The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Showing posts with label orb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orb. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Orb "PowerUP" Is So Strong It Produces A Halo

For over a decade now...UDCC has been showing the Orb Phenomena as BEING largely..the UFO phenomena...some have taken the night vision calling/belief protocol to new levels .... this is from  the night of 22nd of Sep 2018, filmed by James Gilliland and the STARGATE UFO YOUTUBE CHANNEL. The link to the video below is Here....Orb Powers UP - with 50,000 views and a 50/1 ratio of positive to negative. BTW...I do not subscribe to the idea that Orbs are crafts...except with rare circumstances. 

And, yes...I've covered the Gilliland Ranch in March 2013 - it's a good read. Here's an excerpt:

As I mentioned in December's post...I have a number of videos I will be posting and I have also been reading OLD "UFO" blogs that have went by the wayside for one reason or another. that regard I'd like to look at a 25 post blog that only existed in late 2010 and early 2011...about the peak of Orb activity being covered here as the true UFO phenomena. The blog was called UFONICLES - and in this first link...the author laments, and gives a thoughtful analysis of how the MSM reacted to Jerusalem UFO In Jan 2011 - one of UDCC's most important examinations back then.

Indeed...the author of the blog interacted with another blog that I was part of at the time...called The C Influence. Which I also covered here at UDCC - Arvin Hill - His Description Of The Phenomena of which I provide an excerpt below:
I started peeling the UFO onion two years ago after keeping the subject at arm's length for thirty years - in part because it was too enigmatic, and the signal to noise ratio was indecipherable; but also to keep the cultural contamination to a minimum just in case I should ever pursue my own research. I was afraid of a lot of things as a kid, but I found UFOs and their ostensible occupants intriguing, not frightening.The contextual nature of what transpired makes it impossible to effectively convey how it all unfolded. Some events included: profoundly mystical dreams; close proximity fly-by's, day and night; numerous structured, choreographed demonstrations illustrating the relationship between UFO stealth and human cognition; telepathy; photography. The majority of my experiences occur while I am....

Read the detailed full text at the link above. - He also provides some final insights at his Blogger Profile - explaining more as to why his blogging effort was so short...
Good Sunday Reading, Right?
The Archive Awaits

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Wisconsin "UFO" Pictures

As some of you may have noticed on my Steemit account - I've blogged about "UFO" pictures from Wisconsin (and my UFO blog for Wisconsin) - I hope you will visit both. In those posts I featured the rare "ufo" pictures of interest...all from Wisconsin...from the daytime Orb to the night-time craft - enjoy... (I do posts here to keep you aware of other posts too).
March 2014
(camera flare?)
Dec 2014
Silent Triangle
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
See more commentary about these photos and MUFON links too at Wisconsin UFO's Link.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

An ALL CAPS Message

I recently indicated that Orb caller Dean Clark reached out to me twice about 11 days ago - I immediately responded to Dean's real e-mail and got NO response...this is the identical pattern to the last time he reached out to UDCC. Anyway..I thought I'd pass along the message from someone poking perhaps a bit too close to the truth of the UFO phenomena - perhaps.


I have hidden Dean's e-mail but IF you dig deep enough you can figure it out by finding the post at UDCC that he is commenting upon. But...first...let's take a look at the message from Dean to those interested in the UFO phenomena.... Over a period of years, DC has been able to call a localized "light" phenomena into his localize area ... even upon demand on occasion... I know MUFON looked and researched him close up nearly a decade ago now...He says, as you can read above - his practice can result in visits by the authorities...and finally Dean claims his method/structure for beckoning the unknown is a health benefit for him....and how what he does wants to be hidden by the powers that be. Hmm. I think we've heard that before.

As I said in my last post - I answered Dean and got no response...much like here On January 9th, 2016 - and at this link, over a year ago,  I also reprinted DC's perhaps esoteric words which you see below:

Hi, i am the Dean Clark you search for......
ufo's are very real ,and beings of another world are here among us...both day and night they are here......there is a thing called soul catchers....orbs as they have been called,,,they roam the earth both above and below out to them speak to them as you would speak to another person,they are there and they can hear you.....i have thousands of unseen videos and pictures i need to expose but it seems each time i try i am kicked off help me show the world what i have discovered...............

I reached out to DC, both this year and last year and got no response - (having been years now since we exchanged e-mails) - which is curious if Dean really wanted his best stuff out there. At one point I covered the YouTube channel that posted DC's videos...but as I've discovered in covering the many "callers" the results are often not an on demand type experience and even when they are...for most analysis is a continual lessening of the ability. (to project the intentions?) - I, of course, have no idea if DC's unseen videos are recent or truly over the top...but...I'd like to see about you? ----- Oh...almost all "orb callers" have a different set of beliefs on what is responding for them to see/comprehend...but one commonality perhaps is mindfulness.
I guess that leaves two stories I teased last time to fill out.
Another space....perhaps.
Oh...far down the slippery slope I exchanged some of my outlandish thoughts about those reports of Upright Canines in Pennsylvania with Lon Strickler yesterday - several leaps of faith required to believe my "theory". 

Monday, February 22, 2016

The 1976 Concorde Intelligent Orb Video

This is almost a `smoking gun' type of video... that somehow I've been unaware of (I think).... it's a must watch of the Concorde being `checked out' - right down to looking into the windows - by what is possibly an intelligent light source - what we around here call an Orb. That said, it's a bit curious that similar video hasn't been captured over the decades, at some interval, based on how many jets are in the air. OR is it all so Fortean that only HISTORIC jet flights rise to the `check out' actualization level? A `historic orb' much like the ones that checked out President Obama when running for office and on his Inauguration. 

Enjoy the video: 11K views.... 14/1 Positive to Negative votes at YT

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Monday, January 11, 2016

Philosopher William Dudley Bass - The Seeing `Too Many' UFOs Feeling

My internet friend and storyteller William Bass saw an U.F.O. in broad daylight in September 2015, and wrote about it in his insightful blog here - UFO's Gone - and his report is very articulate in all aspects, including having drawings of the UFO craft within his perception for a few real seconds of actualization. He brought my attention to it later in the fall as in the post he talks about what my reflections have been on the UFO saga.... using some very glowing terms (IMO)...indeed at one point I sent his words about my UFOlogy onto a buddy or two.

But, today's post isn't really about William's experience - or even my analysis - but about something that William refers to (almost in passing) in his post... that this is NOT the first time he has witnessed UFO crafts or anomalous sky phenomena - and his wonderment about how many folks had the same perception he did in September in the cars surrounding him on the bridge. Did they too see the UFO?

So... two things really... 1... seeing too many UFOs....2 ....did others see the same thing. (And I could add 3 - the slippery slope of what constitutes  now and real of phenomenology.) How about we take a look at `seeing too many UFOs' first; something that almost amazingly I have not talked about as UFO theory over 1,300+ posts.

First... let me answer I think the easiest part of my questions above... I DON'T think that other motorists saw the UFO like William or at least VERY VERY few of them.... and don't think it had anything to do with their attentiveness....well maybe just a little bit......IMO the few that saw anything didn't have it register in their brain and probably dismissed the immediate impression without consciousness as a bird or something.

Not expecting the impossible (unlike William with a heighten awareness who is aware because of prior anomalous sky perceptions) they simply don't fold the perception into immediate actualization for their retina..... belief sets taking control of screening anomalous data (that could be a safety hazard while driving on a bridge too). Indeed, back in the earliest days of this blog I provided real estimate based on USA survey data questioning that suggested that only 1% or less of the US population had ever seen any anomalous sky phenomena. Taking all that into account and the brevity of the experience... William WAS probably that 1% representative. (Funny as William very represents the 99% in his view on reality.)

But... now, let's tackle the deeper issues.,,,,,lol.

The people who are seeing `too many UFOs' in the skies - fall into only a very few categories. ONE - Folks like the Facebook group I'm a member of (with 390 others) and have been touting around UDCC for the past few months - In The Field - Active Observers In The Field - this group has active folks looking for the anomalous in the daytime (like myself) and night sky. And TWO - the callers/summoners - who since about 2002-2003 or so - have been able to demonstrate their expectations. 

And then there is group THREE - like William - and I suspect the vast majority of the 1% (who are NOT callers or actively seeking) who at some point in their life saw UFO one and then at some later point...or points... had the same perceptions again.,,,, and who were then relegated to putting that somehow into their expected reality mix..... without really any support for such things within society.... `Hey, I saw another UFO yesterday' --- (and the folks slink away from the one announcing such an event).

Humorously, both groups one and two - explain it in different ways in general (this is not to say that overlap exists for one and two as it certainly does) - and the number TWO group (callers and summoners) is a bit easier surprisingly. You see, the callers and summoners are convinced of THEIR contact methodology (since it works) and in nearly EVERY instance... that contact is mental and could be called meditative (to prayerful)..... to bleeding over into VERY religious. Additionally, these people `know the event' is for them - and what they are practicing to elicit the actualization. Readers of this blog know that I've identified DOZENS over the past few years.

Unfortunately for the callers/summoners - one of the most prominent callers has gotten caught up with the sleazy side of YouTube UFOlogy hoaxers - and many in group one are quick to brand all those who call and summon fakers and hoaxers... even seem to have a lot of their own more `science' view of UFOs vulnerable to such `callers'... it's as if their point of view is SO SHORT and new - to NOT have known that callers existed well before the YouTube UFO hoaxer crowd.

So... let's talk theoretically about group ONE - those `science oriented' `tech' finders of U.F.O.'s in our collective skies. Group one people using not thought and meditation (they believe) but modern technology to find those anomalous lights in our skies. High powered binoculars... night vision cameras... the most advanced high powered video cameras....etc, you get the idea (comparing their finds to sky charts, flight charts, and sky debris just to be sure)..... and sure enough... JUST LIKE THE CALLERS... the group one seekers - also find what they were seeking within our common consensus. 

Could it be that simple?

Could it be `intentions'?

Now, group one will tell you that they have NO expectations or intentions... really I say? They, like the group two callers, are NOT successful every time... and yet expect to be successful .. which is why they continue to look and seek. The groups IMO have few real differences... each has belief in methods which are rewarded by anomalous knowledge actualization.... seemingly for human benefit for one group and for NO REASON at all to the other.

Both of the above groups - the callers and the technology seekers - seemingly have a limited time-frame in which their own locality `yields' those anomalous seemingly conscious lights in the sky. Something ONLY someone like myself would know having watch the rise and fall of many callers and `hot areas' (one of the members in In The Field FB Group often talks about how her area was HOT a few years ago... these events go in sine-waves IMO -  to on/off - but rarely to never last even 5 years to most folks in most locations). Oh... most of the `tech' folk have been at it so short a time-frame that they may not even realize it will pass too.

IMO - Bruce Duensing got very close to what I'm describing above as `intentionalities' - he called it - Are UAP's A Quantum Detection System? - and IF I'm right - that it is `intentions' mixed with a bit of our local reality conditions and expectations - and that it is repeatable and demonstrable (like some of the callers like Dean Clark have shown) - then a perfect reason for the authorities to discourage this type of info becoming widespread is one of my old and favorite blog posts called The Danger Of A Billion Magicians.... read both the above links if you dare to rock your UFOlogy thinking to the core.

Again.... both of the above groups have some folks with HUNDREDS of videos ..... of Orbs. The anomalous. That they have seen. Don't tell them otherwise...... But, IMO... both of those groups combined are probably just 1% of the 1% who have ever had an UFO phenomena perception. A literal sliver of a sliver.... folks who in all reality are not going to attract the MSM..... for fear of what it would mean to both `other' 99%'s.

Okay... a quick and final look at group three ... with Philosophers like William Dudley Bass..... and heady folks of all kinds. Speaking of `heady folks' .... I have to say I was quite flattered to have William say these things about me and my mind in his post... see the below: Again from William's post Here... IF You Didn't Read It Already

There is more to a psychological, synergistic/synchronicity/spiritual component, too.
I saw this after watching alleged whistleblower Corey Goode being interviewed by David Wilcock on the latter’s Cosmic Disclosure presentation on Gaiam TV. Been reading and researching a lot on the UFO literature from opposing ends of the spectrum, from Dr. Michael Salla and whistleblowers such as Corey Goode and Clark C. McClelland on one hand and Disclosure Clock Countdown man Rick Phillips, iconoclastic guy who reminds me of Gurdjieff’s take on reality.
Phillips turns everything upside down as he discombobulates conventional interpretations of UFO phenomena and perturbs conditioned ideas regarding news, mass media, and alternative media. He pulls aside the sheets of paper diagrammed with carefully researched flowcharts of the Cabal to reveal the air and the imaginations beneath as gas and mind, themselves possibly projections of greater holographic dramas unfolding in the software code of consciousness for two billion years or more.
Having dealt with lots of weird stuff, and after he challenged himself to think deeper upon his experiences of observations and the power of the conscious mind, indeed to reflectupon reflections, Rick Phillips discerned a common “UFO motif” behind “99% of UFO experiences.” Using motifs as linked successions “of notes producing a single impression,” he determined the most common UFO motif is “a vigorous plasma Orb that catches one’s attention” and then morphs into “structured” shapes, morphs again, morphs into recognizable patterns, then “passes out of perception.” Passes out of perception, and perception is as much mental as physical. More importantly, Phillips notes such experiences tend to be localized and are usually “tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans.” I would add human personalities, as in UFO experiences are “tied to intentionalities and” personalities as well as interpretations by everyday consciousness minds streaming mindlessly as radio signals stream thru radios without considering the power of consciousness to morph perception, intention, and personality.
Okay - I'm blushing... being compared to one of my hero's of thought - Gurdjieff
And, I won't go into Williams FINE ANALYSIS of the possibilities he experienced - please read his entire piece - as I would be nearly in agreement with all his main conjectures. I do think the fine minds are tuning into something that is a version of the truth of the anomalous.
Anyway... back to seeing `too many UFOs' - early in 2015 I had the same feeling. I had taken to looking closely with high powered binoculars at the Chemtrails in our collective skies - especially on the few Carolina Blue sky days after the passing of weather fronts. Because on several occasions I've seen `strange things going on in or around' Chemtrails... from movement of something `down' the Chemtrail from the `plane'... to an Orb on more than one occasion. And, in one week after such occurrences...saw TWO Orbs..(one each time) by simply scanning the skies with my binoculars.
My thoughts were ---- IS THIS POSSIBLE? 
It's a bit unnerving IMO. Hilariously, I don't consider myself in any of the three groups.... just reflecting on reflections..... Thanks for the stimulus Mr. Bass.
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Sunday, December 27, 2015

2015 UFO Review - Hottest Posts....Most Important Posts (Part One)

Not a year goes by in UFOlogy that one can't say isn't interesting. On a personal UFO note, 2015 was THE YEAR that I `finally' (if that would be the term) have seen daytime Orbs with high powered binoculars multiple times... and several times in a week at one point. It also was the year of IMO an expansion of the Fortean nature of the Chemtrail phenomena.... with everything from `attracting' Orbs... to `displays' that run `down' their entire length from the `plane' - to confirmation of `different' types of Chemtrail plane shapes.  

Also, for myself - I found a treasure trove of UFO phenomena in the FB group that I joined run by Scott Browne (In The Field) that has 100's of sky observers like myself. And, it has been a trip... as expected ... having a FB page for UDCC's Facebook Page - started on January 1st. IF you haven't `liked' that page... please do so.

And then there is the phenomena itself and the reaction to it by folks and by the MSM in general.... and without question IMO... the LACK of any significant UFO coverage in 2015 is simply the continuation of what I called the `Disclosure With Suppression' announcement in 2011 by the Obama administration. Something not even noted by other UFO websites. Talk about being blinded to a point of view. Additionally IMO... 2015 has brought the continued deterioration of anything associated with the `alien abduction' research so highly believed in by many just a few years ago.

All that said, the phenomena itself... except for just a few videos ever... has never seemingly been so actively caught on camera - Orbs that is...the real UFO phenomena. Lastly as an overview.. the increased scrutiny by YouTube at some of the FAKE UFO websites promoting FAKE UFO videos might be a sign of sanity.... something UDCC has pointed out for years and years.

Below is some of the best from 2015 - dig in, bookmark, return, share, do your part to bring some sanity to the overall view about the UFO phenomena. Thanks. Oh... and buy some of my E-Books. Or donate... real UFO blogging isn't free of effort... links to donating are in the sidebar. OR if you have a website... use my affiliate link to make Real Bitcoin by placing a banner on your website... I've made about 1/3 BTC in 2015 using it. Using my affiliate link to make your banner - costs nothing to your earnings. Thanks for your readership in 2015.
2015 Year In Review

Hottest Posts - Most Important Links

January - while Don Lemon on CNN theorizes about the supernatural (ie-UFOs) might have taken down a missing airliner... interest in UFO's continues an uninterrupted downward Trend as noted in this Jan. 5th posting.... also pointing out that the UFO Dog and Pony show would have folks believe that interest has never been higher (a common slogan) for UFO Disclosure..... January also started with some excellent `structured orb' photos from Payne Ohio that you can see Here.....Also in January I took up an old Unpublished comment from my bin and finally addressed The 1977 Ft.Benning Incident ... which again... largely turned on the testimony of one individual making HUGE claims about 100's of men if not 1000's..... This post like many others I've done on UDCC shows how old UFO accounts often simply do not stand up to the test of time and often morph out of recognition to what may have been experienced (or not).....But perhaps the BEST post of the month was this re-examination of the Early FBI Files On Aliens specifically the nine attributes they had. Was all this DISINFO? ..... January also covered the 1949 Norwood Ohio UFO Searchlight Incident... some of these early day UFO incidents compared to what is seen today... was more physical apparently in nature IMO..... Also in January was the first identified Orb Videographer in New Hampshire called Low Fly Orbs regular readers are aware that one of the main features of UDCC is to feature such individuals. But, January ended with a look at Kickstarter and a way to raise money to tell the real story of Bob Lazar... yes BL.... All enough to wonder what can the rest of 2015 be like... right?

February - began with the biggest UFO hoaxing/BSing, whatever you want to call it of 2015 as a breaking story with one image -  The Roswell Alien Coming 5-5-15 - which turned out on 5-5 to be as big a letdown as possible.... and further tarnished the Dog and Pony show called UFO Disclosure... if such a thing is possible..... in mid-month UDCC took up another `old' alien photo.... The Amoco Alien Photo...see how murky all alien photos are when an attempt is made to source them... fun in-depth read. Then on February 22nd I did the strange story and follow up with Frank Kimbler THE man who previously had `proven' Roswell via isotopes in anthills and the strange sample that is now missing. I ended the month with some ISS photos and conspiracy... but I can't link to everything of course.

March - In possibly THE POST of the year (as far as my evolving theory on the UFO phenomena) - I've identified the UFO motif to include Helicopters And Low Flying Jets that happened immediately AFTER the UFO phenomena when seen by humans are a close proximity. Later in the month I did this Probing Post About UFOs And The Phenomena .... On March 5th I covered IMO what may be the BEST LIVE TV UFO video of the year (show could have been just taping prior to being live too I guess) - anyway... I covered it Here and you can see the video below:.... perhaps the best `saucer' video of the year. While I covered this in March the event happened in February.

I rarely feature my Google Plus page ... but IF you like such things... and I do have cool stuff there... and have had over 6 MILLION views.... CLICK HERE TO SEE IT

On March 17th - Was the First Orb I Saw Near A Chemtrail and this is how I blogged that event. .... ALSO an excellent post is this Deep Theory Post About Chemtrails And Orbs - I challenge my readers to not miss this one if you truly want deeper understandings into the sky phenomena. And finally March ended with some REAL UFO BLOGGING as I take 23 reports of UFOs in one small area and turn it into ONE via a little legwork ....perhaps...... what can the rest of the year hold?

April - Took on Ccrow777 and his ... well... craziness... but not without at least inspiring the idea of orbs having micro intelligence again. In 2015 I cleaned up many of my unpublished comments and even some previously Unpublished from my bin of posts. Fox News also covered in April a 2013 UFO Video shot by Chilean miners that has some impressive details ... such as length of daytime event, with a VERY `SAUCER' type of object seen below:
Chile Government
And,,, was there a Kingston Ontario UFO wave in April? With Video Too. And finishing the month was a GREAT video `Orb Near Volcano Plume - great 2015 daytime Orb video and from Facebook too.

May - Started with an update on 2013 Orb Caller Sir Farquat who like many others...seems to have his `powers' declining after an active period. Indeed as I review my posts for May I had a number of `UFO'/Orb posts with video and pictures... here's one posting I did about a Multi Hour Multi Witness Orb and is worth your year end click.... as is this post with GREAT pictures from Richmond Kentucky. But... for me.. May will be remembered as having this post in which Bruce Duensing identified a possible UAP theory which include the intentions of the human and my own ORB seeing in May that included multiple times near Chemtrails. And finally in what may be THE video of the year.. another Orb Summoner in the UK may have caught on video the actual Orb/Helicopter/UFO phenomena - and the video can be seen Here (yes, I've covered this guy before too).

June covered everything from John Lennon's UFO Experience to the death of Bruce Duensing. June also covered Dubmani an Atlanta Orb Videographer who has several of the POWER up and fake plane phenomena in his video Orb portfolio (which ended in 2013). June continued its connection to strangeness as at my fathers funeral a close cousin not seen in decades... in his first conversation with me since we were teens (except for one time) he asks IF I Remember The UFO We Saw As Kids... I about crapped my pants..... but perhaps you prefer FICTION? Well.. I gave it my best as to how the UFO dog and pony show would treat Alien Bones Found In Desert Via ATV - a rare fiction blog post with some humor IMO.

This is the end of Part One... See July - December soon too. As you can see above... real UFO blogging is not free of effort. Perhaps you'd like to support real UFO blogging once a year... all donations are appreciated... click below. Thanks.

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Jason Bates/SolarShot1 Orb Videographer

As Clockers know - featuring those interested in finding the anomalous in our collective skies is one of UDCC's prime objectives.... and it's time to add another Jason Bates also called Solar Shot 1 on YouTube. The video I'm featuring below is simply one of his most recent... I have NOT cruised... yet... his extensive base of Videos at YouTube ... it appears he has upwards of 100+ videos (I will search this a bit and see if he has something that strikes my chord.).

What this video below is ... seems to be the near typical daytime orb... but this one is moving. The video was shot above Gatlinburg TN on Dec 14th... all of 166 views. ORBS are the UFO phenomena.

Thanks for your readership

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

J. Sparrow - Aussie Orb Videographer

This guy is one of the active posters on `In The Field' the FB group I belong to of folks who actively `look' for sky anomalies. I have covered him before. This guy has TONS of videos at his YouTube channel - see them Here. I've selected a video he uploaded in the past few weeks that REALLY gets incredible..... as I'm opening my mind to the Multiple Orb phenomena being able to manifest as the blinking light phenomena - (and fake plane phenomena) - you must watch this video at what he says is a multiple Orb display after a number of days of rain (he was anticipating a show BTW).

But... I really want you to watch at about the 2 minute mark as an orb takes off into the sky seemingly and THEN discharges another Orb. Wild. Less than 200 views.

Have A Great ThanksGiving

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Four Alien Being Types

This is a re-post of one of my favorite posts of all time and will be part of an upcoming E-book. I wrote it in 2009 at the peak of the UFO phenomena coverage in America for my blog called The Heavy Stuff. This is a detailed look at the `alien perception phenomena' as described from my own unique focus on Phenomenology (what spaces are and human consciousness of that structure). I hope you enjoy it and explore some of my other E-books on my author page:
(links no longer work btw)

Hello, and welcome back to The Heavy Stuff (THS) - a blog to bookmark if you want speculation into realities greatest mysteries. Today's posting is an offshoot of THS's  post earlier last month - having to do with just how strange the whole `ufo' experience can be to an individual or even a group of individuals. It was in that post that THS speculated that occasionally, and perhaps often,  a  `UFO experience' may involve `different types' of entities.

THS, when mentioning different entity types,  wasn't referring about the internet speculation (with some added  fantasy perhaps) that multiple alien races are here, permenantly,  in Earth's biosphere and are probably interacting with humans (some say dozens of races). No, what THS was and is referring to  is `spaces'* (entities) which do not have an equal `basis' of `common reality' grounding - compared to a human. (Wordy, THS knows, but we will get much more specific in a bit.) Let THS attempt to explain:

[* Remember, much of the Phillips Phenomenology (PP) positions `space' as a characteristic which must be actualized for an event to occur. The PP describes `different types of spaces' - and where they occur.]
Type One - Aliens/Entities

(Real & Travel In Craft)

Type One Properties ---> Real `physical' alien - in the same manner that a human is `physical' . A being with a birth, and, on-going, contiguous,  `space-time' reality - rooted in our same human perceived outer reality that we as humans consider a  `common consensus' - considered by all to be called our `real'** ontology. Type One Aliens are beings that do NOT exceed the speed of light for travel and are beings that travel by craft. They are beings that do not need to `become objective' to reveal `their reality of space'. They would be beings as trapped in our common reality as we humans are.

**[In other words, if a class of 100 college biology students were asked in an auditorium classroom if any of them thought the lecture was a `being dreamed' as opposed to being experienced while awake - all would KNOW it wasn't a dreamstate. (Then again with college students who knows, right?)]

Comment - To humans at our 2009 level of consciousness, these Type One Aliens are the most real and `humanlike'  of all alien types. `They' will probably have arms, legs, a head, be able to communicate with each other - etc - humanlike characteristics of which humans can identify. Nevertheless, `aliens' of any sort are inherently scary to most humans, of course.

However, type one beings that travel `anywhere' in the universe ONLY below the speed of light - can be assumed to be rare; very rare - in ANY one particular location, including Earth. That said, being very rare - in a near infinite universe - does not mean non-existent or impossible. Indeed, while of low probability to be at any one location in the universe - this would be the alien/entity type MOST likely to have an interest in living planets like Earth.

But, would such beings, Type One beings,  be so focused as `being here' only in the last 60 years? (Or would it be another type of the four entity/alien choices THS will review?) Wouldn't such type one beings be just as likely to have been here, around Earth, for at least the last few hundred million years? You know, coming and going at will over the millenia - perhaps staying on occasion for eons.

Could we really expect that more than a  handful would be `around' in any given era like ours? (If they did `stick around' how many `aliens' would they need to have a sustainable population?) Could we really expect a huge increase within a short period of 60 years, that we seem to have experienced,  from beings that use  `moving craft' in a `galaxy' context? (If there has been such an increase in the last 60 years.)

Indeed, the idea of a sudden increase in `this type' of alien - a type one alien/entity - just seems unlikely, logically. Why? Well, first, T1 beings living below the `light threshold' would not even have knowledge of mans recent advancements - outside of a 60 year light cone. Could there really be a significant number of civilizations within 60 years that have humanlike entities that have crafts that go a significant % of the speed of light? And who would want to come HERE if they did have such `slow' `interstellar' craft? It simply seems unlikely.


All that stated, doesn't it seem possible that a few - repeat, a few - species of aliens may be camped out semi-permanently on Earth or nearby planets (if they do have near light-speed craft)?It does to THS - but - at the same time - it also seems logical that there AREN'T - large numbers of different types. We can all quibble about what constitues a large number  within a 60 year radius or permanent level of visitation on all `live planets' in the universe. (Meaning that other planets with planet and animal life would be just as likely as Earth to have monitoring `type one' aliens.)

It might be a cool blog post to speculate `how many' craftable alien civilazations might be within any given 100 mile light year `radius'? Why? Because if an entity had access to the universe `above' the speed of light -- there exists little reason to `limit' oneself to the `local' 60 light year light cone. Which leads us to the next logical type of entity:

Type Two - Aliens/Entities

(Real and Travel Without Craft)

Type Two Properties --> Real physical alien - in the same manner as a human is physical and the type one alien. A being with a birth and an on-going `space-time' reality - rooted in a common consensus with similar beings on a planet with a real ontology - just like humans and type one aliens. Beings that can EXCEED the speed of light for travel and do NOT travel by `craft/structure' in the strict sense of the word. Beings that `become objective' to reveal their reality on Earth. (Obviously, the `how' part of this is the `science' side - or - `consciousness' side -- the esoteric aspect. On the science side, perhaps humans/aliens/beings can create machines that can be `stepped into' and as the outcome - provide `bi-location' for the `space identity'. On the consciousness side - perhaps some beings with intelligence on some planet somewhere have been able to develop - just thru `mind' focus -- an ability to travel the universe --- and in essence - `plant'  their `space' elsewhere/elsewhen. To THS, both of these `new location experiences' - would seem to be within the rhelm of possibility if the concept of `dopplegangers' is real. If there is a `space' which can `be representative' within `another reality' (not connected by the light cone to the original now) - then the `doppleganger' may be just the `vehicle' needed. IT WOULD ALSO EXPLAIN THE MANY MANY TIMES THAT ALIENS HAVE BEEN SAID TO JUST `VANISH'. Because, it's not really `their space' that is here at all. It would be like having perception from an out of body experience taken to the 10th degree. Frankly, it, this explanation, would also account for the great variety of `beings' - indeed, those of type two that are more rooted in `science' travel -- may be limited in the way that they can `appear' based on some specific `programming' - ones `space' could appear as perhaps an animal or non-similar entity that was originating the `signal'.

Comment - To humans in 2009 at our collective consciousness levels - these `forms' or alien/entities - are perhaps the most mysterious - as they seem to be possibly `more real' than `more spiritual entites - like Type 3 & 4' (which we will cover soon). WHY? Because things that seem totally solid, totally here - and then can vanish -- does not fit our normal consensus reality. Is this how a Bigfoot can be within 20 feet of a human and compel that human to search to find a `real Bigfoot' - again - for the rest of their lives? Or, how `beings' or entities can come out of, or go into, a `glowing slot' of space - as seen on the Bigelow Ranch.

Doesn't it seem likely that many of the experiences that are described as paranormal are really an encounter with these `enhanced' Type Two creatures? Doesn't this really seem to describe much of what is taken to be UFO's - speeding away at unbelievable' speeds? Indeed, if we are ready to be honest as thinking humans - this type to alien - literally from a different world with a `common now' (meaning the alien or entities world does exist as a planet within our timecone) and `common spaces' to our Earth -- seems to be the `main type of alien/entity' that we as humans have encounters. That is, if we base the `population' on the actual number of `high strangeness - close encounters'. (Certainly, there are more `lights in the sky' stories. Remember, lights in the sky stories are a dime a dozen and could involve machines or crafts built by humans within the governments and militarys of the world.)

Key characteristic of Type Two alien/entity -- `travel' of being is accomplished by `structure' of temporarily increased consciousness level or `increase' in space bi-location via some `science' methodology that enhances that ability of bi-locate. For the entity that `travels' the travel is temporary and `not' the `normal state' for such a being.

Type Three - Aliens/Entities

(`Real', Travel without Craft, Do NOT Live On Any `Planet' Surface)

These beings are `real' in `quotation marks' - and do not appear `as real' (solid - in a quantitative sense) as the many close up sightings of legendary creatures such as a Bigfoot (a Type Two creature). That said, they may be viewed as appearing in any `shape' from an Orb to a `translucent' or ghost like being -- ie - an entity that doesn't appear `solid' - and appears to have a light basis. Somehow, a human that encounters such a `being' `knows' that it isn't real in our normal sense -- and furthermore - doesn't seem to be able to have a `permanent time' within our reality common consensus. These beings/aliens/entities seem to be operating on the energy from the local environment.

While it's possible that these entities see `themselves' in some on-going manner - it's equally likely that - these entities have NO on-going consciousness of their own space. There is no reason that both types may be part of Type Three. But, even for `spaces/entities' that see themselves in an on-going manner -- it's hard to believe that these `spaces' were ever `born' or that they `live' on a planet. Indeed, these type of `spaces' seem `very local' and very temporal - probably distorting the very localness and temporalness of common consensus that humans live within on Earth.

Indeed, these seem to be the creatures of `our own making' - mythology -  and iconic shapes and feelings - that can form into temporary `translucent' type of `solids'. The land of angels as a possible origin for this type of entity also. For, if these are not `super-local' specialized consensus events, then - they must be `timeless' beings that permeate everything. These are the `Godlike' `guardian' type entities that Mr. Bledsoe reported (my recent post covers this -  - and that many many people have reported over the years). Likewise, Mr. Bledsoe also reported entities (translucent) with glowing red eyes -- this also would be a Type Three entity.

These type three entities are perhaps the most frightening to humans (with good reason) -- as they appear to be powerful `locally'. These spaces seem to be part of the human condition encountered by only a few. The limited number of `possessions' would seem to fall into this category in general. Entities `built' by the dilemma of the human condition of needing to embrace despair.

Type Four - Aliens/Entities

(`Real', Travel without Craft, Human based - alive and dead)

This type of entity is very similar to Type Three except that it has a `singular human' basis - either `prior' or `current' - as opposed to Type Three being a more `common consensus space' with energy generally supplied by living humans. Indeed, Type Four entities could often be thought of as Ghosts or in the most extreme rare circumstance `a real doppelganger'. These entities would tend to visit or at least be most perceivable to  humans or places they `knew' when alive.

While poltergeist events can be scary - often `visits' from these entities are spiritually uplifting and not frightening. And, unless `called' these entities seem to be short lived and infrequent to often being a just `one time showing' after death - to a loved one -- and often only in a symbolic manner or in a dreamstate.

Nevertheless, most humans consider the Type Four entity to be real and of our very essence - even beyond our own humanness. Indeed, type four entities give the human race hope that we are more than just our physical bones - and thoughts - and that we too - may be connected to the entities of our universe that can travel.
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Sunday, November 15, 2015

1947 Alien Being Description - VIA MUFON Database Search

MUFON has a database that supposedly allows the searching of every report back to 1995 (false, as we know, in that they remove reports - but - whatever) - and, as I've reported in the past few posts - you can also use the term `entity' to further screen the search. So, I did just that, allowing any report since 1995 (the beginning of the searchable database) - of any 1947 `date of event' - to add the search criteria of `entity'. IF you do it yourself you will find two reports - This one from 6/15/47 - from Beaver Dam Michigan (near Hudonville) which seems to describe a daytime Orb experience (with no alien/entity): (reported to MUFON 5-9-2014) Red is my emphasis:

I am a male, 75+ years old. When I was 8 yrs old, 67 years ago, I watched an object approx. 4' X 1.5' X 2" drop out of the sky from approx. 100' when I first noticed it. It was pure white round or radius edges, slightly wider (round) at both ends. It oscillated (rocked) back and forth or left and right moving downward right toward me. It got to within 15-20' over me oscillated a few times, then moved upward in the same manner it had descended until it was out of site. I wasn't afraid because I was young and curious. After it disappeared I continued playing in the yard and barn. I've never mentioned this to anyone before because it didn't seem important and I just went about my life. However, now with all the stories I thought I would mention it and see if anyone else had experienced a similar situation and had not mentioned it for fear of ridicule or whatever. If I was an artist I would try to draw this object, but I am not artistic. Anyone that wants to speak with me about drawing it for me, I'd like to hear from you. This incident happened in Beaver Dam Michigan, between Hudsonville and Zeeland. I am living in Georgia. "After thought" At first I thought it might be a piece of paper floating down, but as it got closer I could see it wasn't paper, it had to much mass and it wasn't aimlessly floating.
But then, there is this second submission... again from JUNE 1947 (not more specific) - from a town called INDEX, Washington (pop of 183 in 2013) - YES in a sense, this is relatively close to where Kenneth Arnold saw those first 9 UFO's flying like saucers the SAME month.
First the short description at MUFON
"Dennis Johnson & I were walking in St. by side of our house.when we saw"

(Isn't it hilarious that MUFON edits the report of his buddies name below but let it in the short description?)

And now the full report:
(name deleted)fg & I were walking in St. by side of our house when we saw a green and orange fireball pass from S. to N. over a low ridge and dissappeared (no sound and no fire) into the side of the the east of us. We thought we had seen a meteor, but the angle of flight was almost zero (Flat trajectory). The lack of sound and fire was also mysterious. 

A few days later(???), (I was ten years old and ready to start the 5th grade in Sept.) I was awakened early one morning (it was just starting to get light) Looking over to the door in my bedroom, (they were extra tall because the previous owner was 610 tall.) I saw a gray human like shape at least as tall as the door, standing just inside the doorway. I was unable to speak for perhaps 30 seconds. Then I Called "Dad, Dad", but the words were hardly loud enough for me to hear, I had the thought that I was asleep and I had a bad dream. Quickly, looking at the creature, I pulled the covers over my head and looked out a peephole I made and the object was gone - no sound. 

I had to keep this quiet for fear my friends would think me crazy. Ive kept this secret until I retired from defense work for fear I would lose my S. clearance. 

If you would like I could provide a topo-map showing the approximate path of the object. 

Ive been retired since 2004 but now Im writing Christian Literature. These books are given free of charge to my students. 

So.... a child saw a  `tall grey human like shape' upon waking in their bedroom- that vanished. Hmm. A bit less than credible in my mind. Tall and Grey and Human like - I wonder what 1948 will hold? (update... I did the search -AND it looks like THREE reports are from 1948 - are you interested?)
they include my best UFO analysis

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Nedialko Kostadinov - Daytime Orb Videographer

I found this through Scott Browne's FB group which I've been talking about here recently.... this person has 4 daytime Orb videos.... never says anything... and all the videos are quite short with moving Orbs..... it's all a bit suspicious but is very representative of moving daytime Orbs too.... (balloons can NOT be ruled out)

Thanks for your readership

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Epic Sky Battle For `UFO' Truth - The 2015 List Of Dishonor

As some of my regular Clockers know (Clockers are the regular readers) - I've joined a `closed' UFO group on FB by Scott Browne called `In The Field - Active Observers' and in that group one of the tenets is to `out' the fraudsters and hoaxers of UFOlogy as is it presented today to the MSM and the internet in general (as the MSM has totally backed off for now at least). The EXTENSIVE list below (from Scott Browne) is one to keep bookmarked ..... I agree with NEARLY all of those on his list are hoaxers or have certainly drank the Kool-Aid. (BUT not all.... on the list IMO are total fraudsters .... digging deep into the archive would separate the wheat from the chaff on this one.) That said, the group is also a GREAT resource for `legit' UFO videos IMO (and some have been featured already here and on my FB UFO page) and Browne is a very good host.

Link To FB Group In The Field

The 2015 UFO List Of Dishonor


Almost all of the above are dedicated `2012' - `alternative' - `the aliens are here and are abducting us' - sort of UFO websites.... and as you know... I've been dissing this DisInfo for years already. IF you check out the above sites, which often simply recirculate the same bogus stuff over and over, beware.... and it is not advised by UDCC.
Please support independent blogging efforts

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Woman Dreams Of UFO Invasion - Next Evening UFO On Video - Nashau, New Hampshire 5-26-2015 MUFON Report

I'm doing some catching up with the state UFO blogging series today and taking on New Hampshire... I found this story and video: (the video... despite being below the limit set by blogger, did not upload... I have it at my Facebook page here - Click To See The Amazing Video)

Nonetheless, here's the report filed on this case:

The occurrence happened when I open my window and happened to look out into the horizon it was fairly dark out. I saw this object coming towards me and it appeared to be fairly bright so I looked closer. Then I jumped up out of my bed grab my phone and my mother is well we went outside to observe the object a little better. We observed it with no sound so I turn my camera on and started filming it. If I can upload my video you can hear my mother saying it looks like a fireball. It moved in a south from move from southwest to northeast motion and then disappeared into the night I got a video because this is the second time I've seen something like this. You can hear my mom in the video saying am I awake. Because the Previous night she had a dream about a Ufo invasion. My heart was racing and it seemed like I was having a anxiety attack my heart was fluttering so bad.A friend of mine captured pictures of it last night. With a different trajectory
It's a great video... please click the above link to see it and hey... like the page please.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Australian YouTube User J Sparrow - Videographer Of Orbs

Who knows how long it will last for the last Orb summoner I've found and identified for UDCC readers... this time an Aussie. His video channel on YouTube has a number of recent captures but the one below is an incredible hit.

Now... I don't believe this is a CRAFT materializing but I do believe this is anomalous Orb activity. Borders on Fortean as I've noted before.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Ken Pfeifer's Amazing UFO Postings

As Clockers know... I'm on Ken Pfeifer's mailing list when he posts at one of his UFO websites...... and in the bin... I have a number of these pre-screened accounts... today I bring you a few and a comment or two too.
In this first one... Ken copies a `story' sent to Lon Strickler at Phantoms and Monsters.


DECEMBER 24, 2014    .......    EASTERN OHIO
Hello Mr. Strickler: I am giving you permission to publish my incident but I do not want any personal information disclosed. To begin, I had an strange incident when I was a child living in south Florida. I could never explain it and I did not want my family to know about it. It involved, what I believe, an abduction by alien beings. I don't remember the specifics other than I went to bed, got up to go to the bathroom but don't remember returning to my bed. When I woke in the morning, there was an ache in my neck and a small bump at the base of my skull. The pain went away quickly but the small bump remained. I never told my parents about it and they never noticed it. That incident occurred 54 years ago.  I now live in a rural township in eastern Ohio. My husband and I have lived here for over 40 years and are well-known within the community. My husband owns a business and employs several of the area's residents. We have raised 4 children and are also grandparents. We have been very happy with our life.  This past Christmas Eve, I was alone at home during the day. My husband was at work and some of my children and their families were visiting for the holidays. They had all gone out to visit friends and to do some shopping, so I was the only one at home.  Around 1:00 PM I decided to sit down in the club room and watch television. I had been busy all day cooking and doing a few other things, so I decided to take a break. I sat on the sofa and turned on the television with the remote control. As I was surfing channels the television suddenly went off. I just figured I had accidentally turned it off with the remote, but I was unable to turn it back on. I got up and starting walking toward the television when everything went black. The next thing I remember is waking up on the sofa. My neck was very sore and I was laying on the sofa completely nude. My clothes were folded neatly and setting on the coffee table. I quickly dressed and noticed that the television was on and that the time was 2:48 PM. I went to rub my sore neck and noticed that the small bump that I had for 54 years was now gone. I went into the bathroom in order to look at the back of my neck with a handheld mirror. There was a 2 inch vertical red scar where the small bump had previously been.  Today is Thursday Dec. 27th, 2012. My neck no longer hurts and the scar has healed nicely. It is barely noticeable. I had never told my husband about my incident as a child, but yesterday I explained everything to him. He is very open-minded and believes in UFOs and other strange things. I also told my older son about it and he suggested I contact you. I believe he reads your articles and that you have talked to him in the past.  My older son believes that I experienced an abduction. In fact, my husband agrees with him as well. Like I stated earlier, you have my permission to publish if personal details are removed. I have included my contact information below. Thank you for your time. SK

NOTE: Last evening, out of the blue, I received an email from SK's son (RK). I hadn't remembered the original email from SK though I was sure I had posted it. RK reminded me of the incident...then stated that SK had suddenly passed away in December 2014. I was able to contact him be telephone this morning.  RK said that he had kept close tabs on the Todd Sees incident on the blog. He didn't go into detail about SK's death but did state that the family believes that his Mother's experiences contributed to her demise. RK then mentioned that she was constantly worried that she would be abducted and thought her family may also be victims at some point.  I asked RK to keep me posted in case other information comes to light. I didn't want to push him on specific details...I feel if he thinks I should be told more particulars, that he'll offer the information at some point.  Most experiencers I have talked to struggle with continued fear and anxiety. Many are told that they will be monitored and to expect more contact at a later time. There is little doubt that these incidents place undue strain on the body and mind. Is alien science / technology resulting in loss of life? Are experiments (and disposal) conducted on abductees? I believe that there is more of a possibility of these scenarios than ever before. Lon  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
The Todd Sees case is one that Lon has been involved with for years and seemingly belies the idea that all alien encounters are friendly or research oriented - and may involve violence to humans at times..... that said, the above example quite weak IMO. Just sayin.
Indeed - Ken uses a lot of the material about UFO's that Lon covers.. here's another and also perhaps connected to the Sees' incident.... what's in red is my emphasis.

Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2015 5:33:28 PM 

It was August 2009 and my father (Age 53 at the time), my brother (21), my boyfriend (29) and myself (24) were house sitting for my boyfriend's sister. Her home is isolated and sits atop a mountain outside Northumberland, PA. It is surrounded by trees which frame an outstandingly clear view of the sky. We were inside the house, chatting and finishing dinner (about 9 or 10 0'clock) when we heard a very strange sound, a low roar that lasted no more than a few seconds, but was quickly followed by what we thought was an earthquake. The house is huge by anyone's standards, 3 floors, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and built solid. It would take quite a natural force to shake the whole thing. The vibration was enough to rattle items on shelves, but it lasted only a second or two. We were startled because the weather was beautiful, no clouds or rain or wind. It was a perfect summer night. We didn't know what to make of it, so we went about our business, clearing dishes and then stepping out onto the upstairs patio to enjoy the night. We hadn't been outside for long when I noticed a strange "star" in the sky. I thought I had seen it move, so I watched it. It began turning different colors - red, green, white, blue- so I quickly pointed it out to the others. They picked it out of the sky right away and the four of us watched as it moved, ever so slightly, as if it were hovering in place. The lights came and went, and almost looked like they were rotating, as if the object they were attached to were spinning. We were all pretty convinced that this was not a star that we were looking at, when it started darting in short spurts. It would hover, then dart to the right, then up, then back to it's starting position. It didn't travel far in these spurts, but it was moving in ways that no plane could. We were utterly convinced that this was something none of us had seen before. We watched, in awe, for about half an hour - all of us staring at the sky, unable to explain what we were seeing, when all of a sudden, it disappeared. Just like that. All the rest of the stars in the sky were visible, it wasn't a cloud. It just...vanished. We all kind of gasped and cursed and got excited when it suddenly reappeared in a completely different region of the sky. We didn't witness it traveling to that spot - but we should have. It was inexplicable. It hovered and darted in that spot for about a minute when all of a sudden it flashed a bright light and began coming toward us! I know this sounds unreal, and maybe that's why I've kept our story between the four of us and a few close friends for 2 years, but I swear to you that this next experience has changed all of our lives forever. We cannot explain what we saw. We saw the bright light, and then we saw this giant, black mass coming right at us. I will never know how it traveled from a distance relative to stars to the rooftop so quickly. It was literally seconds. We all kind of screamed, watching the light get closer, but never taking our eyes off of it. It came so close that we thought it would begin to knock over treetops or crash into the house. The object we saw was enormous. It dwarfed the house and the property and was the blackest black, with no details visible except for a few orangish white lights on the bottom. It was shaped like a guitar pick and it seemed as if these dull lights were placed in the corners of the triangle. It was traveling fast and made NO SOUND.
It is impossible for something so gigantic to fly. It is even more impossible for it to do so silently. As it flew directly over the house, I ran inside, through the house and out a door on the opposite side to catch the rest of it's descent. I saw the mass, but it was so low that I lost it to the trees as soon as it passed. We were hysterical. My father and I were yelling, excited and scared at the same time, recounting what we has just seen. My boyfriend was quiet, stunned, not sure how to react. My brother solemnly whispered "Holy F*&#, that was the Starship Enterprise", not trying to be funny, but in a reflective, shocked manner. We all went over the sequence of events a hundred times that night, and probably hundreds since then. We assumed no one outside the house would take us seriously, so we kept it to ourselves. The family and close friends we did tell gave us pitying looks and offered up explanations like 'planes' and 'search lights.' That is not even close to what we saw. We are all level headed, educated people, and we were the first to try and debunk what we were seeing, but we could not. This experience has changed our lives, and I think that we are finally ready for real answers and real input. Was the strange sound/shaking of the house related to what we saw? Why did it come so close to us? Where did it go? Did it land? How could it have been so big? WHAT WAS IT?? It has taken me a year and a half to share my story, but I have thought about this every day. I live not even 2 miles from where this sighting took place, and have since witnessed other UFO activity which I would happily share with anyone who is interested or willing to offer answers, but what happened on that night is the most haunting experience of my life. I need to know what we saw. - MUFON CMS

NOTE: On September 14th, 2002 at 1:45 PM, approximately 3 weeks after the See's incident, a large silver disk-shaped UFO was reported to me by a resident in Northumberland, PA. The UFO was hovering above the Montour Ridge, very near the See's property. The witness, who was an attorney in the area, stated that they estimated that the craft was over 400 ft in diameter, 1500 ft above ground and silent. There was a soft glow around the craft which allowed a visual description. It hovered for approximately 30 seconds, then disappeared completely. I received the report on September 17th, 2002...before I had any knowledge of the Sees incident.

There have been 30 UFO-related sighting reports to MUFON for Northumberland County, PA since 1995. We are constantly checking with databases and researchers for other reports. Your cooperation would be appreciated. Lon

Further down on this page you will find how much the above incident fits what I've identified as the NEW UFO MOTIF...... be thinking orbs folks.
I also got this link (from Ken) to the `infamous' 1968-9 UFO crash in the USSR... it's one you've probably seen before and has at least two stories attached to it (only one has the alien inside the craft)... but... take a close look at the `UFO Saucer' at about 1:59 in the clip.... as it looks suspiciously like a huge slab of thick cement and much less like a flying machine... indeed.. wouldn't the ground have been kicked up if this crashed.... here's the link and this was at the peak of the disinfo years between the powers that be..... the words Ken sent are at the above link... you be the judge.
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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition