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Showing posts with label first person high strangeness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label first person high strangeness. Show all posts

Sunday, December 6, 2015

High Strangeness Begets Conspiracies

Today I broached the subject of   `high strangeness' at my UDCC Facebook Page ... really for the first time there... as at FB I tend to not pontificate about UFOlogy or other things... at least not as much about High I do in these pages. As you can see if you went to the link on FB above - I've linked to a man recounting an experience in his life where Hazelnuts fell from the sky.... almost as if it was an experience `only for him' ....

Part of doing that today on FB was prompted by this IN-DEPTH blog essay From 2013 entitled "An Illusion of Fact, Constructed of Myth, Used as a Weapon of Truth. Or; The Modern Cremonini"  - it's quite a trippy analysis of how `science thought' or mainstream thought... is actually quite closed and rigid when it comes to ANYTHING outside of what is the `accepted truth'.... which runs from and against ideas such as a 9-11 conspiracy, UFO's, JFK theories...  or such.

Welcome to the alternative if you didn't know that.

Okay... besides being bummed that UFO's are thrown in with very unrelated things and phenomena within the `alternative viewpoints about our world.. including accepted truths' - I'd like to make the distinction that the UFO phenomena (and some others in the alternative sphere) is temporal... in every meaning of the word... a transitory event (that begins from nothing and ends into nothing) as seen by human consciousness. A thing... a space... that is seen momentarily. That somehow, someway, somewhen, - actualizes for view or human data consumption. Via consciousness..... often in the case of UFO/Orb videographers...embedded with intentionalities... that perhaps `collapse' the `Fortean Impossible' into our reality for actualization and even viewing if the projection is in the sky or extreme local setting.

Belief sets if you will................... Localized belief sets.

Begetting `strange' experiences of specialized consensus.... begetting 1000 explanations for the same actualization process of spaces outside of the consensus.... begetting conspiracies of hidden knowledge by the Powers That Be. Who one would hope would know something about high strangeness and applied its resources at some point for investigation (think UFOs and 1950's-1960's) - right after TV's flushed images into our collective brains.
So... that may also be a distinction as UDCC moves forward with the MUFON database search for `entity' UFO reports... because after 1955... TV's became even more common as did Sci-Fy movies and 1956 I have my earliest fuzzy picture TV memories. We will see of course if ANY change occurs in the findings.
If you are new - please check out my FB page and dig deeper into UDCC or FB for much more real UFOlogy analysis. IF you are an Amazon Unlimited Subscriber - all of my books at Amazon are Free To You To Read - share with other Unlimited Subscribers too. Thanks.
One of a dozen or so books I have at Amazon

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tantalizing Tangents

I expect that today's post will be lots of links to read - as that is my purpose early on. First up today is some science, as Clockers, and I hope this website, give some homage to the religion of today's society. It's a link from earlier in the year concerning `life' beyond Earth.......... no, life from Earth IN space. Literally. 

It seems that a few years ago that the International Space Station was involved in transporting about a suitcase full of ...... well, you can read the short science link for details, but be thinking about experiments where they were strapping this material on the OUTSIDE of the Space Station. Oh, it's even being said that one finding may change sunscreens for humans.
This is a VERY thoughtful link to a guy involved in UFO `investigations' and who, of course, had his own UFO experience and some interesting theories pulling together various `facts' to explain it all. First Person High Strangeness.
Okay Clockers - IF you haven't been impressed enough already - and there are some excellent links above - here's a REAL winner. A GREAT well written blog post by another thinking blogger that really brings it. Unbelievably no one comments after this great essay called Did The `gods' Forget How To Be `gods'? Indeed, this post is so good that I bet you bookmark the article and read his deeper links. In short, the idea is that the `gods' referred to in ancient times were merely a left over remnant of `advanced humans' similar to ourselves before some big endtime event. Makes a ton of sense Clockers - a must read; you may not get much work done today. I've even added this guy to the sidebar.
You are a glutton to expand your mind today - right?
This next story is BEYOND Belief - unbreakable-crypto-store-a-30-character-password-in-your-brains-subconscious-memory and are you ready for this ..................... it's just like playing Guitar Hero! .............. Hmmmmm brains being trained......
Speaking of edgy `heroes' of sorts - Philip K. Dick as told by his last wife. It's a day of tantalizing tangents and PKD fits the bill of high strangeness and connections to the non-local.
The Philip K. Dick Collection
IF you want a great read - click the above.
I'd be honored if you shared today's post with your Friends On Facebook. The Share Button Is Below.
Ready for more? How about the REST of the story?
So, you've heard the tidbit somewhere that one of the guys that was with Travis Walton when he was `abducted' had recanted and said that it was all a hoax........... heard that one? Well, as I said above, here's the rest of the story from the man himself. Be thinking the disinformation folks trying to stir up something by dangling cash in front of ones Eyes. An interesting and sickening slight twist in the story and a GREAT explanation of the immediate time after Travis was hit by the beam from the Bright Light. Excellent read and worthy of a bookmark.
Sometimes it all seems like Magic:
I'm probably going to do another post similar to this tomorrow - hope you had fun with these Tantalizing Tangents. .... So, I'd like to thank the 50 or so of you who downloaded the FREE book off my Author Page yesterday - AND, the person or persons who purchased these funky book below too:


Click to read a sample

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Indigenous Humanoids OR Indigenous Phenomenology

I want to once again thank Ken Pfeifer the Chief Investigator in N.J. for MUFON for his interview, and, for his kind words about UDCC when finishing the interview. What Ken referred to in his kind words, seen in the sidebar, was this blogs honest effort to get at least `some truths' about the whole spectrum, of the on-going `UFO' phenomena, into the public domain. I definitely appreciate that opinion coming from someone who has truly heard a whollatta `High Strangeness' scenarios in his investigations. Someone who deals with `aliens on the ground'.
BTW, today is one of those BIG IDEA posts.
Indeed, to a large degree this blog does NOT deal with the real true High Strangeness cases, - say, like Lon Strickler does at his fine blog Phantom And Monsters. And, as regular readers know, UDCC doesn't mention `real aliens' or `humanoids' on any regular basis either, - as somehow, nearly 100% of such reports are `written recall of perceptions' and not videos or quote `real proof' - indeed, it's curious how few of those `fake' videos never really even appear on YouTube. You'd think someone, some huckster, would crave the attention to make `realish aliens' walking around their backyard. (Something like the alien peeping in the window stuff. I won't mention names or individual cases.)

`Stick Figure Entities'
`Luminous Entities'
`Ghostly Human Entities'
`Elusive Bigfoot Entities'

THOSE HAVE been offered up in somewhat convincing manners via video many times IMO.
And, of course, the typical `hoax' made of chicken meat and shaped like the `Spacemen' SINCE the ET era, - The Big Headed Grey.
And, yes, of course, I know and have seen and featured in this blog, - the EXTREMELY limited, bad quality, `real ET's', always on soundless, low quality, oldtime looking `video films'. And, to me, those are probably more compelling to me than they should be, - but, even if they are real -does it mean we haven't had a LIVE alien in even government control since the 50's? Or, are those films - total BS?
But, as readers of anomalous material know, - the reports of `things appearing' in history are numerous (including mundane things), and involve much more than perceptions of `UFOs' and `humanoid-aliens'. That said, readers involved with this website also know that in the sidebar are 1000's of `humanoid' reports, neatly compiled and organized - most of the reports over the last several decades (for many reasons IMO, time proximity, more people, opener society, - more leisure time). Reports of `humanoids' of nearly all possible descriptions. What are to me, ...... Perceptions of aliens.
Likewise, a select subset of people have also had their `own experience', and the occasional `shared experience', with a creature called Bigfoot. Close Up, Real Experience. As real as you sitting in your chair reading this. ------------- On the other hand, other folks, of course, have had `personal' experiences with apparitions of `their god' such as Jesus Christ `appearing'. Or Angels. Or --- OTHER TEMPORAL CHARACTERS, appearing within `a temporal perception structure'. Yes, even reports of `sabre tooth tigers' and `giant rabbits' exist. Indeed, the variations of `seen space' (within the perception structure) are nearly limitless within the `High Strangeness Perceptual Structure'. (Including missing time phenomena - when one encounters these `perception structures'.)


Here's the why, IMO. 

We, humans, are incredibly unique and have an incredibly unique `space' in this AREA of the universe. Think about it. Since other stars with potential worlds are at least 100 Trillion Miles (4 light years = 100 Trillion+) from here (and potential worlds with advanced life probably much further) - our planet is literally `a special space' of SPACES. 

Consider that in `most of reality', indeed, 99.99999999999999%, the true situation is, NOTHING IS HAPPENING. EVER. LITERALLY.
IF there IS higher conscious entities not bound by the timecone - WE, our Earth and our Consciousness, are the place to be for such beings wandering the universe - regardless if they originated via human minds here or `minds elsewhere and elsewhen'.
`Things' `happen' `here'! And `happen' to the level of allowing for the perception of change of space, via conscious beings.

But, even `here', many things lack `life'. Such as the common understanding of rocks, etc. (I personally have a slightly different belief, but bear with this post.) - And, indeed, the most `movement' of `spaces' on this planet is by and experienced by `alive objects'. Some of those objects - animals and such - are able to self direct their space and acquire `energy to live' - and to `change their phenomenology' (ie:time-location, space-location).
And, some of these Earthly `things' - including humans - have a special space within them that `even remembers previous events, and considers, future possibilities'. And, then, humans (and a few other species) take it one step further - and BUILD THEIR OWN PHENOMENOLOGY of Objects. Humans are literally surrounded by, and immersed within, their `human-made phenomenology' - things made most often by `other humans' or their extension, ..... machines.
But, I get distracted, - because what I'd like to bring forth in this essay post today is this - objects appear within phenomenology's. THAT PASS. THAT are temporal.

That are a part of the`separate' `perceptual structure' of aware beings/entities; and not part of the `real phenomenological structure'. (I'm speaking of where `things' emerge from - such as Bigfoots and what they `exist within' - ie; the Perceptual Structure.) 

Yes, we literally have to bring into the discussion, `how time changes'(really it's space changing IMO). Space itself, phenomenology itself, the reality we exist within - has structures. Real structures. Structures WITH indigenous non-ordinary phenomena - that aware consciousnesses can occasionally `see' or `experience'.

Structures that have characteristics which may allow us to be able to ferret out the `working shell' of reality; thru some deep analysis, that looks at `cracks' in the structure that allow for `temporal characters/events' such as Bigfoots, or the appearance of ANY temporal character; - that cannot `continue to exist' within our phenomenology BEYOND the `perceptual structure' that is attached with `beings like humans, ... self aware beings'. As self aware beings, we see more of the actual reality structure - we see `two' structures that are nearly always identical - but NOT always. Humans are `allowed' via their development to see a perceptual reality too.
A perceptual reality with a `different kind of space'.
And, ONE is `perceptual' - and part of the Indigenous Phenomenology available to `conscious spaces' - which experience `duration' or `lived experiences'. IT's part of the phenomenology. (The reason why `temporary animal/entities' on the Skinwalker Ranch could be shot and not affected. Why Bigfoots `poof' out of existence.)
So, if simply the phenomenology of our existence includes `types of spaces', which have a `non ordinary space temporal character', - which is sometimes `triggered' to the `perception structure', -- perhaps the great extent of diversity of which High Strangeness includes - is not so surprising.
And, it is NOT so surprising when one considers we are the `best thing going' in over 100 TRILLION miles. Those NON-ordinary spaces find usAnd, perhaps, as humans, at least humans with an interest in `other spaces'; as VERY special limited spaces within 100 Trillion miles, indeed our body, our space, can be afforded glimpses, which may be given into our `real reality structure'.

And Cosmic Cracks, shown via Bigfoot and anomalous perceptions of materialization's, give understandings about our REAL Indigenous Phenomenology. And the reflections of the Not-Able-To-Be `off of' the Able-To-Not-Be for the singular observer, such as a human.
As special beings. With Very Special Spaces.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is There A `Glitch In The Matrix'?

Ready to give your mind a workout today? I've gathered together some real mindbenders to feature; from an over the top Reddit comment forum seeking `glitch in the matrix' stories. Obviously, Clockers will want to delve into more Matrix Glitch Descriptions too. The teaser:
I'm talking weird occurrences, coincidences you haven't been able to easily explain. I'll start.

We have a breakfast laid on at work every morning, just a simple buffet of eggs, bacon what have you. Nothing huge and it's really only to feed about a dozen people or so. I am usually one of the first guys from my team to get to work and the kitchen was deserted as usual. I walked into the little kitchen, there was a ceramic egg tray thing with 12 eggs in it, like the bottom half of an egg carton with a socket for each egg. All spaces are filled with warm freshly boiled eggs.
I take one, walk over to the garbage bin, shuck the shell then I walk back over to the food and stop dead. There are 12 eggs in the tray again. No one entered the room while I was peeling the thing. I touched the mystery egg it was the same temp as the other eggs around it.
Not a big thing, nothing major, but something very strange. Given one does not get presented with strange eggs from a parallel universe every day I peeled and ate that one too.
Now, you could be busy at the above link for the rest of the day, but - if you are carrying on for right now - I found a very new `gathering site' for ORB/Chemtrail videos on YouTube. Another person who has seemingly woken up to the phenomena of Chemtrails and the anomalous stuff that seems associated with them occasionally. And, he's already worked up quite a collection of these Orb-Chemtrail Oddities - he even links to UDCC in his bio.
Page down to the report of the Jan. 27th Animal Mutilation on this great website. Much more at this site for a Saturday too.
Mindblown yet? Any comments today?
And if all that isn't enough to jog your mind to start this weekend - how about - The Truth is a Hoax, and that is a Lie.
by Erich Kuersten - Yeah, Erich is also included in the same book as me by Robert Cheatham - just released - that you can find a link to buy on this page. Erich is also a writer that I recruited for The C Influence blog.
Thanks for your visit to UDCC today - Do you think that a friend of yours might like those Matrix Stories? Please share this post by using the `share buttons' below - you can easily send an e-mail, post this to Twitter, or to your Facebook page. Thanks for your help in spreading the UDCC viewpoints.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Are Skeptics Getting Desparate About The Sky Noise Phenomena?

As you are probably aware, whatever happened earlier this month in the Costa Rican skies - soundwise - has alerted the naysayers to rise up on the internet. And, in typical fashion, I have now found some of the naysayers typical `logic' when addressing `the unknown'.

Find someone who knows nothing about the sky noise phenomena - play the most extreme example of it for a `reaction' - then note that the phenomena is so hot that people are making copies of Other Videos (and still going viral). And, EVIDENTLY - that proves it is all a hoax (regardless if the original copied and faked video is real or not). Yep the smoke and mirrors of the naysayers - and - the public awaits any official word or confirmation in any manner.

