I trust that you have had an opportunity to view my website at http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com - and while I'm sure you haven't become familiar with it - as I haven't with your website - at least you can get a flow of how I've handled your June 30th video. As I've said, I've covered at least one if not more of your videos before on UDCC.
Anyway, thanks for agreeing to answer a few questions for UDCC readers. You can answer directly to my personal e-mail at masters4ever@aol.com -- I will copy and paste from there to my website. If you answer pretty quickly, I will put it as today's post.
Ok, my first question is - if the craft/orb appears near the same spot every time - why not set up in that location or walk towards the orb as it is out/on?
1) the craft generally appear in the same area which is right over some heavily forested woods, and to walk back into those woods at night is not cool, because there are coyotes back there! so I will not venture back there for that reason. what you see as orbs around the craft are a result from the molecular plasma light and clouds generated by the core of the ship's drive.
2) How is it you are in contact with the entities that display to you? Is it all mental or is some indeed a physical contact?
2) My contact is generally of a telepathic form which includes lucid dreams and sometimes OOBE's (out of body travels) to meet with the ET's within the astral dimension. at other times I have rare brief physical encounters where the ET's let me see them physically on the streets. and I have a mode of real time physical contact with them through a technical means which I'm not allowed to reveal for security measures. from this mode I'm given answers and explanations in the form of written descriptions. 3) Are you familiar with the idea of Fortean Events?
No, I'm not familiar with the idea of Fortean events, although I've heard about it.4) What do the entities you are in contact with say about the Greys?
4) My Orion contact has told me that the greys consist of several different species, one species if from the Zeta Reticulum constellation and these are short greys and they are5) Are you being told by these entities that Alien Disclosure is going to occur?
generally benevolent and will not cause serious harm to human. other species of greys are from Orion these are taller and they can be somewhat rude in their interactions with humans, they will abduct humans and perform examinations on them against a human's will. and still other species of greys are clones by the taller species of grey, these are like robots or androids and are usually very hostile towards humans.
5) They have made a form of disclosure through me, but on a universal scale as far as disclosure from the US military in an official form? I was told they will not admit this right away and may never admit it. 6) Please give a link to what you feel is the best recording you have made?
6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fc86kBTJmI
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9G8DiEhqqM 7.) Have you contacted local or national media? Do you have videos with lots of friends observing at the same time or videotaping at the same time?
7) No have not contacted local media or national media, neither myself or the aliens want8.) Why do you feel you are having these displays made for you?
a lot of exposure, the ET's have told me they do not want to be known by vast numbers
of earth people at this time.
8) I'm having this displays and contacts for very personal reasons which have to do with myself and the ET's. which I'm not allowed to explain further than this
9.) When was the first display?
9) my first recorded display of unusual alien UFO activity was on June 16-200910.) Do you meditate? Are you religioius?
10) Yes I practice deep meditation and have for years now, and I consider myself spiritual not religious.thanks very much - your answers will NOT be altered.
How about THAT Clockers? I will hopefully be able to ask Phil more questions; - if you have questions, please use the comments. Make sure to check out the links Phil has provided too and his blog at http://orionresearch.blogspot.com/.
Thanks for your visit today - how about turning a friend onto UDCC today?
UPDATE: The first reader reaction is in the comments - my response was SO long that even breaking it up into two parts wouldn't work in the comment section ------SO ---- I've taken the liberty to transfer the comments of SOL a regular around UDCC below and then to put my comment below his - enjoy the read.
(sol's words from comment)
Sorry Rick just too much to swallow. This interview raised more questions than likely ever to be solved. We have “The Galactic Federation” and “The Andromeda Council” along with Alfred Webre all producing contradictory ramblings. So now we add this guy to the list. What I find amazing is that there is no verifiable evidence apart from the odd vid of an object that usually is only seen by the one person.
Rick, if you know the exact location of Phil’s regular sightings check out Google Earth, it will give a bird’s eye view of the woods (excluding coyotes) and will show the topography of the land.
I bet if you or I or in fact anyone else had a regular sighting we would have an army of mates and friends in attendance to share the experience.
It’s all about proof, tangible proof that will swing people’s opinion and the above don’t seem to be grasping that.
Still Rick I enjoy your blogs (even if I don’t always agree with them) looking forward to the next instalment.
November 5, 2011 10:43 PM
I always enjoy your thought out opinions - and - ufo disclosure is NOT a popularity contest - with IMO no points of view having a corner on the `truth' - including my own. That is of course one reason why I provide a spectrum of views on UDCC. To me, it's as much to show that MANY ideas might be brnging bits of the truth to bare.
Now, to specifics of the interview. I wanted to have someone respond WITHOUT my influence and you have done that - thanks. I would have had to throw out my opinion of the `answers' if I didn't give everyone a chance to read the interview without my reaction.
First, like you, I find bits of the interview tough to swallow at face value. That said, I must be MUCH more impressed than you are with the sheer quantity of videos that Phil has. Nearly ALL of this same high strangeness Orb phenomena.
As you see and I bet guessed before ever reading my comment here - I am less than convinced that Phil is in actual contact with an ascended being from a particular location.
That said, I do NOT find it impossible that some entities could indeed be or ascend into states of mindfulness, before or after death, that might resemble the interchanges that Phil is having with a being of some sort. Additionally, the fact that Phil is a long time TM person also has traction with me; regardless if the majority of my UDCC `science' oriented audience might `believe'.
But, yes, to your point, the various Federations and Councils is LAUGHABLE to me too. I think I air out the Exo-politics folks laundry often here at UDCC and attempt in my own manner to bring a mockery tone to it. BUT, that said, I do think that the Exo-politics folks are role playing, at least some of them, and using the Exo movement to bring awareness to a multitude of `issues' the least of which is our out of control `defense' budget of the USA.
Next, again, you are correct IMO that NOT having an interest in `spreading the news' via friends or via regular news hounds -- lessens the `CONFIRMED' aspect of these sightings and videotapings. THAT said, I don't honestly think this guy is some scam artist putting up ..... well.....ART into the sky. I do believe that this guy thru obviously less than obvious means is `calling' willing or `intending' these perceptions or spaces into existence. I mean that.
I also have to say that the `reason' for NOT getting closer to the action OR for setting up nearer the action ----- sounded strange and not true to my ears too. In my understanding, coyotes would RUN from people unless one happened upon mothers nest or encoutered a rabid one. Which, compared to the advantage of getting closer to the action would seem to be a reasonable `risk' to take. I simple didn't ring true.
That said, maybe Phil didn't give the answer I suspect because it might sound too goofy. Like, maybe this arrangement (of distance) with the Orbs is one that Phil and the `Orb space' - have an understanding about. As weird as that sounds.
Next, your point is well taken that why doesn't SOMEONE ELSE in Phil's immediate area report or videotape THESE Orbs while they are occurring. But, while well taken, the actual location and serious limitation to occurring for only a couple minutes at a time - COULD preclude other vids or even seeing.
I'm with you also SOL that IF this was happenning to me, I would want the news into the media. BUT, that said, IF I really believed the voices in my brain and evolved external experiences that evidently Phil has been able to evolve for individual contact, then I would NOT go public - just like Phil --- so, to me, IMO, it is NOT weird and is understandable.
I also hope you compared Phils Orbs and the one from Russia on the day before post OR to most any of the ORB views of the past year or so. Something is seemingly developing at least for some folks.
Something that is able to display itself in relation to human intentions. Intentions that could have been cultivated by Phil's mindful TM states IMO. And, the `response mechinism' for Phil has adopted this `space identification' for Phil to respond to too.
How's that for a garble? LOL.
Indeed, no one has the truth and it's funny that so few realize it. However, IMO, Phil's experiences, especially with SO much PROOF and and so little interest to take it public - makes it even more likely that the events themselves are dependent on NOT having it be TOO public of a display. (IMO because so much is tied to Phil's intentions himself.)
Still with me? LOL.
Anyway, with some tongue in cheek, since Phil has ascess to answers from the Unknown - and seemed willing to supply at least some `surprising' answers to me - why not utilize this forum to ask the biggest of questions and see what kind of answer the Entities give to Phil?
I will speak to other answers and the post in specifics soon. Thanks for starting that process SOL. AND, I assume that Phil will address your points, but, perhaps not.
Finally, IF the aliens wanted to keep it all under the lid and in the backwoods - ascention to UDCC may have nipped that in the bud. Or, perhaps, two plus years of Phil'c contact has been `choosen' to go to the public via UDCC's ongoing efforts to get the Orb Phenomena recognized as the real UFO in our atmosphere in 99 percent of the perceptions.
Lastly, I know Phil `takes the heat' on nearly every post he makes - he walks the walk. And, I hope he continues his interactions here.
Oh, and thanks for enjoying my blogs - appreciated.
Stay Tuned.
Sorry Rick just too much to swallow. This interview raised more questions than likely ever to be solved. We have “The Galactic Federation” and “The Andromeda Council” along with Alfred Webre all producing contradictory ramblings. So now we add this guy to the list. What I find amazing is that there is no verifiable evidence apart from the odd vid of an object that usually is only seen by the one person.
ReplyDeleteRick, if you know the exact location of Phil’s regular sightings check out Google Earth, it will give a bird’s eye view of the woods (excluding coyotes) and will show the topography of the land.
I bet if you or I or in fact anyone else had a regular sighting we would have an army of mates and friends in attendance to share the experience.
It’s all about proof, tangible proof that will swing people’s opinion and the above don’t seem to be grasping that.
Still Rick I enjoy your blogs (even if I don’t always agree with them) looking forward to the next instalment.
Wow Rick! That’s certainly a decent response to my comment, appreciated.
ReplyDeleteI read the UDCC because IMO it’s entertaining, informative and pretty well balanced in its opinions.
Although I have my doubts about Phil I also realise that I don’t know him or have detailed facts about his experiences, so in that light one just has keep an open mind, be it slightly biased. :)
Trying to get used to the orb concept is much the same for me. It’s a relatively new and difficult concept for many of the older folk, me being one of them. I grew up with stories of the Min Min lights (Google it) that appeared at night in country Australia and often put the wind up people. My parents told me they had both seen these lights at some point in their lives along with many others.
If the parallel can be drawn with these lights and the orbs then I’m one that’s getting very curious.
Anyway Rick I’ll leave you to get on with it and lets see what tomorrow brings.
ReplyDeleteIt is almost exactly like the Min Min Lights.
To me, these are `balls of consciousness' confined into a space which displays as light. Literally. Or Energy. These balls of light have been known to respond to humans and human thoughts.
Tulpas may be the same `thing'. It may not depend on `aliens' from other galaxies in any manner - but - that also doesn't exclude that possibility.
Really appreciate your comments.
I do have another message in my YT account from Phil Coseski - but it is only a link to another of his videos with no real reaction to our subsequent discusion.