You may have already noticed that the UDCC clock remained `unchanged' from the latest setting ever established in September at 10 minutes to midnight. Hold onto your bootstraps as we approach the long awaited 2012 calendar date.
Most notable to UDCC in September was the `uncovered' UK information what had these goodies about the REAL UFOs in the sky - THE ORBS. The Conditions for the initial formation and sustaining of what are apparently buoyant charged masses (of Plasma), which can form, separate, merge, hover, climb, dive, and accelerate are not completely understood.
Occasionally and perhaps exceptionally, it seems a field with, undetermined characteristics can exist between certain charged buoyant objects in loose formation, the intervening space between them forms an area, viewed as a shape, often Triangular, from which the reflection of light does not occur. This is a key finding in the attribution of what have frequently been called black "Craft", often triangular and up to hundreds of feet in length. - The UK Ministry of Defence More can be found at this link. ====================== And, in September, the continuation of the SNP (Sky Noise Phenomena) marks at least 6 months of the phenomena. UDCC covered it In Jersey City New Jersey and West Virginia - On the morning it was occuring and In Canada Too.
I found this video yesterday - but the GEM is what is in the description. And, what's in the description is - evidently - the UK's MOD's view on what the ORB phenomena is, isn't, and what to do about it. The TV report, posted just days ago - talks about an `unknown object' floating below the Space Shuttle - however, I must assume this is an OLD video (2006 maybe?) as the SS is already over in 2011:
link- (tons of comments)
====================================== So, you can see the `Triangle Orbs' in the above video. Now, here's some info from the description area of the above video" ============ What is officially known regarding the "Pulsating Orbs of Light" UFO's! The UK Ministry of Defense has revealed regarding these "Pulsating Orbs of Lights" UFO's.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in the UK Air Defence Region
The Ministry of Defence has released this report in response to a Freedom of Information request and we are pleased to now make it available to a wider audience via the MOD Freedom of Information Publication Scheme. Where indicated information is withheld in accordance with Section 26 (Defence), Section 27 (International Relations) and Section 40 (Personal Information) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
That Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP or UFO) Exist is indisputable. Credited with the ability to hover, land, take off, accelerate to astonishing velocities and vanish. They can reportedly alter their direction of flight suddenly and clearly can exhibit aerodynamics characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile - either manned or unmanned.
The Conditions for the initial formation and sustaining of what are apparently buoyant charged masses (of Plasma), which can form, separate, merge, hover, climb, dive, and accelerate are not completely understood.
Dependent on a color's temperature and aerosol density, it may be seen visually, either by it self generated plasma color, by reflected light, or silhouette by light blockage and background contrast.
Occasionally and perhaps exceptionally, it seems a field with, undetermined characteristics can exist between certain charged buoyant objects in loose formation, the intervening space between them forms an area, viewed as a shape, often Triangular, from which the reflection of light does not occur. This is a key finding in the attribution of what have frequently been called black "Craft", often triangular and up to hundreds of feet in length. - The UK Ministry of Defence
"The relevance of Plasma and magnetic fields to UAP(UFO) were an unexpected feature of the study" In So Advising - It should be stressed that, despite the recent increase in UAP/UFO events, the probobility of encountering a UAP/UFO remainns very low - No attempt should be made to out-manoeuvre a UAP/UFO during interception - At higher altitudes, although the UAP/UFO appear to be benign to civil air-traffic, pilots should be advised to not manoeuvre, other than put the object astern if possible ============================================================== Red UDCC Emphasis ============================== Needless to say, the above is IMO VERY important. It also lets us know that the governments are clued into the ORB phenomena and its ultimate harmlessness. That said, the `crafting' of ORBs in the `in-between space' is HEAVY duty stuff to consider intellectually. I also love the idea of NOT using human intentionalities to out-manuveur the Orbs. (Why? Because the ORBs might react?) ============================== The 10 minutes to 12 seems more justified by the day. The above really lets folks know the truth to a large extent. ============================== Couple more links for you today - both from other efforts I do along the UFO subject matter. Such as this one from one of my Squidoo pages that links to when in 2008 then candidate Obama was asked about Alien Disclosure - hear his video response (all 7 seconds of it) Here and finally, yesterday I posted a 2010 video from Russia that is so over the top in CLARITY as to be almost certainly CGI (right?) - anyway, I put in on my Strange UFO Videos blog right Here - if you go to this link, over 20 other Strange UFO Videos will greet you. ================================ ================================ Thanks For Your Visit To UDCC Today ================================ Run Your Cursor Over These Books For More Info Huge Collection Of ORB Books
One of the endless `fun' questions that the MSM likes to `report' about `UFOs' is - what percentage of people `believe' in them. With the word `belief' not misplaced in the question in any manner - as it is implied that ONLY believers - would see them. Or, even `believe' someone who said they did see an `UFO'.
