The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Strange Blue `Object' - `UFO' Video From Nashville

I was looking around to see if in 2011 any `blue ufos' had turned up on YT - and, I made have found a VERY good one. The dialogue in natural, it doesn't seem hoaxed,  the account ONLY has this video - seems legit. Now, what the object is - I don't know. This is one of the most CLEARish `Objects' you are going to catch `treetop level' IMO. It can't be that big can it?

It doesn't even look that Orbish to me. In 8 months less than 200 folks have seen this. Happened back in March in the Nashville Tennessee area:

Description with video:
It was really windy out and a huge storm had just hit two days prior. There were up rooted trees in and around my back yard. I noticed this glowing blue circle in the top of a tree! I was able to zoom in and catch some pretty good footage and i still can not figure out what it is! It moved like a jellyfish! It looks like the air what jellyfish are to the sea! AWESOME!

What kind of object is this Clockers? Is this a Sky Creature? Or something much more nefarious?
The observant among you has noticed the new `book banner' above this post - did you check these out?

 Here's Another Good Book
As you know, UDCC is not the only UFO blog on the internet; and UDCC tries to connect you to other ones that have something to say. Here's one with over 140 posts this year who looks closely at previous reports Of UFOs go lose yourself for an hour or so.
Here's one that's been in the bin too long - UFOs and NUKES - make your own mind up on this one IMO.

Thanks for stopping in today - hope to see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Did A UFO `Fleet' Arrive In Sartoga County On December 9th? (YouTube Video)

Okay Clockers - while I bring this to you today from - Cosmic Drama Queen - with an untraceable sourcing (she claims SHE shot it BTW) - that somehow looks VERY familiar - that I make NO claims for - however, IF it is true, is quite convincing in its anomalousness. (Has CDQ become the NUMBER ONE `Orb caller'.) A HUGE number of views for just a couple days (313K) - set to I believe Cat Stevens music I guess for effect, (or is that Don McClaine). Especially be ready to stop click your video from the 1:50 mark to about the 2:40 mark. What in the world is going on? It seems that some structure, perhaps with those black parts being key, is present in the sky. WTH? Some `orbs' seem to turn on and off during this close up period in the video. Could the holding back of setting the UDCC clock ....... for December's time..........

link- all kinds of awards but no specific stats... hmm
But, as I said, I smelled something fishy - and this site is evidently the driving force of Cosmic Drama Queen's multi-hundred thousand hits. Caution, it's a `hard-R' blogsite with a mix of sex stuff and sensational stuff. A Russian Site - need I say more.

But, perhaps my suspicions were misplaced - as the video I thought she may have been using was this one below - `of another `fleet' (of balloons IMO) - that does indeed IMO `act' differently - than today's `fleet' of who knows what:

I featured the above `fleet' post in September -
But, I swear I remember it (the first video today of CDQ). That in itself, doesn't disparage what is on the video which could indeed be nefarious in some manner. But, to TRUST Cosmic Drama Queen - in an unsourced video - who has an agenda (mans cosmic evolution) - to get hits via a Russian Viral source with other UFO videos - (perhaps I need to send the weird stuff UDCC finds on YT) - pulls at the credibility strings a bit much.

But, with all my disparaging remarks: here is what she says to one of the commenters on her video:
Yeah...that's what I was trying to capture, I have a 20X optical zoom better than most cameras these days...could quite focus...with my naked eye, the dark traveling spots looked like small rectangles and I noticed them in two distinct areas of the formation...many in the "geese contingent" say it's a blue goose...I did not hear a sound nor see wings, just white glowing balls with two distinct dark rectangles moving against the flow...You are the only on who has picked up on that.
You owe it to yourself to read the comments at the first video to get a sense of what folks are saying about this. Could it be a flock of Geese? Can ORB Callers produce phenomena of this level?
Oh, I updated some of my other blogs that you may have an interest in yesterday or recently - at my `Science Edge' blog TAL I posted about a study which shows A Persons Language Affects Their Color Perception. If you haven't checked out TAL - it's a good read of ... like I said, edgy science ideas - some every edgy and speculative. I also updated TCI (The C Influence) my Esoteric based group blog with a bevy of great writers - find that post .
Clockers - Did I find you guys the coolest Christmas Gift Below - A Levitating Globe!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Return Of Spectacular Night `Sky Symbols'/Creature To Georgia

Yes, I do love to feature the good Georgia report when I can - as some of you know, UDCC is produced out of North Georgia. In this MUFON Report - the guy claims to have video too - and, that this `starlike object' stayed visible in the skies for upwards of two hours AND - returned the next night. These pictures, which the guy says are cropped and enlarged, are awesome and similar to other Sky Symbol pictures that UDCC has featured.

