Hello Clockers, thanks for checking back in today. Oh, and welcome newbies to UDCC, UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - I hope you stick around and absorb what a real UFO blog is like.
Today's post has been percolating for a day or two since UDCC got it's latest `Follower' - or as I call them, leaders. Folks on who's list of blogs UDCC shows up whenever a post is made here. And, lately, those numbers have increased a bit after being stagnant for some period of time. And, also of interest is how the last few `followers' have been of the `exo-politics' and beyond type of individual.
Beyond as in End-Timer, `revelation' type of thinking - indeed, the latest person to join has this blog called Alevyne888@Blogspot which has its header saying `End-Times, Divine Revelations, and Spiritual Teaching'. A blog filled with Doves and Angels and so forth that I find much like the other End-Time blogs I run into - with decreasing posts and a withdraw from being so declarative about 2012 being the end before 2012.
Is it the appeal of the `Clock'?
Certainly, if you bought into the 2012 gig - you might be beginning to question your beliefs about this point of time. Don't you think? And, as the normal world, national and local lunacy goes forward this fall, - but, with nothing pointing to an specific end in December to our world (or is that what the fiscal cliff is?) viewpoint - the anxiety of those that did buy into the end world view will be growing. Especially as the MSM IGNORES the coming `event' in their minds.
Indeed, I fully expect the MSM to ignore - especially from here on out - the 12/21/12 apocalyptic viewpoint. Mark My Words. Now, that said, (lol) we may indeed have an anxiety building fall politically and economically, - which could indeed play brinkmanship with the end of our worldview.
Oh, that's right, I blogged during the crash of 2008 about this very `fall election collapse' in my Kindle Book at this link. Read a sample.
End-Timers may take joy in those developments.
You can share any post on UDCC to your Facebook page with the share buttons below this post - twitter too. Independent bloggers thank you for spreading the word.
Had a few more sales and even a couple returns of my Kindle books in the last few days - that's cool, I want you to try them out and be satisfied with the content level you find. Oh, and Dozens of you took advantage of my latest FREE book on my Kindle Author Page - thanks. Also, thanks to my UK readers who bought at least FOUR of my Kindle books yesterday - a record. Make sure to check out the free samples of some of my Kindle Books Below:

Book Description
Publication Date: July 9, 2012
UFO book author, UFO blogger and esoteric writer H. R. Phillips brings seven powerful chapters that look deeply into the phenomena of UFOs. Phillips starts by EXPLODING the often repeated statement by the mainstream media that one in seven Americans has seen a UFO. The myth falls easily as Phillips uses his market research knowledge to dig deeper for the actual research that has prompted the media to so widely use the 1 in 7 claim. Not only that, Phillips provides a real estimate for what the real number might actually be for UFO sightings.
But, much more is examined in this Kindle book - including an analysis of NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center) data covering decades of citizen reports of UFOs. Additionally, Phillips provides his first person description of his own personal close-up UFO experience in 1991 and how it changed his actions and thoughts. And, don't miss Phillips providing his best guesses as to what the UFO phenomena actually seen in human perception might be. (And, what the alien abduction phenomena isn't.)
`The Noosphere 9-11-2001 Anomaly' is priced at 1.49, read a sample chapter with a click of the book cover below.

Publication Date: June 25, 2012
Welcome to the first in what will be a series of books derived from previous posts on the blog called `The Heavy Stuff’. All posts on The Heavy Stuff are written by esoteric blogger – author – lecturer, original thinker and Phenomenologist H. R. Phillips. Indeed, many posts within the blog The Heavy Stuff are written based on what Phillips calls the Phillips Phenomenology; a system of original thought `about spaces’ similar to great thinkers such as Edmund Husserl and Sartre.
Book one in this `best of’ series, is the information that Phillips came across on the internet concerning random number generators that forced him to create the blog The Heavy Stuff. Phillips did so - so that he could share what he believes to be his unique insights into some mysteries of the random data collected on September 11th, 2001 via linked computers at Princeton University. `Random’ information data that has become the crux of what is considered to be possible proof of a Global Consciousness called the Noosphere – an ongoing research project to see if random number generators worldwide may be influenced by human events and emotion.
The Noosphere of global consciousness is a bold idea which uses `irregularities’ in randomness of data overlayed to the timing of great human events. The idea that if `randomness’ can be affected, perhaps the world consciousness is indeed responding to human consciousness. But, other aspects of the irregularities of the random number generators on that day suggest an even deeper explanation. An explanation so deep, that it is involved with human intentionality’s and expectations. With a mystery that may be solved by thinking in terms of Phenomenology itself – the Phillips Phenomenology.