Yes, I'm talking about the link ad that shows a woman removing a blindfold that says `the world is waking up'. And, when you do hit the link it takes you to this website Thrive Movement which tells you about a `movement' that a group of folks (think Exopolitics plus) hope to begin on 11-11-11. Yes, finally you know the `special' thing that begins/happens on that memorable day.
The link takes you to a couple minute video that ties the alien conspiracy into nearly ALL of the major conspiracies found on the internet - but, seldom mentioned by the MSM. Think the Occupy Wall Street movement times 30 as far as nefariousness. Anyway, I could show the video here as it is on YouTube - but, you need to go to the link for the full monte about the movement.
For example, the video includes Icke, and Greer among others. For example, what are YOU doing on the 11th? Want to host a SHOWING OF THE MOVIE in your home? Sign up for the movement now and be the first in your neighborhood to talk about Free Energy. And watch them roll their eyes.
Just as easy to get rid of money IMO.
Here's a few more links that caught my UFO Disclosure attention recently.
Such as the Air Force changing a manual about what to do IF a pilot sees a UFO ------- AFTER the Huffington Post Asked about it ---- It's NORAD's Role Now.
And, here's Regan Lee who has focused on a MUFON report of particular interest - one of those rectangle UFOs seen more in the recent past Comment and UFO Report - the reporting person reported memory problems after the UFO experience.
Here's some of what Earthfiles (great site) has put together about the Missouri events of 2011 and specifically some info about Oct. 4th's event. That said, I'd be skeptical of the emphasis placed on the stunt pilots that seem to be just hearsay IMO. Includes events back to 2007 and one Orb event in 2011 that invovled 125 orbs.
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