When one digs just a bit deeper than what the MSM usually offers up - one finds that of those that DON'T believe - when asked to explain what they think people are seeing - a significant number of these folks think it's `in the peoples minds' or is a hallucination of some measure.
Is what is being seen in peoples minds?
Are all UFO experiences nothing than something slightly more than a fantasy? And, what parts of the UFO phenomena might be more likely to be `belief' as opposed to a real phenomenological event?
For example, lets speculate about ORBs, UFO `craft' sightings, and Alien Abductions. ----------------------------
And, before even going onward specifically - the deeper `answer' is that YES - some of the perceptual experiences are IMO `internal space events' - and let me try to separate the wheat from the chaff.
First, IMO, some people can literally `call' Orbs into their field of perceptions, and common perception, which would include others confirmation too. (These are not IN THE MIND per se, even if involved with belief.) Who knows what these very short-term `balls of conscious light'are `based' upon - but certainly, some of their actualization seems dependent on human conscious interaction with - for lack of a better term - the UNKNOWN.
Literally beckoning the immediate future with intentionalities and expectations. And, before you skoff, remember, the latest research shows that Light Can Be Made From NOTHING (go ahead, google light from nothing). Literally nothing. --------------
I don't think that all Orbs are `made' by individuals however, as I'd also add that some level of `group belief/wonderment' can also do this - as maybe experienced by the recent coverage on UDCC of the ORB over the Vancouver Fireworks - groups large and small.
But ORBs, or the phenomena of ORBs, appears to be even more complex. Some ORBs simply seem to be `residents' of `areas' or power spots where they are seen in more frequency. UDCC covered this with the Arkansas Crossett Lights last month. These types of `lights' are seemingly on-going at least in some sense of the word and not so dependent on `belief'.
It also seems that ORBs NEVER ever go `onward forever' even ones very high up in the sky (which seemingly is very few of them) but, eventually fade out - as recently caught by the new Vancouver Cable TV service covered on UDCC. (part of the Vancouver link above covers this)
So, ORBs definitely CAN be IMO `Psycho-logical' UFOs. ----------------------- But, not all of them. ----------------------- Indeed, it is the `belief' of some that ones (orbs) high in the sky are `alien craft' showing US just a pinpoint of themselves, `cloaking' the craft itself. And, indeed, IF aliens cruise our skies and KNOW that `Psychological' Orbs do indeed get seen and actualized -- what a GREAT cover for them. Right? ---------------------- But, cloaked craft are REAL craft. Right? So, that would NOT be a part of the `Psychological' UFOs were are in search for today. --------------------- However, we don't need to look too far to find in the UFO phenomena literature the famous story by Colin Bennett about hisAmazing World War Two Bomber Hanging In The Sky Perception That Also Was Seen By His Girlfriend event. (One of the very best reads on the internet.) And, if the bombers of yesteryear - and the Jets Of Today Seen Hanging In Sky actualize as some people insist happened to their individual phenomenology's -- THEN at least SOME `craft' type external perceptions (perhaps even transferable to video? and seeable by others within ones limited range of influence) --- could certainly too be considered - Psychological (craft) UFOs (no matter how real looking/actualizing) IMO.
But, IMO, that also doesn't mean that some craft seen may indeed be solid, real and ongoing --- like you and I. It just means that no matter how convincing the perceptions that one never knows the origin of perception structures. But, it does lend thought to the number of REAL UFOs to be even more limited than generally considered. (And, yes, it is a slippery slope that could slide easily to believing (that word again) that ALL UFO reports and sightings, even videos, are `of the mind' in origin.) --------------------- And, finally, Alien Abduction. I fully am of the opinion that nearly (but not ALL) all -- like 99.9% -- of `alien abduction' is `psychological' UFO in nature. (And you can make that 100% for in the bedroom abductions.) -------------------- It doesn't seemingly leave much does it?
