so many eyes at once with a cleverly crafted tale - that ONLY skepticism is the correct mode of thought in the connected world.
And, with that I present the May 21st, 2012 MUFON report with permission to use the picture and report from Ken Pheifer:


On my way home from work on Monday, May 21, 2012 at about 9:40 PM, I was driving west on West Line Street just past Barlow lane, heading to my home which is north of Bishop. It is a fairly dense residential area. Suddenly, through the trees to the north, my attention was drawn to a very bright red light. It outshown every other light in view. Since it was low, no more than a hundred yards off the ground, I was confused by what I was seeing. At first, I thought it was a light on top of some radio tower, but there isn't any such tower in the area. Then, I could see it was slowly moving in my direction. I thought it was too low to be an aircraft, and I have never seen such a bright red light on an aircraft. I slowed my car, and watched intently as the light passed over the trees and into the clear sky above me. It passed slowly over the two-lane road on which I was driving, no more than two or three hundred feet in front of and above me. I would estimate its speed as no more than ten to fifteen miles per hour. What had first appeared as a solid red light wasnt solid at all. It was a spherical object, made up of a geometric assembly of very bright red lights, each apparently identical and equally bright. The lights didn't blink on and off, and did not vary in intensity. I would estimate the size of the sphere as no more than ten or fifteen feet in diameter, about the size of a small car, and as it moved, it was quite clear that the lights were evenly spaced, geometrically all around the sphere. I counted five lights on one hemisphere. It looked like some kind of huge lighted Christmas ornament. And it was beautiful. I was amazed and completely awe-struck by what I was watching. I pulled the car to the side of the road, stopped and rolled down the window, which provided a clear and distinct view of the sphere, which was by now no more than 200 feet away. I was able to estimate its height and distance by comparing it to trees alongside the road. It was completely silent, seemingly floating in the air. It continued its southward course, and as it passed by, the rear of the object came into view. I was struck by how evenly spaced the lights were all around the outside of the sphere. The red lights had an intense, radiant quality. They were very bright, and I could make out each individual light. It was like a ball of evenly-spaced red lights. My view to the south was completely clear, unobstructed by trees or buildings. I watched the sphere as it continued slowly south for perhaps a half-mile, clearly silhouetted against the dark night sky. The red lights remained on. Then, it accelerated abruptly, and moved up so quickly that it disappeared in the darkness. There was nothing left to see but the stars. The entire episode lasted about two minutes, perhaps less. I looked at the clock in my car when I first realized what I was seeing, and again after the object disappeared. I wasn't drinking, or under the influence of any substance. I have never seen anything like it. I am convinced that it wasn't any kind of aircraft; not an airplane, or a helicopter, or any kind of balloon. There was no wind, and absolutely no sound whatsoever. NOTE: The above image was submitted by the witness.


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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Danger Of A Billion Magicians

Yesterday's post of P. Garcia's Orb capture in San Antonio was the lead `post' on, and was also featured on Coast To Coast AM (links to both sites in the sidebar). I expect that upwards of 1000 folks will see the post today. And, in that post, I used a phrase that I don't remember using before - comparing Orb Callers - Orb Videoers to `Magicians'.

I implied that Orb Callers/Videoers are indeed actually `dangerous'; well, to be exact - the COVERAGE of Orb Callers and Orb Videoers is..... dangerous - at this point of time while the cat is in the bag. (Remember folks, we live in a society that is willing to give up rights to be safe - so safe that we allow the TSA to search handicapped 3 years olds because they pose a danger.) Yes, dangerous. And, it's not an idea that I've totally missed before, and since I touch on Orb Callers with some frequency I hope my regular readers have `gotten the drift'. `But, if you are a newbie today, let me play out a scenario for your eyes to read and for your space to absorb.

The truth. The truth is that (IMO) `real UFOs' with `aliens' in them - who are IN, literally OUR Reality - (and who stay in and around Earth) are EXTREMELY limited; and that the REAL UFOs, that the media and government would rather NOT discuss, ARE ORBS. Indeed, here at UDCC, 2011 was declared the year of the ORB. (catch that link in the sidebar covered by

When I say, Orbs are the Real UFO, I mean it. A real `thing' (that is temporal) that on occasion seems to provide a bit of intelligent direction, or RESPOND to human intentionality's. All of this phenomena, of course, was first brought to the MSM's attention by Prophet Yahweh - who in about 2005 or so (too lazy to look it up for this post) `produced' an Orb on Live TV in Las Vegas to the astonishment of a TV reporter. At that moment, the cat was out of the bag. (Were `they' looking to discredit it before it became more mainstream?)

Now, this was all while I was aware via YouTube of a handful of `Orb Videoers'  around 2005 who existed on the West Coast, who DIDN'T pray to Yahweh, or think that the `white dot' in the sky was containing large black men ready to return to Earth (Prophet Yahweh believes something like that.). Indeed, in the mid 2000's first decade they were simply going out and filming - and LO and BEHOLD, they `caught' Orbs of light transversing the skies. Displaying themselves.

Now, I would hold that those videoers `ritual act' of `going to a particular location and EXPECTING to film the anomalous', was virtually the same - as the `belief' that PY has in his `system of producing alien/Orbs.' His religion. Orbs are or at least CAN BE - evidently, a reflection of human intentions. IMO. 

And, that folks, is DANGEROUS. Seriously. 

The corporations of America and the world hardly need their workers being distracted by `A Billion Magicians'. And in more ways than one, it is even dangerous to the religious structure of things too. The `religious act' would be `brought to the people level'. Miracles would be nothing more than asking a neighbor to perform the `magic light show'. (A billion means 1 in 7 would have the ability.)

The `opening up' to such abilities - the expansion of human effect and relationship with the unknown - is very upsetting to the power structure apple cart and logo. Don't you think?...... Could that be a reason why the Orbs are SO ignored by the so-called MSM? Because they are a can of worms? Because they represent a rip in the common consensus ontological structure?

Indeed, Orbs have provided the TWO Biggest `UFO' events of the past two years, and have largely changed, IMO, how UFOs will be covered by the MSM. Something I've covered in this blog several times recently concerning the meaning of Phil Larson's declaration about the US governments position about `aliens and UFO information' (see sidebar for link). (IF you are scratching your head about the two ORB events - think the Stanley Fulham NYC predicted Orb event on Oct. 13th, 2010, and the Jerusalem Orb which literally happened at a `significant mankind location' while the Egypt uprising was in full discourse in early 2011.) Not saucers, not Triangle shaped Craft, ORBS.
Almost NO one is writing about the Orb underbelly of UFOlogy - and certainly not the majority of so-called UFO sites or `conspiracy' sites. Indeed, only a few esoteric oriented folks even give a crappola about the subject matter at all - something the powers that be would like to keep the case.

After all, we hardly need `The Danger of a Billion Magicians' mucking up the Forex exchange - right?
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Friday, February 17, 2012

The Weather Channel Embarrassingly Covers LED `UFO' In Utah

What is it about Utah and hoaxers of LED UFO's? First there was the one about a year ago during the Jerusalem Orb event - and now this one. Interestingly, you will get BOTH views in this one post - first the TV report (what is TWC doing covering UFOs to begin with) and then the guy who did the `hoax':

link- 56K views, 14/1 pos/neg
And, then the kid who made the device and links in the comments to the LOCAL media covering it on the 6pm and 10pm news. 40K views - 1/2 pos/neg reaction.

link- - you can read how the kid did it here.
All of which, of course, enables `muck' to be thrown over this mysterious Russian `Blue Circle UFO' - 144K views, 5/1 pos/neg

link -
Get the news that your hometown paper somehow missed at MRH - my newsblog.
Want more 2012 UFO Videos? 2012 UFO Videos - the best so far.
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

The `Hearing Sounds' Ultimate Conspiracy Theory

As readers know, UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) has been `on' to the Sky Noise Phenomena (SNP) extensively and in an on-going manner since last spring. UDCC had many summer, fall and now winter examples of the now `widening' descriptions of strange sounds coming from the skies above us. As editor/webmaster of UDCC I have indicated that I've heard the `louder' version of the `jet hum' noise ONCE and that I've heard the `softer, mellower version' of it several times - including last evening for about 6-7 minutes around 1AM (this morning).

