Anyway, as Clockers know, there is a lot, indeed, piles and piles of crappola out there to avoid - and one must know where to look: To that end, the below video is entertainment:
Getting kind of hard to keep up with the near weekly `end-time' stuff all around us, isn't it?
Here's another notable video taken LAST night in Cleveland Heights Ohio -- under 100 views. --- with the length of this video, one would tend to dismiss an Airplane. Even IF that is what it `appears' to be.
UPdated my SUV UFO blog today (Strange UFO Video) -- a well produced video with lots of UFO video highlights - Over Two Dozen Strange UFO Videos At My Side UFO Blog - Strange UFO Videos.
I also UPdated my `science' oriented blog too TAL (The AnomalyMan Listing) - there I linked to Sharks with One Eye and more - even hypnosis.
Finally, want to read a real well written thought out post about - Are extra-terrestrials really any different from the 'gods'? - Here's a tease:
So what are some other possibilities about who these 'gods' of the past were?
The stories of the 'gods' were entirely fictional stories made up by charismatic men who were able to convince people that they were the intermediaries between the 'gods' and men. In doing so, they were able to elevate their own status among men, and live lives of luxury and wealth due to people coming and making offerings to the 'gods'...who were really just statues in a temple. These priests maintained power by keeping people in fear of these 'gods'.
The stories of the 'gods' were based on real people. Real, human, people that is. Throughout recorded history, many men have been worshipped as gods, such as Roman Emperors and ...
Read more of this great article Right Here.
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Stuffing Those Stockings: