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First up - with 383 views - Recorded in Ohio on November 8th, 2011: Still the most common SNP - a loud hum.
link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJLY5pcwfuI&feature=player_detailpage
This roaring noise I keep hearing late at night it's on going non stop on many nights. I don't live near an airport and no interstate is nearby.
I thought I would share. I hear coast to coast am listeners reporting the samething.
was recored 11/8/11 130am went back out at 230am and it was still there at the exact same volume level.
I am certain it's not traffic, a plane,jet or train. recorded in eastern ohio
Next up - Daytime UK - The SKY HORN sound - 732 views - early November:
link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4_nRNOUPzs&feature=player_detailpage
Now, South Louisiana - early November 2011 - almost exactly like the Ohio Hum: 265 Views:
link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgmzY8VgT7o&feature=player_detailpage
Still not weird enough for you? How about this very strange High Pitched Sound In LA in the middle of the night in October? or - This SNP recorded in the past month.
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