As you can see, this is part two, and we've already established some basic connections between the laser phenomena and UFO's (per se) in Thursday's examples. So, with that as a background to today's content..... let us begin:
Today, we'll begin our coverage of this dangerous subject matter to TPTB, with what is claimed as the `power up' response by UFO's - to intense light power shown into the sky.
This account below, from 2005 at the Gilliland Ranch, where 1000's are purported, even by 2005, to have watch UFO's `called' or `communicated' with. Gilliland Ranch - UFO `Power Up' Response to Intense Light. This article is replete with Video too and other links - background to the `calling phenomena' basically ignored by the MSM now for about a decade or more.
Below is a picture of a `power up':
I also provide these words from the above post at A Healed Planet.Net:
At about 11:00 PM, James decided to “call” a UFO and began flashing his ten-million-candlepower spotlight into the sky. He later said that he also prayed for one to make its presence known as he flashed his spotlight. James said that they respond to heartfelt human desire to see one, and they respond best to a joyful attitude. He said that the dour, stern UFO “nuts and bolts” investigators do not have the right attitude to go UFO hunting. Somebody said that afternoon that the “permanent scowl” that UFO investigatorPhil Klass wore defeated him before he even began, and that is giving Klass the benefit of the doubt that he was not working on behalf of the power structure as a UFO debunker.
Within a couple of minutes after James began flashing his spotlight, it happened. One innocuous “satellite” that was passing slowly south, to the east of Mount Adams, suddenly “powered on.” For about five seconds, it was the brightest thing in the sky, by far. Think of Venus-times-ten in brightness, and you get an idea of what we saw (one of my Boeing pals called it “Mars times fifty”). It was spectacular, and nothing that could be explained by the typical “debunker” explanations. It was not “one of ours.” After about five seconds of brilliance, it powered down and became just one more “satellite” trailing across the night sky. I had seen my UFO. There was no doubt among any of us regarding what we had seen, and some were very experienced at watching satellites and other lights in the sky. One of the witnesses that night was a retired Air Force captain).
The Utah UFO Display: A Scientist's Report====================================================================
So, have we even expanded the category? Is it no longer `lasers' that is the connection? Is it something that disturbs a particular `space' location? By whatever means? Simply using an unusual intentional focus on a particular area in the sky? And, once again, we even have the prayer aspect - mental aspect.
Oh, it was in about this time period (2005-2006) that the Prophet Yahweh was `calling UFO's' on his one live TV performance in Las Vegas .........................
Speaking of live performances..... today's post will conclude contentwise with the slippery slope - and only a partial connection to the Laser and `UFO' experience: it's a video I've seen if not used at least once before on one of my blogs I think about a UFO/USO and the proverbial unmentioned `immediate military UFO response'........... WITH an `unrelated' video of the use of a `Green Laser' to `produce' a truly over the top response from the skies IF to be believed. (and the reason for inclusion here)
The overall ratio of the video is about 1.5/1 Positive to Negative and I will provide the YouTube words about the video below too:
Uploaded on Sep 30, 2009 Witness Report.
Spain - 09-29-09 The power issues with the supernatural have on people is extraordinary. The latest example is a video that has come to the drafting of Terra Noticias, together with an anonymous note in which the sender says the fear he felt when he spotted a UFO from his boat.
While questioning the credibility of the images, since the absence of data we could not collect more information, the video is worthy of being published by the impact and creating curiosity aroused by the possible existence of UFOs in Spain.
The most impressive image of the video, which is engraved the most stylish 'Rec' or 'Blair Witch' is not only, obviously, the supposed UFO that crashes into the sea, but also the emergence of 'fighters' and wonder of surprising fishermen for persecution.
The Galician fisherman has decided to make public what, they said, lived and experienced while on his boat. While some apparent military aircraft chasing a 'foreign object' that hits the sea and made a spectacular dive, provenance unknown helicopter flies over the boat and ordered the fishermen to hurry to get away from the place where they are.
'Leave the area immediately, please contact the port. They receive instructions ... 'are the words to the fishing.
The note accompanying the recording, shows the fear of the sender in such a situation: "Sending this video after much thought, but after the scare, I think it my duty to report this has happened and I do not see any explanation
Spain - 09-29-09 The power issues with the supernatural have on people is extraordinary. The latest example is a video that has come to the drafting of Terra Noticias, together with an anonymous note in which the sender says the fear he felt when he spotted a UFO from his boat.
While questioning the credibility of the images, since the absence of data we could not collect more information, the video is worthy of being published by the impact and creating curiosity aroused by the possible existence of UFOs in Spain.
The most impressive image of the video, which is engraved the most stylish 'Rec' or 'Blair Witch' is not only, obviously, the supposed UFO that crashes into the sea, but also the emergence of 'fighters' and wonder of surprising fishermen for persecution.
The Galician fisherman has decided to make public what, they said, lived and experienced while on his boat. While some apparent military aircraft chasing a 'foreign object' that hits the sea and made a spectacular dive, provenance unknown helicopter flies over the boat and ordered the fishermen to hurry to get away from the place where they are.
'Leave the area immediately, please contact the port. They receive instructions ... 'are the words to the fishing.
The note accompanying the recording, shows the fear of the sender in such a situation: "Sending this video after much thought, but after the scare, I think it my duty to report this has happened and I do not see any explanation
Standard YouTube License============================================================================================================Next up for the laser-UFO connection in part three you ask?
Well, how about a website called Laser Pointer Safety and an article called Lasers Used To Tag UFO's? Which has an explanation for the `power up' seen on some occasions by `UFO Calling' enthusiasts --- those of you that read it today get the heads up.
Why not share this post on Twitter or Facebook? Then again, TPTB monitor that type of behavior, so .... use your best judgement.
My thanks to the multiple folks who purchased E-Books from my Kindle Author Page yesterday ..... and to the 7 UK folks so far this month too (and one from France and Italy, thanks). Keep exploring the pages of real bloggers providing a real alternative view to what the main stream media offers you. There is a reason bloggers exist.
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