A person from Germany who has caught UFO's on the moon before within the past year - now has this with 23,000 views in TWO days and a 9/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion - compelling? Or, complete BS?
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtyFQRkhW9g
Uploaders Channel On YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/r3alw0rld?feature=watch with the other UFO's on the moon videos.
========================================================== Now, more of the on-going Sky Noise Phenomena in Canada this month. Edmonton to be exact. Lady took video at 1 AM and said she had never heard anything like it. About 1,400 views and a 7/0 positive to negative ratio of opinion. Strange sound.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVbhRbJBPWA
============================================================= Have you heard of the Iron Blueberries On Mars? Turns out that the EXACT same phenomena on Earth, which was long believed to be just chemistry was ACTUALLY (on Earth) done by micro-organisms. Same on Mars perhaps? Is this the LIFE ELSEWHERE that will bring down all the `mankind is special' religions? LOL. ========================================= Up until now I have saved Clockers the horrible crappola about the2012 Baltic Sea Anomaly - but, now, a bit more info that is starting to shed some light instead of darkness. ======================================== ======================================== OVER 70 of you downloaded `Beyond The Great Beyond' yesterday off my Kindle Author Page ...... sssshhhhhh.... It's still FREE today (Monday). (IT's number ONE for Cosmology in the Free book area) ======================================== You will also find these book are WINNERS!
Good morning Clockers and Newbies to the UDCC blog. Today a bit of levity to begin the adventure...... one hears a strange sound on ones roof, and finds a package has seemingly descended from the sky with unclear language on it....... happened or uploaded on Sept. 12th... 10K views, 5/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion:
link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGUPVDrryFI
================================================== Here's the local link to the whole Weather Balloon Story if you want to read it. ======================================= Speaking of coming from the SKY - The Sound Phenomena continues to evolve, especially in Canada. This couple had heard a weird noise late at night (3AM) a couple times and then got this example of it on video just days ago. 338 views and 5/0 positive/negative ratio. Give this rhythmic high pitched sound access to your brain.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tloe9ZbnYKg
=============================================== The guy then rides his bike into the Canadian night in search of the sound source or at least a different angle on it. This is part two of the Canadian Sky Noise Phenomena - interesting too. ======================================= ======================================= A couple dozen of you found my FREE book via my author page yesterday and one is FREE there today and tomorrow. Why not go buy a book and get a book and we both win? Oh, and thanks to the people who did that yesterday as several of my Kindle books sold. Indeed, yesterday, my TINY `Phenomenology' book sold again. It's ONLY for those that enjoy DENSE writing and is what I describe as the `read of a lifetime' - (and one that you will re-read again and again - hey, you expect the Phenomenology of Actualization - to be anything less?). It was my first Kindle Book. It's below, and it can be yours for a price:
And, you thought the whole SNP was over? Think Again. Says it went on like this for TWO HOURS in the middle of the night and was coming from the entire sky. 301 views 2/0 positive/negative ratio of opinion:
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4yRsmknDnw
============================================================== Very scary and probably very real. WTH? Oh, need more? Well, one day later on July 24th, this was uploaded from Buffalo New York. Seems only UDCC isn't scared to carry the SNP as we continue into 2012. ======================================== On a more personal level - I was bitten by about 30 hornets yesterday near the creek behind my home. Hurting big time today. My daughter said my swollen cheek makes me look like Abe Lincoln............................ And, a big thanks to those purchasing my E-Books as Three have been sold in less than 30 hours - appreciated. Remember, you never know about my author page - it may have a FREE Kindle book at any time. H. R. Phillips Author Page. Or not. ======================================== IF you EVER read one of the Carlos Castaneda Books - You have to check out Lujan Matus, who I interviewed in 2011.
The sky noise phenomena of 2012 was peaking in the winter months (apparently) especially heard was variations of this weird sound in February. Over 68K views, 6/1 positive/negative ratio of opinion. ------------------------------------------
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUdZGm476yA
=============================================== But, as always, the twist - this is ANOTHER radio station generated Sky Noise Phenomena video within the SAME RADIO Chain of stations. At least this is what this link suggests http://1075zoofm.com/strange-sounds-over-skies-of-missoula-montana-video/ - the video itself suggests this link as having more of the story - http://1075zoofm.com/strange-sounds-in-missoula-my-ear-witness-account/ - which does seem to have confirmation comments about the event in a forum. -------------------- Speaking of forums about the Sky Noise Phenomena - this one has vanished already - http://strangesoundsforum.forumotion.com/t48-haven-t-felt-the-need-to-join-until-i-heard-it-myself ============================================================================= My thanks to the person who bought SIX tubes of the below product off this blog yesterday:
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One example I could have had yesterday for the possible evolution of the on-going anomalous presence in our skies - would be the Sky Noise Phenomena. Here's a short video from March recorded in Alabama and according to the comments - also heard in Poland during the same time frame. That said, these could be TANK sounds from a nearby military location. Less than 2,000 views since March 3rd - 3/1 pos/neg ratio of opinion.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=340pDAD0mR4
=================================================== Now, more subtle SKY sucking noises - again in March - this time at night. 183 views 1/0 ratio of opinion.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QyjER7DOlo
=========================================================== Neither of the above videos are mindblowing but are an indication IMO of how subtle this all might be. -------------------------- How about a reading link? What it is like to have an advanced mind for math! - Interesting read. =================== Thanks to the people who purchased TWO of my books yesterday - and more news - this new one is FREE for the next FIVE days. It's about the near economic crash of 2008! Already climbing the FREE Kindle Charts today. With BONUS material about Chemtrails.