Anyway, these make for interesting reads - and have embedded videos I've already covered here. First up - Edmundton's Gig City - The Entertainment Source - who quotes the local sound engineer who says the sound is `synth' - the instrument. Hey, why dig any deeper right? And, while the above article includes the girl who copied the original, and purported it to be her own sound recording in a different location of Canada, - you have to see how the whole thing gets `edited' by the Skeptics section of the Doubtful Newsblog. And finally, Skeptic.Com makes sure we all know that their are prior historical accounts of sky sounds - so forgettaboutit...... Nonetheless, it is a good historical account you should incorporate into your thinking. Even if it isn't caused by some sudden increase in urban noise or the canyons of echoes in the wilderness. Then, there is this intellectual read on the phenomena last summer - with tons of videos (if you aren't aware of how hot this got last summer too) at Reality-Choice.Org. Strange Times Indeed.
Defensive? Denial? Desparate?
Need at least ONE more diverse take on the SNP? Well, how about the take of the website I can almost feel the Countdown Clock Moving.
And, sometimes Sundays at UDCC are for a good Sunday Morning Read - Strange Happenings - two minute read, well written first person high strangeness.
I've exchanged some nice emails with MUFON's NJ man - Ken - who also directs me to his archive of UFO photos you may want to dig much deeper into Ken is the Chief Investigator - BTW, here's NJ's MUFON site too . I've invited Ken to send photos of 2012 UFOs to UDCC and that we'd bring some to our readers. We also invite Ken to do an interview with UDCC if he wishes.
Here's another `gathering site' non attributed Blue UFO video - or LED on a kite? Supposedly happened in Chile in 2011.

link -
Thanks for your visit - please share this post with your friends who never talk about UFOs and who have never heard of the Sky Noise Phenomena. Thanks - just use the one click share buttons below. Thanks to your help UDCC recently touched 30,000 page views in 30 days - the running average is always on this page. Indeed, lots of info about this website is available via the sidebar.
Are You Into Remote Control?
Rover App-Controlled Spy Tank with Night Vision
And, You Have To Check This Cool Thing Out!
UPDATE - SEE SOL'S link via the comments which provides the `outside of Earth' (radiation belts) being the cause. Certainly has merit too. ---- Don't tell the sound engineer.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nefarious Six Light `UFO' Photographed In Daytime Massachusetts Sky

From the latest MUFON reports as of 8:00 AM: (picture/event on 11/21/11)
(cropped image - click to enlarge)
Interesting image above IMO.
Large UFO with Amber Vents Seen over past year in Wisconsin - latest report 11/11/11:
 had just finished dinner and was leaving my parent's house to go into town around 6:30 p.m. when a giant craft caught the corner of my eye to the east. It was so bright and large that I thought an airplane had caught fire and was going to crash. It took a split second for me to realize I was looking at something I could not identify. It was probably several hundred feet wide and had vents which released an intense amber colored glow. It was long and thin, almost cigar shaped (however I do not believe this to be the true shape of the object). My parents stepped outside just as it "collapsed" upon itself. To my suprise it reappeared in a few seconds slightly north but at least a mile away. Its amber glow was still clearly visible. The craft disappeared and reappeared at least once more, even further away. My parents claim two fighter jets flew over the area soon following the sighting. While I heard them, I did not see them. The amber lighted craft has been seen in this area on and off for over a year now.
Strange `Boxlike' object in Texas Skys Yesterday
And, here's one in California Yesterday too
Seems the box and rectangle shapes are popular in November.
OR, how about this LARGE STRANGE object with lights that passed RIGHT OVER a car in Maryland on Friday?
My boyfriend and I were traveling down 1-95 from gaithersburg to BWI airport. About a mile from BWI, neat elkridge exit we noticed a bright green light on the right. The object began heading towards us and literally slowed down and passed right above our car. I got a pretty good view of it through the sunroof. It was nothing i had ever seen before. it had no frist we thought it was a helicopter until we saw it above the car. It was pretty low was quite large and had two extremely bright, large lights coming from the bottom of the object. One light was bright green and one light was white. The lights never dimmed...they just had a steady glow (almost like a search light but they did not move). we could not hear any noise coming from the object and the best way i can describe the shape is like a blimp but much larger. It was flying in a strange path, changed directions a few times and our last sighting of it was when it gaines speed very quickly and we no longer saw it. We were both in shock and have been looking for answers on the interent all night.
But, then again, sometimes MUFON reports bring stories of high strangeness that challenge your very being:
Here's a tease from the above link:
we came around one of the last curves to the left and a Being stepped out of the forest and into the road and "Joe" didnt see the being and struck the being at the last minute and dragged the being half way down the road and the suburban ripped off the Left foot of this being which I will Describe later then the suburban went over the side of the mountain. luckily the suburban came to a halt slamming into a tree suspended in the air by the ROOTS of a tree beneath the suburban between the wheels.

upon me climbing back up to "ries road"

I found the foot of the being to describe this foot it was nothing I ever seen before. it had three toes with sharp TALONS black as nails i can describe more upon request. after me another person out the suburban made it to the top of the road his name was "TODD WEST" todd went to eldorado high school in las vegas. i believe his first name was "Theodore" "Todd" for short. as tood made it to the top of ries road he asked me what happened and I pointed at the foot and said we must have hit what ever this foot belonged to. just then we heard a noise on the cliff side of ries road. i went to look for what made the noise as it sounded like something moving in the grass area. We found a being laying on its stomach attempting to crawl away it heard me behind it and it flipped over on its back while crawling on its stomach it had a similarity of a crocodile the way the back looked and the TAIL and the MOUTH when it flipped over I saw it had 2 HUGE BREAST the size of volley balls or bigger with a pattern on it that resembled
There is MUCH more to the above story if you have more time - hit the link. Including a `man in black'.
UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes
And, since it's Sunday and you have a bit of time - here's a UK sight that is similar IMO to MUFON's latest reports UK UFO Sightings.
Oh, and North Carolina UFO Videos updated yesterday with one of the best GREEN Orb videos I've ever seen - Happened on 9-11 too.
And, speaking of UK UFO sightings - here's a video of two Orbs that strongly resemble...... a rectangular craft/object (our theme today)
Find That Here - Oh, it's a daytime video too.
Hope you have been reading the comments by SOL the last few days in the comments section!
Did you see the MUFON subscription button in the sidebar? It's 50 bucks a year via Amazon. Great Gift and your purchase helps support this blog. And, speaking of Amazon purchases, someone purchased the most recent book featured here on Friday - the esoteric book by Blogger Jeff Behnke - editor of the Aussie ParaNormal Site called ParaNormal News:

udcc's most purchased book - by lujan matus
 - most purchased Kindle Book off UDCC this year (only 2.99)


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

MUFON Report Strangeness - Continues - And INCLUDES Aliens

Hello Clockers and newbies to UDCC, thanks for visiting again today or for having an interest in `UFOlogy' (notice the quotes). Today's look into the latest MUFON files once again is nearly overwhelming - check out the highlights below:
1) A SILENT dirigible-like craft (but with no wings or stabilizers) - On Nov. 16th near Medina Ohio - this report reminded me of that failed UFO that the military was caught launching earlier in the year near Akron. Are they up to it again? (you can probably find it by googling this site in the google search box at the bottom of this posting).
2) Or, how about an ALIEN encounter in Connecticut in February of this year - a tease of a VERY long description:
The entity glowed a dull grey-blue and if I remember correctly the moon was shining so there was some visibility as far as light is concerned. The strange thing was the entity uniformly glowed the dull grey-blue everywhere as if it were naked and had no cloths on. I mean if it were blue-grey skin due to the moonlight, the entire entity would not have been that color due to the fact that it should have been wearing clothing of some type if it were human. No clothing was noticed on the creature. I am not new to UFO and alien reports due to earlier sightings I have experienced and subsequent research, but the over-sized head, skinny legs and arms, large eyes were not present on this creature normally attributed to "grays". In fact the entity seemed much more human-like in form, athletic, intense, focused, at the ready, aggressive in posture. I did not notice any eyes on the creature in the grey-blue haze that was its form yet I could tell it was staring directly at me in a sort of stand-offish way like two animals in the wild that are infringing on each others terrain. After locking eyes or glances for three seconds as if I had stumbled upon this entity and it was surprised to see me there or as if it was waiting for me and that I had noticed it too soon and been too alert, the entity very athletically turned and ran full speed into the woods at about a ninety degree angle to the line connecting our paths. I heard the bushes rustle as the creature took off into the woods and also another sound to my immediate left that sounded like a dear going through the woods by the size of the sound as if it were chasing after the entity
Much more about this encounter Here.
3) ANOTHER UFO that responded to a light flash - In South Carolina Last Night a one hour encounter.
4) A green orb crawling Along a rooftop in 2006.
5) And, how about this OVER THE TOP report:
Incident report : Triangle-craft sighting

DATE: November 18, 2011
TIME: 18:00 – 20:41
LOCATION: Pasadena Texans

On November 18, 2011, I was being driven back from Austin Texas after receiving medical care for my leg on East Sam Houston Pkwy. Prior to crossing the Houston Ship-Channel, and when I looked into the mirror on the outside of the Buick Rendevous, I noticed a bright light in the sky. I didn’t think too much about it then because I figured it was the front lights of an airplane. A few moments later, however, I noticed the same bright glowing light at my 1500 position, and I the told driver to look at it as well.

It stayed motionless for about 30 seconds , then very quickly shot ahead and maintained it’s position at the new location. Distance gained in this very quick “jump” was in my calculated opinion, approximately 20 - 30 miles. As we traveled, we kept maintaining visual contact on the object and once we reached Pasadena and got off the highway, we kept going south with our eyes still on target, where it was in the south-western part of the sky in the direction of Hobby Airport, where it appeared to be hovering and maintaining it’s position.

At the intersection of Southmore and Preston in Pasadena, we pulled over into a parking lot to observe it more. It was at this location as well, that I called the Pasadena Police Dept. telling them of the craft. The dispatcher then said that he would notify the patrol cars on the street.

Within five minutes of placing this call, three air force planes were seen in the vicinity of the craft, and at the same time, the search lights from Ellington Airforce Base, were scanning the sky. The searchlights lasted for only a few moments, as I believe they did not want to alarm the populace due to the fact that I believe that most people, when seeing search-lights, would instinctively look to where they were pointing.

When the Air Force planes arrived (C-5, and C-17, plus an unidentifiable high altitude plane which appeared to be signaling with a very bright white light (pulsing,) the craft descended in position, after emitting a very bright white light around itself. It was here, that you could discern the shape of the craft. It was triangular in nature. With a reddish/orange circular light located at the top left position of the craft. At this time also, another man was coming out of the pawn shop on the corner, and asked what we were doing, and we pointed up to where the craft was. He was on the phone with his girlfriend and was telling her about the triangle he was now observing. Another man came out of the pawnshop, and asked what we were looking at, and when he saw it, he first said “that’s a cell phone tower,” but when it moved, and he saw the triangle shape, he got pretty nervous and went back into the pawn shop.