Of course, it could have been something else - such as a fighter jet or jets - that were somehow off at an exact distance to return the same vibration/sound for minutes upon end; just above the `awareness' threshold I would bet for most folks. Even in the dead of the night. It's that subtle when I've heard it most often - now about 4-5 times in the last year. Indeed, one almost has to concentrate upon it when one picks it up - it's that subtle - almost challenging your consciousness to NOT IGNORE IT.

That is - if you can.

Indeed, it is easy to `forget' you are listening - when it wains on occasion before finally fading or falling below ones level of concentration upon it. In fact, IF the SNP is indeed nefarious - this seems to be a very incredibly subtle manner of instilling who knows what? Paranoia?

As you know, the media has largely been silent about the phenomena - except for the recent over the top display in Costa 'Rica that has the world now buzzing about the `strange sky sounds'. How strange and just how much interest? Well, how about the phenomena now being the number one search term for this blog surpassing the terms associated with UFO Disclosure in their totality. UDCC is on the front page for both. Appropriately I may add, the google search got the content correct.

Nonetheless, this blog is about stating an opinion when possible about anomalous phenomena - and indeed, UDCC is making no declaration at all about the source of the SNP - as with most things it is probably MORE than ONE thing. Including hoaxes. And, therefore, let UDCC be one of the first to suggest that the sky sounds are a `test' of the MSM and what they are willing to `report'. Possibly. LOL.

Indeed, the phenomena may be so minimal or so minimally placed in location, and, obviously - VERY temporal - that for the MSM to report on the spattering of `reports elsewhere' - is simply NOT the way the MSM reports. For anomalous phenomena - the phenomena has to be in your face level - to even be noticed. Low hums that are temporal - that are easy explained away and forgotten, literally - are not something the MSM is going to be TALKING UP.

I mean, talk about paranoia - "Can you hear the hum?" - is that the next headline in the Weird section of the Huffington offerings? I can imagine the story quite easily as a TV story:

(standing before the camera is the stations `hippie reporter' the one with longer hair) The camera shot would open close to his face and then pan to the sky while he said - "Are you one of the people that CAN hear the hum?" The station would then play about 5 seconds of the famous Florida Strange sky noise clip from 2011 and perhaps cover the new Costa Rica event.
And, so will begin a new conspiracy theory - WHO can hear the hum? ........ (Will they hear `sounds' in their heads next?) ..... As IF everyone can't hear them - then, it MUST be IN THE HEADS of those that do, right?

When thinking this out - perhaps it's nice to be in the phase of this SNP phenomena that is coming next - that is - mainstream media's coverage of such. Certainly, they will dredge up the famous sounds last year at the Braves/Marlins game too. And, more and more folks may be given the start of fear about the phenomena.
BTW, I will have a real weird YouTube video to bring some super weirdness to the whole sound phenomena in a minute - a video that hasn't really been seen yet by very many I suspect.
But, back to the SNP. Let me provide some more depth to our discussion today - as the Sky Noise Phenomena may be something soon we are all talking about more. First, the whole IDEA of `hearing things/voices' inside of ones head - presented in this article under the heading of can hearing voices be GOOD? - It's a ScienceBlog link - That drew over 900 comments - Says 4% hear voices. Trippy stuff and read. Then, this wonderful article by Robert Krulwich (yeah, that guy) of NPR writing about how humans are Jukeboxes and that if on command you are asked to sing `God Bless America' in your head - you will dutifully do a few bars. Anyway more about how some sounds in our brain are Unwanted. And for a much more full review of where things stand - Lon Stickler had this massive post to catch newcomers up on the whole Strange Sky Noise Phenomena As Of Date.

But, if you can get thru that - I beckon you to push a little bit further into the conspiracy zone. And, perhaps you may want to put on the theme from the twilight zone in the background if you can do something like that. You see, up next is a YouTube video with less than 1,000 views - up for several months - that has the EXACT same sound that is being heard most around the world. --- However, this video has a twist - this video was taken with the approach of a hurricane (already we have plausible deniability) and involves an FM `radio station' that doesn't exist. IF you read the comments below the video you will find the typical `logical' explanation for the sounds you will hear at the end of the short 4 minute video. Two minutes the sounds in the sky - two minutes the sounds on the FM radio at the same time.