But, even what it leaves is beyond nearly any government to admit about the structure of reality. Governments want that tax money and a tame obedient population. `Fantasies' about UFOs are NOT to be encouraged - especially when the immediate perceptions structures of individuals is actually so pliable (with other beliefs). Individuals are not to be encouraged to indulge in thoughts about the UNKNOWN. Or, the IMPOSSIBLE. (Because something just might actualize.)
And, mix that `special consensus' actualization - with SOME real interactions with `aliens in crafts' - and you have a can of worms that NO government will open up to willingly. Admitting to wonderment of unknowns is NOT governments. Real or NOT. Real Unknowns or Unknown Unknowns (as some would call them, lol). =============== But, when UDCC says it doesn't seem to leave much - it doesn't do any JUSTICE to the fact that `human intentionality's' seemingly interact with the reality of ones perceptual structure. Even the one you share with others while `awake'. Indeed, IF Orbs are reality interacting with HUMANS - that's pretty damn heavy. And is plenty to contemplate.
Finally, while I seemingly diss it above - IF the alien abductions are AGAIN the interaction with the UNKNOWN, via our own intentionality's - that also is unique and special - even if it is a special consensus, not shared with others. (Much like lucid dreaming perhaps?) ====================== Oh, I posted a possible `spirit orb' on my North Carolina UFO blog today too. ====================== Lastly, don't yet believe in the power of the mind?
================================ Thanks to the person that bought Lawn Trimming Equipment (yes) from my blogs yesterday - appreciated. Contributes 4-6% (usually 6%) of the sale to my account, as do all Amazon sales to any associate, and is one of the things that makes posting new material and thoughts worthwhile from a writer standpoint. Indeed, if you support what this or ANY blog is doing in providing you entertainment or enlightenment - most have a Paypal secure Donate button - go ahead, any amount, it is greatly appreciated by the blogger. =======================
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2011, the year to go solar. Solar Homes sell faster.
Every once in awhile, it is probably a good idea to present an overview to my readers of the full range of my ideas, opinions, and analysis, on UFOs and UFO Disclosure. And, what better time than the middle of the year during the Week of the Fourth Of July - the day to celebrate our so-called `freedoms'. So, are all of you Clockers ready? (Clockers is the term used by myself to describe those in the `leaders' area of the sidebar who are thereby altered to each and every update - these folks represent a huge percentage of total visits as do those that return daily yet have never become a public leader - or follower.)
First, let's define UFOs - the simplest being Unidentified Flying Objects - the `things' and `phenomena' seemingly in our atmosphere from the ground, on up, to outer space. And, using that as a starting point, let me make it clear immediately that we have MULTIPLE `things' and phenomena going on which prevents a lumping of all UFOs into any ONE category ---- which is why `disclosure' is a can of worms. A can unlikely to be opened too far.
Perhaps the most strong feelings and thoughts I have about UFOs are about what is commonly referred to as ORBS; - balls of light - that seemingly can have all kinds of possible attributes attached to them, - even including, occasionally, consciouslike behaviour and actions. The ORB phenomena is so open-ended as to defy a single description.
Indeed, if you read Bruce's post above - one can only imagine a scenario of humans `evolving' into machine/hybrids living in `caves' (structures) while an advanced evolving lifeform begins to rule the skies and even the planet itself. Something not beyond the realm of being possible, despite being fantastic.
OR, and likely, IMO, is that some ORB phenomenaliterally could be remnants of dead human spirit - continuing in the phenomenology structure IMO. These most likely are the ones close to the ground or barely showing up in photographs. But, or perhaps, OR, - the same phenomena could be a `calling' into the unknown or showing of the `unknown' in our phenomenology structure which ONLY involves the human intentional consciousness. OR, the same phenomena could be an on-going `living phenomena' that occasionally only shows itself as a glowing sphere. (see previous paragraph)
Clockers and others know that these ORBS, these glowing spheres, have been described as tiny when near the ground to seemingly large enough to see well up into the Earths atmosphere. (But, think about it - these small ones would NOT be seen very high into the atmosphere.) Daily, these glowing balls of light are reported to MUFON and recorded on video cameras and uploaded onto YouTube - and other internet services. Heck, some even get reported to me at UDCC while events are happening. (The NYC event in October for example.)
And, in very rare occasions - these ORBS have been seen to transform into --- well ---- you name it.
Bigfoots, UFO Craft, Aliens, Owls, etc etc etc. ANYTHING. ----------------------- BUT NOW, I THINK WE ENTER A DIFFERENT CATEGORY - THAT BEING A PERCEPTION STRUCTURE. Of NON-Permanent, `temporal beings/phenomena'.
Briefly, the above is my belief that some phenomenology structures are indeed `overlayed' with a `perception structure' of non-ordinariness. Temporarily. And, without mass.
I doubt VERY MUCH that the government has ANY interest talking about the ORB phenomena of `lights in the sky' or near the ground - IN AN MASS MEDIA MANNER. It simply is a can of worms to them. It also is viewed as a very transitory event except in certain instances - which I will expand upon shortly. And, obviously, if reality is so pliable as to permit PERCEPTION OVERLAYS - our leaders are hardly going to `confirm' something so seemingly bizarre.
In short, whatever the light balls are - THEY are not `aliens' of which a `Government' could do much about - as they seem more related to human intentionality's and localized perceptions. Why should the government come forward and say something like - "yeah, a bit of the reality you can experience has no foundation in concrete mass containing phenomena - and maybe a part of what you perceive - is something that is `not much less than pure fantasy to a localized consciousness". --------------
Want that to get even murkier? (How would that be possible right?)
I also believe that mind control - via who knows what means - even mass hypnosis possibly - might make one question ones perceptions even more - (read this link to understand just how weak most of us are to manipulation - now, does the government have or use such stuff - how would I know? I don't. But, it indeed could be ONE explanation for the bizarre nature of `missing time' from `aliens'.
But, it is possible, and must be admitted when considering the range of what can seemingly be seen by one person - which is what the `phenomena' of many `sightings' seem to be. (By that I mean, even strange nighttime ORB sightings in clear skies should be seen by MANY or even videotaped by many if they are REAL phenomena and NOT perceptual data in some manner.) (The endless valid question, "why so little, to no confirmation videos, of these phenomena"? Answer, the phenomena is a perceptual overlay of one person.)
The above huge range of phenomena called ORBS covers easily 95% of all MUFON reports. IMO. (But, unlike the MSM that will tell you to ignore this 95% -- `because of misidentifications' -- the ORB phenomena is such a can of worms that Governments will NEVER talk about it. Even if it seems to be the majority of the unknown. It simply won't fit into soundbites, and, even messes with the human `religion' aspect/powers - when we say some of these phenomena are based on beliefs.)
Then, finally, we come to what most folks think of when they hear the word UFO, --- the UFO Crafts, of various shapes and sizes. Really only a sliver of UFO reports on MUFON.
But, IMO, even more so - they (the crafts) seem to have the `was I the only one who saw this thing' - attribute. And, once again, even the multiple person experiences could simply be the result of instant hypnosis techniques shown in the link above in this post. (Could `we humans' even be being manipulated by our environment?)
And, once again, at least to me, reports of crafts, without confirmation, especially in this `video age' at the personal level era we have entered, - limits or should limit - ones `belief' in any individual recording of the anomalous.
I won't even mention the hoaxers and CGI tricksters. (Sorry.) -----------
But, yes, I do believe that some of these observed` crafts' to be `real' in our phenomenology time-cone; but, I doubt very much that they `outnumber' the `perceptual ones'.
Indeed, IF these REAL craft do exist - I suspect that `invisibleness' via cloaking is certainly a likelihood (not seen with unaided eye) the extreme in cloaking. And, most likely, that is the case IMO with these advanced craft. Which, of course, ANSWERS the question as to `where are they' and why do we not see them more often? ---------
IMO, the real question about these `real' crafts is - WHO DRIVES THEM?
Humans, Aliens, Computers or something in-between biological and mechanical beings. And, logically, an alien race advanced enough to know of intelligence here on Earth; that they would like to observe, - and, advanced enough that they can `send a craft' to do it (observe) - would also be advanced enough to NOT need a biological captain of the ship so to speak IMO.
(Therefore, my take is that FEW if ANY crafts would need to be `manned' by aliens.) ----------
To me, it also makes sense that as the signal of mankind's radio waves invades the universe - that other very advanced lifeforms (maybe humanlike, maybe not) may indeed wish to monitor us -- if for nothing more than entertainment. Indeed, if things like `craft' can get here, perhaps even `instantly', they would also be able to transmit whatever they are monitoring back to their home base (planet) instantly, IMO.
Certainly, the Government has NO interest in telling us all that we are monitored in ways beyond our belief - and that we are fodder and entertainment for beings beyond our human understandings. -------------
But, to muddy even this scenario - I must admit that it is possible, if not likely, that our government may know how to build nearly the same type of craft as humans imagine seeing and report seeing. (And, certainly, I have no way of knowing `the likely %' of `alien vs human' seen sightings.) So, yes, `UFOs' could be driven by humans within the world government structure or rich humans outside of the government structures.
But, remember, EVEN if Governments have a craft via unknown means, (figured out by the human brain or reverse engineered)it doesn't mean the human mind has figured out how to instantaneously put that craft outside the time-cone for interstellar travel (IF that is what is happening, which I doubt, regardless of Solar Warden crappola). ------------
(After all, its possible that the number of `visiting' races may be limited STRICTLY to the radius of our `radio footprint' in the universe - and that NONE - or nearly NONE - of the `alien visitors' we have are arriving via loops avoiding the time-cone. Perhaps ALL `aliens' arrive in manners below the speed of light in other words. Which means we could expect more and more as time went onward.)
And, certainly, Governments do NOT want to talk about these advanced technologies, if they have them, or our `enemies' (humans that don't look like us or talk our language) will becoming enlightened. So, no disclosure about advanced government technology is near IMO. --------------
Which leads to how Governments seem to be handling `the UFO disclosure problem' - as the peoples beliefs grow in the phenomena.
Answer - with soft disclosure; ie: NOT confirming aliens or any concern about aliens, BUT, releasing to what amounts to be `old dusty files'. (A 24 hour story.) That nitpickers can go thru and that the MSM can/will summarize in soundbites of under 90 seconds; and that also will leave open the possibility that the events are `illusions' (which as I've told you - I do believe that these perceptual overlays do happen) - but that all in all are NOT worrisome (much as they reiterated in the late 60's). ------------
But, is that true? Because some things are worrisome about UFOs to the Government IMO - at least a little bit.
For example, if there was no worry, why the FREQUENT reports of helicopters and fighter jets in the areas of UFOs/or ORBs sightings? They MUST be reacting for SOME reason - as if to respond to a `breach' in the `structure' almost IMO. Perhaps closing some portal perhaps? Reacting to changes in the balance of what is REAL? Who knows? ---------------
Also worrisome to the Governments, IMO, is the very very limited cases of apparent `alien'/entity contact - with `investigations' recently funded by the Robert Bigelow MUFON quick investigation teams. Indeed, it is my contention that Mr. Bigelow is almost a liaison/processor of information available to the Government - and the organizations he runs and supports - from the defunct NIDS onward.
I would hope I don't have to mention to Clockers the relationship that Mr. Bigelow has had to the top notch FAA pilot reports of UFOs for over a decade; without ever once being questioned by the MSM about those reports or analysis or investigations. Also, lets not forget what NIDS had to say about the Triangles seen flying in the skies -
And THAT silence and partnership between the Governments association with Mr. Bigelow and the MSM is very nefarious IMO. UFOs are to be treated as ENTERTAINMENT. (And remember who controls your licence.) -----------------
Which brings into specter the whole disinformation campaigns that Governments like to run in areas they don't want to talk about. Of course.
And, since they are in cahoots with the MSM on how these UFO matters are to be covered - the bits they do feed to the public tend to be suspect - especially the so-called `analysis' often offered by the MSM after UFO events. Such as the Stephenville Texas UFOs, The O'Hare UFO incident, etc. The `interviewing' of witness with credibility, etc. -----------
And, since the clamp is on in these areas - one would have to suspect that these things are WORRISOME to the Governments -- and is that something you think that they want to DISCLOSE? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ------------
So, in some manner, at some level - we appear to be having REAL events occur - that matter on some level to `Governments'.
Is it simply to keep and maintain the `official line' as humans being the ultimate `thing' that the universe has ever offered (for God and religious folk) and the whole religious issue thing? Perhaps; but, IMO it probably is more than that - it is probably FEAR. Yes, fear.
Because, events in restricted spaces (O'Hare) and MILE WIDE Crafts (or even 1/2 mile wide) - (Stephenville initial sighting) are NOT something taken lightly to be told to the public - on a variety of levels, including making the Government look weak.
Indeed, UFOs represent that flaw in our `security' at a level well beyond our `enemies' we swear to in the MSM. ---------------
But, `control of disclosure' , isn't ultimately in the hands of the Government - or the MSM - if `aliens' wanted to do elsewise.
And, until VERY recently - yes, literally that day in Oct. 2010 in NYC - the one that slightly validated the UFO prediction made by Stanley Fulham - the `aliens' seemed content to only slowly increase allowed `observations' - if they were increasing them at all. However, the NYC event was seemingly an allowed observation that lasted long enough for the MSM to even conduct man on the street interviews while in progress.
And, then, just months later, the murky truths and produced falsehoods about the Jerusalem Orb Event by the MSM in early 2011. Of course, both events also presented with the typical `trump card' `Ignore This' - sidebars - be they `balloon releases' and/or obvious fake videos (in the case of the Jerusalem UFO).
(But, I must add my own caution to the most recent events I site above, NYC and Jerusalem, and as Clockers know --- I find the co-incidence of the elevated human emotional state during both those events - worldwide and localized - to have been stupendous and suspicious in their co-incidence to the events. The Chilean minor rescue for NYC's event, and the peak of the Egyptian winter riots for the Jerusalem event. This suspicion makes me less certain about the `alien escalation'). -----------------
Even more annoying to my readers (probably) - is that I don't even discount the possibility that some of the phenomena is Fortean (or Trickster) in `cause' - literally. But, that is a discussion for another day. -------------------
But, IMO, the ORBS phenomena does seem to be escalating - perhaps even rapidly - some internet links this spring said there was a HUGE increase in the tagword UFO on YouTube this spring -- a HUGE HUGE increase. And I believe that as one who literally searches for those for my readers. The question of course, is this simply the result of expansion of our video technology to the ground level for all people? Or, is the phenomena increasing - I believe it is both.
And, IF the ORB phenomena has much of its BEING in human intentionality's and consciousness - could the SHEER NUMBER OF HUMAN BEINGS CONSCIOUSNESSES BE `TRIGGERING' some phenomena? Has consciousness in its literal form and perhaps with added artificial intelligence in our biosphere (noosphere)(even via the internet) - reached a tipping point to elicit these `events and responses'? Is the `emotional' element of humans involved?
Will we `know' anymore 5 years from now that we don't know today? One thing we do know - the MSM can avoid ANY issue it chooses or is told to avoid. Completely. For decades. ================ And, they, the media, have little incentive when it comes to UFO Disclosure. The Exopolitics and `Interstellar Humans via Black Budgets' are strictly off limits for serious discussion - As are `aliens walking on Earth'. (Somehow `aliens in the sky' is not as nefarious evidently.) Or, heaven forbid - they live here or seeded us.
At best, to the MSM, the `aliens' have arrived recently, just watch us and don't abduct us, and are not to be worried about. The same `line' of the governments. -----------------
So, IF UFO Disclosure comes, it is likely to be thru the aliens and the common man - in some sort of over the top unbelievable display - such as at a Fireworks Display in Washington D.C. tomorrow night or similar event over the Hudson River.
As, at this point, something needs to one-up the Jerusalem Orb event - if we are to consider that a significant alien contact escalation is in progress. (Even an identical event to the JO would be as impressive if done in front of gathered crowds.) ------------------------------ Finally, I do have the opinion that an impasse has been reached in the `national coverage' of the UFO phenomena. We must remember that is was only 5 years ago that the O'Hare witness was in silhouette on the MSM. Or, how quickly the media covered and UNcovered the Stephenville Incident. OR, how the `idea of confirmation videos' was handled in the Jerusalem Orb Event.
Indeed, until the `London UFO' of last week (which to me showed a staged street scene like NYC's, and BAD CGI of a `Mothership' - providing a needed `escalation' for coverage by the MSM in the UK) - which really wasn't covered here in the USA - it shows that MORE will be needed for MSM national coverage. -------------------- And, lastly for this mid year 2011 overview, I provide this latest in science. A link that shows that NOTHING at all - can produce - LIGHT. (For those who wonder where the ORB light comes from.) - Moving mirrors make light from nothing - ============================ Thanks for being a Clocker. IF you are new to UDCC, please click in the sidebar the `leaders' widget - so you will be a Clocker too. =========================== =========================== Just as the Sun Powers the Earth - You Too Can Have It Provide Power To You - Anywhere. Portable Solar. COMPACT SOLAR GENERATOR IN BRIEFCASE DESIGN Under 140.00 Portable Solar Power Generator Basic Kit "101" Under 325.00 Ecotricity Eco-1800s - 1800 Watt Solar Power Generator Under 1,700.00 K3 Wind and Solar Mobile Charger (Green) - Even you can afford this one.
As `Clockers' know, UDCC has been ALL over this emerging and seemingly intensifying ORB phenomena. (Or, is it really increasing? As we know, there has been a HUGE increase in videotaping ability by humans in recent years, which could account for the seeming incidence of `caught events'. And, of course, there simply are MORE humans - as our world now approaches the 7 billion mark; which could also lead to an increase in available sources of video.)
But, that said, at least at some level, the phenomena seems to be changing - whether it is the `multiple orb' phenomena of singular orbs floating/moving together - or the `multiple orb' phenomena of `releasing orbs' (from `a quote', `mothership', - or - simply a middle space or source space). UP TO the phenomena - seemingly shown a few times in recent months - of a HUGE drop towards the ground. Clockers know I'm referring to the El Paso and Jerusalem Drops.
But, let's look closer, once again, at this Orb Phenomena.
Now, and almost obviously, it could indeed be a so-called `mothership' that is releasing some sort of scout craft. But, let's play devil's advocate..... Why do the `scout craft' orbs fade out eventually? Does some sort of power source leave their space? Would `scout craft' FADE? Is IT really a mothership and scout craft?
And, almost as obviously, it is possible that the Orbs are some sort of Earth Geosurface Event caused by forces we simply do not understand yet via our science. But, again, playing devil's advocate - are there REALLY forces that move about in our skies, sometimes in huge swarms, sometimes, seemingly reacting to on the ground human conscious intentions - THAT ARE GEOSURFACE FORCES? Does that seem to be a bit of a stretch?
And, these `reasons for Orbs' noted above are the more `mainstream' of the suggestions offered by internet thinkers.
But, there are other possibilities also; much more interesting possibilities in some ways (granting scout craft plenty of interest, and the unknown `science' chance ) - and one is that Orbs are The Dead. I will let that sink in. -------- And, it is nothing I haven't suggested before or that others haven't said of `small orbs' that show up sometimes in photographs (appearing as bubbles literally often and occasionally with FACES in them).
But, I mean something that is indeed QUANTITATIVELY different from the possible `invisible bubble orbs' of photograph fame - SKY Orbs, IMO, are quantitatively different in these obvious ways: 1) You CAN see them. 2) They are in the SKY. 3) They have an ontology, instead of `existing invisibly' in a flash instant of film. 4) They seem to have `some' consciousness perhaps OR ability for intentionality.
I can think of two types of entities - (using the term loosely) that might fit the above general attribute description - The Dead, and, Sky Creatures. ---------- Let me flush out both of these, what I am calling, `extreme' possibilities; both descriptions of which suggest that you will need to suspend your dis-belief levels for a bit of time.
The `Collective' Dead
Humans at all stages of humanity are nearly universal in their desire to cling to existence after `dying'; at least while on this `the living side'. As Clockers would be aware, many humans report NDE's of a similar structure - and science can tell us how `we' might `survive' as some representation of our `electrical' structure of our space mass and existence itself. And, literature is replete with tales of Ghosts, even `specific' ghosts which would suggest a continuation of `phenomenological' ontology. Doppelgangers of dead people also are examples.
So, lets say that - indeed - all the tales of `balls of light' that are known in the `back hallows' are indeed, conscious balls of remnants of `someones space'. That said, we MUST be willing to admit, that they seemingly DO NOT have a permanent existence in our normal phenomenology either - NONE of these Orb phenomena simply travel the sky endlessly.
And, in classic slippery slope thinking - if you are willing to concede that `Ghost Orbs' can exist in a temporal fashion, then it is also possible to think that these `spirit orbs' may - BE ABLE TO COMBINE into something Larger, Brighter, More Permanent, (and yes, more conscious).
It is this `dead consciousness' that I think may be developing into these more extreme Orb phenomena - as opposed to my thoughts here, in this post, from Oct. 2008 on my blog The Heavy Stuff: Can The `Collective Dead’ Of Humanity - Evolve? - in that post I wrote these words:
Frankly, nearly all ghost experiences seem limited to ONE ghost - seldom is it multiple ghosts - or a whole slew of ghosts. There doesn’t seem to be a `collective dead’ that is able to materialize. The ghosts that do materialize do not seem to be hanging out with others bringing their will/consciousness/space into our living world. (That is not to say that in some seances or `communications’ that some `additional’ spirit wants to take over the communication - so, two or even a few seems to be a limit.) Maybe it’s just hard to get folks together at the same `real’ place and same `real’ time when they have been `dead’ for awhile. Perhaps the `real’ just isn’t that interesting.
But, the question that THS is trying to get behind in this post is `could the dead evolve’? After-all, lots of gurus of thought have died - Einstein, Husserl, Gandhi, Sartre, —- does it matter what additional intelligence is added by their deaths? Could those interested in the subject matter of communicating with the dead - after they die - have access to NEW information about EVP or other methods? Could the `best heads’ be put together on the `other side’ to more effectively reach our humanity on `this side’? Frankly, honestly, it doesn’t seem that experience of our collective reality is suggesting that the collective dead of humanity is evolving - except perhaps in one manner. A very speculative manner. What if our consciousness IS light. Or, at best - could be light. What if the Tulpas or Orbs seen in the sky more often in the last few years are a result of `conscious light’ visiting Earth and humans. Conscious light that is developing, evolving, from the 95 billion dead humans of the last million years. Especially, the `intelligent’ ones who have died recently with more awareness than in times and eras past. THS is reminded of the Carlos Castaneda book - The Eagles Gift - which ends on Page 315 (hardback version) with the final visions that Carlos had of the Sorcerer Don Juan - as they all jumped off a cliff to their certain death. “On my left side, however, I realized that I had entered into the other self….The warriors of don Juan’s party had caught me for an eternal instant, before they vanished into the total light……They were waiting for don Juan and don Genaro. I saw don Juan taking the lead. And then there was only a line of exquisite lights in the sky….There was a massive glow on one end of the lights where don Juan was…”
Perhaps the best that a human can attain is being `free light’ able to roam the cosmos with intentionality’s. And, that would be quite an evolution for the ape with opposing thumbs.
So, what I am indeed suggesting, is that it is possible that the increased abilities may be due to an evolution from `the other side'. What if THEY are now more able to retain folks remaining bits of awareness and package it almost as a group consciousness ball of light. Much like what Don Juan is said to have done.
(Noosphere full of consciousness)
OR, - we may indeed be seeing SKY CREATURES - that indeed, could somehow be `developing' or evolving right before our humankind eyes. Some sort of emerging intelligence using the plasma of the world and atmosphere. And, these sky creatures may not even need a permanent structure - simply coming together in the visible perception wavelength - only on occasion. Perhaps, NOT EVEN EXISTING, in an on-going manner that we consider on-going as humans. Sort of a temporal, emerging and fading, phenomena - at least to our perception.
(And, yes, orbs could be `rods' that have `grown up', so to speak.)
Finally, it is worth considering that our Earth's Noosphere is growing more full of data and information by the millisecond, in electrical form structure thru intentionality's by humans on keyboards such as the one producing these words of a phenomenological basis. An electrical grid that may be able to be tapped by forces we as humankind know very little about.
Forces, such as an evolving dead - or - an increasingly organized plasma entity structure to our perceptions.
Thanks for giving me your mind while I slogged my way thru things that must be said about Orbs - and why Orbs - may be a gateway to thinking about the universe in a different manner. ------------------------------------------------- I'm open as always to your comments and thoughts. -------------------------------------------------
All one hundred plus posts done on The Heavy Stuff with a brief description of each post - THS was my original esoteric blog and where I talked about UFOs before Nov. 2007 here at UDCC. -------------------------------- Lastly, I mentioned the Quote above from The Eagles Gift - here is the book:
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A Great UFO Read - And, Jupiter For Your Desk
The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.