Indeed, this phenomena seems to have started with the Stephenville Texas UFO events of several years ago. The Sky Symbol phenomena that is. Anyway, one of three pictures is below - but here is the guys description Georgia MUFON Report and here's the other two picture links to this event on The 30th - Of November.
Please check out the sky symbols `tag' beneath this post for more pictures of this phenomena.
And, an Amazing MUFON report from California about a jawdropping event on this previous Thursday very early morning `in broad sight':
am a 23 year old student. I was driving at 12 15 am on December 8th 2011 when I saw something that can't be explained. I was approaching a red light preparing to make a left at a four way intersection. As I stopped three large, yellow lights appeared in what was, only a second ago, a dark winter night sky. These lights were the same size, and were side by side in a horizontal line. There were no lights that would give away the location of an aircraft nearby, like blinking lights on a helicopter. These three lights literally appeared out of no where, they were only a few hundred feet in front of me and were no more than 200 feet in the sky. When the lights illuminated, it was clear they were a part of a larger "craft". The craft itself was triangular in shape. I couldn't make out any significant detail on the craft, but its shape and size were unmistakable. the three lights were at least 80-100 feet in length from one end to the other, and about 40 feet from top to bottom. The lights were a brilliant white/yellow color. They did not blink, pulsate, or illuminate the surrounding area, rather just illuminated and stayed solid. The lights were facing me directly, as if I was looking at the rear of the "craft". Once the lights illuminated they paused for one second without moving the slightest bit, and then the "craft" shot off in an eastward trajectory at a 30-45 degree angle into the night sky. I was listening to my car radio at the time with my windows up so i couldn't detect any sound, but something accelerating at that speed so close to the ground must have made some kind of noise, I would assume. This event happened very close to multiple residences and if it was a jet or something of that nature than it would've made an ear piercing sound. The craft accelerated at an impossible speed traveling miles in only a few seconds. It left a yellow trail from each side that dissipated as the "craft" moved, then simply disappeared. The entire event, from when the lights first illuminated until it disappeared lasted about 5 seconds, but it felt as if time stood still. Whatever this was, it was flying low to the ground in a highly populated area at night. The acceleration of this object from a standstill was jaw dropping, it went from a few hundred feet from my car to miles away in seconds and then was just gone. The immense size and speed of it, and it being so close to the ground was frightening to say the least. I can't help but feel like I saw something I wasn't supposed to, and it can't be explained. Upon further investigation on my part there is a hill only about 300 feet away from the stoplight and there are power lines that run along it. The lights appeared in between me and the hill, and disappeared over the hill and out of sight. I contacted the local air traffic control and was transferred to a man who had authority there. He did not dismiss my report or call me crazy, but instead listened to what i had to report. He told me that it didn't fit the description of anything they know of, and also assured me that nothing abnormal was picked up on the radar. He said there was a good chance that what I saw would go unanswered, and assured me that neither I nor the local residents had anything to worry about. While I can't know how many phone calls they receive of this nature, the man certainly didn't dismiss my claims and seemed honest and genuine with his answers. If this was military in nature than I must say I would feel a huge relief. Knowing that our military possess technology like this would make me feel more safe and secure, and if they did keeping it a secret is completely understood. If this is not military in nature than ....
Read the conclusion of his description
Self Promotion Time - On January 15th, 2012 I will be appearing on Beyond The Edge Radio.
More details of the above can be found at Barf Stew Today and other links including some of those oldtime stuff that BS does so well, a 1950's YT video of a couple marrying on the high wire and a 1939 photo of a `smokin hot chic'. LOL.
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