Good afternoon Clockers, and newbies, to UDCC - thanks for visiting again today. And, today I will be discussing Phil Coreski's answers to my interview questions about his on-going encounters with a mysterious Orb he films near his property. You can find that interview Here if you missed it. And, while there is more at the link, the Q's and A's are below too.
I will respond Q by Q.
Q1 - Ok, my first question is - if the craft/orb appears near the same spot every time - why not set up in that location or walk towards the orb as it is out/on?
1) the craft generally appear in the same area which is right over some heavily forested woods, and to walk back into those woods at night is not cool, because there are coyotes back there! so I will not venture back there for that reason. what you see as orbs around the craft are a result from the molecular plasma light and clouds generated by the core of the ship's drive.
Why not walk back during the day - make sure no coyotes nests are there; or, go back before it gets dark? I don't buy the `excuse' but do NOT rule out it being possibly true from Phil's perspective. As I've already indicated, I think Phil doesn't change his position because of his SUCCESS from his current protocol. ---------------- ALSO, and it's a BIG also -- I doubt that Phil is actually videotaping an actual CRAFT (but, again, I will not rule it out totally) but IS videotaping some sort of anomalous plasma based consciousness driven `ball of light'. As such, I doubt that Phil's understanding of it being given off by the core of the ships `drive' to be probable fantasy or misinformation given to his mind via his `contact'.
Q2 - How is it you are in contact with the entities that display to you? Is it all mental or is some indeed a physical contact?
2) My contact is generally of a telepathic form which includes lucid dreams and sometimes OOBE's (out of body travels) to meet with the ET's within the astral dimension. at other times I have rare brief physical encounters where the ET's let me see them physically on the streets. and I have a mode of real time physical contact with them through a technical means which I'm not allowed to reveal for security measures. from this mode I'm given answers and explanations in the form of written descriptions.
I buy Phil's impressions of the lucid dreaming and OOBE's - I do believe that Phil's meditating has put him into some `special spaces' -- (In my Phillips Phenomenology - it would be the Able-To-Not-Be space.) that indeed MIGHT put him into a contact with `information or consciousness'. HOWEVER, SEEING THEM ON THE STREETS? (I will also warn Phil of messing with the unknown as far as human outcomes in general. Just sayin.) -------------------- (In seeing them on the street) We are talking about the outer edge of what the able-to-not-be MIGHT be able to produce within perceptual fields -- wow, if true, --- edging into madness if not. ---------------------------- AND, Clockers gotta love that Phil has, in essence, a MACHINE that transcribes the messages. -------------- You mean like this Radio Shack sold `Franks Box' that communicates with the DEAD?
Indeed, could Phil be in contact with the DEAD? (And, I'm not talking about Jerry Garcia.)
Well, I have a slightly different idea -- it is my opinion that Phil is in `contact' with some sort of `specialized consciousness' that exists within the universe. It's the SAME place and same type of experience that `alien abductees' have when they are shown pictures of a destroyed planet, wars, etc. - often ON a `space ship' craft. I wrote about THAT experience of others On My Blog The Heavy Stuff in a post called A Twist To `Aliens' Showing Us OUR Apocalypse.
A different SPACE alright.
Q3.Are you familiar with the idea of Fortean Events?
No, I'm not familiar with the idea of Fortean events, although I've heard about it.
Fortean events HAVE NO CAUSE/EFFECT relationship and are literally FOR the `astonishment' of a/the human consciousness. IMO, it's NOT impossible that this is `the answer' - that said, I think other `answers' as I've been elaborating upon - are closer to the so-called `truth' of the matter for the OrionIFO orbs.
Q4 What do the entities you are in contact with say about the Greys?
4) My Orion contact has told me that the greys consist of several different species, one species if from the Zeta Reticulum constellation and these are short greys and they are generally benevolent and will not cause serious harm to human. other species of greys are from Orion these are taller and they can be somewhat rude in their interactions with humans, they will abduct humans and perform examinations on them against a human's will. and still other species of greys are clones by the taller species of grey, these are like robots or androids and are usually very hostile towards humans.
Sounds MIGHTY familar to the words from a headline link I ran on Barf Stew on Nov. 3rd:
The Greys are made up of probably four groups of sort of gray-colored beings. There are what I call the Type B Greys, which are about 5and ½ feet tall and have triangle-shaped heads, pointed chins and dark black pupil-less eyes. They need food to survive, and prefer dairy products. There are the Type C Greys, which are around 5 ft tall, with more human-like eyes with pupils, but a small nose, mouth and sort of ears with a rounder face, and they can speak with verbal words. They are more human in appearance, might have some human DNA in their make-up. Type D are similar to Type C but their skin is reptilian in appearance, maybe a “C” with reptilian DNA in the mix. The Type A Greys are the most well known and are about 3.5 to 4.5 ft tall and about 40lbs. They has large heads in proportion to their bodies with huge almond black eyes with no ears and a slit for a mouth and nose. They have a tannish, pinkish gray body color. Their nourishment is absorbed directly into the skin (rubbed on animal membranes). They are probably more robotic than bio. And they have done the vast majority of the human abductions and human material gathering.
All the Greys have an agenda here and probably have been here as long as or longer than we humans have. They have been messing with us for thousands of years. We are their cattle
My gut feel about nearly all of the above is CRAPPOLA. I believe little to none of it. That said, IMO it is possible that humans may have been DNA modified --- possible, not probable.
That said, I will now `reveal' what strikes me as almost the strangest thing of all --- ORION is NOT a location - it is a collection of UNRELATED stars Wikipedia Link that as seen on Earth, create the one with the most visible `human' figure like THINGS in the nighttime sky.
Doesn't it seem a bit STRANGE that THAT is where `they' are from? And not from one of the 1000's of other stars in the sky? Does to me. Orion stars are in general, 100's to over 1000 light years from earth. WHICH Orion, Phil should ask?
And, the same goes for Zeta Reticulum - shouldn't Phil ask `which one?' As It is a binary star system - which OF COURSE has similar characteristics to our Sun. Also, IF the stars are ONLY2 billion years old - would THAT be enough time for a humanlike race to even evolve? It didn't on earth.
Q5. Are you being told by these entities that Alien Disclosure is going to occur?
They have made a form of disclosure through me, but on a universal scale as far as disclosure from the US military in an official form? I was told they will not admit this right away and may never admit it.
IMO, not much of an `answer' as obviously, hopefully, Phil would be aware that contact is NOT simply thru HIM. (UDCC has identified many Orb callers and videomakers.) Not that it is possible that he is indeed among a selected few (which could be dozens or more). Hopefully, Phil has googled Prophet Yahweh by now.
Maybe never, not soon (on ufo disclosure) - sounds like a mighty safe answer to me.
Q6 - Provided links to best material - see above link to previous interview for those links.
Q7 - Have you contacted local or national media? Do you have videos with lots of friends observing at the same time or videotaping at the same time?
7) No have not contacted local media or national media, neither myself or the aliens wanta lot of exposure, the ET's have told me they do not want to be known by vast numbers of earth people at this time.
Frankly, this hit me a little differently -- as up to now, Phil has been following the exo-politics folks mantra pretty closely - BUT - don't the Exo folks say that ET is just chumping at the bit to reveal and be known to the world? All that said, would REAL ET's really like to be known, and like Phil, I doubt it. Nor, as I have already stated in another post, I think that Phil is convinced he his part of a procedure which literally produces the Orbs and wishes to NOT upset that balance. I get that.
Q8 - Why do you feel you are having these displays made for you?
I'm having this displays and contacts for very personal reasons which have to do with myself and the ET's. which I'm not allowed to explain further than this
Of this, I believe Phil TOTALLY. (Indeed, I believe that Phil is largely NOT being evasive or dishonest in his answers - just that he is mis-interpreting them IMO.) Phil is vital to the protocol that produces the ORB IMO. The Orbs are Phil's FORTEAN event!(?).
Q9 - When was the first display?
9) my first recorded display of unusual alien UFO activity was on June 16-2009
Q 10 - Do you meditate? Are you religioius?
Yes I practice deep meditation and have for years now, and I consider myself spiritual not religious.
The first thing that strikes me is - have you seen the ads on UDCC and other `paranormal' or UFO sites that says something along the lines of `what do ET's say?' and then give the `answer' is `to meditate?'. It makes me wonder if those ads might be worth clicking - lol.
Anyway, in no way do I make light of Phil's `mentalness' and altered state access potentiality. No doubt in my mind that it is also possible that `non-body spaces with consciousness' might indeed TUNE IN ---- TO PHIL. And then provide him an interchange mechanism for actualizing his intentionalities.
But, that is just MY opinion - I look forward to reading yours in the comments. That said, it seems that OrionIFO is gathering up a posse ready to gun him down as you can see from the video below: (With 198 views in 4 days)
link -
Interestingly, the guy above runs a UFO site you may have heard of that is like a one stop shop all for UFO's and entertainment. Perhaps the title `UFO sheriff' tingles his in-nurds but, for the life of me, other than comparing Phil to another regular `UFO filmer' Allison in PA (who is indeed flaky IMO, and is indeed NOT filming crafts or even orbs most of the time) he presents as little `evidence' as Phil does.
Should Phil respond - I will present his words here on UDCC.
Finally for today - Seems Lee's Summit has produced a UFO video - From Oct. 31st - about 10K have seen this:
I'm less than impressed.
11-11-11 - Tomorrow - Be Ready
BTW, thanks to my readership for the two items purchased off my blogs in the last two days - Hydroponic Food (hmm) and the most recent episode of GLEE - I have a diverse readership. LOL. And one not confined by boxes. Below is another opportunity to show how diverse the UDCC tastes are.