After the aforementioned search- lights came on, and the planes arrived, the craft quickly disappeared, then reappeared. From one of the planes, there appeared to be a giant signaling light which was pulsating sporadically, as if it was trying to communicate with the craft. This plane was stationary, while the other two planes maintained a circling position, which I estimate to have been at about just outside of a mile from the craft.

Then, with a very quick “jump,” the craft changed positions and was in the south-eastern sky approximately 20 – 25 miles away, with the Air Force following to it’s new coordinates. As we followed the direction it was going, it would suddenly disappear, and reappear at another location, seemingly using a N,W,E,S coordinate grid.

We drove around the city looking for it, and when we would finally re-locate it, we would drive in the direction that we last saw it. This continued for quite some time, and wherever the craft went, the airforce planes were in that location. One plane, higher up, continued pulsating a white signaling light the entire time as well.

For a little while, we lost visual due to it’s sporadic nature of travel, but then we finally re-located it again, while driving along a road parallel to south interstate 45. We could see the craft in the sky due east of Pasadena (Red Bluff Road- Genoa Red Bluff). We then followed it to an intersection, where we observed it moving again due east, with one military craft about a mile behind it, and another circling back to join the same direction as the first. We then followed it in the direction it went, and after that, both the craft and the planes disappeared out of sight. Although we continued to drive around, we could not locate anymore movement in the sky from either the airforce or the craft.
Folks, unless someone has a very vivid imagination - the above report is very disturbing in many regards. WTH is going on?
I could have included at least two or three more ORB reports that were over the top too - helicopter type ORBs even.
Finally, if your mind isn't twisted enough by the tales above - in this link I again bring you OVER THE TOP `information' about the `conspiracy' side of UFOlogy - Including NASA, Dick Morris And The Faces On Mars and yes, Bill Clinton's name is in the article. IF you can read this trove of truth - you are a better man than I.
See You Tomorrow?

1520 Things You Don't Know about UFOs, Aliens Technology, Extraterrestrials and U.S. Black Operations. Vo.1. (UFOs and Alien Technology)
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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Responding To Phil Coreski's `Alien Craft - Alien Connection' Interview

Good afternoon Clockers, and newbies, to UDCC - thanks for visiting again today. And, today I will be discussing Phil Coreski's answers to my interview questions about his on-going encounters with a mysterious Orb he films near his property. You can find that interview Here if you missed it. And, while there is more at the link, the Q's and A's are below too.

I will respond Q by Q.
Q1 - Ok, my first question is - if the craft/orb appears near the same spot every time - why not set up in that location or walk towards the orb as it is out/on?
1) the craft generally appear in the same area which is right over some heavily forested woods, and to walk back into those woods at night is not cool, because there are coyotes back there! so I will not venture back there for that reason. what you see as orbs around the craft are a result from the molecular plasma light and clouds generated by the core of the ship's drive.
Why not walk back during the day - make sure no coyotes nests are there; or, go back before it gets dark? I don't buy the `excuse' but do NOT rule out it being possibly true from Phil's perspective. As I've already indicated, I think Phil doesn't change his position because of his SUCCESS from his current protocol. ---------------- ALSO, and it's a BIG also -- I doubt that Phil is actually videotaping an actual CRAFT (but, again, I will not rule it out totally) but IS videotaping some sort of anomalous plasma based consciousness driven `ball of light'. As such, I doubt that Phil's understanding of it being given off by the core of the ships `drive' to be probable fantasy or misinformation given to his mind via his `contact'.

Q2 - How is it you are in contact with the entities that display to you? Is it all mental or is some indeed a physical contact?
2) My contact is generally of a telepathic form which includes lucid dreams and sometimes OOBE's (out of body travels) to meet with the ET's within the astral dimension. at other times I have rare brief physical encounters where the ET's let me see them physically on the streets. and I have a mode of real time physical contact with them through a technical means which I'm not allowed to reveal for security measures. from this mode I'm given answers and explanations in the form of written descriptions.
I buy Phil's impressions of the lucid dreaming and OOBE's - I do believe that Phil's meditating has put him into some `special spaces' -- (In my Phillips Phenomenology - it would be the Able-To-Not-Be space.) that indeed MIGHT put him into a contact with `information or consciousness'. HOWEVER, SEEING THEM ON THE STREETS? (I will also warn Phil of messing with the unknown as far as human outcomes in general. Just sayin.) -------------------- (In seeing them on the street) We are talking about the outer edge of what the able-to-not-be MIGHT be able to produce within perceptual fields -- wow, if true, --- edging into madness if not. ---------------------------- AND, Clockers gotta love that Phil has, in essence, a MACHINE that transcribes the messages. -------------- You mean like this Radio Shack sold `Franks Box' that communicates with the DEAD?

Indeed, could Phil be in contact with the DEAD? (And, I'm not talking about Jerry Garcia.)

