I was nearly immediately rewarded in my decision to blog about UFO's with the events that happened in Stephenville, TX in very early 2008 - I did so many posts about the ramifications of the `blow off' of the MSM by the government - that you can find that `book' in the sidebar........... But, this post today about being 800 posts deep in this do do has more to do with certain newer `understandings' that ... evidently... it takes 800 posts to fully sink in. And, I've shared some of those lately in these pages.
Perhaps the latest that I'm perplexed about is what I call the 100% ignoring of the MSM, and even the local media, in what I am calling the `Neighborhood' UFO Experience - often recurring and occasionally seen by more than one person. The IMPOSSIBLE large craft that is being seen over and over just hovering within neighborhoods - usually a `Triangle' craft. And, as Clockers know (the regulars around here are called Clockers), a good percentage of ALL MUFON reports that I carry here are of this nature. Is it simply too hot for the MSM? Too Scary? Too Insane?
Indeed, I've went so far in the last 100 or so posts to postulate about what is becoming almost a MOTIF about the UFO experience of 2013 (within certain parameters involving distance from object/light). I called it the Emerging Orb Projection Experience. And, if one thinks about this carefully and the phenomena that is observed, it may be giving some clues as to what is occurring to some individuals.
And, we have the experiences of the citizens themselves - the EXCEPTIONAL experiences - to draw upon too. Indeed, just yesterday I ran one at my `other' UFO blog (AUS-SUV) that involved a very recent MUFON report about an experience of a woman involving a `known' 15 minute time-frame. Once again, she had her consciousness shifted in such a manner that she could see other `beings' and gives a full description of three types of beings.... who take her to the inside of their craft.... and she eventually has beyond ordinary experiences while `on' the `craft' (in this case going below the water surface)... and then `returning' to her prior location. "We Do Exist Where We Can't Be Seen". (I'm currently mulling over the idea of `qualitative aliens' needing `crafts' in the first place.)
Another of my favorites very recently is the MUFON report of a woman who `touched' an ORB on the top of her car, and how she described the experience and the actual effect (left a soot like substance on her hands and felt `soft rubbery hot' to the touch). As it is apparent that getting too close to `these things' can result in a Time Distortion Experience; - indeed are the ORBS the `time distortion"?
Finally, only a pure focus on sky anomalies has brought forth the Sky Noise Phenomena to our awareness levels - and as yet one more example beyond Chemtrails of sky strangeness on planet Earth today. And, the evolution of the Fortean makes for one wild ride, to those walking and experiencing the Earth's perception structures.