So, strange twists and turns you ask? (Nothing is strange when the name Bigelow is involved.) Indeed... with the Proverbial LOST SAMPLE on its way to a lab for examination
“This UFO evidence stuff is an interesting game to play. Seems to be a great deal like cat and mouse, cloak and dagger and chess all wrapped in one,” Kimbler added, stating that he will not ship any other samples to anyone. He further stated he or trusted colleagues will personally supervise every step of debris analysis from here forward.
.....Lines of communication opened between Frank Kimbler, Frank Purcell and various interested parties following the publication of the related Open Minds article and my posting Purcell's subsequent analysis. I happen to exchange emails with this group of interested parties, resulting in my notification of the lost metal fragment and the information contained in this post.
Kimbler wrote to me on September 3:
"The debunkers will say I never placed it in the box, the conspiracy folks will say the government got it.
Here is what I would like to see happen. CNN or some other big news agency to follow this analysis. Full public disclosure of the process, good science. It makes no difference to me if the material is a beer can fragment or ET metal, it's all part of the story... to get an answer."
(sent by Fed Ex..... find that story written 9/3/2011 at Jack Brewers Fine UFO Blog) ... this was the first I had heard that portion of the tale. In the comment section Jack indicated in July 2014 that he hadn't communicated with Kimbler about the analysis.
And, then I found this:
In August 2014 an overview of Frank Kimbler's continuing efforts were highlighted at this Post On The Website Altered Dimensions which DID have details of FK's adventures AGAIN into the field to gather more `evidence' with AGAIN more `hits' of unusual pieces of `metal'. Indeed the above article included a great review too of FK's situation.
But, evidently IF FK is to be believed... then he went into the Roswell Debris field once again in March 2012 and found what is pictured below... a picture from the above link.

Then in April 2014 he found TWO more very unusual pieces of `something' one described as an `I-Beam'. See that picture at the above link.... He continues searching.
But, a review would not be complete unless one provides a video, right?
So, this is FK talking to a reporter at a UFO conference in 2014. He seems totally honest in his evaluation of who could have taken the sample... however, he's fallen a bit to the `they are leaking a bit of info at a time up until disclosure' `beliefs' of the UFO Disclosure dog and pony show. (Which he would be surrounded by at a conference.)
So, it was certainly good to know that our citizen sleuth was still walking the talk out in the field. It was good to know that he is now smarter when it comes to the handling of sensitive materials. It was good to know that any UFO show would make sure to have something as believable as this man and this methodology.
But, it was more than typical that YEARS later nothing harder in evidence seems to have occurred beyond the initial finding. Which compels me to ask..... Is Frank hiding something?
please click the above to read some samples
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