Well, I have a slightly different idea -- it is my opinion that Phil is in `contact' with some sort of `specialized consciousness' that exists within the universe. It's the SAME place and same type of experience that `alien abductees' have when they are shown pictures of a destroyed planet, wars, etc. - often ON a `space ship' craft. I wrote about THAT experience of others  On My Blog The Heavy Stuff in a post called A Twist To `Aliens' Showing Us OUR Apocalypse.
A different SPACE alright.

Q3.Are you familiar with the idea of Fortean Events?
No, I'm not familiar with the idea of Fortean events, although I've heard about it.
Fortean events HAVE NO CAUSE/EFFECT relationship and are literally FOR the `astonishment' of a/the human consciousness. IMO, it's NOT impossible that this is `the answer' - that said, I think other `answers' as I've been elaborating upon - are closer to the so-called `truth' of the matter for the OrionIFO orbs.

Q4 What do the entities you are in contact with say about the Greys?
4) My Orion contact has told me that the greys consist of several different species, one species if from the Zeta Reticulum constellation and these are short greys and they are generally benevolent and will not cause serious harm to human. other species of greys are from Orion these are taller and they can be somewhat rude in their interactions with humans, they will abduct humans and perform examinations on them against a human's will. and still other species of greys are clones by the taller species of grey, these are like robots or androids and are usually very hostile towards humans.  

Sounds MIGHTY familar to the words from a headline link I ran on Barf Stew on Nov. 3rd:
The Greys are made up of probably four groups of sort of gray-colored beings. There are what I call the Type B Greys, which are about 5and ½ feet tall and have triangle-shaped heads, pointed chins and dark black pupil-less eyes. They need food to survive, and prefer dairy products. There are the Type C Greys, which are around 5 ft tall, with more human-like eyes with pupils, but a small nose, mouth and sort of ears with a rounder face, and they can speak with verbal words. They are more human in appearance, might have some human DNA in their make-up. Type D are similar to Type C but their skin is reptilian in appearance, maybe a “C” with reptilian DNA in the mix. The Type A Greys are the most well known and are about 3.5 to 4.5 ft tall and about 40lbs. They has large heads in proportion to their bodies with huge almond black eyes with no ears and a slit for a mouth and nose. They have a tannish, pinkish gray body color. Their nourishment is absorbed directly into the skin (rubbed on animal membranes). They are probably more robotic than bio. And they have done the vast majority of the human abductions and human material gathering.

All the Greys have an agenda here and probably have been here as long as or longer than we humans have. They have been messing with us for thousands of years. We are their cattle
My gut feel about nearly all of the above is CRAPPOLA. I believe little to none of it. That said, IMO it is possible that humans may have been DNA modified --- possible, not probable.

That said, I will now `reveal' what strikes me as almost the strangest thing of all --- ORION is NOT a location - it is a collection of UNRELATED stars Wikipedia Link that as seen on Earth, create the one with the most visible `human' figure like THINGS in the nighttime sky.

Doesn't it seem a bit STRANGE that THAT is where `they' are from? And not from one of the 1000's of other stars in the sky? Does to me. Orion stars are in general, 100's to over 1000 light years from earth. WHICH Orion, Phil should ask?

And, the same goes for Zeta Reticulum - shouldn't Phil ask `which one?' As It is a binary star system - which OF COURSE has similar characteristics to our Sun. Also, IF the stars are ONLY2 billion years old - would THAT be enough time for a humanlike race to even evolve? It didn't on earth.
Q5. Are you being told by these entities that Alien Disclosure is going to occur?
They have made a form of disclosure through me, but on a universal scale as far as disclosure from the US military in an official form? I was told they will not admit this right away and may never admit it.
IMO, not much of an `answer' as obviously, hopefully, Phil would be aware that contact is NOT simply thru HIM. (UDCC has identified many Orb callers and videomakers.) Not that it is possible that he is indeed among a selected few (which could be dozens or more). Hopefully, Phil has googled Prophet Yahweh by now.

Maybe never, not soon (on ufo disclosure) - sounds like a mighty safe answer to me.
Q6 - Provided links to best material - see above link to previous interview for those links.
Q7 - Have you contacted local or national media? Do you have videos with lots of friends observing at the same time or videotaping at the same time?

7) No have not contacted local media or national media, neither myself or the aliens wanta lot of exposure, the ET's have told me they do not want to be known by vast numbers of earth people at this time.
Frankly, this hit me a little differently -- as up to now, Phil has been following the exo-politics folks mantra pretty closely - BUT - don't the Exo folks say that ET is just chumping at the bit to reveal and be known to the world? All that said, would REAL ET's really like to be known, and like Phil, I doubt it. Nor, as I have already stated in another post, I think that Phil is convinced he his part of a procedure which literally produces the Orbs and wishes to NOT upset that balance. I get that.
Q8 - Why do you feel you are having these displays made for you?

I'm having this displays and contacts for very personal reasons which have to do with myself and the ET's. which I'm not allowed to explain further than this
Of this, I believe Phil TOTALLY. (Indeed, I believe that Phil is largely NOT being evasive or dishonest in his answers - just that he is mis-interpreting them IMO.) Phil is vital to the protocol that produces the ORB IMO. The Orbs are Phil's FORTEAN event!(?).
Q9 - When was the first display?
9) my first recorded display of unusual alien UFO activity was on June 16-2009
Q 10 - Do you meditate? Are you religioius?

Yes I practice deep meditation and have for years now, and I consider myself spiritual not religious.
The first thing that strikes me is - have you seen the ads on UDCC and other `paranormal' or UFO sites that says something along the lines of `what do ET's say?' and then give the `answer' is `to meditate?'. It makes me wonder if those ads might be worth clicking - lol.

Anyway, in no way do I make light of Phil's `mentalness' and altered state access potentiality. No doubt in my mind that it is also possible that `non-body spaces with consciousness' might indeed TUNE IN ---- TO PHIL. And then provide him an interchange mechanism for actualizing his intentionalities.
But, that is just MY opinion - I look forward to reading yours in the comments. That said, it seems that OrionIFO is gathering up a posse ready to gun him down as you can see from the video below: (With 198 views in 4 days)

link -
Interestingly, the guy above runs a UFO site you may have heard of that is like a one stop shop all for UFO's and entertainment. Perhaps the title `UFO sheriff' tingles his in-nurds but, for the life of me, other than comparing Phil to another regular `UFO filmer' Allison in PA (who is indeed flaky IMO, and is indeed NOT filming crafts or even orbs most of the time) he presents as little `evidence' as Phil does.
Should Phil respond - I will present his words here on UDCC.
Finally for today - Seems Lee's Summit has produced a UFO video - From Oct. 31st - about 10K have seen this:

I'm less than impressed.
11-11-11 - Tomorrow - Be Ready
BTW, thanks to my readership for the two items purchased off my blogs in the last two days - Hydroponic Food (hmm) and the most recent episode of GLEE - I have a diverse readership. LOL. And one not confined by boxes. Below is another opportunity to show how diverse the UDCC tastes are.
 - Collectors Item?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

OMG High Strangeness - Orbs Follow Car, Then, Man Sees HUGE `Rabbit' - MUFON Report

You know, I have a buddy who once told me that he himself used to make up `Penthouse Letters' in the 1970's that he sent into for publication. The story you are about to read - an account of a high strangeness ORB event - happened YESTERDAY supposedly in Arizona. Here is the description:
While driving east bound from Flagstaff, AZ to Leupp, AZ, I noticed a red light in the sky. It was approx 800 feet in the air and at first I assumed it was a helicopter because of the low flying distance. I rolled the window down to see if I could hear any type of noise; no sound was present. The time was 1:21am; and as I drove onward, the light descended and flew about 4 feet above the ground. I was able to clearly see it light the ground up red. It flew parallel to my vehicle and just about kept the same speed as my vehicle (65mph). The orb itself, was red, and emitting a red glow - darker red in the center, brighter red around the edges. It was to the left of the vehicle, approx 50 yards away. At this point I was feeling panicked, afraid and curious.

As the road turns, I broke sight of the light and while I was turning the bend, a bright light caught my attention in the corner of my eye. The orb, now bright white, and approx 8 inches in diameter, was now flying alongside my vehicle, no more than 8-12 inches above the road. It was flying on the shoulder of the on-coming lane and kept perfect speed with my vehicle (65mph). The time was now 1:24am. While viewing this object, I had no feelings of emotion and I was calm and collected. No noise, besides engine noise was noted, the only notable difference was the presence of cellphone signal (there usually is none). It followed my vehicle for a quarter mile, and it sped up 2 car lengths in front of me and abruptly made a 90 degree turn, upward into the sky, at which point, I leaned forward to see it shoot across the sky, like a shooting star toward the East. It was not as bright when I saw it disappear in the sky.

I arrived at my destination at 1:36am. As I was pulling into the driveway, my headlights shone upon a rabbit, sitting where I was about to park. I stopped within 3 feet of the rabbit, which did not move, flinch, blink, of any sort. It was very large and from the ground to the top of the head (not including the ear length) about the height of my hood (approx 37 inches tall). It's width was approx 20 inches wide and it was brown and white mixed color with no distinct pattern or spots. It's eyes were black and it was sitting upright, like that of a cat. The ears were very stiff, long and together, and they were slanted back at an angle, like that of a jackrabbit. At this point, I began to panic, and I called a 2nd party to tell them of what I was seeing. The car remained running with the headlights on and I sat staring at this huge rabbit for about 5 minutes. After talking, I turned my engine and headlights off, and with the outside light from the house, I was able to keep eye contact with the rabbit as I exited the vehicle and proceeded to walk slowly around the rear of the vehicle and into the house, not breaking sight. The area seemed to be still and calm; I did not hear any usual night noises (bugs chirping, dogs barking, etc). Once inside, I remained on the phone until 2:12am.
MUFON's Latest Reports -
Now, before you write off the above account a few things come into my mind. First, HUGE rabbits have been reported before in Fortean situations. And, of course, Orbs have also been noted to follow cars, change colors, and take off into the sky. And, finally, the `silence' associated with the entire event - is also a near standard in the world of Forteana.

Overlays of a perceptual reality? Aliens? A trip outside the time-cone? A Fortean Joke - The Trickster?
And, speaking of rabbits - how about this blog for being down the Rabbit Hole? - Feed Your Head. (Honestly, I almost barf everytime when I read the words about `star children'.)
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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition