Anyway.. as you see... the post is about how the police in one area of the UK complied with a freedom of information request about the incidents of `aliens' and `alien abductions' in their jurisdiction.... the results... IMO... are indeed a bit surprising... PERHAPS... or not... based on what you look at and what you are looking for and what you know about in a sample. Yeah... my marketing research angle entering again into the analysis of what you are about to read.
Here's the copy and paste sent to me by KP:
red as always is my emphasis - I googled and found this too - The West Midlands is a metropolitan county in western central England with a 2013 estimated population of 2,783,475. And, the source report here: Source In UK which has some additional details I bring below:
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2015 6:07:29 PM
Alien activity in the western central English county of West Midlands is apparently keeping police officers there pretty busy. According to the West Midlands Police Department’s website, “As part of its pledge to be as open and transparent as possible, West Midlands Police publishes all FOI requests onto its website as a matter of course.” It continues, “And while the act enables important statistics and information to be published, it has also highlighted some of the force’s more unusual call outs.” One FOI request asks, “Please, under the freedom of information act can you tell me how many alien abductions have been reported in the West Midlands over past three years, breaking it down for each area? Can you also give details on each case and how the report was resolved?” The department says it has received twenty-three alien-related reports during the past four years. How these numbers compare to police departments in other parts of the world is unknown. But it seems like a lot, considering that these aren’t simple calls about strange lights in the sky. Two calls were from people who were either being attacked by aliens, or were reporting an alien home invasion. Three of the calls were from people seeking police assistance because extraterrestrials were allegedly in the process of abducting them, or coming to abduct them. Four calls were from people who reported that they were either talking to aliens or hearing aliens talking to them. The remaining fourteen calls were from people reporting that they had seen extraterrestrials in West Midlands. The police department points out, “Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However,it is important to note that these data have been extracted from a number of data sources used by forces for police purposes. The detail collected to respond specifically to your request is subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large scale recording system. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when interpreting those data.” The twenty-three reports provided by the West Midlands police resulted from its own system search using the terms “alien” and “alien abduction.” So it’s conceivable that the department has received more than twenty-three extraterrestrial-related reports, which might contain other terms like “extraterrestrial” and/or “E.T.” - West Midlands police respond to reports of hostile .
And I also found this from he original article in the
West Midlands Police said advice was given in three cases, while five were registered as false alarms.
Birmingham Mail:
If you read the Birmingham Mail article you will read that even the police give caution about the sampling method they used to find `alien and alien abduction'. I'd go a bit further about the above limitations to the data presented for a large metropolitan area:
First, 5 false alarms lowers the number of reports to 18 reports.
2nd, while unlikely - in the original report it states the counties by number of reports - it's possible that EVERY report in the county may be nothing more than ONE person with multiple reports. Indeed, the `outcome' with only 8 of the cases noted (I assume of those with aliens on property - as the `sightings' would not be taken down to the individual level for things like `advice' or the categorization of `false alarm').
So, THREE reports in 4 YEARS involved the police giving `advice' to someone feeling under attack by aliens on their property.
And, they all could have been at the same location to the same person.
Just Sayin.
UPDATE 4-4-15
I have an internet buddy in the UK who responded and provides greater detail and opinion to the reports above:
Nice post on the West Midlands and the Police records, apparently this area is seen as a hive of activity and across the M6 corridor ( this is a Motorway M6 much like your highways) triangle craft have been seen on many an occasion, especially in the direction of Coventry/Leicester . My thoughts on these sightings are two fold, one there is an increasing amount of activity but why ? is that a number of people actually misinterpret planes in the area either crossing toward the East Midlands or the Northwest or is there something that attracts UFO to this area in particular ? Abductions also seem high on the agenda, the unfortunate problem with UFO and Abduction investigation is getting to the truth, many so called abductees in my mind are either misconstruing their dreams or somewhat mentally deranged, then again on tranquilizers.
UPDATE 4-4-15
I have an internet buddy in the UK who responded and provides greater detail and opinion to the reports above:
Nice post on the West Midlands and the Police records, apparently this area is seen as a hive of activity and across the M6 corridor ( this is a Motorway M6 much like your highways) triangle craft have been seen on many an occasion, especially in the direction of Coventry/Leicester . My thoughts on these sightings are two fold, one there is an increasing amount of activity but why ? is that a number of people actually misinterpret planes in the area either crossing toward the East Midlands or the Northwest or is there something that attracts UFO to this area in particular ? Abductions also seem high on the agenda, the unfortunate problem with UFO and Abduction investigation is getting to the truth, many so called abductees in my mind are either misconstruing their dreams or somewhat mentally deranged, then again on tranquilizers.
I should point out that one of the claimed largest UFO groups meets in the area, BUFOG and the person who started this group has been on Richplanet TV and is somewhat questionable himself. I will point out that he was given my own UFO report via Richard.D.Hall of Richplanet TV some years back and I have watched this guy get all excited about reports he has on his site, yet he himself has never had an experience ! Let's say he is more than a bit enthusiastic..He also relies heavily on others to support his group by having regular meetings and giving lectures on various subjects some of which have no bearing on the UFO subject in order to keep up the interest in his site.
Here is a link to his Blog...