The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Was Bob Lazar's Story: A Fraud for Bigelow Funding?

One of the very murky streams to the `aliens on Earth' - `aliens on Area 51' STORY - is the Bob Lazar Area 51 tributary. So, I am very glad to have run across this month old post that recounts many parts of the `near legendary' tale - and puts much of it into perspective with some thought out analysis. And, yes, once again, the name Robert Bigelow is connected - I kid you not. Dig into the multi-layered and underground thinking on one of UFOlogy's most interesting legends.
Great Christmas Gift
Staying on the outer edge of UFOlogy today - Erich Kuersten - digs into the idea, rumor, belief - that some of the political figures and MSM talking heads ARE REPTILIANS - and provides a number of YT videos those into such Conspiracy Talk use as Proof. Eric is a great writer, and thinker - if you are not familiar with his posts and blog - Consider This A Good Time To Check Out His Work.

And here you thought that ORBS challenged your worldview.
NO, UDCC is not done with OrionIFO just yet - more background material - such as another of his blog called The Pine Bush Zone will bring more insights into how elusive `the aliens' evidently behave (cough) --- (don't they know there are 100's, or is it 1000's of them underground working with government agents? Who are they kidding, right?). Really folks - lets not forget that the anagram for UFO Disclosure (is) Ludicrous Foes.
Digging Deeper:

I hope you are enjoying this collection of `deeper' UFO reads this Sunday. Indeed, this is one of the BEST UFO experiences with aliens I have EVER READ. It's called Observers from Another Dimension -
And, here's a tease:
It was a glowing circle or sphere about the size of a Volkswagen beetle, still the “black light” color. This sphere was transparent, and inside of it we saw what looked exactly like two humans – a male and a female – sitting facing one another. Yet there were no visible seats beneath them. ........ The sphere rose to about 50 or 60 feet, and we could see that both the male and female were looking down at us; we could see their heads turn and look down in our direction. Shortly after, I’d say five to ten seconds, the sphere took off quite rapidly. It got smaller and smaller, ascending maybe 20 feet every couple of seconds. It took off directly toward the constellation of Orion, which was visible in the clean night sky, until we could not see the sphere anymore. It seemed to have faded right into the third star in Orion’s belt.

And, yes, the above phenomena happened in NEW YORK - Phil Coreski beams with his smile. OH, btw, the main writer of the above account of high strangeness was a Sheriff.

Speaking of ascended beings - have you heard of Braco? Can you really experience enlightenment for 8 bucks? Find Out Here.
And, if you were wondering just how esoteric UFOlogy can be - check out this post by Bruce Duensing called - Part One: The UFO of Modeling and Myths in Atmospheric Anomalies - Deep Into The Event Horizon - Clockers, are not lightweights.
Has UDCC blown your mind yet today?
 LIGHT, For The Coming Winter
How to top such great links above? How about an ORB video supposedly shot in Arizona in October? One that shows an Orb (or Helicopter) moving THEN HOVERING - eventually one sees the signature Multiple Orbs surrounding the main one. 864 Views.

Thanks for stopping by again - please bookmark and return often as UDCC is updated nearly daily.
An ARCHIVE of material is available via the Sidebar.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mankind - 11-11-11 - Thriving OR Dying?

Yep - 11:11:11 A.M. has come and gone. I assume Ron Paul's money bomb is going off. And, has anyone heard one word about The Thrive Movement? ------- Indeed, when I searched The Thrive Movement today on the big G - I found some of the links I provide below which gives a good `overview' of the `movement' scheduled to be beginning today (isn't it yesterday or tomorrow somewhere?).

First, up - this GEM of which a sample is provided:
This "movement" however, is nothing more but co-opting by the same type of people who brought to you Zeitgeist, and true to Luciferian agenda, they are trying to hype up a new world and promise you "Truth". In it, a new "hidden knowledge" that contains a secret form of energy locked in the air itself, and known by the ancients, and ALIENS, is set as a solution to world poverty, and the UNITING of peace and freedom loving people.

This new movement has complete Masonic fingerprints all over it, their clickable ad features a beam of light shining on a lady's face with the concealed right eye, and the left eye exposed. Their documentary premieres on line on 11-11-11, which is classical constant use of the Masonic 33 emblem. The company who produces it is Clear Compass Media, emphasis of course on the Masonic COMPASS

Please read the above AND MORE In This Forum a click away.
I also found these links giving various views of The Thrive Movement - First, THE WEBSITE, THE Official Trailer For The Movie - next, Here's the first date of some blog coverage 9-15 - on the blog 2012 The Awakening (gag me with a spoon?) - and Galactic covered THM early on.
And, how humorous is it that The Thrive Movement was/is actually the name of a blog -- seemingly run by High School and Junior High kids that catalogues `good deeds they do' - find that here --- Carry The Grocery Bags For The Eldery - And THRIVE --- wonder if the Thrive Movement has copyright issues?
Not to be outdone, Godlike Productions asks `who's paying for The Thrive Movement?' (must have cost a bundle for those G adsense placements) - and - could any conspiracy be complete without a blog dedicated to BUYING GOLD - seeing possible revolution due to The Thrive Movement ---- ooooookkkkaaaaayyyyyy.

OR, perhaps a bit more conspiracy is your cup of tea?

No problem. Here's a tease from This Link:
Are we approaching some kind of tipping point, is human consciousness escalating to the next level. Do we have something incredible to learn from this new movie about the THRIVE Movement. Could the Occupy Movement, the Geopolitical Changes, and the Disclosure issue be related ?
Indeed, Human sees The Thrive Movement as a long heralded event. Hallelujah. Keep your mind guarded if you click this link.
And finally is which is an undeveloped idea (blog) with a GREAT picture to absorb for a minute - so take a look.
Ron Paul's gig can be found Here - See Today's Totals Grow.
Certainly, as 11-11-11 approached and now on 11-11-11 - one can say that both The Thrive Movement (TTM) and Ron Paul are without real coverage. TTM seems to be a bit late to the `movement' cause - with the MSM not even giving time to The Tea Party or OWS in recent weeks - wanting to keep the nearly empty glass from further spillage.

FREE Energy --- it's a wonder that THAT hasn't been picked up by the slightly zany OWS crowd - or for that matter - TEA Party preppers. But, it's just too far out for the MSM to swallow or is allowed to report - make your choice about that. I hardly think the MSM would be happy to lose the power companies as advertisers by saying they are partly responsible for keeping technology from the people ---- in a 3minute and 30 second `in depth' report  which would surely show `both sides'.

World PEACE? Is that what it looks like to YOU?

UFO Disclosure or Alien Disclosure? Have these folks heard the White House answer given by Phil Larson? (Featured Three Posts Ago here on UDCC). ----- the short answer --- NO ALIENS ARE INTERACTING WITH HUMANS.
That said, the USA's economy has been in RECOVERY for over TWO YEARS already -- words from the same people - the government. Believable, right?
So, unless a neighbor whispers in your ear today to come join him at his home for a secret screening first run feature about something ready to change the current world power structure - this may be the last you ever read about TTM in these pages.

Thriving or Dying - Your Call.

IF anyone of the UDCC readership gets asked to a viewing - PLEASE report in.
 - UDCC readers are not lightweights!
Lastly, changed some things around on the template, take a look around today. Thanks.
IF the end is near, the book below is helpful perhaps. A best seller believe it or not. Thrive or Die?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Responding To Phil Coreski's `Alien Craft - Alien Connection' Interview

Good afternoon Clockers, and newbies, to UDCC - thanks for visiting again today. And, today I will be discussing Phil Coreski's answers to my interview questions about his on-going encounters with a mysterious Orb he films near his property. You can find that interview Here if you missed it. And, while there is more at the link, the Q's and A's are below too.

I will respond Q by Q.
Q1 - Ok, my first question is - if the craft/orb appears near the same spot every time - why not set up in that location or walk towards the orb as it is out/on?
1) the craft generally appear in the same area which is right over some heavily forested woods, and to walk back into those woods at night is not cool, because there are coyotes back there! so I will not venture back there for that reason. what you see as orbs around the craft are a result from the molecular plasma light and clouds generated by the core of the ship's drive.
Why not walk back during the day - make sure no coyotes nests are there; or, go back before it gets dark? I don't buy the `excuse' but do NOT rule out it being possibly true from Phil's perspective. As I've already indicated, I think Phil doesn't change his position because of his SUCCESS from his current protocol. ---------------- ALSO, and it's a BIG also -- I doubt that Phil is actually videotaping an actual CRAFT (but, again, I will not rule it out totally) but IS videotaping some sort of anomalous plasma based consciousness driven `ball of light'. As such, I doubt that Phil's understanding of it being given off by the core of the ships `drive' to be probable fantasy or misinformation given to his mind via his `contact'.

Q2 - How is it you are in contact with the entities that display to you? Is it all mental or is some indeed a physical contact?
2) My contact is generally of a telepathic form which includes lucid dreams and sometimes OOBE's (out of body travels) to meet with the ET's within the astral dimension. at other times I have rare brief physical encounters where the ET's let me see them physically on the streets. and I have a mode of real time physical contact with them through a technical means which I'm not allowed to reveal for security measures. from this mode I'm given answers and explanations in the form of written descriptions.
I buy Phil's impressions of the lucid dreaming and OOBE's - I do believe that Phil's meditating has put him into some `special spaces' -- (In my Phillips Phenomenology - it would be the Able-To-Not-Be space.) that indeed MIGHT put him into a contact with `information or consciousness'. HOWEVER, SEEING THEM ON THE STREETS? (I will also warn Phil of messing with the unknown as far as human outcomes in general. Just sayin.) -------------------- (In seeing them on the street) We are talking about the outer edge of what the able-to-not-be MIGHT be able to produce within perceptual fields -- wow, if true, --- edging into madness if not. ---------------------------- AND, Clockers gotta love that Phil has, in essence, a MACHINE that transcribes the messages. -------------- You mean like this Radio Shack sold `Franks Box' that communicates with the DEAD?

Indeed, could Phil be in contact with the DEAD? (And, I'm not talking about Jerry Garcia.)

Well, I have a slightly different idea -- it is my opinion that Phil is in `contact' with some sort of `specialized consciousness' that exists within the universe. It's the SAME place and same type of experience that `alien abductees' have when they are shown pictures of a destroyed planet, wars, etc. - often ON a `space ship' craft. I wrote about THAT experience of others  On My Blog The Heavy Stuff in a post called A Twist To `Aliens' Showing Us OUR Apocalypse.
A different SPACE alright.

Q3.Are you familiar with the idea of Fortean Events?
No, I'm not familiar with the idea of Fortean events, although I've heard about it.
Fortean events HAVE NO CAUSE/EFFECT relationship and are literally FOR the `astonishment' of a/the human consciousness. IMO, it's NOT impossible that this is `the answer' - that said, I think other `answers' as I've been elaborating upon - are closer to the so-called `truth' of the matter for the OrionIFO orbs.

Q4 What do the entities you are in contact with say about the Greys?
4) My Orion contact has told me that the greys consist of several different species, one species if from the Zeta Reticulum constellation and these are short greys and they are generally benevolent and will not cause serious harm to human. other species of greys are from Orion these are taller and they can be somewhat rude in their interactions with humans, they will abduct humans and perform examinations on them against a human's will. and still other species of greys are clones by the taller species of grey, these are like robots or androids and are usually very hostile towards humans.  

Sounds MIGHTY familar to the words from a headline link I ran on Barf Stew on Nov. 3rd:
The Greys are made up of probably four groups of sort of gray-colored beings. There are what I call the Type B Greys, which are about 5and ½ feet tall and have triangle-shaped heads, pointed chins and dark black pupil-less eyes. They need food to survive, and prefer dairy products. There are the Type C Greys, which are around 5 ft tall, with more human-like eyes with pupils, but a small nose, mouth and sort of ears with a rounder face, and they can speak with verbal words. They are more human in appearance, might have some human DNA in their make-up. Type D are similar to Type C but their skin is reptilian in appearance, maybe a “C” with reptilian DNA in the mix. The Type A Greys are the most well known and are about 3.5 to 4.5 ft tall and about 40lbs. They has large heads in proportion to their bodies with huge almond black eyes with no ears and a slit for a mouth and nose. They have a tannish, pinkish gray body color. Their nourishment is absorbed directly into the skin (rubbed on animal membranes). They are probably more robotic than bio. And they have done the vast majority of the human abductions and human material gathering.

All the Greys have an agenda here and probably have been here as long as or longer than we humans have. They have been messing with us for thousands of years. We are their cattle
My gut feel about nearly all of the above is CRAPPOLA. I believe little to none of it. That said, IMO it is possible that humans may have been DNA modified --- possible, not probable.

That said, I will now `reveal' what strikes me as almost the strangest thing of all --- ORION is NOT a location - it is a collection of UNRELATED stars Wikipedia Link that as seen on Earth, create the one with the most visible `human' figure like THINGS in the nighttime sky.

Doesn't it seem a bit STRANGE that THAT is where `they' are from? And not from one of the 1000's of other stars in the sky? Does to me. Orion stars are in general, 100's to over 1000 light years from earth. WHICH Orion, Phil should ask?

And, the same goes for Zeta Reticulum - shouldn't Phil ask `which one?' As It is a binary star system - which OF COURSE has similar characteristics to our Sun. Also, IF the stars are ONLY2 billion years old - would THAT be enough time for a humanlike race to even evolve? It didn't on earth.
Q5. Are you being told by these entities that Alien Disclosure is going to occur?
They have made a form of disclosure through me, but on a universal scale as far as disclosure from the US military in an official form? I was told they will not admit this right away and may never admit it.
IMO, not much of an `answer' as obviously, hopefully, Phil would be aware that contact is NOT simply thru HIM. (UDCC has identified many Orb callers and videomakers.) Not that it is possible that he is indeed among a selected few (which could be dozens or more). Hopefully, Phil has googled Prophet Yahweh by now.

Maybe never, not soon (on ufo disclosure) - sounds like a mighty safe answer to me.
Q6 - Provided links to best material - see above link to previous interview for those links.
Q7 - Have you contacted local or national media? Do you have videos with lots of friends observing at the same time or videotaping at the same time?

7) No have not contacted local media or national media, neither myself or the aliens wanta lot of exposure, the ET's have told me they do not want to be known by vast numbers of earth people at this time.
Frankly, this hit me a little differently -- as up to now, Phil has been following the exo-politics folks mantra pretty closely - BUT - don't the Exo folks say that ET is just chumping at the bit to reveal and be known to the world? All that said, would REAL ET's really like to be known, and like Phil, I doubt it. Nor, as I have already stated in another post, I think that Phil is convinced he his part of a procedure which literally produces the Orbs and wishes to NOT upset that balance. I get that.
Q8 - Why do you feel you are having these displays made for you?

I'm having this displays and contacts for very personal reasons which have to do with myself and the ET's. which I'm not allowed to explain further than this
Of this, I believe Phil TOTALLY. (Indeed, I believe that Phil is largely NOT being evasive or dishonest in his answers - just that he is mis-interpreting them IMO.) Phil is vital to the protocol that produces the ORB IMO. The Orbs are Phil's FORTEAN event!(?).
Q9 - When was the first display?
9) my first recorded display of unusual alien UFO activity was on June 16-2009
Q 10 - Do you meditate? Are you religioius?

