So, back to today's headline - I find this overview on Catholic.Org about aliens and what that means to those professing belief in God. It's a classic narrow defensive viewpoint that takes the Carl Sagan, Arthur C. Clark, Stephen Hawking and Morman approach to the God and Life other than Earth positioning's. UFO's are seemingly impossible and of course, the Catholic Church is sited for being ahead of the other Christian religions due to it's 2009 Vatican statements. It's a high school read for a graduate level course.
Thanks again for the purchase from my Kindle Author Page of UFO's, And More yesterday - much appreciated. Please check out my 7 Kindle titles today.
And, I thought I was gonna feature the video below (as it is featured elsewhere) until I checked the poster of the video. RED flags galore, including a recent Project Camelot `like', no tracing of the stats, and it all happened for the alien sounding YT name just a bit too quickly since his huge interest increase for me. Nonetheless, let's take a look at this probable FAKE so we can get an idea of what they can do - this is not to be confused with seemingly legit Circle UFO's which have been featured before on UDCC - Has about 900 views in just a day with the `Morphing' keyword - about a 3/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. Oh, the uploader makes no mention that this is a fake - (nor act like anything strange is going on when filming the anomalous event). Sad.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MNI74oS5pw&feature=player_embedded
Now, I found the above video at this story on Gather - http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474981480568 which was written by someone named Tom Rose who is selling the Kindle UFO book below:
And, yes, the Mayan Calender figures prominently. Sheeeessshhhh.
Tell you what - why not dig into real UFOlogy via my FREE book on Kindle that includes SEVEN Chapters of REAL in-depth looks at what is possibly important for the average person to know - especially the DIS information. Anyway - my newest UFO book is FREE until Sunday at 12:01AM.
Finally for today - seems the last TWO folks who joined the Leaders and Followers of UDCC EACH have UFO Disclosure websites and are connected to Greer and the Exo-politics movement and a particular movie they are raising money to produce and distribute - you can find those websites Here who shamelessly has the audacity to use MY websites name to filter off traffic to his blog and Here is the head honcho himself.
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