Indeed, this phenomena seems to have started with the Stephenville Texas UFO events of several years ago. The Sky Symbol phenomena that is. Anyway, one of three pictures is below - but here is the guys description Georgia MUFON Report and here's the other two picture links to this event on The 30th - Of November.
Please check out the sky symbols `tag' beneath this post for more pictures of this phenomena.
And, an Amazing MUFON report from California about a jawdropping event on this previous Thursday very early morning `in broad sight':
 am a 23 year old student. I was driving at 12 15 am on December 8th 2011 when I saw something that can't be explained. I was approaching a red light preparing to make a left at a four way intersection. As I stopped three large, yellow lights appeared in what was, only a second ago, a dark winter night sky. These lights were the same size, and were side by side in a horizontal line. There were no lights that would give away the location of an aircraft nearby, like blinking lights on a helicopter. These three lights literally appeared out of no where, they were only a few hundred feet in front of me and were no more than 200 feet in the sky. When the lights illuminated, it was clear they were a part of a larger "craft". The craft itself was triangular in shape. I couldn't make out any significant detail on the craft, but its shape and size were unmistakable. the three lights were at least 80-100 feet in length from one end to the other, and about 40 feet from top to bottom. The lights were a brilliant white/yellow color. They did not blink, pulsate, or illuminate the surrounding area, rather just illuminated and stayed solid. The lights were facing me directly, as if I was looking at the rear of the "craft". Once the lights illuminated they paused for one second without moving the slightest bit, and then the "craft" shot off in an eastward trajectory at a 30-45 degree angle into the night sky. I was listening to my car radio at the time with my windows up so i couldn't detect any sound, but something accelerating at that speed so close to the ground must have made some kind of noise, I would assume. This event happened very close to multiple residences and if it was a jet or something of that nature than it would've made an ear piercing sound. The craft accelerated at an impossible speed traveling miles in only a few seconds. It left a yellow trail from each side that dissipated as the "craft" moved, then simply disappeared. The entire event, from when the lights first illuminated until it disappeared lasted about 5 seconds, but it felt as if time stood still. Whatever this was, it was flying low to the ground in a highly populated area at night. The acceleration of this object from a standstill was jaw dropping, it went from a few hundred feet from my car to miles away in seconds and then was just gone. The immense size and speed of it, and it being so close to the ground was frightening to say the least. I can't help but feel like I saw something I wasn't supposed to, and it can't be explained. Upon further investigation on my part there is a hill only about 300 feet away from the stoplight and there are power lines that run along it. The lights appeared in between me and the hill, and disappeared over the hill and out of sight. I contacted the local air traffic control and was transferred to a man who had authority there. He did not dismiss my report or call me crazy, but instead listened to what i had to report. He told me that it didn't fit the description of anything they know of, and also assured me that nothing abnormal was picked up on the radar. He said there was a good chance that what I saw would go unanswered, and assured me that neither I nor the local residents had anything to worry about. While I can't know how many phone calls they receive of this nature, the man certainly didn't dismiss my claims and seemed honest and genuine with his answers. If this was military in nature than I must say I would feel a huge relief. Knowing that our military possess technology like this would make me feel more safe and secure, and if they did keeping it a secret is completely understood. If this is not military in nature than ....
Read the conclusion of his description
Self Promotion Time - On January 15th, 2012 I will be appearing on Beyond The Edge Radio.
More details of the above can be found at Barf Stew Today and other links including some of those oldtime stuff that BS does so well, a 1950's YT video of a couple marrying on the high wire and a 1939 photo of a `smokin hot chic'. LOL.
Great Amazon Books About Consciousness
Still time for those last minute book gifts from Amazon!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Are UFOs Visitors From Earth's Future? NO. Earth's Past? Perhaps.

Yes, we get into some murky territory about whose future and whose past - and - being into phenomenology that all matters too - BUT - please consider the following. While various non-time cone writers like to THINK that a FUTURE exists, and therefore, project the idea that some UFOs are coming from a future date - it is beyond absurd to some of us.

Are these writers suggesting a 100% predetermined future that we are somehow FULFILLING? And that OUR EARTH is actually NOT HERE? But is actually residing in some other location that these `ufos' are coming from? - IF so, I've got a bridge to sell you. It's NO different than saying we could send folks to a PREVIOUS LOCATION/Time of the Earth - real simply doesn't work that way.

However, the `time trick' indeed does work the other way.

For example, what IF in the earlier days of Earth there existed a time period that the reptiles did INDEED produce some civilization with advanced technology that could make a `UFO ship' to cruise the `heavens' at a fraction of the speed of light (take your pick of the fraction) much like mankind is hoping to achive someday. As you probably know, those UFO craft  travelers CLOCKS would RUN SLOWER. Yes, it's the old - leave your brother on Earth to go to  another Galaxy and return 5 years later - for the traveler - only to find his brother died a century ago. (Spaces `pass'/run off - experience duration - at different rates/speeds.)

Now, THAT type of `time travel' is not only possible - in fact, it is probably probable somewhere in our universe for some species, if not multitudes of such. And, IF somewhere in our distant past on Earth - we had some developed society with capabilities as described - SOME of them may indeed WANT to return to our little planet at some point. Otherwise, at least for travel within the time-cone, Earth seems a mighty long journey for species, not knowing if humanity will be alive when they arrive locally.

Bottom line - they potentially are visitors from our PAST. Indeed, maybe ONLY previous Earth inhabitants would even make the journey WITHIN the time cone, in a real craft,  to our little planet.

Which leaves most, to nearly all UFOs, --- IMO -- `coming from somewhere other than the inner time-cone'.

And that is all part of my Phillips Phenomenology. You can find out more about my PP at my blog The Heavy Stuff and the tag for PP right here Phillips Phenomenology -- it's all about how there are DIFFERENT TYPES of SPACES.
Government disclosure about UFOs? Is THAT why you are here? Ok, resource ALERT - The NSA Documents. (I think this is part one of two, I'll check around.)
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

 Thanks For Your Amazon Purchases In 2011!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bin Clearing LinkFest Estate Sale - Missing Time and Remote Viewing

A big welcome to all newbies to UDCC today - and welcome back Clockers (what I call the regulars around here). Today will simply be a mess of links that have built up in my UFO bin - most will be only links and not the YouTube video or such - to speed up loading time for you. Some links will have some of my commentary, some will be very limited in that regard.
Ready To Do Some Investigating?
You know how hard it is to keep up with all the people and claims within what is loosely known as UFOlogy - right? - Well, here's a listing of the Hall of Fame and the Hall of Shame for UFO's - A resource link to keep all the names and stories straight - And, it's alphabetical for ease of usage! - Nominations are being accepted!
Next up - a subject that MUZ has noodled me about doing on UDCC - even providing me a link in my comments that is still unpublished - the subject is Missing Time (events). The reason, I guess it still sits in my comment box for this website is that I have had at least one `full blown, while with others, and remember nothing about the missing time or space' phenomena happen to ME. - I assure you - it is mind boggling. Perhaps someday on these pages I will explore it more. I have touched upon the subject on my blog called The Heavy Stuff - even once writing a post called `The Missing Space Of Missing Time Events' - At the time - it was my first post ever read by over 1,000 people based on the website stats. - But, anyway - the `Missing Time' link I provide here is one of the most gripping stories you wil ever read Demonstrating The `Able-To-Not-Be(ness)' Potential Of The Reality (Perception) Structure - how can DAYS be lost?
Are you familiar with the Planck Scale? It's what is thought to be the `smallest' space that can occur - well, earlier this year some new info came to light that may make the smallest space Magnitudes Smaller and the finding may rule out some `String Theory' explanations for the reality structure.

Here's a GREAT read - REAL UFO data graphed - AND, a wonderful description of a `dimensional door' phenomena - Great Blogger Too.
Talk about Strange UFO videos - The Ultimate Orb Splitting video compilation certainly fits the Bill.
Oh, and the AnomalyMan Listing Updated with a cool science/paranormal article on Remote Viewing. And, are you ready for WHAT they were remote viewing? ......(drumroll) - The Creation of the Asteroid Belt. Pretty Freaky Stuff.

And, today's topper is going to be from the experiencer of the anomalous - who writes about it beautifully - Dan Mitchell. An except is below - it also has to do with what I call `able-to-not-be' events. The tease:
For some reason I began to tell him about a childhood experience of seeing a solar eclipse of the sun during a time, according to NASA, when there were no solar eclipses in the midwest. I explained that my memory of this event was strange and that I thought that some mass psychosis had taken place because I remembered seeing people running down my street screaming in sheer panic. I distinctly remember my little girlfriend's mom running down the street yelling, "What is going on?!? Oh God where is Serena?" The look on her face has since been burned into my memory. While this was taking place I was sitting on my front porch in a sort of disassociated stare attempting to take this all in. For me there were times even when I was growing up that I had this odd knowledge that the neighborhood I lived in was not real or perhaps an experiment of some kind.

In recent years I had come to believe that this event was perhaps some kind of mass abduction event that took place. I don't really believe that now and believe it was something much stranger than that even. To make matters even more bizarre, it almost feels like there was some tampering with my mind where these memories of that day were replaced with a cheesy memory (like a 1980s music video) of a water balloon fight that included almost the entire neighborhood.
When this water fight came to mind I immediately called one of my brothers and asked him, "Do you remember this huge water fight during the summer of such and such year?" He responded that he had remembered it pretty well because there were so many people filling the street. Then he said, "It felt like a dream." This statement immediately caught my attention. I questioned him further, "But do you remember Serena's mom running down the street in a panic? She looked like she had aged twenty years." This memory truly haunts me because she looked like she had been literally pulling her own hair out. He was silent and then kind of stumbled and said, "Yeah I do. What was that about? She thought her daughter was kidnapped or something?" At the very least my second witness links this strange water balloon fight to seeing this woman running down the street having a nervous breakdown trying to find her daughter. I then asked him if he remembered anything weird about the sun that day or seeing an enormous blimp in the sky. He responded that it was really sunny that day, it got abruptly cloudy, and that he couldn't remember how...
There is MUCH more at the beginning and the ending of DM's event - could some of reality be THAT dissociated with the common consensus? Are we talking about Perception Structures? Dan's article is called Did The World End In 1994? Trippy Stuff.
2007 - Camping UFO - about 15,000 views.

IF you enjoyed today's post - please SHARE it via the buttons below. Wouldn't your Facebook friends enjoy this? UDCC appreciates all share actions of its readers. Thanks.
See you soon? Page down to see yesterday's UFO Gifts!

Friday, December 9, 2011

MUFON Reports Becoming Jaw Dropping - This Batch Includes A Dog Abduction

These Clockers and newbies are HOT off the latest reports wire at MUFON - Last 20 Reports.
First up - that dog abduction: New York - 11-28-11
I was outside shovelling snow when I heard a weird sound. That's when i looked in the air and saw something hovering above my house. It was clearly a UFO because it was too close to be anything else. It was a coppery, golden color with flashing red lights. I felt priviledged that I was witnessing this rare event. Then my dog went around front and the UFO took it up through a beam and dropped it backed down about a half hour later. Weirdly my dog was completely unharmed and shortly after the UFO left leaving a tail as it flew away. (Red UDCC emphasis)
Here's a link to an interesting `orb' that turned up in a picture that someone was taking of Chemtrails on 11-11-11 - Like A Button In The Sky.
Here's a HOVERING Craft above car in Georgia that happened YESTERDAY.
On the way on my wife saw what she that was a fast flying low plane until the object slowed down as it went above are car and stopped and hover right off the road,there was 6 others cars that stopped and seen it to.

The object hover for about 30 to 60 seconds and then shot off. When the object went over the car my wife last all towers on her cell phone.the object was a dark triangle with 4 bright white lights that seem to go fade in and out.For years I have told my wife we are not alone and now she knows.The object was so low that we could tell that it was not a plane or weather ballon.It was the real thing
Here's lights HOVERING near Norman Oklahoma - YESTERDAY - FOR MINUTES -
And, a super strange 1980 Ohio report:
I was working on my car in the parking lot of my Fathers garage with a friend, it was about midnight, I was under the car and Fred was under the hood, as I pulled myself out from under the car to get something (I was on my back facing the sky)I spotted a bright light, no bigger than the surrounding stars, but it was making a zig-zag pattern across the sky and traversed about 1/4 mile in about 2 seconds, it then lowered at about light speed to about 1500 ft. zipped back to it's original starting point (500 ft. lower) and did it again.

Fred and I watched this thing do this 2 more times untill it was at about 500 ft, we could then discern a shape of the thing, It was white and was comprised of three equally sized spheres connected in a triangle by 3 tubes.
as the craft did it's pattern again it veered from the pattern and began to fall toward us as a leaf would from a tree, somewhat erratic but controlled, we fled like scared mice and ran toward the street (about 100yds. from my Dad's parking lot) we tried to get two other people to just look up and they would have seen it too but both would not.
We watched the craft hover above a tree in the yard of a house next to the IGA store where we had ran to.
I could have hit the thing with a rock, it was an irridescent white, (Like the inside of a clam shell) each sphere was approx. 20ft. in dia. and each sphere was approx. 10 ft. from each other' the thickness of the tubes was about 4-5 ft. I am quite sure of the measurements as I have worked construction all of my life, and having been in the Navy I am quite sure of the altitudes also.
We both remember watching this thing above the tree, the entire episode lasted about 20 minutes (to our memory) but niether of us remember going back to the car, we did end up there though and our last recollection is that it was about 3:30 am.
I have watched shows of yours and similar ones as well, I have not seen any other descriptions of this craft in recent years, but I have seen it in the distant past, there was a woman (in Oregon I Believe) on a similar show who actually painted portraits of the same craft.
If you have no interest in this sighting can you at least put me in touch with someone who has seen the same thing, the afforementioned woman had an up-close and personal encounter, and I srtrongly believe that we have also.
And last but not least, please take this seriously, we have wanted information about this most of our lives, we know what we saw! we know it wasn't from around here! we just want some answers, or to speak to someone who saw the same thing.
Thank you very much.
You may contact me for further information if you wish at the number or e-mail I disclosed.
Or, how about an amazing description of a year 2000 or so report by a pilot of 22 years? Very Detailed And Believable.
And, yes, the best has been saved for last. An orb picture from 1998 with a description to almost match the Jerusalem Orb of 2011: First, the photo link - Mufon Photo Link - which I show cropped below:
This was taken around 9pm on what used to be the outskirts of San Antonio. There was cloud cover, so the sky was dark and easy to notice this object slowly dropping out of the clouds. It seemed to have one central glowing ball and three to four smaller versions that rotated around the lower half. I was on a hill and you can see the tree line below on the first photo. By the time the second photo was taken, it begins to disappear into the tree cover. No sound, very silent. These were the only two photos I could get focus on before it was out of sight. My apologies for the prints on the film. NOTE: This area is also less than two miles away from an Army installation, Camp Bullis.

My first thought was it was a helicopter turning toward me because of the sudden, direct bright light and decent from the cloud cover. It was in no way frightening, however it was a heart-pounding experience to say the least; seeing something you can't explain with rational thinking. I'm hoping this post might facilitate others to comment if they were in this area in 1998.

Remember, that's JUST the last 20 reports!
Once again thanks to those people making the Amazon Purchases yesterday off my blogs (probably this blog in all honesty). That included only one book but TWO food items and one electronic item. Appreciated indeed.
Still time to shop - So here's some fun with more UFO related stuff.
Get YOUR DEGREE in UFOlogy Here
How about a remote controlled Sky Creature?
Lastly, please share this post via your Facebook account IF you think it is worthy. Appreciated.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shall We Call `Them' Sky Creatures?

Good evening Clockers and newbies to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) thanks for stopping by today. As you can see by today's headline, UDCC will touch once again on an idea I've supported in theory as early as 2008 on this very blog. I asked if Rods Could `Grow/Evolve' Into Orbs and then Into UFOs? - that idea has been picked up more and more recently as the atmospheric events seem at times to be almost lifelike in some manner - often responding to basic stimulation from humans such as store bought Lazar Lights and even just `human thoughts'. (The Orb Calling Phenomena.)

All that said, today's lead link is to a well written article touting a similar idea well worth the read and GREAT artsy photo with the story (with the click alone). The blogpost is called - Sky Beasts - Not Sky Crafts - lots of it based on others who have expounded on the idea years before the internet: such as this guy in this book in 1978:

 Crafts as Alive Hybrids
The idea is not outlandish at all if you extrapolate what a truly advanced society might be able to construct via our own imaginations in 2011. --- After all, a LIVING Computer Hardware system, that could be `self feeding' and with consciousness or complete learning abilities - may indeed LOOK LIKE the phenomenas we as humans have been observing.

Indeed, the very differences in appearance may be more related to the `trigger humans expectation' than anything else. IF the consensus of the `runoff' of a particular phenomenology is for an `Orb' an Orb becomes a potential - and so on. And so on. (This is NOT to discount the very idea that the Sky Creatures may be living, independent entities NOT normally associated with human interactions.) I present this all as an idea - not a conclusion.
Speaking of SKY Creatures - have you followed the latest `revelation' from NASA photo's dug out by conspiracy folks? Yes, I'm talking about the `Craft' by Mercury - Read the MSM Debunking Here - have to go with the MSM on this one. LOL.
And, speaking of NASA catching unusual things in any atmosphere - how about off the coast of California - and, how about this photoshopped looking object of what would be ENORMOUS size - It Does Get Laughable At Times craft the size of Oregon.
UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes
And, it's always fun when UDCC gets visit from the Skeptics Forum (we promote end time dates evidently - diss them perhaps, promote?) - Find That Forum Here.
Oh, and another big thanks to the person - now a weekly gig evidently - who comes to UDCC to go to Amazon - to watch the latest episode of Glee in HD - your continued support in this manner is appreciated.
More soon - You Gonna Be Here?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Amazing `Anomalous Light Formation' Over Illinois Skies Tuesday Night - MUFON Report

Not only that Clockers - this one comes with the `very strange' photos to walk the talk:
Report excerpt:
7pm December 6th 2011 I walked outside to my deck to smoke a cigarette, I put the cigarette to mouth and I looked up to the north I saw 4 scattered lights. In 1 minute time the lights were directly over me, then formed a straight line. I grabbed my phone to take pictures. Then 3 of the 4 lights formed a triangluar shape, circular lights. The lights were bright yellow in the center and a darker orange around the edge of the lights. The 3 lights stayed together while the 4th one stayed behind and was consistent in speed. There was no sound and as the lights were in straight formation above me, the neighborhood dogs started to
Oh, here's an additional picture the person took -
Enjoy that?
Oh, thanks to the person that bought one of the UFO Calendars found in the sidebar yesterday - appreciated.
Every once in awhile I go thru the comments on UDCC and occasionally find GREAT links that readers have turned all of us onto - This One About Dr. Greer Is Priceless and is a nice work of blogging too.
Here's an example of what the MSM `thinks' UFOs and all that stuff is about A David Bowie Piece.
UDCC takes pride in finding you good content UFO/Anomalous blogs - here's another - This Guy Blogs CONTINUOUSLY About The Chemtrail Conditions In His Area  - truly awesome and worthy of a read. Oh, I feature this same selfless guy doing two other blogs with almost no exposure at my Barf Stew blog today - you might want to check him out there too - Barf Stew Today.
You have seen my Barf Stew Blog - Right?
And, before you think the Roaring Sky Noise Phenomena is over - Here's ANOTHER example in Tennesee TWO DAYS AGO: FANTASTIC EXAMPLE OF THE PHENOMENA! (39 VIEWS)

link -
His Description:
This strange sound went on for about an hour. It sounded like a jet hovering over my neighbors pasture. It was lightly raining but no wind nor thunderstorms in the area. Just a light drizzle. At times, it was so loud that it was hard to hear each other talk. After about an hour it just suddenly stopped. I have no idea what was making the sound.

You can also check the new comments section and read how Jennifer confirms those super strange Kiev sky sounds too. Absolutely this Sky Noise Phenomena of 2011 is one of the STRANGEST things yet IMO. I am now only bringing you the best that I find as several websites are now positioning themselves in the dedicated to SNP only posting. This is one that I am now monitoring for Clockers! - UDCC tries to be a resource and to bring value to your time.
Hunting new content - UDCC's positioning.
Sometimes the best way to explain the anomalous - is by listening to the ideas of Bruce Duensing - The Trigger Effect and The Third World. - Anomally Waves.
Bruce also mentions the below book in his heavy post:
 - Not for lightweights.
Thanks for your attention today - see you tomorrow?
IF you liked this post - please share it via the Facebook button below. I appreciate that.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Silent Florida Interstate I-10 `UFO' Video Will Not Excite MSM

Okay Clockers, this is the `hottest' video since the Jerusalem Orb - based on Number of short term YouTube visits - (already over 100K). The video broke about a week or so ago on a somewhat seedy website with NO way to trace the origin. Many folks have said it's a helicopter - or a fireworks hoax; others insist it is anomalous. I have to admit, if it wasn't for being - untraceable, and silent for no reason - I'd being talking about the fact that for several moments in the video it almost seems plasmalike despite the bright lights.

link to the disappointing `revised' footage -
Clockers know that recently UDCC covered the White House Statement about UFOs delivered by Phil Larson - (that NO alien entities had EVER interacted with humans) - here's a MSM `the only UFO blog in the MSM' reaction that shows the Divide In Opinion About UFOs - worth a click.
Meanwhile..... Take That, You Dirty Rats! - Alfred (E Newman) Webre conducts a YouTube interview with a `representive' from the AC - the Andromeda Council - who insists that underground wars with Aliens is on-going --- you see, the aliens are trying to stop humans from ascending into the `fourth dimension'. - As the exopolitics folks continue their Masochistic Disinformation - AND it just hit me - could these Exopolitic NUTS be a cover for the legit people who are trying to get out info about extreme alternative energy? Video is at the link if you are so inclined.
Clockers - I want you to go to this guys blog before he stops blogging altogether - great writer and great thinker. I link here to his disappointment at low `visitor' numbers. Readers of independent blogs - that they find interesting - should always help to spread the word. Do You?
Anyway - the words of D.B. Donlon are found here and give it a look around into the archive - Thanks. - Leave him a few words of encouragement too.
And, finally for today - on Oct. 28th at a HS football game in Arizona - someone took an amazing `UFO' video at the game - this is the LONG version: Are these elaborate hoax fireworks or the real thing?

link - short version with mockery article -
Oh, did you know - The Anagram For `Two Thousand Twelve’ Is Coming True! - Part One - And It Has To Do With Newt Gingrich! - The Heavy Stuff.
Thanks for your visit again today - see you tomorrow I hope. IF you liked this post - PLEASE use your Twitter Account to spread the word. You can do that with the `share button' below this posting. Thanks.
Hand Selected Books For UDCC Readers:

 - click any book picture for more info.

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Apollo Minus Project

As you know Clockers, I surf the web to bring you just a sliver of what is out there known under the umbrella of UFOlogy. In that regard I found the kernal of today's post at The Nightshirt - one of the great Blogs I Monitor For Clockers. Indeed, today's post is about the proverbial `secret mission' `help us get the story out about aliens' - positioning - now being played out for you below in this video and at This Website. The best I can tell this video has been seen about 1300 times.

Apollo Minus Project - Promotional Video from Chance of Fate Prod. on Vimeo.
But, the above is to raise money for THE MOVIE - of course. And this link shows that the movie Met Its Stage One Funding via the donations of 74 investors (6,000 total dollars) and met its funding goal on 11-11-11, of course. (Interesting site if you have ever considered raising money for a movie.) - So, who knows, but this is yet another idea about to be thrust into the public consciousness IMO. Just a question - isn't the guy in the video MUCH too young to be the kid in the video? Isn't that a very very young looking GRANDFATHER? Just sayin........
UDCC also connects readers with NEW websites about UFO's too (as you know). Here's one with all of UNDER 300 PageViews in about a week being put together by a UK guy - Find That New Source Here.
Finally, Ohio is always a favorite UFO state around here - so, let's cover last weeks Triangle UFO there - about 5,600 views. The object supposedly stayed in the skies around an hour and then instantly vanished. (Video includes a close up near the end - make sure to read the comments.)

We'll keep it at that for now. See You Tomorrow? Oh, and remember, IF you think this post is worthy of sharing with others - PLEASE USE THE SHARE BUTTONS for Facebook and Google + and your twitter account - THANKS from UDCC.
Books Selected For UDCC Readers On Amazon:

Below is an except from the first review (by a historian)
This important book by Stephen B. Johnson of the University of North Dakota's Space Studies Department, skillfully interweaves technical details and fascinating personalities to describe the rise of systems management in the U.S. and Europe. It is a very important work that uses Apollo as its key example. Only through the application of sophisticated management concepts were such a complex activity as the Apollo Moon landings accomplished.

Reviewers received Johnson's work warmly and it has been accepted as an exceptionally important study of how Apollo technology succeeded. As Erik Rau of Drexel University commented: "[Systems management (SM)] forced new temporal and financial discipline on contractors and engineers, imposed practices that undermined functional organization and loyalties, and subjected to scrutiny all institutions and firms involved in the project. Schedule and cost slippages on large government-sponsored projects may have continued, but Johnson asserts that SM minimized their rate. In fact, Johnson persuasively argues that
 copies available for under 7 bucks.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Would `Aliens' DARE `Show Up' In `Apocalyptic 2012'? Might They Show Up This Month Instead?

The planet has crawled to within ONE month of what is now the decades long `feared' year - 2012. I am of the opinion, that the ominousness of 2012 easily trumps the `other media generated fear years' of 1984 and 1999. But, isn't it interesting that in 2012 - societies `Big Brother watching' is multitudes more apparent than in 84 - and - as far as an `end to our technology (based on Y2K's fear of crashing computer systems) - humans are now more aware of the potential of a terrorist Magnetic Pulse bomb that could end the electric grid - and - the advanced countries are often warned by the authorities that some `solar flare' could knock out `our modernness' in seconds.

That is, if the terrorists don't figure out how to first.

I hope I don't need to point out the fragility of the monetary system or the possibility that the developed worlds debt may end the value of money - the very exchange this world has been built upon. I don't need to tell anyone that the breakdown of the `food marketing system' - would put nearly everyone in danger in a matter of days if not hours.

Yeah, that so-called advancement of `efficencies' and `interdependence' === very few folks in the developed world even maintain skills to live outside of the system itself.
But, this is a UFO blog - even while Phil Larson may say that non-earthly entities have NEVER had human interaction - not quite everyone believes him. So, what IF `aliens' decided to take the whole `Disclosure' into their own hands? For whatever reason!

And, let's make the bold assumption that the aliens actually know NOTHING/Something about the significance of 2012 to the human psyche. I mean, do you really think we need to assume that the aliens are living and dying on our every human move? What if planetary conditions are some sort of trigger - macro things like world temperature and world carbon dioxide levels? Would they take into account our Apocalyptic 2012 visions?

So, IF one is to layer onto THAT - the above potential scenario - ALIENS coming from the SKY - IN 2012 - would seemingly be VERY GUTSY - don't you think? Amusingly, it's the same thing I argued in October of 2008 when Blossom GoodChild predicted `aliens over Alabama' based on a notification by an `otherworldly entity' - that NOW (then in Oct. 2008 - right as things were uncertain as to CRASHING economically) would be a HORRIBLE time for `aliens to appear'.

IMO, that would definitely be the case for 2012.

For example, the planet has many more `people uprisings' now than then - think OWS and the so-called `Arab Spring'. THINGS could breakdown relatively quickly folks. Let alone 2012 being an election year - the last of which the powers that be held us all hostage for over a trillion dollars.

So, the `addition' of a `world changing event' - such as alien disclosure via our skies (as positioned by many - not really myself btw) - could be a tipping point and lead to an unexpected outcome. Certainly, the aliens would have awareness of that, right? Certainly the aliens would be AWARE of our own world politics, right? (How's THAT for making an ASSumption?)

Or, are they monitoring some sort of `human emotion gauge'? Where the sheer QUANTITY of humans itself my be an issue `triggering' the worldwide unrest. (Or, are the imbalances already present in the system structure the CAUSE - the more likely idea IMO.) Do the `aliens show up' in the skies when a certain FEVER (emotion) level is reached and the patient is near DEATH?

Do they know of the MAYAN calendar? (lol) Might they show up this month to avoid the issue?
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Enjoy These Hand Selected Books For UDCC Readers: From 5.99

Saturday, December 3, 2011

MUFON Reports Again Include `Beings' And High Strangeness

I hope your weekend is going smoothly - welcome to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) - hope you find the UFO Disclosure type of information you were searching for today. And, indeed, today UDCC returns to the best source of current UFO reports - MUFON's database of most recent entries.
Ready for attention grabber number one? How about several `Glowing Red Tubes' In Massachusetts last night - click for the report. (?Could be some glowing lanterns with modifications?) One one hundred feet off the ground.
NUMBER TWO - A 1990 sighting that once again had the characteristic of lack of talking afterwards by the observers (just like number three):
Just coming out of a retail store at a strip mall. The mall was near the intersection of Montgomery and Berks counties. I owned the store and was taking a new employee to another store I owned. The employee was a old friend and a he had a private piolets licence. Looked up and saw 7/8 small ball like objects flying around a stationary rectagular object. The ends of the large object were concave. My friend saw it. I went back into my store got another employee who came out and saw it. Their were a few other people in the area who saw it. Oddly no one seem to care much about what they were seeing. After about 15 mins my old friend an I went to the other store. When I came back the objects were gone. To this day I can not get this sighting out of my head, and the lack of observers caring about what they were seeing is a mystery to me.
Couple things on the above report - note the shape `rectangular' and note what I take to be ORBs going around it.
NUMBER THREE - `Alien beings' or Punks? A 1991 experience:
...... (this is just an except -go to the link for the full story)
While I was in the kitchen "K" called to me "they are in the window". I returned into the room to see "K" talking though the glass to the boys in the hood. He asked them if they like to call someone. Suddenly the taller guy looked directly at us. We both saw his face. Whoa...what the ****? There is something really odd about this guys face. Aaaaah!!! This was not some sort of deformity either. I have met my share of shady looking characters but this fucker was something else entirely. Now that I think of it I don't think it was human. Not exactly sure what it is. All I saw was this broad grim faced thing with dark eyes and I don't recall seeing a nose. A rather menacing face to say the least.

Now the adrenaline is pumping so I ran outside anticipating a fight. "K" tried to hold me back but it was too late. We both pursued them into the driveway. The two of them waited for us. Just as one of us attempted to
get closer they would advance further into the yard. There is no fence. The Yard empties into a large field. It's just too dark to pursue them any further and I wasn't willing to take chances knowing there could be more of them. What ever they are. I do recall saying out loud "this is private Property." and "you are trespassing." These two bastards slowly made their way back with their hoods pulled up. The last we saw of them they were swiftly walking down Ramsay street. The remaining hours of the night was uneventful.

What was really weird is how "K" no longer wanted to go to the pub crawl. instead he went home. We never spoke of the event until several years later.

What is so strange about that night was everyone left the house before 10 O'clock. There was little to no traffic. The place was completely deserted just like an old western town. These hooded bastards had the perfect opportunity to do whatever they wanted. To this day I can not fathom what had transpired. I'm not sure is they were spirits or something else entirely. All I know is they tried to communicate with me but at the time I didn't take it as a friendly encounter. I felt threatened and scared like a wounded animal which made me ........................
Conclusion Here
And, a couple quick reports - Good Orb Description (2 Orbs Very Close) - Triangle Craft Flies Low Over Maryland House Last Week.
And, yes, I saved the BEST FOR LAST:
I am a police officer and was on duty the night of November the 27th in Lee's Summit, Missouri. I was at the intersection if 291 Highway and 150 Hwy when I noticed a round object with very bright white lights to my west. It would take a baseball held at arm's length to cover the object. The white lights had a blue hue to them and all of the lights were on the bottom of the craft. The lights were strobing, and there was no sound whatsoever. It was a clear night with no cloud cover, and the oject was very low, just above treetop level. I watched as it hovered, and filmed it with the dash cam on my patrol car for approximately 15 minutes, then finally turned the camera off because I didn't want to use up memory on the camera. I called dispatch, who got a good laugh out of it, but they wouldn't take me seriously. I requested a copy of the video when I arrived at the station and will forward that to MUFON when I get it. The object then moved to the west slowly at first, then sped up very quickly and was out of sight in a couple of seconds. I stopped at Quick Trip and several families came up to me and asked if I saw the UFO. I assumed that they would call in a report, but according to dispatch there were no other reports received. I am disturbed that something like this was not taken more seriously by my supervisor and looked into. I searched the internet and found Missouri MUFON, and decided to file an official report. I am a former Marine, have been a police officer for six years, and have never seen anything like this before. I am familiar with conventional aircraft, and this was not any type of normal aircraft.

I saw a similar object on October 31 in the same location but did not file a report about it. This object was closer than the other one. I called another officer to come out and he saw the object, too. We both want to remain anonymous at this time. I am interested in helping investigate UFOs in this area.
For those new to UDCC - Lee's Summit is a HOT Spot for UFO sightings of low flying/hovering bright craft.
And, remember folks - the above is out of ONLY 20 REPORTS!
Finally, thanks Clockers for your support in 2011. Tomorrow will be a long winded piece so be here for that too. Oh, and yesterday this blog FINALLY got a few Facebook visits -- and all because some of you helped by clicking on the `Share Buttons' below - appreciated. If you think this post is worthy of a re-tweet or a Facebook posting or a Google + notation - please help the cause below. See you tomorrow.

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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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