From the latest MUFON reports as of 8:00 AM: (picture/event on 11/21/11)
(cropped image - click to enlarge)
Interesting image above IMO.
Large UFO with Amber Vents Seen over past year in Wisconsin - latest report 11/11/11:
had just finished dinner and was leaving my parent's house to go into town around 6:30 p.m. when a giant craft caught the corner of my eye to the east. It was so bright and large that I thought an airplane had caught fire and was going to crash. It took a split second for me to realize I was looking at something I could not identify. It was probably several hundred feet wide and had vents which released an intense amber colored glow. It was long and thin, almost cigar shaped (however I do not believe this to be the true shape of the object). My parents stepped outside just as it "collapsed" upon itself. To my suprise it reappeared in a few seconds slightly north but at least a mile away. Its amber glow was still clearly visible. The craft disappeared and reappeared at least once more, even further away. My parents claim two fighter jets flew over the area soon following the sighting. While I heard them, I did not see them. The amber lighted craft has been seen in this area on and off for over a year now.
Strange `Boxlike' object in Texas Skys Yesterday
And, here's one in California Yesterday too
Seems the box and rectangle shapes are popular in November.
OR, how about this LARGE STRANGE object with lights that passed RIGHT OVER a car in Maryland on Friday?
My boyfriend and I were traveling down 1-95 from gaithersburg to BWI airport. About a mile from BWI, neat elkridge exit we noticed a bright green light on the right. The object began heading towards us and literally slowed down and passed right above our car. I got a pretty good view of it through the sunroof. It was nothing i had ever seen before. it had no frist we thought it was a helicopter until we saw it above the car. It was pretty low was quite large and had two extremely bright, large lights coming from the bottom of the object. One light was bright green and one light was white. The lights never dimmed...they just had a steady glow (almost like a search light but they did not move). we could not hear any noise coming from the object and the best way i can describe the shape is like a blimp but much larger. It was flying in a strange path, changed directions a few times and our last sighting of it was when it gaines speed very quickly and we no longer saw it. We were both in shock and have been looking for answers on the interent all night.
But, then again, sometimes MUFON reports bring stories of high strangeness that challenge your very being:
Here's a tease from the above link:
we came around one of the last curves to the left and a Being stepped out of the forest and into the road and "Joe" didnt see the being and struck the being at the last minute and dragged the being half way down the road and the suburban ripped off the Left foot of this being which I will Describe later then the suburban went over the side of the mountain. luckily the suburban came to a halt slamming into a tree suspended in the air by the ROOTS of a tree beneath the suburban between the wheels.
upon me climbing back up to "ries road"
I found the foot of the being to describe this foot it was nothing I ever seen before. it had three toes with sharp TALONS black as nails i can describe more upon request. after me another person out the suburban made it to the top of the road his name was "TODD WEST" todd went to eldorado high school in las vegas. i believe his first name was "Theodore" "Todd" for short. as tood made it to the top of ries road he asked me what happened and I pointed at the foot and said we must have hit what ever this foot belonged to. just then we heard a noise on the cliff side of ries road. i went to look for what made the noise as it sounded like something moving in the grass area. We found a being laying on its stomach attempting to crawl away it heard me behind it and it flipped over on its back while crawling on its stomach it had a similarity of a crocodile the way the back looked and the TAIL and the MOUTH when it flipped over I saw it had 2 HUGE BREAST the size of volley balls or bigger with a pattern on it that resembled
There is MUCH more to the above story if you have more time - hit the link. Including a `man in black'.
UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes
And, since it's Sunday and you have a bit of time - here's a UK sight that is similar IMO to MUFON's latest reports UK UFO Sightings. =============================
Oh, and North Carolina UFO Videos updated yesterday with one of the best GREEN Orb videos I've ever seen - Happened on 9-11 too. ==============================
And, speaking of UK UFO sightings - here's a video of two Orbs that strongly resemble...... a rectangular craft/object (our theme today)
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