Please Click The Above Book Cover
====================================================== The outer plausible edge - Alien Scalpel - says you can see real alien implants at an upcoming meeting. Reduced cost for MUFON members. =================================== Sometimes the very best `research' into accounts of UFOs comes from regional material such as that below: HUGE BOOK
The mainstream media, as usual, is WAY behind the Internet in reporting and providing the proof of the new sound phenomena in our collective world skies. And, while the ONLY reporting of the phenomena by the mainstream media is of the more `freakish' sky sounds (of which there are a variety) - the Sky Noise I've heard on multiple occasions in the middle of the night in the Atlanta area sound like and have a volume level like - the video below. This video was taken in Michigan in mid April and has about 1,500 views and a 3/1 pos/neg ratio of opinion. The thing to stress, once again, is that the phenomena is largely THIS subtle. Almost plays a game with your awareness levels to KEEP aware of it when you hear it. ================================== Those with a super keen eye may have already noticed that I've added another GOVERNMENTS official documents about UFOs to the sidebar. It's a slow loading webpage but if you want to read about high strangeness - here it is - New Zealand UFO Documents. =================================== Thanks For Your Visit Today - There Will Be More Soon So Bookmark And Return. You can share this post to Facebook with a simple click of the f on the share buttons below. Thanks. Do your friends know about the Sky Noise Phenomena? ================================== Fathers Day is SOON - Give Him The World (you gotta check this out) (click pic for more info on this amazon product)
Recently, including the previous post, UDCC has been featuring the on-going Sky Noise Phenomena of 2012. (SNP) For those just visiting UDCC for the first time, or for whom the phenomena doesn't register in awareness - yet; it is a variety of `sounds' that have been showing up in the world skies since about last March when the phenomena began in Florida, at least on the Internet. Indeed, the most common variation of the sound is simply a hum that is similar to a distant OR close JET engine; for this sound variation, the LEVEL is what it what is the main characteristic. And, because of that, and because of people's awareness levels in general and city/landscape sounds, - it can be assumed that most low levels of this phenomena simply go unreported.
Then, last August, in Kiev Russia came the next variation of the phenomena - something LOUD and distinctively metallic sounding; something like two huge metal doors being shut together; or, the gathering up of an old drawbridge. And, from there, have come a variety of sounds of a more metallic industrial nature. All of these sky sounds being unprecedented. Guesses about what causes the phenomena range from `high levels of solar blasts' to `universe dimensional branes rubbing up against each other' to `unknown Earth forces' to `Gods final Trumpets' to `ETs' to the military's HAARP program. (OR, for conspiracy folks, the OWG wanting to take control. (who would want control of this mess, right?))
But, common sense says that previous solar storms would have created the same sounds and the same for unknown Earth Noises, right? (That is unless the Earth is indeed in some great imbalance looking to right itself.) And, while perhaps some God has also reached some limit of patience with mankind, - and who would blame the reality structure, - it seems a bit overblown to predict that the END is here within our life and times......... Without sounding like a freakball.
So, that leaves, IMO, two nefarious outcomes as having a greater probability of being weighted as being true, - HAARP and amazingly - yes, ET's.
Now, as Clockers and all Americans know, talk about HAARP in public, and folks will associate you with Jessie Ventura; who is now an outcast of the MSM and the political power players. A freakball. -------------------- And, talk of ET's - and you are going DIRECTLY AGAINST THE GOVERNMENTS STATED POSITION AS OF 2011 - namely, that is that there are NO credible reports of human and alien interaction AND the government is NOT withholding such info. (The irony of the so-called disclosures movement constant hassling for information.)
AND, if you listen REAL closely to the MSM nowadays, it is NOT referring to ALIENS anymore. See, you didn't even notice.
Indeed, `unknowns in the sky' are now more likely to be `Drones' of the police or military, (which we, as sheeple, do NOT need to ask about - it's not OUR business, so move along here, nothing to see) and no longer present a need for the MSM to bring out the ALIEN card - or the ALIEN Craft card.
Which leads to.........................
Now, as you know, UDCC's last post had a video which purported to be of the Sky Noise Phenomena in Hong Kong on Jan. 24th, 2012, - WITH AN ALIEN CRAFT in the sky. Indeed, there exists at least one `confirming' video too. And, as dramatic as the video was, and frightening too - UDCC has had at least one prior `anomalous light' video associated with these strange sky sounds that we've posted in the past.
Folks, don't you think, that the sounds are one helluva way to say hello? OR, goodbye...........
As it is very very easy to imagine that these Sky Sounds could be easily `turned up'. WAY UP. To the point of easily emptying cities or worse. It would simply be an intolerable weapon upon the people. An ultimate control. The ultimate pest eradicator as we have seen on TV. Just sound blast them out of your walls - in this case - your walls.
Now, it's of little comfort IF this new sound, and weapon ability, is something of the human military's of the world; at least in UDCC's opinion. Talk about the ability to herd or invade, - from above and with sound. Very 21st century. (And so non-lethal the powers that be would say.)
After all, the USA government says there are NO aliens. So the sounds MUST be human, right?
The Democratic Obama government wouldn't lie about an important thing like Extraterrestrials would they?
But, what if the sounds are the final card of the game? What IF the government knows that the aliens are increasing their presence for whatever reasons? And, that they have weapons we have never imagined; - that could indeed, wipe out population centers; if not humanity.
Do you really believe they would tell us?
Indeed, depending upon the actual interaction between such real aliens and humankind (IF it exists), or even interactions with governments, - the sounds may already be being used as anything from blackmail to manipulation of policies.
But, beyond everything, IF the sounds are ET in origin - it is an amazing way to literally `go over and above' the MSM in any manner that they wish to increase awareness at the individual, local, state and national level.
Once you, yourself, hear the hum go on and on and on and on (like I have in the wee hours in Atlanta exo-suburbs); - and you wonder why everyone isn't opening their windows and going `I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore', - you will begin to understand the power and the manipulation. BUT, at huge levels of sound could life itself be threatened?
It's funny that Hollywood, as of yet, hasn't given us an END OF WORLD flick with SOUND being the final weapon; don't you think? How would mankind fight such an enemy? Really? But, wouldn't it be ironic that all the various endtime Hollywood scenario's have us .................drowning, burning, or being crushed, starved or even eaten; ---- but, they never had us simply running into the streets gripping our heads and pointing at the empty skies. Freaking out until we mentally collapse in a heap ready to be collected in the still undisturbed garbage trucks. (Images of Invasion of the Body Snatchers). A nice non-invasive manner of taking over - less bloody, maintaining the structures.
MY point? Why would there be any limit to how loud a sound could be produced; - or - at how large, or specific, an area could be targeted? IF we are willing to ascribe to aliens the travel of the universe, and millions to BILLIONS of years of advanced science to ours; - a NEW sound in our skies is VERY suspicious and worrisome.
And yes, of everything going on in 2012 of an anomalous nature, the SNP is the ONE thing that is worthy of being labeled as:
2012's Scary What IF
========================================= Kindle Allows Authors 5 Days To Promote Their Kindle Books For FREE - So, Starting Today through June 6th - You can read my 1st UFO Kindle E-Book for FREE. This book has already in it's first 19 days of publishing ranked as high as 61st for all UFO books in the Kindle Paid Books Rankings. So, make sure to grab your FREE READ of the entire book about the 2006 Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO Incident by clicking the picture below. Thanks.
About 4 months ago, just after the MSM of Costa Rica covered the Strange Sky Noise Phenomena there and likewise in Canada, people were probably the most aware that something strange is going on in our collective skies. The video below shows the concern of what sounds to be one young, city living, alternativish, woman - who uses the quote you see as today's headline.
Indeed, she concludes that the OBVIOUS culprit in the Sky Noise Phenomena - is military in nature. Weapon testing. And that the ideas of believing that the sounds are some `Final Trumpeting' from God (which I also would give a VERY low probability to) or that the sound is linked to Extraterrestrials is nonsense. (Certainly a greater chance of ET's IMO than Trumpets of `God'. Then again, perhaps they are the same?)
Anyway, give this non-ordinary UDCC video a chance to provide what the `man on the street on Jan 23rd, 2012' might consider about the phenomena - especially IF the phenomena is far from over. Under 250 views in four months, 0/1 pos/neg ratio of opinion.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ffd5J-vrOmw
============================================================= BUT, the very next day - January 24th - came something that might suggest that the SNP (sky noise phenomena) WAS coming from ET's after all................ Oh............... Except that it was JM promoting it.............. Could something this loud NOT make the world news? Could there possibly been Alien Crafts in the sky at the same time and it didn't have any other recordings? --- over 79K views (just since May 8th) in this version - 10/1 positive to negative in ratio of opinions. Worth your watching.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNZhMpkptWA
============================================================ In my opinion, the word Trumpets is used to pull in the endtimers as the sound IMO sounds nothing like Trumpets. It DOES sound like something Industrial/Scary - and yes, possibly like a weapon. Would ALIENS choose this method for saying LOOK AT US?
So, just as you were about to take comfort in the fact that the above video was the ONLY recording of a strange sound in Hong Kong on that evening - and therefore MUST be a fake and full of crappola - comes this - via my extra effort to see if other videos existed in an independent fashion. This CLAIMS to be a self shot video and is in a one video account.
IS this indeed the confirmation video?
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvB2xfW2vHg - 16 K views.
=========================================================== We're aliens in the Hong Kong Skies on January 24th? ====================================== Shouldn't the MSM dig as deep as a blogger? =================================== And, to muck it all up, this was caught by a UFO YouTuber on Jan. 23rd in New Zealand supposedly - VERY similar sky sound. Yeah, I'd say the phenomena might have had a peak then. =================================== So, I updated my `science' blog yesterday. The lead post is that they have found the OLDEST man-made Instruments. Over 42K Years Old. Can you guess the instrument? Picture of TWO of them at the link. ==================================== Thanks for your visit today; if you are a newbie to UDCC, please bookmark and return again soon. You may also want to check out our 500 plus posts in the archive. Also, in blogging news, - lol - I'm near completion on my newest UFO E-Kindle book on Amazon. That new book will cover the Stephenville 2008 UFO and more. In the meantime you can still buy my 1st UFO book and sure to become a collectors item (LOL) for FREE to 99 Cents - please check it out by clicking the picture below:
Good morning Clockers, I hope your holiday weekend brought a bit of relaxation into your life - it did for yours truly. Occasionally, one must step away if only for a few days. And, as you can see from UDCC's headline (as I bring you a verbatim search that landed someone on UDCC) - UFO disclosure is still a topic of interest despite the 2011 USA Government announcement that `humans have NEVER interacted with aliens' and that they, the USA government was `NOT hiding ANY info in regards to UFOs from the public'.
Oh, you say you missed it? That the MSM didn't cover it? OR dig into the statement? ....................... Welcome to America. ----------------------------------------- SO, the `answer' dear readers and Internet surfers IS ---- DON'T EXPECT USA DISCLOSURE - it has already occurred. Really. And you didn't even notice. ------------- Oh, in the sidebar you can find a direct link to how MSNBC treated the story - with mockery. Appropriately. ========================== Speaking of stories The Phoenix Lights - those nasty things like perceptual facts always get in the way of those that refuse to admit. Lest we forget. ------- Oh, BTW, Dr. Steven Greer also believes that the PL's were a display JUST for him (the one on March 13th 97). ========================== 2012 Sky Noise Phenomena - 840 Views, Uploaded Jan. 25th near peak of interest and occurrences being recorded. Uploader has ONE video only - freaky sound for sure, claimed it went on for hours; which at the level of this sound seems impossible to believe unless the sound is EXTREMELY limited in scope. Tell me that this sound couldn't be used as a weapon(?)! ===================================
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTw-zQZ6Q8o
================================================ Much more this week, so, bookmark and return if you are a newbie. You can share this post on Twitter via the Share Buttons below - give it a try. ============================== THE SALE BELOW IS just FOR THE NEXT TWO DAYS
This is the loud hum version that I've heard at least once last April (2011) in Atlanta (I've heard the low hum 4 or 5 times at night). The video is from March 2012 just after the peak of the Internet BS with fake `sound noise' videos and the uploader is self named P5ych0B10tch On YouTube. But, that said, this sounds real, her concern sounds real and I think the phenomena was localized and real IMO.............. About 1,800 views and a 16/0 pos/neg ratio of voted opinions.
This is how she described it at the video: Video shot in North Florida. At about 3:20am on March 4th, 2012, I woke up from a bad dream. I was about to lay back down when I heard this loud hum noise that started about 3:25am. The sound shot over our house then stopped right beyond the trees. It was loud. I would have thought it was a plane but the sound did not dissipate like plane sounds normally do. The sound did not move & was continuous. It totally freaked me out. I called the airport & they claimed that they had no activity on their runways according to their cameras & radar. This noise went on & on without moving in any direction for about 20 minutes straight then suddenly disappeared. I heard a similar noise back in early 2011, about a year ago, but wasn't able to record it in time. I believe these sounds are either earth noises, UFO or a government conspiracy (secret, cover up). Needless to say, I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. What was it...we may never know. I think it was a UFO. But can't be sure.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDoBJugoe0w
=============================================== And folks, here's the same sound, the loud hum, or fake airplane noise as this recorder calls it - captured it in Germany THIS MONTH. The guy is a frequent recorder of Chemtrails and uploader of such; does make sense he'd have the camera ready for this great video example of the Sky Noise Phenomena of 2012 (he's gotten all of 84 views for it)
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upkGmyP4Kvg
======================================================= The phenomena isn't over folks - not by a long shot. IMO. ======================================= As you know, with an open mind, we don't treat 2012 endtimers, or the alternative, 2012 New Agers - with a great deal of respect around UDCC. Sorry bout that. (Not that the whole thing couldn't collapse in 2012 society/moneywise). But, this 2012 blog - with the last post in 2010 is just hilarious for a gander back. And, the sidebar `survey' is beyond priceless for what people expect to happen in 2012. ======================================= Speaking of what has happened so far in 2012 - here's the page dedicated to collecting the best UFO videos for 2012 that have appeared on UDCC. Enjoy. Catch up on the year in 30 minutes. ======================================= And here, remember the O'Hare UFO Incident with this new E Book:
CLICK THE ABOVE PICTURE ======================================= An AMAZING 18 of you checked out the UDCC sponsors yesterday - wow, and thanks. They are all Google approved who then approve US at UDCC (many don't) so, please support them by at least taking a look. Thanks. Oh, hello IO9 readers. =================================== LIMITED TIME OFFER BELOW
And, the song Closer To Home by Grand Funk comes to mind, as the video is supposedly of the outskirts of Atlanta. While the `Sky Noise Phenomena' I've heard in the Atlanta area isn't like this, and, has all but one time been a small hum at night (as in Atlanta small hums during the day are constant) - I honestly thought I may have heard the sound on this video about 3 weeks ago when it happened - but - only heard it once and thought I'd imagined it. I can't verify the date.
It's interesting to note that the guy says he heard this sound in January too and that others didn't hear it. What I find of continued interest is ---- how exactly local is this phenomena? What is the coverage of any event? One has to believe that it is very localized in some manner. The video also has gathered an interesting comment or two including the idea that the sounds are different dimensions scraping up against each other. This YouTube offering has about a 5/1 Pos/Neg ratio of opinion and under 3K views since April 22nd when heard and uploaded.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=qVtUE-00rqM
============================================================= Now, along the lines that it is `localized' - check out this Canadian TV report about a HUM coming from the United States supposedly:
link - (470 views) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=UunO0_SMyHo
============================================================= Despite the marketers of Fake Sky Noise videos a few months ago, the sounds persist and are starting to make news. A Tease from the above video at the description: On Facebook, you will find more than 1,200 members of the Windsor-Essex Hum site. They say their lives have been disrupted for more than two years by a strange sound that is causing sleepless nights, and worry about how their health has been affected by "the hum." "It's really, really irritating," says one Hum Facebook friend. "It's relentless, it doesn't seem to let up," says another. Windsor attorney David Robbins once noticed the windows on his porch rattling. =========================================================
================================= My `best of 2012 UFO' blog is at Squidoo - it has the very best of the videos featured here on UDCC and has them all on one page - 2012 UFO Videos. ===========================================
I also headlined a video I could have easily had here on BS yesterday - it shows a `FLASH' in a mall that was caught on security camera. The mall was busy, you can see folks run over to the area immediately afterwards. The Flash seemingly in slow motion Has An Entity In It and rises up as it finishes.
NICK Redfern has decided to end various blogs recently this is how he announced it on One Blog - more and more folks of the paranormal edge giving it up.
I will inform everyone when sales of my Chicago O'Hare UFO book hits 10 - please be a part of that Sample Today. (New Book Soon too)
A bit over a week ago, Billy Cox covered a follow up story of the radar data that had been obtained in the Stephenville Texas UFO incident of Jan. 8th, 2008. I
========================= Oh, btw, you'll LOVE this obscure `Sky Noise Phenomena' video I have found - and once again, recorded THIS month. From the Chicago area - AS STRANGE as ANY YET! Less than 140 views and with this as the descripton: Wauconda, IL - heard april 4th 2012. About 40 miles north of Chicago. My mom and
cousin recorded this video and sent it to me. I youtubed this and found similar
videos all around the world... I swear on my life this is not fake or bull shit,
my mom is horrible with technology and my cousin has the same video recorded
from his phone. This sound is so similar to all them heard around the world...
somethings out there... Or someone give me a better explanation please. call me
a liar but this shit is real no bullshit we didnt fake this. We have better
things to do with our time than make bullshit youtube hoaxes ----------------------
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyyyAkC92Mc
================================================== What's your comment on the above vid? Is UDCC the ONLY website still looking for REAL SNP (Sky Noise Phenomena) videos? How can this stuff be ignored? Is it simply because sometimes it is SO Transient? ================================= Damn good links so far today, right? ================================= Speaking or hearing alien noise - how about the endless background `noise' of `alien implants'? Well, here's an article, - of a scientific look at a few of such implants - and IF believed would suggest at the very least nefarious activities IMO. And, if taken to the extremes of these findings - Suggest we are dealing with something - NOT from our solar system. Conspiracy type stuff too edgy for the MSM for sure. ================================ Speaking of a science approach - as regular readers know, I have several blogs and updated, just minutes ago, my `science' blog that really gets into Neanderthal's. Today's post is about Eagle Talons and `arrangements' by early mankind of such feathers. ================================ ================================ Did YOU know that you can share this post on your Facebook page with ONE click below? Just find the `f' and give it a click for easy adding - I bet some of your friends haven't even heard about the Sky Noise Phenomena. Oh, and continued thanks to the person using Amazon via UDCC to make their purchases of the Glee episodes - you rock. And, in blogging news, UDCC has been dropped by the Trans Union Credit google affiliate and has been approved for Hotel Pricer as you can see in the sidebar - a new service you may want to check out. Thanks. =================================
Here's yet another possible variation of the SNP (Sky Noise Phenomena) that largely began about a year ago. This one is claimed to have occurred for up to a half hour and is claimed to have sounded more echo(y). It's strange. The poster does NOT appear to be a hoaxer or obsessed with the SNP. The video has all of 79 views and was posted April 4th - has 2/0 pos/neg votes. -----------------
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHcRkghTPkQ
=============================================== UDCC continues to dig for original content for Clockers. ============================== One of the more outrageous niches of UFOlogy is herd mutilation. Some folks are convinced that it is `alien oriented' and others are even convinced it is `evil' itself. So, how about an opinion that combines both Evil Aliens. ============================= Before you dismiss the above - have you heard about the super secret Collins Elite? NO? Well, Nick Redfern claims such a group, a part of our government, - thinks that evil aliens may be a part of the worlds Final Events. Or - is that all disinfo? ============================
============================================ Finally for today - The Feather Orb video has been stabilized - so, you can now watch it alone and in high quality. 39K have seen the original - a few hundred have seen this - Feather Orb Of San Antonio - Enhanced. ============================ Did you enjoy all that? Please share this post on your Facebook page with a click of the `f' `share button' below this post. Thanks. And, again - here's a link to my first E-book - giving Clockers more insights into my thinking about the anomalous The Phenomenology Of Actualization - thanks for checking it out. ============================
Not much for today really - just a quick post about the Fake Sky Noise YouTube farts who really got caught up in the frenzy about the SNP (Sky Noise Phenomena) in January of this year. As Clockers know, the SNP was very hot and almost viral after the Costa Rica booms was covered by their local media as was the Alberta noises.
And, like flies attracted to dumps of brown release, I present how NUTS it got for a brief moment. First up, on a `UK' Disclosure Gathering YouTube channel comes this nearly STUPID attempt at who knows what - but IF a UFO was making this sound - for 10 minutes - why does it cut off at 40 seconds and why aren't people out in the streets (even if it is supposedly in the middle of the night, a convenient explanation IMO). And, why is it a UFO and NOT an air conditioner? Yeah, it's that dumb.
But, got nearly a quarter MILLION hits, - And about a 1-1 ratio of pos/neg votes by viewers ----- and here is Strange Sounds In Venice Floridathe first of THREE fake Sky Sound Phenomena the guy made in days, -- this one got him again nearly a quarter million views. Sheeesh. Typical YT name for a BS'er ROFLaughing...... yepper. ================================= As Clockers know, UDCC is not really for lightweights. To that end - ?Conscious
Influence of Quantum Collapse . This is the highlights of some research into the double-slit quantum collapse theories and in this research they found that folks that meditate and even those that don't could influence the outcome of the experiment based on their concentration. Zowie. ================================== Finally, thanks for your visit today. A big hello to all the Facebook folks visiting for the first time today (and a big thanks to the folks posting UDCC on their page) - please look around before you go as there are over 500 posts to explore and lots of content. -------------- Oh, the Feather video may be seen by lots more folks if my inside info happens - stay tuned. Over 35K views in 10 days. ================================== Here's some summer reads for you.
In my surfing for content for UDCC I try to keep in mind the HUGE picture too; - and certainly the issue of EVERYTHING `being' ONLY material mass, - is an issue with regards to the perceptions of UFOs and anomalous phenomena in general. (takes breath) So, in that regard, how about a website that seems to have only started THIS YEAR and already has over 100 posts proving that Physicalism Is Dead. Oh okay, yeah, PID did link to here as part of the proof - getting the idea too that eventually folks will DENY hearing the sound even if it is becoming evident. ================================= Ok folks, another February Strange Sky Noise - seems legit uploader - more of the roar from Norway: About 1.600 views 5/0 fav/neg
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDzbZ1P0pj0
===================================================== Here's my new wonder about the SNP - why are none of the tapes like the first `Florida' tape last March in length? While the above sound is compelling and is VERY similar to the one that I heard in the daytime in Atlanta last April - volume level - even mine went on for minutes. As stupid as it sounds, I think either the sound may be `modifying' in length - or - the recorders of such sounds need to explain `the ending' of the sound event for them. (Including simply getting in a car and driving off as I did.) Meaning, they should say `the sound abruptly stopped' or `the sound went on for another 10 minutes at at a lower volume'. Just sayin. ================================= It's getting to the point....... 11:55 P.M. ================================== Investigate Physicalism below from 2.99 for the second book.
It's getting to the point....where I'm no fun anymore..... Remember that song and those words Clockers? Suite Judy Blue Eyes @1970. And, I'm starting to feel that way as I continue to dip into this potentially nefarious and already dubious Sky Noise Phenomena. Nefarious in that IT IS MOST CERTAINLY REAL in some manner - and dubious in that many many folks are faking videos for the YT hits (I assume.) and to make `fools' of the `believers'.
Indeed, today on UDCC I think I have ferreted out a GOOD strange sky noise phenomena video for you from Pennsylvania. Multi minutes, very vocal about NOT being a hoax, and a profile that suggests this is NOT a BS'er. All that said, who knows as in the comments he does get a little 12-21-12'y for me. Says it went on for OVER THREE HOURS: @5k VIEWS. 32likes/0 dislikes. Uploaded and I believe taken on Feb. 1st.
LINK - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqAAneuIOS8&feature=related
====================================================== And, here's a link to one of the new `strange sky sound productions' - literally with horrible acting, video effects and more - anyway, I feature it with another `plausible' SNP video - don't miss these Two New Strange Sky Noise Videos - the dubious side of our internet world. Both of these are short vids. =================================== I like to bring Clockers connections to other places looking at UDCC (a backlink) somehow this Forum Showed Up - take a look around if you wish. =================================== I updated TAL, one link features SPEED piano playing and another digs into Slowing the Speed Of Light To The Speed Of Sound! Go get a science fix. =================================== Thanks to the person that bought a Guitar Strap off my blogs this weekend thru Amazon - appreciated. We all await to hear of the progress with the free energy machines by the two folks who purchased the plans. Again, let us all know; and IF you are a do-it-yourselfer - check it out at the top of this page. =================================== Please Share This Page With The Share Buttons Below. =================================== Your First Solar Step - Featured on UDCC in 2011 and now again in 2012 - Get Yours! A solar powered fan under 25 bucks.
As readers know, UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) has been `on' to the Sky Noise Phenomena (SNP) extensively and in an on-going manner since last spring. UDCC had many summer, fall and now winter examples of the now `widening' descriptions of strange sounds coming from the skies above us. As editor/webmaster of UDCC I have indicated that I've heard the `louder' version of the `jet hum' noise ONCE and that I've heard the `softer, mellower version' of it several times - including last evening for about 6-7 minutes around 1AM (this morning).
Of course, it could have been something else - such as a fighter jet or jets - that were somehow off at an exact distance to return the same vibration/sound for minutes upon end; just above the `awareness' threshold I would bet for most folks. Even in the dead of the night. It's that subtle when I've heard it most often - now about 4-5 times in the last year. Indeed, one almost has to concentrate upon it when one picks it up - it's that subtle - almost challenging your consciousness to NOT IGNORE IT.
That is - if you can.
Indeed, it is easy to `forget' you are listening - when it wains on occasion before finally fading or falling below ones level of concentration upon it. In fact, IF the SNP is indeed nefarious - this seems to be a very incredibly subtle manner of instilling who knows what? Paranoia?
As you know, the media has largely been silent about the phenomena - except for the recent over the top display in Costa 'Rica that has the world now buzzing about the `strange sky sounds'. How strange and just how much interest? Well, how about the phenomena now being the number one search term for this blog surpassing the terms associated with UFO Disclosure in their totality. UDCC is on the front page for both. Appropriately I may add, the google search got the content correct.
Nonetheless, this blog is about stating an opinion when possible about anomalous phenomena - and indeed, UDCC is making no declaration at all about the source of the SNP - as with most things it is probably MORE than ONE thing. Including hoaxes. And, therefore, let UDCC be one of the first to suggest that the sky sounds are a `test' of the MSM and what they are willing to `report'. Possibly. LOL.
Indeed, the phenomena may be so minimal or so minimally placed in location, and, obviously - VERY temporal - that for the MSM to report on the spattering of `reports elsewhere' - is simply NOT the way the MSM reports. For anomalous phenomena - the phenomena has to be in your face level - to even be noticed. Low hums that are temporal - that are easy explained away and forgotten, literally - are not something the MSM is going to be TALKING UP.
I mean, talk about paranoia - "Can you hear the hum?" - is that the next headline in the Weird section of the Huffington offerings? I can imagine the story quite easily as a TV story:
(standing before the camera is the stations `hippie reporter' the one with longer hair) The camera shot would open close to his face and then pan to the sky while he said - "Are you one of the people that CAN hear the hum?" The station would then play about 5 seconds of the famous Florida Strange sky noise clip from 2011 and perhaps cover the new Costa Rica event. ------------------------------------- And, so will begin a new conspiracy theory - WHO can hear the hum? ........ (Will they hear `sounds' in their heads next?) ..... As IF everyone can't hear them - then, it MUST be IN THE HEADS of those that do, right?
When thinking this out - perhaps it's nice to be in the phase of this SNP phenomena that is coming next - that is - mainstream media's coverage of such. Certainly, they will dredge up the famous sounds last year at the Braves/Marlins game too. And, more and more folks may be given the start of fear about the phenomena. ------------------- BTW, I will have a real weird YouTube video to bring some super weirdness to the whole sound phenomena in a minute - a video that hasn't really been seen yet by very many I suspect. ------------------- But, back to the SNP. Let me provide some more depth to our discussion today - as the Sky Noise Phenomena may be something soon we are all talking about more. First, the whole IDEA of `hearing things/voices' inside of ones head - presented in this article under the heading of can hearing voices be GOOD? - It's a ScienceBlog link - That drew over 900 comments - Says 4% hear voices. Trippy stuff and read. Then, this wonderful article by Robert Krulwich (yeah, that guy) of NPR writing about how humans are Jukeboxes and that if on command you are asked to sing `God Bless America' in your head - you will dutifully do a few bars. Anyway more about how some sounds in our brain are Unwanted. And for a much more full review of where things stand - Lon Stickler had this massive post to catch newcomers up on the whole Strange Sky Noise Phenomena As Of Date.
But, if you can get thru that - I beckon you to push a little bit further into the conspiracy zone. And, perhaps you may want to put on the theme from the twilight zone in the background if you can do something like that. You see, up next is a YouTube video with less than 1,000 views - up for several months - that has the EXACT same sound that is being heard most around the world. --- However, this video has a twist - this video was taken with the approach of a hurricane (already we have plausible deniability) and involves an FM `radio station' that doesn't exist. IF you read the comments below the video you will find the typical `logical' explanation for the sounds you will hear at the end of the short 4 minute video. Two minutes the sounds in the sky - two minutes the sounds on the FM radio at the same time.
Something such as the below is fodder for the imagination and is provided as such: - with under a 1000 views: Is that aliens on the FM? LOL.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugjWkxsfbBc and giving the video more credibility is the fact it is the only anomalous of all his uploads. To me, it is certainly somewhat strange in the timing. -------------------------------------------- So, would YOU admit to HEARING SOUNDS? IF so, would you worry what is next? Is this something the media can even cover? Assuming the phenomena is real - how can all this possibly be a positive?
Is this `what's next?' ========================== You Are Now Singing The 1966 Hit ========================== They Are Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha ========================== In Your Head
click the above so more see this posting
My thanks to the reader who again watched `Glee' off my blogs last night and for the person that purchased the book you see below. This is a brave person, the book was reviewed once and was a one star. It is an edgy book evidently. - turns out the inability to use just the image was short lived, yea!
=============================================== And, a bit more about Eligael of the Jerusalem Orb event - I have now exchanged some e-mails with him and am seeking permission to bring what I know to you. Even without permission I will provide some level of update in the near future - hang in there as I think the story will be interesting based on the very slight clarifications I've gotten to some basic questions. I'll leave it at that. ============================= Please use the share button to spread the news about the Sky Noise Phenomena if you think it deserves a wider audience in the world. ------------------------- DIGGING DEEPER:
There has been, up until now, a slight bit of comfort that the strange Sky Noise Phenomena that UDCC has been reporting on since last spring, was `localized'. Localized at least in the sense that the vast vast majority of the odd sounds have been only heard over limited areas - even the famous Florida Sky Sound last year was somewhat limited in area.
But, this YouTube report, uploaded on Monday with 22K views, and already covered by Godlike Productions and http://strangesoundsinthesky.com/ - features a TV account of a sound supposedly heard over more than a 100 mile range. Not only heard, heard up to 100 times. It's a BOOMING sound not unlike others heard in the last year and as part of the SNP - Sky Noise Phenomena. The report is in Spanish, but - you will hear the sounds and `get the drift' of the report.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FGz489VqHjU
================================ While the comments are nearly totally in Spanish - one sees reference to the conspiracy idea of underground nukes and such. As Clockers know, UDCC finds the various forms of the SNP to be beyond reasoning out at this point - but - IMO, could indeed, wearisomely, be nefarious in some manner.
At least this is a `current' type of coverage by the MSM - but - then again, with something THIS widespread and so MANY times - it was beyond IGNORING. Will it take some sort of similar happenning in the USA for the coverage to actually begin on the phenomena? Time will tell. ================================ And, here's an amazing UFO report from this morning at 1:23 AM in South Carolina ---- get ready for a heck of a read: (full report below link http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=34806 I was wide awake and walking out to my vehicle to respond to a structure fire at 1:23AM and noticed a very large slow moving cigar shaped craft that was moving very slow right above the tree tops, no more than 300 to 400 feet away from me and made no sound. The sky was clear and the moon was almost full, so when i grabbed my night vision gen3 monocle it was hard to see the craft clearly, but i could see no wings only the fuselage. The body of the craft or fuselage was abnormally long and appeared to be at least twice the length of any aircraft Ive ever seen and Ive dealt with many different aircraft as I was once in the USAFs Crash Rescue Team. It did not have standard aircraft light markings, its lights seemed backwards... The red blinking/pulsating light was on the front and it had 2 white dimmer lights on the rear. within a minute it was across my yard and into a very large open field area and as I left my house en route to the emergency call i looked to my left across the field and it was gone. It should have been very visible at the slow speed it traveled which was almost a hover or landing speed. I have seen many military aircraft over the years and Emergency Medical Life flights come over my house very low, but nothing like this and you can hear them for miles, this thing was silent. Also no other aircraft in the area. ---------------------------- MUFON's latest 20 reports Right Here. For more about our ludicrous foes. And here is my new webpage on Squidoo called 2012 UFO Videos and some real winners are already up. ========================= Thanks for your visit today. I am seeing a bit more traffic from readers sharing these posts on Facebook - thanks. Please use the share buttons below if you think the Sky Noise Phenomena coverage deserves a wider audience. And, please look around this blog for much more content. =========================== I will be interviewed on `Beyond The Edge Radio' on Sunday evening http://beyondtheedgeradio.com/ - listen in for a more full understanding of my positionings. ===========================
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A Great UFO Read - And, Jupiter For Your Desk
The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.