Something such as the below is fodder for the imagination and is provided as such: - with under a 1000 views: Is that aliens on the FM? LOL.

link - and giving the video more credibility is the fact it is the only anomalous of all his uploads. To me, it is certainly somewhat strange in the timing.
So, would YOU admit to HEARING SOUNDS? IF so, would you worry what is next? Is this something the media can even cover? Assuming the phenomena is real - how can all this possibly be a positive?

Is this `what's next?'
========================== You Are Now Singing The 1966 Hit
========================== They Are Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha
========================== In Your Head
click the above so more see this posting

My thanks to the reader who again watched `Glee' off my blogs last night and for the person that purchased the book you see below. This is a brave person, the book was reviewed once and was a one star. It is an edgy book evidently.
 - turns out the inability to use just the image was short lived, yea!
And, a bit more about Eligael of the Jerusalem Orb event - I have now exchanged some e-mails with him and am seeking permission to bring what I know to you. Even without permission I will provide some level of update in the near future - hang in there as I think the story will be interesting based on the very slight clarifications I've gotten to some basic questions. I'll leave it at that.
Please use the share button to spread the news about the Sky Noise Phenomena if you think it deserves a wider audience in the world.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Return Of Eligael Gedalyovich

Sounds like the name of a movie or something, doesn't it? And, for all we know, and as things go - I wouldn't say it's impossible that this all ends up as a movie IMO. That said, for those that don't recognize the name - EG is THE MAN who initially started the `Jerusalem Orb' videos on YouTube nearly a year ago now.

So, how has he `returned'? With The Jerusalem UFO Experience - his new website. The visit will be a must for all Clockers. For newbies to the Jerusalem Orb - I almost don't know what to say - but, this link - will give you ALL of the initial extensive coverage the first couple months by UDCC. This overview involves almost 60 Jerusalem UFO Links that I put together in Mid-March of 2011, just before the release of the NOW PULLED `Close UP of the Jerusalem UFO Craft' video; which proved to be the END of the saga for most folks - as it was loudly blasted as a CGI image.

The entire event left a sour taste in the MSM's mouth, with some justification; and seemingly has changed the way the MSM is covering UFOs since last March. Indeed, the national media is now staying away from the `UFO' scene IMO; even the Missouri UFO wave got no attention this summer/fall. And, with Phil Larson's `official answer' to the ET question this fall - the MSM would now appear to be barking up a barren tree to even bother mentioning UFOs as being `alien'.
But, all this is distraction to what Eligael is now bringing to the table. Indeed, in his `About' page on the website Eligael Gedalyovich shows the original videos that made this Jerusalem Orb the `case' that it was - the `ringer' of multiple-video proof. And, yes, he even refers to the supposed `close up' in-city video on this page. Clockers will certainly want to delve into this page. Indeed, on page 2 of the `about' page he says this:
During the recent months many strange and mysterious things happened to me related

directly or indirectly to this event. ...... On the site I will tell the story from the beginning to end (and also to refer to what ‘s called Video 6), and at the same time I will go on a personal journey in order to uncover the truth behind this secret and guarded place in the world. A place that caused wars to blow out but also the origin place to the world peace. At the Video section on the site you can watch the development of the journey and the investigation. -----------------------
And at the site’s Blog I will describe the real story from its beginning to the end, including developing events that I couldn’t shoot.

Are you still with me? LOL.
Then, there is the News Section Of The Jerusalem UFO and it includes this latest video posted Dec. 3rd on YouTube - 852 views: The video is an Interview With A `Here-Say' Witness, (IMO) who also claims to have seen a similar UFO/ORB in the same location 6 years prior AND, that the Rock itself - has special meaning only the high priests of the area know about. In the comments at the YT video, for those with embarassingly deep knowledge of this entire matter, like myself, GrumpSkull shows up again - and gets dissed.
The VIDEO page of Eligael's website links to 22 Jerusalem UFO Videos including 4 of Eligael's `Investigation'. (note, NO new vids of UFO in the 22 videos). 13 of these videos are `others take' on the whole incident. If you just can't get enough.
The FORUM has a pathetic 2 posts and NO replies Since The Comeback On November 30th, 2011 - evidently (I may try) and there is a contact tab on the site too.
And, yes, finally, a link to his blog is on the site called - a blog with less than 600 visitors since it's inception in November and with 3 posts - one empty - the first one (I wonder if that is where he spilled the beans about video six?) - and the other two about the love of his life - his wife - and the `anomalous' way he met her. A good read. (Some comments too)
So, there you have it. He's back, and supposedly available and ready to talk - but with almost no one listening. And, IMO, until his `explains' his source of the `video 6', no one is likely to start listening again.

Now, all that said, (and you can find all the Jerusalem Orb posts by using the search box on this page) - it is still within the realm of possibility (IMO) that the entire event was not a `produced sequence' - and, if Eligael would ever finally answer some questions straight - others could still be brought back in some manner.

It would make a great movie. Indeed.
Finally, as I mentioned a few days ago - I've become a part of the Google Affiliate system and you can see some more choices I'm now bringing to the sidebar - PLEASE check them out (I have also eliminated some too.). As you can see - it includes ONLINE Games too - go ahead, give it a go.

Friday, December 23, 2011

MSNBC `Slammed' Phil Larson, An Op Shrill For Executive Branch, Using YouTube Mockery Of The Official Position Of Government On UFOs

As Clockers know, UDCC handled the `official position' put out by Phil Larson (evidently, UDCC was wrong to suggest that this guy even stood before a podium in front of humans to read this `answer' - the answer evidently about aliens was simply posted online) with very little respect - at the time, or at the time of UDCC's year end review a few days ago.

Oh, BTW, IO9 picked up that UDCC post and it's always interesting to hear others interpret ones blog. I think they did a good job at re-packaging the post  and I appreciate the coverage. IO9 is a very interesting place that I would hope Clockers have an awareness of. 
Anyway, back to the purpose of today's post - it came about as I went to try to find Phil Larson in front of a podium giving that famous UFO Disclosure `answer' requested by the citizen input - and I simply couldn't find it. And as I said above, evidently it was `phoned in' - as we used to say in the old time era -- indeed, he didn't, evidently, even phone it in but did the equivalent in the 2000's - it was simply posted on the internet to read.

But, what I did find was a piece from how MSNBC handled Phil's announcement, and it was worth sharing today as Clockers will enjoy the mockery of the government position it brings: - about a thousand views.

link -
I share below some of the people's reaction to the above video and Phil Larson's statement (from the comment section at YT):
What an ass. The ufo's over DC had made newspaper headlines and have been very well documented.

juttyPmusic 1 month ago

the only transparency about US government is there need to cover-up the truth. Shame on americans to have such a goverment.
supperuser3491 1 month ago 2

hell yea lets dont take that bullshit response they shit out to us
UndercoverPyramid55 1 month ago
But, what is most impressive about the above video - which really you need to watch, is that he dismantles the Government's own official position with nothing more than the own governments words and YouTube videos.

And what UFO Disclosure looks like in 2011.
Oh, Clockers (you too can become a Clocker via the `followers/leaders' button in the sidebar) it looks like I will need to feature Eligael again soon - yes, a Jerusalem Orb update as a lead story soon.
I found this picture yesterday on Reddit of a very unusual cloud formation Trippy Cloud.
Humanoids in Business Suits? Lon Strickler has put together three accounts of one heckofa story from 1977. Fantastic Read. Great Blog.
A big thanks to the person who bought a blood pressure monitor off my blogs yesterday - good idea, these words can raise that number quite high.
The world of UFO's includes the world of High Strangeness - regardless of statements from Phil Larson. See you soon I hope and please bookmark this page and return.
Treat Yourself To Some Gifts For YOU!

Table Lamp
Travis Walton Mouse Pad

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2011, The Year Of The Orb - The 2011 UFO Saga - Told In Story Form - With Top Five Videos

If you remember in the last chapter,  titled 2010 - the year ended with a huge level of expectations as for what to expect to happen in our skies in 2011 - do to the unprecedented PREDICTED October 13th, 2010 day-long UFO sky display that eventually had LIVE TV coverage with the man in the street in NYC.  As such, the Stanley Fulham predictions for 2011 loomed as he himself passed before the year began. Would alien contact be accelerating as he predicted so that aliens could save our atmosphere? Would the `shapes' of UFOs continue to develop new attributes as they did in 2010? (Reports have suggested a possible increase in  squareish, and rectangular and irregular shapes IMO.)
But, most importantly, would some form of UFO disclosure come in 2011 - some sort of direct `answer' about the anomalous phenomena seemingly being captured more and more on camera. Would the government of the USA itself take the `soft disclosure' route already taken by other countries, and, begged for by the exo-politics branch of the UFO contingent of folks.

And to that end, perhaps most amusingly of all official stances of the government in 2011, a man named Phil Larson stood in front of a podium and read some prepared statement in answer to the long awaited desires to know if aliens exist, or if the government is hiding information about such matters. You will be happy to know that your government is NOT withholding such information and according to Phil Larson (whose anagram is An Op Shrill) - humans have never interacted with alien entities. ............................... But that we continue to look with our telescopes and microscopes for life elsewhere other than our earth centered universe..................... Not quite the outcome that was desired by the Exo-politics folks.
At least TPTB got that out of the way, right? Now, President Obama could point at that as some sort of symbol of our open government system..... I mean, why dangle any carrot or grey area in the answer right .... cough cough?

And, if Donald Rumsfeld could answer `What is building 7?' to a question in 2011 - be happy that TPTB were willing to give any version of an `answer' at all - lord count your blessings. This answer of Phil's despite numerous retired military personal a bit more knowledgeable perhaps than Larson -  even inferring our NUKEs have been compromised by anomalous phenomena............ So, you have your answer sheeple, now be happy with it - and move along to the back of the pen please for your shots. Oh, and remember, your government has answered the `Alien Disclosure ' questions - And as a reminder, the answers are NO and NO.
But, the digging into the dusty pile of already released soft UFO disclosure papers and files in the most recent years of the 2000's  has produced some interesting `findings', or perhaps only opinions would be more accurate. Especially about what we here at UDCC call the Orb phenomena. As this year it came to light that this was the analysis of some UK agency:

That Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP or UFO) Exist is indisputable. Credited with the ability to hover, land, take off, accelerate to astonishing velocities and vanish. They can reportedly alter their direction of flight suddenly and clearly can exhibit aerodynamics characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile - either manned or unmanned.

The Conditions for the initial formation and sustaining of what are apparently buoyant charged masses (of Plasma), which can form, separate, merge, hover, climb, dive, and accelerate are not completely understood.
Dependent on a color's temperature and aerosol density, it may be seen visually, either by it self generated plasma color, by reflected light, or silhouette by light blockage and background contrast.
Occasionally and perhaps exceptionally, it seems a field with, undetermined characteristics can exist between certain charged buoyant objects in loose formation, the intervening space between them forms an area, viewed as a shape, often Triangular, from which the reflection of light does not occur. This is a key finding in the attribution of what have frequently been called black "Craft", often triangular and up to hundreds of feet in length. - The UK Ministry of Defence

Check out this document recently declassified by the UK Ministry Of Defense on Unidentified ]Aerial Phenomenon or UAP's, or as they are called in the US....UFO's

That's pretty darn close to what disclosure may be folks. Orbs are the key IMO to the vast vast majority of the anomalous sky phenomena. What is most intriguing to me perhaps is that the area between the plasma takes on special characteristics. That would seemingly make them MORE than plasma balls of some sort. Is this in-between area of the `Triangle of Lights' that often is seen as `part of the lights' which thereby forms a craftlike object - some sort of a projection of the Orbs? WTH?
So, in the same year that we have the declaration that nothing has EVER gone on concerning aliens -  and the declaration of something unknown going on; that mysteriously forms those black triangles in the sky perhaps...... is where we all - the public, are left to decide for ourselves.
But IMO, the `story' of UFO Disclosure is not so neatly wrapped into either of the official government viewpoints on `UFOs'  that I have just covered above. Indeed, the story of 2011 in UFOlogy, perhaps because of the big upcoming fear year of 2012, for the internet, largely focused on anything but the official government lines about such matters. As you know, governments are not in much favor in the worlds eyes right now with many billions of citizens.
So, away from the official chatter, - was the `internet world of UFO's' - which includes it all as you have seen on UDCC; but the 65th chapter of this story is `2011' and what made an impact. And, what made that impact was the 2012 syndrome - the end has to be near; and things have to be accelerating! (The websites always say, don't you feel it?) Indeed, in 2011 you could end up reading the end of time garbage for months and leave your mind as mush - so - this review of 2011 will include (and just did) some of the conspiracy and some of the high strangeness.
These were some of the other subchapters in the year counted as 2011: the first one, the MSM is yet to even delve into.

                          2011 - The Year of The ORB

While it's been buried deep within the history of UFOlogy - it's now becoming much more apparent that Orbs recur in certain locations and sometimes  even `come' or shine on command - some folks doing this mentally while others are via contact lights such as lasers. Orb callers who have orbs splitting and merging before the video camera.

Indeed Orbs that do all the things that the UK government paper above says they do. AND MORE. In fact, `the Jerusalem Orb' original videos of the dropping Orb - and the TV coverage given within the first week - changed somewhat the coverage of UFOs since then.

Indeed, compared to the alleged HUGE increase in UFO reporting to MUFON in 2011 and other quarters, the media has almost kept their mouth totally shut (except to be a mouthpiece for Phil Larson) since the Jerusalem Orb Drop. That even included ignoring the amazing spate of reports in the Lee's Summit area of Missouri - that included more than `just an orb'. Indeed, the lack of MSM interest of the on-going nature of many anomalous sky events is incredible to those even casually following the reports.
It will take something spectacular to shake the shutdown of the overall reporting on the anomalous now - especially with the upcoming political season in 2012.
Indeed, the anomalous reports are changing in ways the MSM is yet to really report; - such as the new Sky Noise Phenomena being reported in many places of the world. Such as the evolving seeing of more `boxlike' and rectangular `craft' - or simply strange hanging craft that look like hanging jetliners to apartment buildings. Saucers have not vanished from reports but it is nearly so.
But, back to what the internet covered of UFOlogy in 2011; - well, how about the endless predictions of the aliens `showing' or disclosing themselves? Remember `The Agency' Predicting UFOs over Washington D.C. back in February? OR, Shaman Lujan Mathus's prediction that March 8th (3-8-11) would be important? Or, the various Galactic Federation predictions? Dates were continuously floated all year long - some traced to bogus one man campaigns by UDCC

As the 65th year went on (1947 year one), the MUFON reports started to contain an increase in localization and high strangeness - with LOTS of startling close up experiences to report. (Very disappointing videowise however.) 2011 also saw the continuance of the nearly beautiful `sky symbols' experiences first associated with the Stephenville Texas events,  where the `sky light show' changes literally every second in impossible ways.
The year 2011 also had many videos of unknown sources that seemingly were over the top in stretching belief. UDCC vouches for none of the UFOs nor the current `understandings' of the UFO community for `where things stand' on any given video. These were the videos of most impact and interest to UDCC and the public in 2011. And, to that end - the below represent the Top UFO Videos, and Stories, OF 2011.
Drumroll please..................................................!!!!!!!!

UDCC's 2011 Number One - The Jerusalem Orb

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Two - The 2011 Sky Noise Phenomena

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Three - Phil Coseski, Orb Caller

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Four - The July 4th LIVE TV - UFO on Chicago TV

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Five - Fisherman Cellphone UFO Video And Story

first covered on UDCC -
You may want to bookmark the above and send it to some friends. PLEASE share this post if you think it is worthy via the Share Buttons Below such as Facebook. Your help at spreading the UDCC viewpoints are appreciated.

 (54 folks rate this a 4.5 stars)
Book Description (From Amazon)

Publication Date: October 13, 2009

In The Physics of Miracles, Dr. Bartlett builds upon his popular seminars to teach us how to access the discovery he has made -- a process that merges the science of subtle energy with our innate imaginations to produce measurable results. By applying forces known to modern physics, you will learn to tap into states of healthy awarenes from different moments -- in essence, travel in time -- and bring them into the present for immediate, profound results. As Dr. Bartlett shows, this practice requires no special training and produces transformation in the blink of an eye, giving you the key to a whole new level of power, awareness, and potential in your life.

Filled with stories of success and discussing seemingly implausible topics such as alternate universes, invisibility, and levitation, The Physics of Miracles is not only fascinating but also instantly applicable. For millions of people looking for empowerment in an increasingly disconnected, impersonal world, Dr. Bartlett shares his experience with these phenomena that will reshape the way people think about their own place in the universe.








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition