Find someone who knows nothing about the sky noise phenomena - play the most extreme example of it for a `reaction' - then note that the phenomena is so hot that people are making copies of Other Videos (and still going viral). And, EVIDENTLY - that proves it is all a hoax (regardless if the original copied and faked video is real or not). Yep the smoke and mirrors of the naysayers - and - the public awaits any official word or confirmation in any manner.
Anyway, these make for interesting reads - and have embedded videos I've already covered here. First up - Edmundton's Gig City - The Entertainment Source - who quotes the local sound engineer who says the sound is `synth' - the instrument. Hey, why dig any deeper right? And, while the above article includes the girl who copied the original, and purported it to be her own sound recording in a different location of Canada, - you have to see how the whole thing gets `edited' by the Skeptics section of the Doubtful Newsblog. And finally, Skeptic.Com makes sure we all know that their are prior historical accounts of sky sounds - so forgettaboutit...... Nonetheless, it is a good historical account you should incorporate into your thinking. Even if it isn't caused by some sudden increase in urban noise or the canyons of echoes in the wilderness. Then, there is this intellectual read on the phenomena last summer - with tons of videos (if you aren't aware of how hot this got last summer too) at Reality-Choice.Org. Strange Times Indeed.
Defensive? Denial? Desparate?
Need at least ONE more diverse take on the SNP? Well, how about the take of the website I can almost feel the Countdown Clock Moving.
And, sometimes Sundays at UDCC are for a good Sunday Morning Read - Strange Happenings - two minute read, well written first person high strangeness.
I've exchanged some nice emails with MUFON's NJ man - Ken - who also directs me to his archive of UFO photos you may want to dig much deeper into Ken is the Chief Investigator - BTW, here's NJ's MUFON site too . I've invited Ken to send photos of 2012 UFOs to UDCC and that we'd bring some to our readers. We also invite Ken to do an interview with UDCC if he wishes.
Here's another `gathering site' non attributed Blue UFO video - or LED on a kite? Supposedly happened in Chile in 2011.
link -
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UPDATE - SEE SOL'S link via the comments which provides the `outside of Earth' (radiation belts) being the cause. Certainly has merit too. ---- Don't tell the sound engineer.