Manistee Michigan UFO Description (below)
Late last Oct. 2012 my wife and I where in our back yard looking at the stars. in Manistee Mi. We had see 6 or 7 shooting stars in about 10 min. time, we were looking straight up and a little north. We both noticed what we thought was a star in the west/north west sky that appeared to be moving very erratically (small movement in all directions) I ask her if she was seeing what was seeing and she said yes. (I have been taking pictures sense i was 10 years old and have done it for a living on and off for 30 years.) so I ran and grabbed my Nikon P 100 only because it has a 26X zoom and I have shot the moon while hand holding and have had great results. In the picks I took of this thing in the sky I held the camera against the post of my porch and shoot several shots. if you look close you can see that this IS NOT operator error! as the stars are not moving (other than the little vibration of my finger pressing the shutter release.) the stars stay still but this thing is all over the place. then it was gone. 5 min. latter back again then it was gone. We saw it again in April of 2013 took more picks and again last night Aug. 17th this time it was in the south sky again for about 10 min. then like a light switch it was gone. I have shown the picks to several people and the same reaction from everyone OH MY GOD!!! Thats the real deal and not from this earth! The professor of science at the Community College in Manistee said its nothing he has ever seen before and has no idea what it is! Last night my neighbor my wife and I watched it for 10 min. I saw something similar on history channel, but not this clear or as much detail. I hope some one out there can tell me what this is. zoom up on 05 there is a square with 2 rectangle one on each side and a small square center top |
Here's the very cool pictures - much like the other `Sky Symbols' since Stephenville 2008 and elsewhere:
Picture Five,
Spectacular Picture Four (These Are Short Picture QuickTime Movies) - you get the idea.
Spectacular Picture Four (These Are Short Picture QuickTime Movies) - you get the idea.
More From The Latest MUFON Reports
Red Orb Picture Churchville New York 8/16

Orbs Now Commonplace in Willow River Minnesota
On 7/4/2013 when we came outide after dark we saw the orbs hovering in the tree and by the tree. The next day we found scourched leaves on the tree. It is very common for us to see the Orbs, they come in all different colors. Some come close and some keep their distance. The dog will bark at the Orbs and act aggresively toward them. We get a lot of Orbs in the house as well. One morning, I found an Orb hovering by the side of my bed, when I got up, it moved to the rear of the bed. We see UFOs often as well, when we use the night vision goggles. We have alot of paranormal activity as well. |
Think you've heard it all?
Seal Beach California 3-1-13 HUGE Rectangular Craft
Yep, another of the IMPOSSIBLE Neighborhood UFO's!
I had awakened, used the bathroom, and returned to my room. I have a habit of going to the window (west facing) and looking at the night sky before getting back in bed. At that time of year the moon and Orion constellation are up to the left, looking out. The night was crystal clear, calm, and the moonlight exceptionally bright. Wanting to locate Orion, my gaze was initially to the left. Immediately I sensed movement in the sky to my right. I turned and saw a structure moving slowly overhead, brightly lit, and unlike anything I have seen or heard described. It could not have been more than 300 feet away. It was shaped like a brick and was, by volume, the largest thing I have ever seen in flight. It had four sides, each rectangular, and ends that were about one third the area of the sides, also rectangular. The sides were approximately 90 to 100 feet long, with the ends 40 feet wide and 30 feet tall. It was moving toward and parallel to the rear of my house. At a point directly behind my house it would have been about 25 feet (horizontally) from the building. It moved very slow, maybe 10 miles per hour, and was alarmingly low, less than 200 feet. The color was dull black, solid, seamless, with no windows or doors. The two sides and end that I could see were perfectly flat and non reflective. The perimeter of the lower face (bottom) of the object was encircled with large red and green lights the size and shape of footballs. The colors alternated with every other one being red or green. The lights switched on and off in sequence running clockwise around the perimeter with at least four equally spaced points off simultaneously, giving the impression of rotation (as a theater marquee). These lights easily numbered more than one hundred. There was no sound. The movement of this thing was straight ahead, with no deviation in altitude nor laterally. Its flight was completely independent. There was nothing above or below the object and nothing pulling or pushing it through the sky. I watched, never looking away, until it disappeared behind my house (about 15 seconds). There is much more to describe but no space left to write. |
I'd certainly like to hear more. In the preview on MUFON's front page this person indicated they were physically affected too.
Oh, BTW, as regular readers are aware, the comment sidebar module hasn't worked for sometime - meaning that you are probably not aware of many of the comments that go to the various posts on this blog. Earlier this week, I got this totally conspiracy oriented one..... thought you'd appreciate it.
Hi, My name is Harry. I am growing concerned with the increase of Russian and French aircraft flying into Vandenberg Air Force Base. The continued violation of National Forest Air space by the military is a lesser matter that is best worked out with civilian agencies with regard to safety and emergency response. Moreover, some activities should be more carefully dealt with for security reasons. I live in the forest and on occasion encounter fellows who are obviously trained fighters not of this country. These two factors, with out mentioning other anomalous objects and activities, has me very concerned. Our agents, although capable and brave, I feel are at great risk as are we all. I do NOT support nor do I advocate militarization of our back country. Never the less it is becoming increasingly obvious that we are unawares and unprepared. Although people have to be seeing this in the skies and on the ground there is no mention of it. Forgen fighters in our skies and in our back country on
You get the idea. And, reptilians are in the White House.
There was a lot more in the MUFON reports today - some, I'll probably take over to my Amazing UFO Stories website Strange UFO Video.
Ever hear of Squidoo.Com? I have a large presence of pages there that anyone into UFO's would LOVE - I guarantee it.
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Oh, BTW, as regular readers are aware, the comment sidebar module hasn't worked for sometime - meaning that you are probably not aware of many of the comments that go to the various posts on this blog. Earlier this week, I got this totally conspiracy oriented one..... thought you'd appreciate it.
Hi, My name is Harry. I am growing concerned with the increase of Russian and French aircraft flying into Vandenberg Air Force Base. The continued violation of National Forest Air space by the military is a lesser matter that is best worked out with civilian agencies with regard to safety and emergency response. Moreover, some activities should be more carefully dealt with for security reasons. I live in the forest and on occasion encounter fellows who are obviously trained fighters not of this country. These two factors, with out mentioning other anomalous objects and activities, has me very concerned. Our agents, although capable and brave, I feel are at great risk as are we all. I do NOT support nor do I advocate militarization of our back country. Never the less it is becoming increasingly obvious that we are unawares and unprepared. Although people have to be seeing this in the skies and on the ground there is no mention of it. Forgen fighters in our skies and in our back country on
You get the idea. And, reptilians are in the White House.
There was a lot more in the MUFON reports today - some, I'll probably take over to my Amazing UFO Stories website Strange UFO Video.
Ever hear of Squidoo.Com? I have a large presence of pages there that anyone into UFO's would LOVE - I guarantee it.
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