Staying on the outer edge of UFOlogy today - Erich Kuersten - digs into the idea, rumor, belief - that some of the political figures and MSM talking heads ARE REPTILIANS - and provides a number of YT videos those into such Conspiracy Talk use as Proof. Eric is a great writer, and thinker - if you are not familiar with his posts and blog - Consider This A Good Time To Check Out His Work.
And here you thought that ORBS challenged your worldview.
NO, UDCC is not done with OrionIFO just yet - more background material - such as another of his blog called The Pine Bush Zone will bring more insights into how elusive `the aliens' evidently behave (cough) --- (don't they know there are 100's, or is it 1000's of them underground working with government agents? Who are they kidding, right?). Really folks - lets not forget that the anagram for UFO Disclosure (is) Ludicrous Foes.
Digging Deeper:
I hope you are enjoying this collection of `deeper' UFO reads this Sunday. Indeed, this is one of the BEST UFO experiences with aliens I have EVER READ. It's called Observers from Another Dimension - http://paranormal.about.com/od/timeanddimensiontravel/a/aa031708.htm
And, here's a tease:
It was a glowing circle or sphere about the size of a Volkswagen beetle, still the “black light” color. This sphere was transparent, and inside of it we saw what looked exactly like two humans – a male and a female – sitting facing one another. Yet there were no visible seats beneath them. ........ The sphere rose to about 50 or 60 feet, and we could see that both the male and female were looking down at us; we could see their heads turn and look down in our direction. Shortly after, I’d say five to ten seconds, the sphere took off quite rapidly. It got smaller and smaller, ascending maybe 20 feet every couple of seconds. It took off directly toward the constellation of Orion, which was visible in the clean night sky, until we could not see the sphere anymore. It seemed to have faded right into the third star in Orion’s belt.
And, yes, the above phenomena happened in NEW YORK - Phil Coreski beams with his smile. OH, btw, the main writer of the above account of high strangeness was a Sheriff.
Speaking of ascended beings - have you heard of Braco? Can you really experience enlightenment for 8 bucks? Find Out Here.
And, if you were wondering just how esoteric UFOlogy can be - check out this post by Bruce Duensing called - Part One: The UFO of Modeling and Myths in Atmospheric Anomalies - Deep Into The Event Horizon - Clockers, are not lightweights.
Has UDCC blown your mind yet today?
How to top such great links above? How about an ORB video supposedly shot in Arizona in October? One that shows an Orb (or Helicopter) moving THEN HOVERING - eventually one sees the signature Multiple Orbs surrounding the main one. 864 Views.
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