After all, "they, the MSM, don't cover" the COVID19 conspiracies - and, lots of the current "conspiracy" theories, as with all conspiracy theories, have kernels of truth - such as mentioning the unusual "coincidences" in the timing of 5G's world turn on(?) - theories which are seemingly censored on platforms like YouTube almost immediately upon posting, etc..... and, I'm sure that folks who are into some great world order (is that a NWO?) can twist the world response of a lockdown - as some perverted contest between groups of elitists. Conspiracies even exist about the virus origins - from an underground lab escape, to wet markets with bats, and even other animals as the species jumping cause.
But...would such power players, the 1% of the 1% of the world, do such a thing to the "people" who allow their power to succeed (think 2008?).... unknown at best, right(?). Would such power players do the unthinkable and crash the world economy on purpose (?) - and, if so, for what purpose (?) (a one world currency$) - (don't answer that, we haven't got to the good part yet). Have the human race proved itself evil yet?
Are we far enough down the slippery slope yet to usher in the alien angle? We are? Well sit right down it's time to slide down that rabbit hole while seemingly still aware of our senses. Now, caution is due and the hole will be getting narrower and kicking up long untouched dust, so beware.
Remember, this is a UFO webspace.
Let's say, like various conspiracy UFO folks seem to believe - that the "aliens" from elsewhere are indeed "here" and indeed "watching" if not watching over Earth. Now, certainly "aliens" that could get to Earth - have far greater knowledge than us humans - and would have no problem at all at being the sole source of the invention or introduction of COVID19 to the human race. IF needed, right?
Oh, don't worry, I won't get all emotionally squishy on you - I won't suggest that they wanted to set the world into a Great Depression to clean up the skies and oceans and finally do - what humans were unable to do; or, perhaps it's about climate change. You know...for the best of intentions. You know...kind of a let the humans figure it out type of thing.
"They", the aliens, would know "human nature" by now - and would know that only an order - an order by the "essential" authorities - would move us all inside - regardless of the consequences. Any consequences are acceptable for economic collapse, even a "culling" of the stupid if that is the outcome. You know...those not following the official directives...even if that directive is "don't go to the grocery store or pharmacy". Impossible words, right? (see bottom of post) Wrong.
But...what IF the aliens didn't actually have our planets best interest in heart but our best interest? know...they KNOW something we don't yet - and yet we can kinda feel in our bones...don't you(?) - it's the immanent end of ...yes existence as we knew it...and maybe more... because I have a new, favorite conspiracy theory to explain why the world we once knew is being brought to an apparent swift end.
What's that you ask? Is your conspiracy mind churning, yet?
Well, how about an impending ELE - an Extinction Level Event of the size and scope to effectively end humanity. Such as a previously unseen asteroid from our inner solar system or something similar (Yellowstone explodes) . And, these all knowing aliens...having seen similar events play out through out the universe for billions of years...know what is best for the time before a planets civilization comes to an end; and that is, evidently, to be with family. To give as many as possible a pleasant end - rather than no notice at all - or rioting in the streets if divulged too early. (Forget that being in solitary and being alone can be devastating to some.) that the alien connection?
Just, set off a pandemic, observe the authorities "do the right thing" protocol - after all... "they - the aliens" probably have a bell curve chart showing how various worlds reacted when faced with the same knowledge the end is near, if not next. After all, how far into a economic depression will be considered pleasant in any manner (with the risk of violence rising) - let alone indefinitely. So, how short is the remaining time?
Seems the birds are singing loudly now, the white noise of humans is abating and the skies are clearing. We already know it is us who is being purged - much like the movie Arrival. The tipping point has passed, you can sense it, feel it, smell it. We all may not pass GO again as we slow down the money game to the speed of molasses. (Allstate is returning money since no one is driving - the cold day in hell has arrived?)
"Shelter In Place" ...that phrase seemingly introduced, out of the blue, in just the last few years? Strange isn't it? Coincidence as they say. A phrase heard enough now to be accepted at face value. Because, soon, little will have real value as the economic stranglehold takes hold. Remember the debate about shutting down the country... yeah, there was none. Interestingly, perhaps.
IF you believe in fiction.
Oh...a free E-Book Today - On Economic Collapse
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