link - (hattip to SOL)
Here's a smattering of comments at the above video:
Ya, its normal alright ! So normal that in my 35 years of existence, and my neighbor of 68 years, have never once heard sounds like this come from the sky. What type of hoax are they going to play on us ? HAARP ? Project Blue Beam ? Who fucking knows ? But as long as we are knowledgeable on such things, they can't get away with it. Research both of those topics, please !
The explanation these "experts" give is absolutely ludicrous. And this noise is "normal" and "casual"? Give me a break...
The noises started in 2011. I heard it was hoaxed to keep people in fear. People who are in fear are easy to control and manipulate. Probably right patjees, they are using HAARP to make the sounds
Auroras are producing those sound..... LMFAO ! So i'm able to fart with my toes ! NWO Scientific moron !
Finally for today - Strange UFO Videos - has ..... well... a strange UFO video. This one will test your memory, it's from 1979 and happened on LIVE TV at a football game. Indeed, the video is posted in both its CLOSE UP form and LONG form - it really is a must see Clockers. 1979 Three Rivers Stadium UFOs
A big thanks to the person who bought the plans for the 100 dollar electricity machine - let us all know what you find please.
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