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Showing posts with label ufo hall of shame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ufo hall of shame. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Learned Opinion About UFO `Resources'

As I cruise my bin (near the top for a change) I have re-found a listing of all the UFO radio shows and podcasts - the various folks `promoting' the UFOlogy of the 2000's if you will.... I've appeared on more than one link on this listing. (you can find the radio shows I've been on at in the sidebar.

Anyway, the website does that listing and THEN the webmaster sorts it all out with his opinion on various sources - I thought Clockers would enjoy this part below in particular but here's the full link for the full context -
red is my emphasis
  • Thanks, but no thanks: Stan Romanek, Bob Lazar, Philip J. Imbrogno, Michael Horn (promoter of Swiss "contactee" Billy Meier in the USA), David Sereda, Dan Aykroyd (he supposedly cares about Ufology, yet he didn't do the subject any favors when he appeared on the 30-Apr-2010 show of CNN Larry King Live panel "Are Aliens a Threat?" with Hawking, Kaku, Shostak & Brin and stated that there are 23 different alien species, cited specific articles of US law the aliens violate when they abduct humans, even managed to add 9/11 to the mix; works with David Sereda), Michael Schratt (self-styled aviation historian, who on HistoryChannel's UFO Hunters S3E5 linked the "hieroglyphics" on the Kecksburg acorn with the fictional "Nazi Bell" and also in a Jan-2010 Camelot interview linked B-2 with electrogravitics antigravity & overunity), Stan Deyo, Tom Bearden, Thomas Valone. Kenn Thomas, Michael Cohen ( aka ANW), Paola Harris, Jeff Peckman, Steven Greer (CSETI, "Father of the ET and Free Energy Disclosure movements"; note: the Disclosure Project's May-2001 Press Conference did include several good witnesses), LtCol Philip Corso (author "The Day After Roswell" 1997, story about reverse engineering of alien artifacts), LtCol Wendelle Stevens (USAF monitoring UFOs over Alaska in the 1950s, large collection of alleged UFO photos, publisher of several highly dubious "contactee" tales e.g. UMMO, Billy Meier / Pleiades, Andromeda, Venus etc), Sgt Richard Doty & Cpt Robert Collins (USAF Intelligence, authors of "Exempt from Disclosure"), Mark Pilkington (author "Mirage Men"), Annie Jacobsen (author "Area 51"), Dan Sherman (author "Above black"), Michael Salla ("Exopolitics", note: not to be confused with Robert Salas, former USAF Captain and Minuteman ICBM launch officer, who investigates UFOs and Nukes), Richard Boylan, Bob Oechsler ("Guardian" video), Alex Collier, Carlos Diaz (Ships of Light), Jordan Maxwell, Joseph P. Farrell, Nick Redfern, David Hatcher Childress, Billy Meier (Swiss "contactee", Pleiadians), Jose Escamilla (film-maker "Rods", "Interstellar"), Ray Palmer (US 1950s), Gray Barker (hoaxer, writer of UFO books, initiated the "men in black" lore), George Adamski (US 1950s "contactee"), George King (UK "contactee"), Jim Sparks. Bill Knell, Sigmund "Butch" Witkowski Jr, Jonathan Bradley Rutter a.k.a "Dr" Jonathan Reed ("Alien in freezer" - story about encountering reptilian alien in the woods of the Cascade Mountains in Oct-1996, alien attacked his dog, he killed the alien and put it in freezer - story promoted by C2C's Art Bell), Dan "Walter Mitty" Burisch (J-Rod alien), Sean David Morton, Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira (Brazil), Ed Dames, Clark McClelland ("9ft tall alien in the Space Shuttle Loading Bay"), Ray Santilli ("Roswell alien autopsy" 1995 movie hoax).Milton William "Bill" Cooper ("Behold a Pale Horse"), Philip Schneider (the man that killed 2 grey aliens), John Lear, David Icke (shape-shifting reptilians). Kal K. Korff. James McGaha, Joe Nickell, Kendrick Frazier, Seth Shostak & Jill Tarter, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michael Shermer, Christopher C. French, Benjamin Radford. Practically everyone interviewed by the "Project Camelot" (it's become a "litmus test" i.e. if a person is there, he is almost certainly not worth bothering with; it is however sad to see such a waste of resources on spreading the ideas of mostly deluded folks).
Note: Since "moderate" Ufologists tend to stick to the facts and most are average storytellers, listeners without a real interest in the UFO subject might find their interviews rather unexciting or even boring. In contrast, the most popular "colorful" paranormal radio guests talk breathlessly about subjects ranging from secret space program, to FEMA camps, to hollow Earth, to mind control. Some nationally syndicated radio shows in the US have even had known liars/hoaxers like Bill Knell, Jonathan Reed and Sean David Morton as repeat guests. It's understandable that some nightly shows have a ton of air-time to fill and factor-in the guest's charisma, but apparently their producers either do no due diligence whatsoever on their guests, or adhere to the premise "any story is valid if it soaks up ratings".

Good points all immediately above. Love his opinion on the Project Camelot of course. As Clockers know, I've been exposing a lot of the above already.
You do need to see the full link for who he admires in UFOlogy.

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Monday, October 7, 2013

UFO Hall Of Shame

Yesterday I was looking over some of the administrator stuff at my blog The BS and pulled up the `drafts' of which there was just 2 out of over 900 posted essays. And, what I discovered was that I had put together a long post as a follow-up to a post I did at The BS (then called Barfstew) called UFO Hall Of Shame. That post was in response to the Hall of Shame nominees and whether I thought they should be on the listing - and indeed - it was about a particular nominee who was very vocal (and I assume remains so) about all kinds of `crazy' UFO stuff - that was gobbled up by the MSM in the lead up to the 2012 frenzy.

Okay, enough of the background - this first post below is a reprint of the post from 3/15/2010 at Barfstew (note that I didn't think it even warranted being on UDCC):

Monday, March 15, 2010

Zorgy Awards, Exopolitics, UFO/Alien Disclosure, And Barf Stew - Part One

Hello, and welcome to my blog called Barf Stew - thanks for visiting today. Most likely, many of you are shaking your heads at the title of today's post  - that's okay - here's the explanation. First, the Zorgy awards are an annual public vote on several areas of a Fortean nature - such as `Top Paranormal Blog' and such - indeed, since I came across the form in time - I myself voted too. Here's a link to the results page and the sidebar that I want you to note - .

You will note that in the sidebar on the left is an area known as the UFO Hall of Fame and the UFO Hall of Shame. And, in the shame list - two figures have been added this year 2010, bringing the total number of `shameful' players in the history of the UFO saga to 9 - including a gentleman named Alfred Webre. Who, IMO, for name recognition, probably isn't on most of your top of mind recalls. Is he?

That said, he probably is on this Hall Of Shame list for what his set of beliefs arewithin the Exopolitics movement - beliefs that he expresses quite well - as he is a scholarly man. I will expound to the best of my ability. 

But first, why am I focusing on Alfred? Well, he took the time in the last few days to comment on my UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock blog - wanting me to separate his ideas from others in the Exopolitics movement. And, on my blog - without really digging into what I could find out about Alfred - I gave my quick, top of mind - somewhat curt - reply. 

In my reply I questionned if his blogger identity was really him - only to realize that when I went to his website that it is the acronym for it- the website (that is okay, I assumed it was him in my reply). Also, he provides a link for me and all of us to consider in his UDCC reply - the link is one that I was familiar with already, and is indeed - one of the alltime classics links of Exopolitics for sure - . One thing about Mr. Webre - he doesn't go halfway in his beliefs or at drawing connections - IF this link is representative of that.

Now, this was not my first exposure to Mr. Webre, and I've even blogged about him to a small degree before ( ). But, I never delved into his public background; so, I then decided to see if Wikipedia might fill in my understanding of Mr. Webre - -- and, interestingly, when I did - I found things that I admired about this guy. To quote wiki "futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, and a space activist who promotes the ban of space weapons.[2][3][4][5] He was a co-architect of the Space Preservation Treaty and the Space Preservation Act that was introduced to the U.S. Congress by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and is endorsed by more than 270 NGO's worldwide.[6][7][8][5] He helped draft the Citizen Hearing in 2000 with Stephen Bassett and serves as a member of the Board of Advisors. Webre is also on the Board of Advisers at the Exopolitics Institute [7], is the congressional coordinator for The Disclosure Project [9], is a judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal [3], and is the International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space."

Interesting what qualifies for the Hall of Shame isn't it? 

But, then again, - he does have that fictionlike link he points to in his reply on my blog. 

As frankly, I believe it isn't his desire to keep space `weapons free' which puts him in the Hall Of Shame - indeed, isn't this - keeping weapons out of space if possible -  an idea normal humans could agree upon? Is this NOT a noble idea? (Could it be his connection to Kucinich that turns off some?) Well? 

Also, as Mr. Webre points out in his comment on my other blog - "Exopolitics, which my 1999 book founded is the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the Universe." - And, IMO, he has the background to create such a document/positioning if you read his education, etc, -  or to boldly position a path of possible `understanding' that might be reasonable for a species IF (A BIG IF) it actually were a part of an intergalatic federation. And, I for one am glad someone has, in a sense, `thought this idea out'. But, that is just my opinion (and it can't be the reason to be on the HOShame, right? Even if the idea itself is a little far out, and, not much more than the science fiction that has been put forth by very skilled writers for decades).

But, it seems that the year 2000, for whatever reason,  opened up lots of new horizons to the claims of intergalatic contacts and beliefs - by many folks on the fringes of the whole UFO internet thing. And, with video cameras coming into the population at a greater percentage as the decade went on - more and more anomalous sky phenomena seem to reach the public perception and awareness - which, perhaps, pushes the envelope on `what the fringe believe' -- much like the 1950's spaceman contactees like Billy Meier (who was in the first introduction class to the HOShame). (You will find in this post that claims of Real Life - `normal consciousness' contacts with `physical extraterretrials' is the absolute no-no.)

So, how outrageous does one have to be in 2010 to get onto that HOS list? Well, lets look at the list of the Top 10 Exopolitics stories that Mr. Webre points to for our examination. (via his link above)

#10 - Nothing new here - the interuption of electronics has been ascribed to some UFO events forever. Certainly not HOS material one would hope.
#9 - Nothing new here - except a very high quality - 1950's looking UFO video that seemed to be on a TV report. Now, both #10 and this #9 are foreign reports - but - why would that be important. Could it be that highlighting `saucer shaped crafts' isn't stylish with those folks that have `moved into the V-shaped crafts' era? No HOS material IMO.
#8- NASA Oct. 9, 2009 moon bombing violated space law & could have caused conflict with lunar ET/UFO civilizations - OK, now we seem to be getting somewhere. "This story is remarkable because it vividly illustrates the dividing line between the how space law should function in our populated solar system, and the view held by the U.S. black budget space complex which feels entitled to colonize all celestial bodies in our solar system irrespective of their being inhabited and of what space law requires."

IMO, certainly almost nobody within mainstream public thought thinks that the NASA event represented this view presented by Mr. Webre - except for a very few fringe folks. IMO, the probability that NASA was doing this for scientific reasons as opposed to knowingly violating `space law' - is overwhelming IMO - but it is still just my opinion. 

Still, Mr. Webre is an activist, a peace activist - therefore it certainly can be seen as within his perspective that this action was somehow `wrong' in some regard. (And if he needs to create/fallback on a `space law' for possible justification --- wweeellllllllll, there are worse things in the world.) A HOS violation? - Perhaps, at most. (And note that the black budget aspect of government/s is under pressure too. Finally, he also points out, "The U.N. Outer Space Treaty, which the U.S. has ratified, requires that ‘ The moon and other celestial bodies shall be used by all States Parties to the Treaty exclusively for peaceful purposes. The establishment of military bases, installations and fortifications, the testing of any type of weapons and the conduct of military manoeuvres on celestial bodies shall be forbidden.’ 98 nations have ratified and 125 nations have signed the U.N. Outer Space Treaty.”Frankly, Mr. Webre IS a lawyer also - pointing this out - the US violating the treaty - is just his mindset on things. Could it be that he doesn't believe in the civilizations he will claim belief in ( a belief which seems to get him in trouble) just the concepts of Exopolitics he exposes? And uses the civilaztions idea as a cover and `attention getter'. IE: Playing the internet-media for coverage thru the diversion of outrageous claims?)
#7 - ET/UFO researcher Gary McKinnon’s continued battle against extradition to the U.S. - Now, certainly - this isn't reason to be on a HOS list either I would hope - or - perhaps Mr. Webre and my politics are closer than others who are ready to condemn. Am I starting to smell politics in all this? Well, there are six more to go.
#6 - The Vatican opens a window to extraterrestrial life - Frankly, this point number six is twisted by Mr. Webre in so many ways in his commentary that it is sad. Ultimately this Vatican comment is tied to the supposed U.N. meetings about ET's; and even the Stephenville UFO incidents - it - to me - IMO - is a mishmash of BS (except for the Stephenville event). Now, I know that some HATE the propoganding of the supposed U.N. meetings and I certainly can't say that I've read any proof of such events (even thought I've read about exact dates and exact people supposedly at these events via the web) - and certainly, IF it was KNOWN to be lies (how could anyone know it was a lie, really - remember folks, I take NOTHING at face value) - then it could be reason for the HOS honor

But, let me present another take -- we have a peace activist who believes there SHOULD be a meeting (at the U.N. or by aliens wanting to include humans in some world federation)  and thereby, by claiming one happened - `it' the `idea' gets into the noosphere of Earth. And, while delayed, potentially creates a real event - the desired outcome. I certainly don't put it past the Exopolitics folks to use the internet/belief world in such a manner to try to actualize goals. But, then again, at the end of #6 - Mr. Webre adds this "CAVEAT: If official state disclosure is to occur around specific species of extraterrestrial civilizations such as the Reptilians and the Greys that have been in secret agreements against the public interest with the U.S. government for decades, then any Vatican association with such a disclosure plan is suspect as well." OK, the Reptilians reference, and the phrase decades of association - moves most of us (folks with sane positions on all this) to the edges of belief - I admit. (But, just because multi-dimensional aliens is more popular than - permanant aliens in 2010 as an explanation - let alone aliens in cahoots with the F-ing government/s - might not be a reason for the HOS.) But, I am going to present an even more bizzare posibilitiy to end this Barf Stew post. Five to go.
#5 - U.K. Ministry of Defense closes its UFO desk after 50 years
On this point - Mr. Webre gives a long discussion - but - his early point is "The cover story – that the approximately $70,000 saved are being spent in Barack Obama’s Afghan war – is implausible" - And, as I have blogged before - this is my position too.
#4 - Norway light spiral/Moscow pyramid and Obama Nobel Prize connection? - So, much is thrown into this one - it's hard to know where to begin. First - IMO, the Norway Spiral was almost for sure a failed missile launch (98%IMO) or HAARP (2%IMO) - and 0% aliens in any manner. One would have to question ones beliefs if all ones eggs were in the Exopolitics explanation. And, could almost be a HOS list maker - but - even skeptics and rational folks have to admit - that was one hell of a coincidence.
However, the Moscow Pyramid - to me - IMO - if not a complete hoax (my feeling overall) is as strange of an event as I can envision almost. An event which begs for a far out explanation if true IMO.
#3 - Denver ET ballot initiative places next step in extraterrestrial disclosure on August 2010 vote - It is easy to understand why Mr. Webre would think this is very important. Unfortunately, the media will make any person who lives in Denver who votes for this idea look to be an idiot. I guarantee it. That said, this is further proof - to me - that Mr. Webre is really after the big picture - a slow movement in the direction he desires. And, I guess, this ballot measure is indeed that.
#2 - Time travel and teleportation are confirmed by independent whistleblowers 


Now, if you are still with me here in current time Oct.2013 - the reason I dug all this up was that I came across part two that was UNpublished at The BS - so, I've brought that to the UDCC Today for your enjoyment. I do not know if the HOS continued and I bring this posting of BOTH posts so that you can understand just how NEBULOUS the whole UFO saga really is: Thanks for your readership - how about a re-tweet on this post?
Hello, welcome to Barf Stew - an up and out mixture of steamy links and subjects. Today's post is a follow-up on a post a couple weeks ago (all links at bottom) in which I started a review of a post made by Mr. Webre about Exopolitics - indeed, it was a post about the top ten developments/stories of the year (in Exopolitics) in his opinion.

It also turned out that Mr. Webre recently commented on my UFO blog - and - almost at the same time - was put into (unto?) the UFO Hall Of Shame list. And, with the list of shame and fame so short - I wanted to determine if I thought Mr. Webre should be on the list or not.

And, as I ended my last post - it appreared that I had found something to me that might fit the criteria for the UFO-HOS. And, I will cover that - but first - how about a look at the UFO-HOS list?

The first year of the Hall of Shame list, 2007, had five inductees - Dr. Steven Greer, Billy Meier , Dr. Edward U. Condon ,Philip J. Klass  - names known by watchers of the UFO saga. The other person named in 2007 was Marshall Applewhite. In 2008 - Kal K. Korff  & Linda Moulton Howe were added to the listing. No one was added in 2009; and this year Mr. Webre and Silas Newton joined the UFO-HOS list.

Their Connections Of-To Shame
Dr. Steven Greer - (wiki) According to Greer he is a contactee who has coined the term "close encounter of the fifth kind" (a.k.a. CE5) to describe alleged human initiated contact with extraterrestrials.[5] CE5 encounters are "characterized by mutual, bilateral communication rather than unilateral contact."[6] In 1990 Greer founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and offers how-to training on initiating contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.[7] Greer also teaches the use of meditation techniques that he claims allow attendees to "remote view" locations and times (past and present), and develop "cosmic consciousness" and supernatural abilities such as precognition.
Billy Meier - (wiki) Beginning in 1975, Meier allegedly began his official contacts ("official" in that evidence was to be provided publicly, unlike earlier contacts), communicating both directly (face-to-face) and by telepathy with a core group of the Pleiadians/Plejaren, or Errans as he also refers to them (Erra being their home planet), who gave their names as Ptaah, Semjase[1] [10], Quetzal, and Pleja[2] [11], among numerous others. According to Meier himself in the video documentary 'Contact', he says that his first contact with extraterrestrials began on January 28, 1975.[12] These visitors reportedly hail from the Plejares star system which is beyond the Pleiades and in a dimension that is a fraction of a second in the future from our own (an alternate timeline).
Dr. Edward U. Condon - (wiki) From 1966 to 1968, Condon directed the University of Colorado UFO Project. Though plagued with infighting and controversy, the project's conclusion—that all unidentified flying objects had prosaic explanations—has been cited as a key factor in the generally low levels of interest in UFOs among most mainstream scientists and academics. See Condon Report. In his negative critique of the Condon Report, astronomer J. Allen Hynek hoped that Condon's reputation would not be soured by the Condon Report, writing, "It is unfortunate that, almost certainly, popular history will henceforth link Dr. Condon’s name with UFOs, and only the arcane history of physics will accord him his true place and record his brilliant career in contributing to the understanding ... of the nature of the physical world.
Philip J. Klass - (wiki) -Klass's plasma hypothesis was not well received by those on either side of the UFO debate, who noted that Klass was using one unverified phenomenon—his hypothetical plasmas—for to explain another unverified phenomenon—UFOs.[8] Criticism came from "pro"-UFO physicist McDonald, and from a more sceptical team of plasma experts assembled by the Condon Committee, who all rejected Klass's plasma theory as unscientific.[9] Since that time, theories evoking similar phenomena with widely differing modes of generation have proposed by commentators such as Michael Persinger, Terrance Meaden, Albert Budden [10] and Paul Devereux [11] In 1999 the MoD Project Condign report proposed that "UAPs" comparable to the plasmas originally advocated by Klass (but as amended by Devereux and Randles) may represent a viable explanation for some UFO events. Therefore, while his original concept was discredited, it has been adapted by others and in this regard Klass can be regarded as a pioneer of this approach. -- And, from - In addition to his efforts to debunk UFO theories, Klass also is one of only two journalists to be named an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Fellow. He also has won the Aviation/Space Writer's Association award five times and had an asteroid named in his honor...devoted the better part of his working life as senior avionics editor for Aviation Weekly and Space Technology magazine, spending his free time debunking flying saucers and other claims about space aliens.
Marshall Applewhite - (wiki) known among his followers as Do, was the leader of the Heaven's Gate religious group. A self-proclaimed prophet and messiah, he died in the group's mass suicide of 1997....After Nettles told him that he possessed special astrological attributes, Applewhite declared himself the individual in whose mind was held that of Christ, the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. By 1975 they had begun Total Overcomers Anonymous together, which was eventually to become Heaven's Gate. In 1975, Applewhite and Nettles convinced 20 people from Waldport, Oregon to join their group. Applewhite told them there would be an alien appearance by means of a UFO, but when the encounter never happened they left the group. However, more people joined and soon the group had 93 members. The cult meetings were held in various locations initially in the Waldport area, but soon spread to multiple meetups at churches, halls, lecture theatres, and new age awareness centres

So, my sum up of the first class designated as UFO-HOS - would be:
Greer; contactee, guru of sorts, disingenuous far out ideas about meditation including time travel, claims ability to help others be contactees - sells new age positioning. HOS material - IMO; 90%
Meier; face to face contactee, promotes timeline/timecone fantasy, guru of sorts, questionable photographic `proof'. HOS material - IMO; 90%
Condon: faced with writing the conclusion to the most important UFO study ever done by USA said "all unidentified flying objects had prosaic explanations" (still the majority view of Americans BTW) - HOS material - IMO; 40%
Klass; promoted plasma explanation for UFO's, debunker who wrote 6 books about Roswell; HOS material- IMO; 40%
Applewhite; deranged, voice hearer, visions of being Jesus, inside knowledge of UFO's/aliens - HOS material - IMO; 100%

UFO-HOS Class of 2008
Kal K. Korff - Wrote - Spaceships of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story, by Kal K. Korff , - The product description on Amazon says this about the book - "Korff conducted the most thorough examination ever into the case of Billy Meier and all its alleged evidence, and reveals here how a one-armed, handicapped Swiss farmer hatched and continues to maintain the most elaborate UFO hoax in history."
Linda Moulton Howe - Frankly, when I saw the UFO-HOS list I was surprised by this listing of LMH - as I was aware of her work in a few areas including animal mutilations and of her subscription based website with tons of content. AFTER reading her bio on Wiki - I'm even more perplexed. Then again, her four books are about tying the animal multilations to aliens, other realities, and mysterious lights associated with crop circles. And, she is a popular CTC person and speaker at these new age conferences too.

2008 UFO-HOS - sum up - IMO - with Korff, even if the book was poorly written and poorly researched - it is very strange - to me - that BOTH Meier - and the debunker of Meier - can be on the same list. Does it seem that way to you? Am I missing something (most likely)?


Now, in my previous post - I covered the subject of this post and that Mr. Webre.  But, briefly from the first post:

"futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, and a space activist who promotes the ban of space weapons.[2][3][4][5] He was a co-architect of the Space Preservation Treaty and the Space Preservation Act that was introduced to the U.S. Congress by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and is endorsed by more than 270 NGO's worldwide.[6][7][8][5] He helped draft the Citizen Hearing in 2000 with Stephen Bassett and serves as a member of the Board of Advisors. Webre is also on the Board of Advisers at the Exopolitics Institute [7], is the congressional coordinator for The Disclosure Project [9], is a judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal [3], and is the International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space

The other inductee for 2010 was Silas Newton who has this UFO reference in Wikipedia - - Silas is generally considered to be a oilman con-man who spread lies about aliens involved with a UFO crash in New Mexico - possibly even with government approval.

But, back to Mr. Webre - and the link in my last post that Mr. Webre pointed to as the 10 biggest stories in Exopolitics in 2009 - and if you remember, we got to Number Two.  This was the story that Mr. Webre said it involved "Time travel and teleportation are confirmed by independent whistleblowers" - and, as you might remember I then stated that we may have found reason to be on the UFO-HOS list.

And, I could have dug out an old link about one of the characters that Mr. Webre uses as a confirmation about time travel and Mars inhabinants. But, lo and behold - seek and re shall be rewarded - and just TODAY - this is in - - and yes, we now, supposedly, have a member of the Eisenhower family involved who writes:
"I have endless thoughts and ideas, action plans and solutions and can link our ancient history, wisdom, divine blueprints and evolution into present time – knowing that a golden future is a result of us being able to harness our creative power and our highest potential through a deeper and more intimate knowledge of our roots and the hidden aspects of truth that are out there.

“I am aware of what it takes to reach our ultimate goals and protect the integrity of consciousness, and what is required of us to truly have freedom and justice in this world. I have access to technologies, plans and truths that can restore our planet and am connected to many who are already actively working on preventing Global Crisis and who are manifesting all the necessary change.
“I wish to draw attention to the things that are most important for our world right now and hope to steer our creative power into the causes, projects and understandings – that create the greatest shift both internally and externally.
“I have both practical, logical wisdom and a deep understanding of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical. With a wide range of interests and a vast education that was mostly self-taught, I am capable of uniting us and our missions and truly taking us on an adventure that captivates the soul, our deepest hopes and quest for answers. And I can help reunite us with what is most familiar and important for our awareness to grasp – as we transition into an age of Awakening...

Ok, I'll say it - did you make it thru that Goobledegook? I assure you - it's MUCH worse if you read the whole link.

(To Be Continued in UFO-HOS Reason - Part 3)
Of course, as of yet - there is no part three but it was my pleasure to bring Part Two to UDCC readers. And, while the opinions you read above, written by myself in 2010, are old - I'd still maintain and hold most of the positions, as regular readers can attest to.
Over 40 UFO Links I Have Archived At Squidoo
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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bin Clearing LinkFest Estate Sale - Missing Time and Remote Viewing

A big welcome to all newbies to UDCC today - and welcome back Clockers (what I call the regulars around here). Today will simply be a mess of links that have built up in my UFO bin - most will be only links and not the YouTube video or such - to speed up loading time for you. Some links will have some of my commentary, some will be very limited in that regard.
Ready To Do Some Investigating?
You know how hard it is to keep up with all the people and claims within what is loosely known as UFOlogy - right? - Well, here's a listing of the Hall of Fame and the Hall of Shame for UFO's - A resource link to keep all the names and stories straight - And, it's alphabetical for ease of usage! - Nominations are being accepted!
Next up - a subject that MUZ has noodled me about doing on UDCC - even providing me a link in my comments that is still unpublished - the subject is Missing Time (events). The reason, I guess it still sits in my comment box for this website is that I have had at least one `full blown, while with others, and remember nothing about the missing time or space' phenomena happen to ME. - I assure you - it is mind boggling. Perhaps someday on these pages I will explore it more. I have touched upon the subject on my blog called The Heavy Stuff - even once writing a post called `The Missing Space Of Missing Time Events' - At the time - it was my first post ever read by over 1,000 people based on the website stats. - But, anyway - the `Missing Time' link I provide here is one of the most gripping stories you wil ever read Demonstrating The `Able-To-Not-Be(ness)' Potential Of The Reality (Perception) Structure - how can DAYS be lost?
Are you familiar with the Planck Scale? It's what is thought to be the `smallest' space that can occur - well, earlier this year some new info came to light that may make the smallest space Magnitudes Smaller and the finding may rule out some `String Theory' explanations for the reality structure.

Here's a GREAT read - REAL UFO data graphed - AND, a wonderful description of a `dimensional door' phenomena - Great Blogger Too.
Talk about Strange UFO videos - The Ultimate Orb Splitting video compilation certainly fits the Bill.
Oh, and the AnomalyMan Listing Updated with a cool science/paranormal article on Remote Viewing. And, are you ready for WHAT they were remote viewing? ......(drumroll) - The Creation of the Asteroid Belt. Pretty Freaky Stuff.

And, today's topper is going to be from the experiencer of the anomalous - who writes about it beautifully - Dan Mitchell. An except is below - it also has to do with what I call `able-to-not-be' events. The tease:
For some reason I began to tell him about a childhood experience of seeing a solar eclipse of the sun during a time, according to NASA, when there were no solar eclipses in the midwest. I explained that my memory of this event was strange and that I thought that some mass psychosis had taken place because I remembered seeing people running down my street screaming in sheer panic. I distinctly remember my little girlfriend's mom running down the street yelling, "What is going on?!? Oh God where is Serena?" The look on her face has since been burned into my memory. While this was taking place I was sitting on my front porch in a sort of disassociated stare attempting to take this all in. For me there were times even when I was growing up that I had this odd knowledge that the neighborhood I lived in was not real or perhaps an experiment of some kind.

In recent years I had come to believe that this event was perhaps some kind of mass abduction event that took place. I don't really believe that now and believe it was something much stranger than that even. To make matters even more bizarre, it almost feels like there was some tampering with my mind where these memories of that day were replaced with a cheesy memory (like a 1980s music video) of a water balloon fight that included almost the entire neighborhood.
When this water fight came to mind I immediately called one of my brothers and asked him, "Do you remember this huge water fight during the summer of such and such year?" He responded that he had remembered it pretty well because there were so many people filling the street. Then he said, "It felt like a dream." This statement immediately caught my attention. I questioned him further, "But do you remember Serena's mom running down the street in a panic? She looked like she had aged twenty years." This memory truly haunts me because she looked like she had been literally pulling her own hair out. He was silent and then kind of stumbled and said, "Yeah I do. What was that about? She thought her daughter was kidnapped or something?" At the very least my second witness links this strange water balloon fight to seeing this woman running down the street having a nervous breakdown trying to find her daughter. I then asked him if he remembered anything weird about the sun that day or seeing an enormous blimp in the sky. He responded that it was really sunny that day, it got abruptly cloudy, and that he couldn't remember how...
There is MUCH more at the beginning and the ending of DM's event - could some of reality be THAT dissociated with the common consensus? Are we talking about Perception Structures? Dan's article is called Did The World End In 1994? Trippy Stuff.
2007 - Camping UFO - about 15,000 views.

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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition