A nearly Transparent Triangle Craft seen last night in Utah.
Do you remember the song in 1966 called `Their Coming To Take Me Away?` Well..... you can slowly hear the Desperation In This Guys Writing as he describes a Connecticut event that happened on July 3rd. Elaborate Firecracker? The final descent of a Chinese lantern?
And, ANOTHER Hovering Craft Over I-70 In Missouri - Well, Actually - Make That TWO Hovering Crafts In Missouri Yesterday.
WTH is going on in Missouri?
And, what till you read this one: http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=33679 - here's a tease:
The object was totally silent, and left no visible trail such as smoke, debris or exhaust. There was no aura or any type of visible distortion of the light surrounding the object. From my 8 years experience as a Navy F-14 pilot with 1700 hours, I would estimate that the object was at an altitude of approximately 1000 feet above the ground, at an estimated speed of 600 - 700 knots, and would have an actual diameter of 10 to 15 feet. As the object was traveling away, it was observed to slightly vary its course from left to right and back, rather than follow a ballistic trajectory. This made it seem to me to be in to be in controlled flight. I was observing this very slight "sidewinder" motion as if looking from the rear of the object, rather than the underside, due to its relatively low altitude (i.e. If it were a jet I would have been looking up the tailpipe.) In about 5 seconds it passed out of sight beyond the top of the north side of the football stadium. I thought immediately that it was a controlled flying object which was neither civilian nor military. My wife was in awe and said "What WAS that?" I was
Use that link above for the full story. Happened on 11-12.
Or, how about a NON-HUMAN sighting, in Michigan, on Aug. 31st of this year - A Close First Person Description.
Not weird enough for you? If you are really daring you can check out my latest post on The Heavy Stuff - in it, I look at some of Bruce Duensing's latest efforts and let it flow from there.
BTW, Bruce and I will be featured along with about 8 others in Robert Cheatham's upcoming book - I've seen the cover and back page - ....................................holy cow.
Cheatham's Website where you can see the upcoming cover and back cover - http://close-to-impenetrable.blogspot.com/
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