That is, if the terrorists don't figure out how to first.
I hope I don't need to point out the fragility of the monetary system or the possibility that the developed worlds debt may end the value of money - the very exchange this world has been built upon. I don't need to tell anyone that the breakdown of the `food marketing system' - would put nearly everyone in danger in a matter of days if not hours.
Yeah, that so-called advancement of `efficencies' and `interdependence' === very few folks in the developed world even maintain skills to live outside of the system itself.
But, this is a UFO blog - even while Phil Larson may say that non-earthly entities have NEVER had human interaction - not quite everyone believes him. So, what IF `aliens' decided to take the whole `Disclosure' into their own hands? For whatever reason!
And, let's make the bold assumption that the aliens actually know NOTHING/Something about the significance of 2012 to the human psyche. I mean, do you really think we need to assume that the aliens are living and dying on our every human move? What if planetary conditions are some sort of trigger - macro things like world temperature and world carbon dioxide levels? Would they take into account our Apocalyptic 2012 visions?
So, IF one is to layer onto THAT - the above potential scenario - ALIENS coming from the SKY - IN 2012 - would seemingly be VERY GUTSY - don't you think? Amusingly, it's the same thing I argued in October of 2008 when Blossom GoodChild predicted `aliens over Alabama' based on a notification by an `otherworldly entity' - that NOW (then in Oct. 2008 - right as things were uncertain as to CRASHING economically) would be a HORRIBLE time for `aliens to appear'.
IMO, that would definitely be the case for 2012.
For example, the planet has many more `people uprisings' now than then - think OWS and the so-called `Arab Spring'. THINGS could breakdown relatively quickly folks. Let alone 2012 being an election year - the last of which the powers that be held us all hostage for over a trillion dollars.
So, the `addition' of a `world changing event' - such as alien disclosure via our skies (as positioned by many - not really myself btw) - could be a tipping point and lead to an unexpected outcome. Certainly, the aliens would have awareness of that, right? Certainly the aliens would be AWARE of our own world politics, right? (How's THAT for making an ASSumption?)
Or, are they monitoring some sort of `human emotion gauge'? Where the sheer QUANTITY of humans itself my be an issue `triggering' the worldwide unrest. (Or, are the imbalances already present in the system structure the CAUSE - the more likely idea IMO.) Do the `aliens show up' in the skies when a certain FEVER (emotion) level is reached and the patient is near DEATH?
Do they know of the MAYAN calendar? (lol) Might they show up this month to avoid the issue?
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