Yes I practice deep meditation and have for years now, and I consider myself spiritual not religious.
The first thing that strikes me is - have you seen the ads on UDCC and other `paranormal' or UFO sites that says something along the lines of `what do ET's say?' and then give the `answer' is `to meditate?'. It makes me wonder if those ads might be worth clicking - lol.

Anyway, in no way do I make light of Phil's `mentalness' and altered state access potentiality. No doubt in my mind that it is also possible that `non-body spaces with consciousness' might indeed TUNE IN ---- TO PHIL. And then provide him an interchange mechanism for actualizing his intentionalities.
But, that is just MY opinion - I look forward to reading yours in the comments. That said, it seems that OrionIFO is gathering up a posse ready to gun him down as you can see from the video below: (With 198 views in 4 days)

link -
Interestingly, the guy above runs a UFO site you may have heard of that is like a one stop shop all for UFO's and entertainment. Perhaps the title `UFO sheriff' tingles his in-nurds but, for the life of me, other than comparing Phil to another regular `UFO filmer' Allison in PA (who is indeed flaky IMO, and is indeed NOT filming crafts or even orbs most of the time) he presents as little `evidence' as Phil does.
Should Phil respond - I will present his words here on UDCC.
Finally for today - Seems Lee's Summit has produced a UFO video - From Oct. 31st - about 10K have seen this:

I'm less than impressed.
11-11-11 - Tomorrow - Be Ready
BTW, thanks to my readership for the two items purchased off my blogs in the last two days - Hydroponic Food (hmm) and the most recent episode of GLEE - I have a diverse readership. LOL. And one not confined by boxes. Below is another opportunity to show how diverse the UDCC tastes are.
 - Collectors Item?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Phil Larson Declares NO E.T.'s On Earth

Who the F is Phil Larson? Well, some would describe him as a low level policy wonk. OR, you can take his ANAGRAM for his name `Phil Larson' = An Op Shrill. Amazing how these things work out isn't it? Anyway, Phil was responding to `demands' via the internet that the White House agreed to partake as part of openness I would assume. Too bad that NO ONE believes the White House, Congress or even Phil Larson. Anyway, should you care to read the official NON DISCLOSURE by the USA (I mean, come on, many advanced english speaking countries have ALREADY released their data about UFO's in a soft disclosure.) - Phil Larson Becomes `An Op Shrill' To Answer About UFO Disclosure.
NO, Phil Larson does NOT have a Wikipedia Page.
However, in the spirit of trying to force the government to do ANYTHING in regards to their UFO actions - here's a petition via the FOIA that is requesting info about the US shooting down a UFO into the Gulf of Mexico Last Month - Oct. 2011.
Shouldn't they just ask Phil?
Or, Phil Coreski perhaps - as here is his writings on his MY Space Blog  Orion Contactee's Blog - now we all can wonder, has Phil been implanted? Get ready for a mind blowing `conversation' about everything - including Nazilike wars on other worlds.
Abena is his contact BTW.
Speaking of our inner dreams - did you know that scientists have measured dream CONTENT for the first time by using Controlled Lucid Dreaming And Brain Scanning?. I wonder what Phil's brain would look like while he is `in contact'?
Finally, for today's MIND BLOWER - comes this dude who says that the Earth does NOT revolve around the Sun.

link - 69K views
Lots in the bin so be here tomorrow too.

 Two Amazon books sure to please.
Thanks to the person who purchased a `Cutting Board' off one of my blogs yesterday - appreciated.

Monday, November 7, 2011

11-11-11 Approaches

So far I know of movie premiers, Ron Paul's money bomb, and the Thrive Movement that has staked out 11-11-11 as an important day on Earth. (Today's date of 11-7-11 ain't bad either.) Appropriately, we've had `news' about Huge Asteroids passing closely and unusually placed large Earthquakes as a backdrop - such as in Oklahoma within the last few days. Oh, and the world financial markets seem to be especially nervous - as more and more we see ex-President Clinton's face on the TV more and more. (World President?)

As high strangeness is seemingly abounding near Lee's Summit Kansas and Rick Perry degenerates into a comic bookish character along with HC and his compensated accusers. All while the OWS demands for a bank boycott on November 5th were as ignored  by the MSM as their lack of interest in the connection of Robert Bigelow to the UFO mysteries that abound. Meanwhile the D word begins to bubble about the coming economic bubble burst caused by worldwide `debt' (to the landlords of money).

So, IF worldwide concern; so IF numerology means ANYTHING; so, IF mega conspiracy folks are to have a date to cling too forever; so, IF the aliens want to choose a MEANINGFUL DATE to announce their presence; ---- IF any of that means anything - it could be an interesting week.

You might want to stock up on toilet paper.
See you Tomorrow.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Interview With Orb Caller OrionIFO - AKA Phil Coseski

Hi Phil,

I trust that you have had an opportunity to view my website at - and while I'm sure you haven't become familiar with it - as I haven't with your website - at least you can get a flow of how I've handled your June 30th video. As I've said, I've covered at least one if not more of your videos before on UDCC.
Anyway, thanks for agreeing to answer a few questions for UDCC readers. You can answer directly to my personal e-mail at -- I will copy and paste from there to my website. If you answer pretty quickly, I will put it as today's post.
Ok, my first question is - if the craft/orb appears near the same spot every time - why not set up in that location or walk towards the orb as it is out/on?
1) the craft generally appear in the same area which is right over some heavily forested woods, and to walk back into those woods at night is not cool, because there are coyotes back there! so I will not venture back there for that reason. what you see as orbs around the craft are a result from the molecular plasma light and clouds generated by the core of the ship's drive.

2) How is it you are in contact with the entities that display to you? Is it all mental or is some indeed a physical contact?
2) My contact is generally of a telepathic form which includes lucid dreams and sometimes OOBE's (out of body travels) to meet with the ET's within the astral dimension. at other times I have rare brief physical encounters where the ET's let me see them physically on the streets. and I have a mode of real time physical contact with them through a technical means which I'm not allowed to reveal for security measures. from this mode I'm given answers and explanations in the form of written descriptions. 3) Are you familiar with the idea of Fortean Events?

No, I'm not familiar with the idea of Fortean events, although I've heard about it.4) What do the entities you are in contact with say about the Greys?

4) My Orion contact has told me that the greys consist of several different species, one species if from the Zeta Reticulum constellation and these are short greys and they are5) Are you being told by these entities that Alien Disclosure is going to occur?

generally benevolent and will not cause serious harm to human. other species of greys are from Orion these are taller and they can be somewhat rude in their interactions with humans, they will abduct humans and perform examinations on them against a human's will. and still other species of greys are clones by the taller species of grey, these are like robots or androids and are usually very hostile towards humans.

5) They have made a form of disclosure through me, but on a universal scale as far as disclosure from the US military in an official form? I was told they will not admit this right away and may never admit it. 6) Please give a link to what you feel is the best recording you have made?

6) 7.) Have you contacted local or national media? Do you have videos with lots of friends observing at the same time or videotaping at the same time?

7) No have not contacted local media or national media, neither myself or the aliens want8.) Why do you feel you are having these displays made for you?

a lot of exposure, the ET's have told me they do not want to be known by vast numbers
of earth people at this time.

8) I'm having this displays and contacts for very personal reasons which have to do with myself and the ET's. which I'm not allowed to explain further than this

9.) When was the first display?
9) my first recorded display of unusual alien UFO activity was on June 16-200910.) Do you meditate? Are you religioius?

10) Yes I practice deep meditation and have for years now, and I consider myself spiritual not religious.thanks very much - your answers will NOT be altered.

How about THAT Clockers? I will hopefully be able to ask Phil more questions; - if you have questions, please use the comments. Make sure to check out the links Phil has provided too and his blog at
Thanks for your visit today - how about turning a friend onto UDCC today?

UPDATE: The first reader reaction is in the comments - my response was SO long that even breaking it up into two parts wouldn't work in the comment section ------SO ---- I've taken the liberty to transfer the comments of SOL a regular around UDCC below and then to put my comment below his - enjoy the read.
(sol's words from comment)
Sorry Rick just too much to swallow. This interview raised more questions than likely ever to be solved. We have “The Galactic Federation” and “The Andromeda Council” along with Alfred Webre all producing contradictory ramblings. So now we add this guy to the list. What I find amazing is that there is no verifiable evidence apart from the odd vid of an object that usually is only seen by the one person.

Rick, if you know the exact location of Phil’s regular sightings check out Google Earth, it will give a bird’s eye view of the woods (excluding coyotes) and will show the topography of the land.

I bet if you or I or in fact anyone else had a regular sighting we would have an army of mates and friends in attendance to share the experience.

It’s all about proof, tangible proof that will swing people’s opinion and the above don’t seem to be grasping that.

Still Rick I enjoy your blogs (even if I don’t always agree with them) looking forward to the next instalment.
November 5, 2011 10:43 PM


I always enjoy your thought out opinions - and - ufo disclosure is NOT a popularity contest - with IMO no points of view having a corner on the `truth' - including my own. That is of course one reason why I provide a spectrum of views on UDCC. To me, it's as much to show that MANY ideas might be brnging bits of the truth to bare.
Now, to specifics of the interview. I wanted to have someone respond WITHOUT my influence and you have done that - thanks. I would have had to throw out my opinion of the `answers' if I didn't give everyone a chance to read the interview without my reaction.
First, like you, I find bits of the interview tough to swallow at face value. That said, I must be MUCH more impressed than you are with the sheer quantity of videos that Phil has. Nearly ALL of this same high strangeness Orb phenomena.
As you see and I bet guessed before ever reading my comment here - I am less than convinced that Phil is in actual contact with an ascended being from a particular location.
That said, I do NOT find it impossible that some entities could indeed be or ascend into states of mindfulness, before or after death, that might resemble the interchanges that Phil is having with a being of some sort. Additionally, the fact that Phil is a long time TM person also has traction with me; regardless if the majority of my UDCC `science' oriented audience might `believe'.
But, yes, to your point, the various Federations and Councils is LAUGHABLE to me too. I think I air out the Exo-politics folks laundry often here at UDCC and attempt in my own manner to bring a mockery tone to it. BUT, that said, I do think that the Exo-politics folks are role playing, at least some of them, and using the Exo movement to bring awareness to a multitude of `issues' the least of which is our out of control `defense' budget of the USA.
Next, again, you are correct IMO that NOT having an interest in `spreading the news' via friends or via regular news hounds -- lessens the `CONFIRMED' aspect of these sightings and videotapings. THAT said, I don't honestly think this guy is some scam artist putting up ..... well.....ART into the sky. I do believe that this guy thru obviously less than obvious means is `calling' willing or `intending' these perceptions or spaces into existence. I mean that.
I also have to say that the `reason' for NOT getting closer to the action OR for setting up nearer the action ----- sounded strange and not true to my ears too. In my understanding, coyotes would RUN from people unless one happened upon mothers nest or encoutered a rabid one. Which, compared to the advantage of getting closer to the action would seem to be a reasonable `risk' to take. I simple didn't ring true.

That said, maybe Phil didn't give the answer I suspect because it might sound too goofy. Like, maybe this arrangement (of distance) with the Orbs is one that Phil and the `Orb space' - have an understanding about. As weird as that sounds.
Next, your point is well taken that why doesn't SOMEONE ELSE in Phil's immediate area report or videotape THESE Orbs while they are occurring. But, while well taken, the actual location and serious limitation to occurring for only a couple minutes at a time - COULD preclude other vids or even seeing.
I'm with you also SOL that IF this was happenning to me, I would want the news into the media. BUT, that said, IF I really believed the voices in my brain and evolved external experiences that evidently Phil has been able to evolve for individual contact, then I would NOT go public - just like Phil --- so, to me, IMO, it is NOT weird and is understandable.
I also hope you compared Phils Orbs and the one from Russia on the day before post OR to most any of the ORB views of the past year or so. Something is seemingly developing at least for some folks.

Something that is able to display itself in relation to human intentions. Intentions that could have been cultivated by Phil's mindful TM states IMO. And, the `response mechinism' for Phil has adopted this `space identification' for Phil to respond to too.
How's that for a garble? LOL.
Indeed, no one has the truth and it's funny that so few realize it. However, IMO, Phil's experiences, especially with SO much PROOF and and so little interest to take it public - makes it even more likely that the events themselves are dependent on NOT having it be TOO public of a display. (IMO because so much is tied to Phil's intentions himself.)
Still with me? LOL.
Anyway, with some tongue in cheek, since Phil has ascess to answers from the Unknown - and seemed willing to supply at least some `surprising' answers to me - why not utilize this forum to ask the biggest of questions and see what kind of answer the Entities give to Phil?
I will speak to other answers and the post in specifics soon. Thanks for starting that process SOL. AND, I assume that Phil will address your points, but, perhaps not.
Finally, IF the aliens wanted to keep it all under the lid and in the backwoods - ascention to UDCC may have nipped that in the bud. Or, perhaps, two plus years of Phil'c contact has been `choosen' to go to the public via UDCC's ongoing efforts to get the Orb Phenomena recognized as the real UFO in our atmosphere in 99 percent of the perceptions.
Lastly, I know Phil `takes the heat' on nearly every post he makes - he walks the walk. And, I hope he continues his interactions here.
Oh, and thanks for enjoying my blogs - appreciated.
Stay Tuned.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

YouTube user `Orionifo' - Orb Videoer And Caller - How Long Can The MSM Ignore Orb Callers?

Hello Clockers and newbies to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock), today I bring to you one of the Orb Callers that I most closely monitor (which to be honest, with a list of Orb Callers of some length, is only occasionally, perhaps a few times a year at most). With info gathered from his website called Orion IFO's Research - and his YouTube account - OrionIFO (as in the constellation and Identified Flying Object) - is Phil Coseski, 52, of the Pine Hills area (interestingly, the area that my wife and i lived in Atlanta for 10 years was known as the Pine Hills area) in New York, I think.

Yes, I've featured this guy before - but, I ask you today to compare the object that Phil filmed in July 2011 (which he says is from a specific star system and to whom he is in personal, I believe mental, contact with) - with the YouTube Video I ran just two days ago on the last post. Indeed, IF you freeze frame Phil's footage at almost anytime during the first 90 seconds and again near the end of the tape (when the craft/orb fires up) - the comparison is very impressive in its similarities. And, of course, to MANY Orb videos that UDCC has run over the past year or so.

Phil's YT channel has 100's upon 100's of similar videos - all taken in the same location. He says he often is `contacted' to let him know when to go out with his video camera (again, contacted by mind I believe - to my knowledge he doesn't say in person - but I could even be wrong in that - indeed, I invite him on to here (UDCC - for an interview or to provide a long post) to provide some background on his beliefs as I seldom take too much time to delve into the specifics which seems to be the prelude to anomalous events).

It would take the media just a few occasions of being with Phil to let the public have a completely different understanding of the awesomeness of our reality structure - how dynamic it can seem to be to `individual willing and intentionalities'. Especially in specialized locations - IMO.

Phil literally seems to be beckoning a reality demonstration via the Orb phenomena. How can the mainstream media NOT be interested in such? Or, is it simply `too much' the Prophet Yahweh feel? Especially with Phil's `strong beliefs' in WHO his contacts ARE! (Much like PY too in that regard of strong beliefs.) And, obviously, IF they let Phil speak on the MSM, it would sound totally off the edge - hence, no coverage.

But, the below video, combined with Phil's banter, and beliefs, should be enough to wonder about your own understanding of Orbs. It certainly ALSO seems that PERHAPS that Phil is videoing some sort of `STRUCTURE' which is `displaying an appearance' for Phil to film. Which all to me boils down to a phenomenological event.

All that aside - take the full two plus minutes to observe Phil in full glory mode - the video is well worth your time: 1,800 views.

link -
Now, either page down the page to see the most recent YT `front picture' or use this link to compare the above video directly -
Now, when one compares the talk of Phil, above, with the idea of this link Details About The Four Races Of Grey Aliens, one might ask why one is on BS and the other isn't (?) - because the one is BS and the other is real phenomenology in action.
Oh, UDCC started covering the SNP (Sky Noise Phenomena) in April - and BS started covering it in March - but, this link, suggests that perhaps February is the beginning - February Sky Sound.
Hacking Matter: Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite Weirdness of Programmable Atoms
books of interest a click away

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lee's Summit Craft Display And Continued Sky Noise Phenomena Move UDCC Clock To 11:51 P.M. (Latest Setting Ever) As 2012 Approaches

The headline says it all - the UDCC clock is seemingly closing in on midnight, as October UFO events pushed the envelope in the world to those aware enough of the phenomena. Most notable for UDCC was the nearly unprecedented Craft Display(s) in the Kansas City Missouri area, of which UDCC had exclusive coverage/insight of the Lee's Summit Airport General Manager confirming the on-going phenomena.

While the phenomena was seen for DAYS early in October - the display on 10-4 was over the top - literally ending up with ORBs being seen and hovering over people and cars - and dozens of MUFON reports. Oh, OR a silent HUGE triangle craftlike object seen by others. That said, at least some reports were not unknown craft related as some described a stunt plane formation evidently.

The month also saw UDCC being one of the few internet websites still covering the SNP (sky noise phenomena), which is beginning to repeat in some areas, and with some areas reporting the sky noise to continue for HOURS. It certainly seems that someone/something is frying the atmosphere for some reason. To me, the most disturbing thing of the SNP is that `IMO, it, the sound, could be used to drive humans NUTS'. (Like the USA did with the Iraq `Red Guard' in the first gulf war.)

Are we being microwaved and manipulated into Occupying The Streets? Stirred up like a warming bagel? Or being guinea pigs for who knows what? Time will tell, perhaps.
And, today's UFO video is a MUST watch - WTH is going on? This one has multiple orbs in satellite formation almost around a larger brilliant orb (that seems to rule out lanterns) and is WAY up in the sky. Enjoy.

link -
Thanks For Your Visit Today
A UFO Wall Clock.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Would advanced intelligence even be material?

Some excellent insights in this Headline Article - great website too.
Will keep it simple today.
Quick read - funny conclusion - The UFO Myth - again, a great website to waste away your Sunday reading.
TAL updated again today - Halloween Spooky House Picture - And, a Gorey Lane From 1939. Fantastic Website.
UDCC strives to keep you connected to the full range of the esoteric, at least occasionally - Hidden Experience - Another Top Quality Blog Read For Sunday.
Lest we all forget: The 2007 UFO DRONE California Hoax(?)!
Short YouTube review of the Drone stuff.
You say you'd like to watch UFO videos for the next half hour? Here's the Website To Use.
Thanks for your UDCC visit today - now, for something really spooky:

Amazon Book:
Phantom Voices Ethereal Music & Other Spooky Sounds: Musical Ear Syndrome: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Auditory Hallucinations Many Hard of Hearing People Secretly Experience

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Event Horizon Decoded October 28th 2011

Below is a video recorded in early August - just one month before the comet that did not destroy the Earth and now ONE DAY after what was supposedly a shift in our Earthly consciousness yesterday - did you feel it? lol.
Anyway, as Clockers know, there is a lot, indeed, piles and piles of crappola out there to avoid - and one must know where to look: To that end, the below video is entertainment:

Getting kind of hard to keep up with the near weekly `end-time' stuff all around us, isn't it?
Here's another notable video taken LAST night in Cleveland Heights Ohio -- under 100 views. --- with the length of this video, one would tend to dismiss an Airplane. Even IF that is what it `appears' to be.
UPdated my SUV UFO blog today (Strange UFO Video) -- a well produced video with lots of UFO video highlights - Over Two Dozen Strange UFO Videos At My Side UFO Blog - Strange UFO Videos.
I also UPdated my `science' oriented blog too TAL (The AnomalyMan Listing) - there I linked to Sharks with One Eye and more - even hypnosis.
Finally, want to read a real well written thought out post about - Are extra-terrestrials really any different from the 'gods'? - Here's a tease:
So what are some other possibilities about who these 'gods' of the past were?

The stories of the 'gods' were entirely fictional stories made up by charismatic men who were able to convince people that they were the intermediaries between the 'gods' and men. In doing so, they were able to elevate their own status among men, and live lives of luxury and wealth due to people coming and making offerings to the 'gods'...who were really just statues in a temple. These priests maintained power by keeping people in fear of these 'gods'.
The stories of the 'gods' were based on real people. Real, human, people that is. Throughout recorded history, many men have been worshipped as gods, such as Roman Emperors and ...
Read more of this great article Right Here.
Thanks for your visit to UDCC today - bookmark and return please for more - or, go over to the sidebar for more great content.
Stuffing Those Stockings:

 - Hey, it's Halloween.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Mystery Lights Interrupt News 8 Live Shot - San Diego, CA - Oct. 26, 2011

Sky Lanterns? or UFO's? --- How is it that in covering this story on the day after that the crew is NOT asked if the `lanterns' were seen near the ground before ascending? Or, how long they were in the sky? Or, did ANY of them doing anything unusual movement wise? The public would like to know these questions - not the rhetoric you find in this absolutely normal TV report about UFO's - only the shallowest of reporting. @4,300 views.

link -
Meanwhile.... Comet Elenin—the Debate that Never Happened - fortunately for UDCC readers, the whole Elenin Doomsday stuff simply didn't make these pages - Here's Why.
Please consider becoming a follower via the sidebar so you can get the latest news from UDCC. Thanks.
Alien Sex: 19 Tales by the Masters of Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy (Roc Science Fiction)
------------------ great stocking stuffer

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sky Noise Phenomena Continues Into October - Latest Examples

One of the true mysteries of the past year has been the Sky Noise Phenomena, (SNP) which has been occuring all over the world, but does seem more likely to recur in some locations or general areas. An example of this recurring is the new SNP from Beaverlodge Alberta Canada - a location we've featured before: 266 views, uploaded and occured on Oct. 12th.

Description with video:
Just recorded 3 short video's this morning,between 9:00 and 9:30, to let you know it's still going on. Every day since the beginning of Sept. I keep hoping to see something but all I get is the crazy noise.Today it lasted well over 6 hour's.

Check out pt. 2 & 3 from today, or my earlier recordings from Sept.2011
(Red is UDCC emphasis)
Does UDCC have any Alberta readers living close to this area?
Meanwhile, this person thinks they heard the phenomena in Massachuass on Oct 15th - it's short and they claim it is in only the first 30 seconds of the tape. (My hearing isn't the best perhaps.)
Frankly, the next one is almost an OMG type of situation. Guy is fishing in boat - sky rumbles for minutes before getting out video - then at 1:16 in the video a SKY FLASH and THEN the rumble really gets loud - strange - happened in Minnesota in late September - posted recently - 714 views.

link -
From the comments under the above video:
Thanks. This is the one that I referred to in my post. It happened around Tampa where I live. This is the same exact sound that I heard just last week. Mine was a little earlier in the day, so I never detected a flash, but the sound is EXACTLY the same. MacDill AFB is also very close by. I'm very concerned..

Lastly, here's one from Oct. 4th with also some strange comments to check out if you wish -
Have to mention a Chemtrail plane experience yesterday in the Atlanta area. As I've mentioned before, if one is very aware, you can see the chemtrail planes all `turn on' in a given area of the sky often within seconds of each other. So, yesterday, while with a buddy we see one of the planes painting the sky and I told him to watch as another would appear shortly - and not 20 seconds later..........
Thanks for being a CLOCKER today - why not become a follower in the sidebar? See you tomorrow.
Scientific Ufology: How the Application of Scientific Methodology Can Analyze, Illuminate, and Prove the Reality of Ufos

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

LIVE! NBC Fort Worth's Skycam, UFO A strange light falls (Slowed & Zoom) July 25, 2011

On this video make sure to hang in there to see the `zoom off' portion (which is not so clear the first 30 seconds or so); the comments for the video are pretty overwhelming negative with the consensus being a bug. But, that said, it does have some Jerusalem Orblike characteristics too. Over 66K views.

This video also caught my eye and like the above it was also on the 25th day (hmmm, lol, must be esoteric) -- and, you'll have to look close, but, that said, look for a Fleet Of Orbs That Crosses The Blue Sky Well UP In The Archway - actually several fleets. (Or flocks of birds.) Daytime UFO events = Disclosure?
Already updated my NewsBlog this A.M. - Including a Tear Gas at a OWS event, China's 300 billion dollar five year plan for green energy and more.
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

UFO Sighting in Sunset Beach, California Oct. 24, 2011

Or, is this a classic case of Fire Lanterns? Hear the excitement in this guys voice as he catches the end of `something' going on in the skies. Includes the high strangeness of a policie helicopter too: Posted yesterday less than 50 views:

link -
Description with video:
Captured on an iPhone at 9:30pm over Sunset Beach, CA. Police helicopter is on loud speaker saying "you are not authorized" and "airspace" this prompted me and my neighbors to check it out.

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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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