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Showing posts with label alien abduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alien abduction. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Lost 1999 Interview With Betty Hill - First Abductee (Part Two)

Hello Clockers... well... I've listened to part two now... it also is worth the 9:59.... what was of special interest to me was the `missing time' aspect of her recollections....

I'm not going to link to the other parts as you can dig into them yourselves if you wish. She seems like she is relating a real experience... and reminds me remarkably of my own grandmother... right down to her attitude about men from other planets.
And finally for today... Mark Corbin was an U.F.O. researcher... by simply being aware and having a camera... here's his story... only 58 views... deserves many more. This man had a knack for catching orbs and the one or two objects he says are UFOs in some daytime photos ...along with the attached storyline... well worth your time.. Mark Corbin died in 2013... this is his take on UFO's in his own words.
Thanks For Your Readership

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

1949 Alien Being Description - VIA MUFON Database Search

The LACK of  `entities' - via my MUFON database search - in the first years of the Modern UFO Era 1947, and 1948, and now 1949, is getting a bit astonishing to me. Remember - this search is for all records since 1995 - and in 1995 - millions of adults were in their 60's - who would have been of adult age in 1947 - yet NONE of them have or had any reports of entities in 47 or 48. ONLY the children of that era have memories of it? I FIND that hard to believe. Not only that - these `bedroom alien' memories and abductions - seem totally devoid of the details you would think would be part of such accounts - as largely told via the internet for twenty years or so. Judge for yourself of course - but - why would the early and one would assume if real - the `increasing' visiting of Earth by ET's in the late 40's -  NOT have any real alien reports and just CRAFT reports? (are aliens an additional visualization/representation of the Orb/Craft phenomena as I've been recently surmising?).

So, using the same criteria as I did in my 47, and 48 searches only yielded ONE submission tagged `entity' for 1949 - ONLY ONE.... and again... it's with kids who are abducted by a craft and once again - NO description of any aliens within the craft in any manner... indeed once again it reads much like the fictional alien bedroom abduction accounts of the 1980's and 90's - becoming real in someones mind... that said, with the one account below - it does seem that something happened to these two boys in Arizona in August 1949. Red is my emphasis

1949's Report Of Entity

Long Description of Sighting Report
In late August of 1949 I and another boy (we are both alive, cognitive and active) were abducted and taken aboard a disc like craft where I (I cannot say the same happened to the other man) was examined and an unknown type of medical procedure was performed on both my mind and body. The abduction took place in a rural area approximately 8-miles south of the town of Rainier Oregon at 10 pm in the evening while the two of us were walking along a country road that led towards Mayger Oregon.

However, our being taken was not remembered other than as a fragmented event until 1987 when the two of us again met up at a wake being held for my mother. Upon seeing me across the room the other man simply stated, "Do you remember when we lit up"? That is when we were first able to talk about our being taken with others. More of the event was learned in 2007 when I was hypnotically regressed by a therapist for PTSD and the event was what came to mind and not any event during the Vietnam War.

Since then the other man has told me that when our bodies lit up with a white light that covered us from head to tow but not other nearby objects he said that he was able to see my entire skeleton and it scared the hell out of him.

After we were released I did see a large fan type structure that glowed with a blue light which was similar in intensity and hue to the shaft of light that was used to bring the two of us up into the ship.

Where are the human-venus like god aliens of the early 50's have they not arrived yet? Is it then that the collective imagination took off about the UFO phenomena? Are all of the accounts so far implanted by later life memories?

And what do the 1950's hold?
Zero accounts marked `entity' for 1950 - now to search 1951.
Those with an investigative mind might wish to look into the below:
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Original Man At The Center Of The Alien Hypothesis

In the last few years... those that professed to being abducted by aliens, and those that `believe' such stuff,  has taken a beating by the common sense applied to the methodology used to study the phenomena... I will not re trash all of that here... but the `alternative crowd of 2012' had tons and tons of faith in the famous `research' done by the late Dr. Mack at Harvard (being sucked up by that prestigious name I assume)... and as Clockers know... I am not a big believer in this aspect of UFOlogy in any manner (to the point of saying that bedroom abductions are nearly always pure fantasy compared to our reality)..... (and also a tenet of MUFON btw these days... that is... they are believers)...... but all that said, this AM on my feisty blog called The Barfstew - I found in the sidebar... and by the way ... it's the best ParaNormal sidebar on the internet... this link at Global Love Think Tank called Gamerbreaker... it's a tribute made in 2012 to Dr. Mack... you've been warned.

I've identified Jack Brewer as one of the few using logic and a bit of `news digging' to reveal much of the sham of UFOlogy - read his take on things here 
and dig into his sidebar for much more about WHY the alien abduction phenomena is mental.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

22 Minutes Of UFO Talk In Atlanta On Newstalk 1160 AM

I thought I'd provide the link to the 22 minute interview - Click To Listen ... that I provided to Jeff Davis at Newstalk 1160 AM here in Atlanta recently.
Hey.... 26 folks downloaded FREE books off my Kindle Author Page Yesterday... might some still be FREE today? (IF you download one for free feel free to buy one too.) Thanks.
I've had this bookmarked from the late Bruce Duensing for some time (late last year)... and in this essay BD explores the NDE with the Alien Abduction experience.... The Singularity Of Alien Abductions... only for folks who think please. Oh... a snippet is below:
The Near Death Experience is directed inwardly and the resulting examination as a constant is based one's choices in relation to thought as a reactive behaviorism.
The Alien Abduction is positioned outwardly, and the consistent examination of the experiencer’s body, rather than the former. One could characterize both as ritual initiations where the individual is isolated from the larger community of consensus and shown other forms of sentience manifested as humanoid who perform a set pattern repeated again and again.
Both involve radiant energy or light as formulated and expressed by a tunnel whose main function is to draw the individual from one orientation to the other. One is the physical body being lifted in defiance of gravity and the other is the same effect focused on the separation of the mind from the body.
Thanks for being a reader
Make sure to listen to that 22 minute interview

Friday, June 26, 2015

Ken Pfeifer's Amazing UFO Postings

As Clockers know... I'm on Ken Pfeifer's mailing list when he posts at one of his UFO websites...... and in the bin... I have a number of these pre-screened accounts... today I bring you a few and a comment or two too.
In this first one... Ken copies a `story' sent to Lon Strickler at Phantoms and Monsters.


DECEMBER 24, 2014    .......    EASTERN OHIO
Hello Mr. Strickler: I am giving you permission to publish my incident but I do not want any personal information disclosed. To begin, I had an strange incident when I was a child living in south Florida. I could never explain it and I did not want my family to know about it. It involved, what I believe, an abduction by alien beings. I don't remember the specifics other than I went to bed, got up to go to the bathroom but don't remember returning to my bed. When I woke in the morning, there was an ache in my neck and a small bump at the base of my skull. The pain went away quickly but the small bump remained. I never told my parents about it and they never noticed it. That incident occurred 54 years ago.  I now live in a rural township in eastern Ohio. My husband and I have lived here for over 40 years and are well-known within the community. My husband owns a business and employs several of the area's residents. We have raised 4 children and are also grandparents. We have been very happy with our life.  This past Christmas Eve, I was alone at home during the day. My husband was at work and some of my children and their families were visiting for the holidays. They had all gone out to visit friends and to do some shopping, so I was the only one at home.  Around 1:00 PM I decided to sit down in the club room and watch television. I had been busy all day cooking and doing a few other things, so I decided to take a break. I sat on the sofa and turned on the television with the remote control. As I was surfing channels the television suddenly went off. I just figured I had accidentally turned it off with the remote, but I was unable to turn it back on. I got up and starting walking toward the television when everything went black. The next thing I remember is waking up on the sofa. My neck was very sore and I was laying on the sofa completely nude. My clothes were folded neatly and setting on the coffee table. I quickly dressed and noticed that the television was on and that the time was 2:48 PM. I went to rub my sore neck and noticed that the small bump that I had for 54 years was now gone. I went into the bathroom in order to look at the back of my neck with a handheld mirror. There was a 2 inch vertical red scar where the small bump had previously been.  Today is Thursday Dec. 27th, 2012. My neck no longer hurts and the scar has healed nicely. It is barely noticeable. I had never told my husband about my incident as a child, but yesterday I explained everything to him. He is very open-minded and believes in UFOs and other strange things. I also told my older son about it and he suggested I contact you. I believe he reads your articles and that you have talked to him in the past.  My older son believes that I experienced an abduction. In fact, my husband agrees with him as well. Like I stated earlier, you have my permission to publish if personal details are removed. I have included my contact information below. Thank you for your time. SK

NOTE: Last evening, out of the blue, I received an email from SK's son (RK). I hadn't remembered the original email from SK though I was sure I had posted it. RK reminded me of the incident...then stated that SK had suddenly passed away in December 2014. I was able to contact him be telephone this morning.  RK said that he had kept close tabs on the Todd Sees incident on the blog. He didn't go into detail about SK's death but did state that the family believes that his Mother's experiences contributed to her demise. RK then mentioned that she was constantly worried that she would be abducted and thought her family may also be victims at some point.  I asked RK to keep me posted in case other information comes to light. I didn't want to push him on specific details...I feel if he thinks I should be told more particulars, that he'll offer the information at some point.  Most experiencers I have talked to struggle with continued fear and anxiety. Many are told that they will be monitored and to expect more contact at a later time. There is little doubt that these incidents place undue strain on the body and mind. Is alien science / technology resulting in loss of life? Are experiments (and disposal) conducted on abductees? I believe that there is more of a possibility of these scenarios than ever before. Lon  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
The Todd Sees case is one that Lon has been involved with for years and seemingly belies the idea that all alien encounters are friendly or research oriented - and may involve violence to humans at times..... that said, the above example quite weak IMO. Just sayin.
Indeed - Ken uses a lot of the material about UFO's that Lon covers.. here's another and also perhaps connected to the Sees' incident.... what's in red is my emphasis.

Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2015 5:33:28 PM 

It was August 2009 and my father (Age 53 at the time), my brother (21), my boyfriend (29) and myself (24) were house sitting for my boyfriend's sister. Her home is isolated and sits atop a mountain outside Northumberland, PA. It is surrounded by trees which frame an outstandingly clear view of the sky. We were inside the house, chatting and finishing dinner (about 9 or 10 0'clock) when we heard a very strange sound, a low roar that lasted no more than a few seconds, but was quickly followed by what we thought was an earthquake. The house is huge by anyone's standards, 3 floors, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and built solid. It would take quite a natural force to shake the whole thing. The vibration was enough to rattle items on shelves, but it lasted only a second or two. We were startled because the weather was beautiful, no clouds or rain or wind. It was a perfect summer night. We didn't know what to make of it, so we went about our business, clearing dishes and then stepping out onto the upstairs patio to enjoy the night. We hadn't been outside for long when I noticed a strange "star" in the sky. I thought I had seen it move, so I watched it. It began turning different colors - red, green, white, blue- so I quickly pointed it out to the others. They picked it out of the sky right away and the four of us watched as it moved, ever so slightly, as if it were hovering in place. The lights came and went, and almost looked like they were rotating, as if the object they were attached to were spinning. We were all pretty convinced that this was not a star that we were looking at, when it started darting in short spurts. It would hover, then dart to the right, then up, then back to it's starting position. It didn't travel far in these spurts, but it was moving in ways that no plane could. We were utterly convinced that this was something none of us had seen before. We watched, in awe, for about half an hour - all of us staring at the sky, unable to explain what we were seeing, when all of a sudden, it disappeared. Just like that. All the rest of the stars in the sky were visible, it wasn't a cloud. It just...vanished. We all kind of gasped and cursed and got excited when it suddenly reappeared in a completely different region of the sky. We didn't witness it traveling to that spot - but we should have. It was inexplicable. It hovered and darted in that spot for about a minute when all of a sudden it flashed a bright light and began coming toward us! I know this sounds unreal, and maybe that's why I've kept our story between the four of us and a few close friends for 2 years, but I swear to you that this next experience has changed all of our lives forever. We cannot explain what we saw. We saw the bright light, and then we saw this giant, black mass coming right at us. I will never know how it traveled from a distance relative to stars to the rooftop so quickly. It was literally seconds. We all kind of screamed, watching the light get closer, but never taking our eyes off of it. It came so close that we thought it would begin to knock over treetops or crash into the house. The object we saw was enormous. It dwarfed the house and the property and was the blackest black, with no details visible except for a few orangish white lights on the bottom. It was shaped like a guitar pick and it seemed as if these dull lights were placed in the corners of the triangle. It was traveling fast and made NO SOUND.
It is impossible for something so gigantic to fly. It is even more impossible for it to do so silently. As it flew directly over the house, I ran inside, through the house and out a door on the opposite side to catch the rest of it's descent. I saw the mass, but it was so low that I lost it to the trees as soon as it passed. We were hysterical. My father and I were yelling, excited and scared at the same time, recounting what we has just seen. My boyfriend was quiet, stunned, not sure how to react. My brother solemnly whispered "Holy F*&#, that was the Starship Enterprise", not trying to be funny, but in a reflective, shocked manner. We all went over the sequence of events a hundred times that night, and probably hundreds since then. We assumed no one outside the house would take us seriously, so we kept it to ourselves. The family and close friends we did tell gave us pitying looks and offered up explanations like 'planes' and 'search lights.' That is not even close to what we saw. We are all level headed, educated people, and we were the first to try and debunk what we were seeing, but we could not. This experience has changed our lives, and I think that we are finally ready for real answers and real input. Was the strange sound/shaking of the house related to what we saw? Why did it come so close to us? Where did it go? Did it land? How could it have been so big? WHAT WAS IT?? It has taken me a year and a half to share my story, but I have thought about this every day. I live not even 2 miles from where this sighting took place, and have since witnessed other UFO activity which I would happily share with anyone who is interested or willing to offer answers, but what happened on that night is the most haunting experience of my life. I need to know what we saw. - MUFON CMS

NOTE: On September 14th, 2002 at 1:45 PM, approximately 3 weeks after the See's incident, a large silver disk-shaped UFO was reported to me by a resident in Northumberland, PA. The UFO was hovering above the Montour Ridge, very near the See's property. The witness, who was an attorney in the area, stated that they estimated that the craft was over 400 ft in diameter, 1500 ft above ground and silent. There was a soft glow around the craft which allowed a visual description. It hovered for approximately 30 seconds, then disappeared completely. I received the report on September 17th, 2002...before I had any knowledge of the Sees incident.

There have been 30 UFO-related sighting reports to MUFON for Northumberland County, PA since 1995. We are constantly checking with databases and researchers for other reports. Your cooperation would be appreciated. Lon

Further down on this page you will find how much the above incident fits what I've identified as the NEW UFO MOTIF...... be thinking orbs folks.
I also got this link (from Ken) to the `infamous' 1968-9 UFO crash in the USSR... it's one you've probably seen before and has at least two stories attached to it (only one has the alien inside the craft)... but... take a close look at the `UFO Saucer' at about 1:59 in the clip.... as it looks suspiciously like a huge slab of thick cement and much less like a flying machine... indeed.. wouldn't the ground have been kicked up if this crashed.... here's the link and this was at the peak of the disinfo years between the powers that be..... the words Ken sent are at the above link... you be the judge.
Thanks for your readership
all of my books are FREE to Amazon Prime and Amazon Unlimited Subscribers

Sunday, March 22, 2015

`Grounding' The `Alien' Reports Of West Midland, UK

Welcome to spring.... you can feel the electricity in the air... the charge into the unknowns of the spring. And recently, if not yesterday, I got another mailing of a post by Ken Pfeifer evidently carried by our co-buddy Lon Strickler at Phantoms and Monsters. Now Lon does the world of paranormal a favor by having gained the trust of readers to really open up about their most anomalous of experiences. But, this post is more of a `factual' nature... of which KP lends his own perspective to the information...... and I will lend mine too.

Anyway.. as you see... the post is about how the police in one area of the UK complied with a freedom of information request about the incidents of `aliens' and `alien abductions' in their jurisdiction.... the results... IMO... are indeed a bit surprising... PERHAPS... or not... based on what you look at and what you are looking for and what you know about in a sample. Yeah... my marketing research angle entering again into the analysis of what you are about to read.

Here's the copy and paste sent to me by KP:
red as always is my emphasis - I googled and found this too - The West Midlands is a metropolitan county in western central England with a 2013 estimated population of 2,783,475.  And, the source report here: Source In UK which has some additional details I bring below:

Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2015 6:07:29 PM 

Alien activity in the western central English county of West Midlands is apparently keeping police officers there pretty busy.  According to the West Midlands Police Department’s website, “As part of its pledge to be as open and transparent as possible, West Midlands Police publishes all FOI requests onto its website as a matter of course.” It continues, “And while the act enables important statistics and information to be published, it has also highlighted some of the force’s more unusual call outs.”  One FOI request asks, “Please, under the freedom of information act can you tell me how many alien abductions have been reported in the West Midlands over past three years, breaking it down for each area? Can you also give details on each case and how the report was resolved?”  The department says it has received twenty-three alien-related reports during the past four years. How these numbers compare to police departments in other parts of the world is unknown. But it seems like a lot, considering that these aren’t simple calls about strange lights in the sky.  Two calls were from people who were either being attacked by aliens, or were reporting an alien home invasion.  Three of the calls were from people seeking police assistance because extraterrestrials were allegedly in the process of abducting them, or coming to abduct them.  Four calls were from people who reported that they were either talking to aliens or hearing aliens talking to them.  The remaining fourteen calls were from people reporting that they had seen extraterrestrials in West Midlands.  The police department points out, “Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However,it is important to note that these data have been extracted from a number of data sources used by forces for police purposes. The detail collected to respond specifically to your request is subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large scale recording system. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when interpreting those data.”  The twenty-three reports provided by the West Midlands police resulted from its own system search using the terms “alien” and “alien abduction.” So it’s conceivable that the department has received more than twenty-three extraterrestrial-related reports, which might contain other terms like “extraterrestrial” and/or “E.T.” - West Midlands police respond to reports of hostile .       
And I also found this from he original article in the 
West Midlands Police said advice was given in three cases, while five were registered as false alarms.
Birmingham Mail:
If you read the Birmingham Mail article you will read that even the police give caution about the sampling method they used to find `alien and alien abduction'. I'd go a bit further about the above limitations to the data presented for a large metropolitan area:

First, 5 false alarms lowers the number of reports to 18 reports.
2nd, while unlikely - in the original report it states the counties by number of reports - it's possible that EVERY report in the county may be nothing more than ONE person with multiple reports. Indeed, the `outcome' with only 8 of the cases noted (I assume of those with aliens on property - as the `sightings' would not be taken down to the individual level for things like `advice' or the categorization of `false alarm').
So, THREE reports in 4 YEARS involved the police giving `advice' to someone feeling under attack by aliens on their property.
And, they all could have been at the same location to the same person.
Just Sayin.
UPDATE 4-4-15
I have an internet buddy in the UK who responded and provides greater detail and opinion to the reports above:
Nice post on the West Midlands and the Police records, apparently this area is seen as a hive of activity and across the M6 corridor ( this is a Motorway M6 much like your highways) triangle craft have been seen on many an occasion, especially in the direction of Coventry/Leicester . My thoughts on these sightings are two fold, one there is an increasing amount of activity but why ? is that a number of people actually misinterpret planes in the area either crossing toward the East Midlands or the Northwest or is there something that attracts UFO to this area in particular ? Abductions also seem high on the agenda, the unfortunate problem with UFO and Abduction investigation is getting to the truth, many so called abductees in my mind are either misconstruing their dreams or somewhat mentally deranged, then  again on tranquilizers.
  I should point out that one of the claimed largest UFO groups meets in the area, BUFOG and the person who started this group has been on Richplanet TV and is somewhat questionable himself. I will point out that he was given my own UFO report via Richard.D.Hall of Richplanet TV some years back and I have watched this guy get all excited about reports he has on his site, yet he himself has never had an experience ! Let's say he is more than a bit enthusiastic..He also relies heavily on others to support his group by having regular meetings and giving lectures on various subjects some of which have no bearing on the UFO subject in order to keep up the interest in his site.

Here is a link to his Blog..


Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Over the last few days I've identified for you characteristics to look for in a UFO website. I've called those attributes Real UFO blogging - as it is a rarity. I've pulled out at least a few of the types of UFO blogging I'm talking about - and put those links into the featured module in the sidebar at the very top. IF you are new to UDCC - and I assume that most of you are - take a few moments to enlighten yourself to the `UFO attitude' around here. Thanks. And enjoy your stay. Bookmark and return -there's over a thousand posts in the archive.
I've decided again to begin with what's going on over at Ken Pfeifers UFO website - a repository of UFO/Orb pictures like no other. (Even if KP and I have slightly differing viewpoints on the phenomena.) - That said, Ken's stuff is always of interest - if only for the potential influence it has on UFOlogy. I am going to bring something he covered recently about Alien Abduction.
As always - red is my emphasis

During writing lifetime I talked with many people who had experienced strange events where they encountered unidentified crafts and or life forms that would abduct them against their will and return them hours later leaving the abductee with a period of lost time they could not explain and no memory of what happened to them during the time they were missing. The people taken often remembered the start of the event and the end or becoming aware of their surrounding at the end of the event but nothing of what happened to them in-between.  
(or, nothing at all is remembered - and fantasies can take hold?)

There is one part of this type of abduction that all of the people I have spoken with share 
(all? I've read lots and lots of abduction phenomena experiences and they certainly don't ALL begin, end or have that attribute - I can be a real pain on the ass about verbiage)

which is each one discussed seeing a ray of light of some type during the event and each person also told me that they could recall a very bright flash of light at point during the abduction . I have been told by about half of the abductees that they thought the experience with the extremely bright light occurred during the end of the abduction event but no one was positive of the timing only aware that they were shown or looked at an extremely bright light.  The second shared similarity that is reported by those who have had a lost time abduction event is that after the event they suffer with a sensitivity to bright light and need dark sunglasses to deal with a bright sun filled day. 
(again, where does this come from - certainly not the experiences I've read...)

This sensitivity increases with the amount of events the abductee has had during their lifetime. Those taken many times over their life have extreme problems with light including night driving which becomes impossible for them if exposed over and over to the bright light that comes with the abduction experience.  I have seen this light as I have been one of those who have shared lost time events and now have extreme difficulty being able to see while out in the bright sun and cannot drive during the blinding sunset or at night without great difficulty. 
I have written for years about how those taken have had some type of memory wipe of the hours spent while being abducted. I also have been fully aware of the fact that those who are kidnapped by whatever and whoever has the ability to do these things 
agreement this time around - it's seemingly the only explanation for the total blank seamless `awake' experiences - where the experience seems totally normal until the `time is missing' awareness. Now - MEMORY `wipe' is a bit speculative in my opinion as I can think of at least one other `phenomenological' explanation.

alter the people they abduct leaving them changed and often returned with physical ailments that stay with them for life or make them ill for a period of time after the event takes place.  You can imagine the upset that someone who has had to endure these things must feel when the world does not believe you and more painful refuses to help you leaving you on your own to deal with the horror of these abduction events and the physical aftermath alone and unprotected by their fellow humans. It is a ugly side of our society that continues to this very day.  Unless you have experienced an event where you are taken and used or abused against your will you cannot understand how awful it is to be one of those who are forced to deal with these things alone and without any form of help besides your own loved ones. And that is only if your loved ones are smart enough to understand what is going on. My heart sinks for those who have families who laugh at or do not believe those being abducted.
(no offense but - this is a very emotional writing and probably less than objective in evaluating these attributes IMO)

 Being completely alone and dealing with this horror has got to be devastating.  I went back over the past two decades of notes I have kept from the interviews and conversations i have had with abductees and realized that the subject of both rays of light and bright flashes of light were being reported over and over. I also realized that those who had more than one abduction also were the people who complained of serious sensitivity to sunlight or bright lights including night blindness due to the lack of being able to adjust their eyes to oncoming car lights. A few of the abductees suffered such severe damage to their eyes during their abductions that they are now losing their eyesight completely.  The fact that the abductions where lost time took place leaving the victim without any recall of what had happened to them during the event made it clear that this type of abduction included having some kind of memory wipe taking place on the abductees during the events leaving them void of any memory or spotty memory at best of what had happened to them during their lost time abduction events.

I knew all of these things however I was not able to place the factors of the bright light flashes or bright rays of light together with the missing memory until now.  One of the abductees I have written about in the past has since become a friend of mine recently sent me an article she found on line.  
The article talked about the work taking place where researchers can erase memories in mice using flashes of light in a bid to uncover how our memory works and can be controlled! 
this is an interesting finding indeed IMO

It was an interesting article which I will post under my article on my blog however for me it was obvious that the flashes of light were part of the memory altering that takes place when humans are taken and abused by whatever or whoever is doing the abducting.  It is by no way a coincidence that human scientists are now using light in this way nor should we be surprised. I doubt there is anyone out there who does not at least suspect if not clearly know that the human race has been given or stolen a great deal of technology from the other life forms that have been visiting this planet
say WHAT? talk about a leap.

most likely from the birth of the planet. Reading that a form of memory control and light is connected should have been obvious to me before. I laugh when I realize it was part of every Men in Black movie made. The fact they used the light flash may have been a joke on society placed in the movies by those who knew long ago that it was indeed the exact way our visitors control our memories. 
(oh jeez, the conspiracy theory...... not buying it)

 I am sure there is a part of humanity, those elite few, who do know what is going on in this universe that know a great deal if not most of what happens to not only lost time abductees, but all those who are taken or have close encounters.  These elite few understand and freely approve of and go along with all types of abductions that take place to all the living creatures of earth including humans. The only ones kept in the dark are the mass of the world’s population that remain at the will and hands of the few and those who visit and do as they please with us.  
I certainly do not share this viewpoint.

At this point in my life I have learned by both research and personal experience that we know little yet live in a world filled with unknowns and unexplained events that we continue to ignore and let happen without questioning or are even normally curious about.  I believe in many things that seem impossible as I have lived and witnessed the impossible first hand. I also know we are being walked down a dishonest path by the powers that control this planet and realize we are simple pawns in a game none of us have any idea is being played out much less understanding.
I in turn think the elites biggest fear is that they have no control.

  All I can do is write what I see and share what I find and let you walk your own path of understanding what is going on around us all the time.  Enjoy each day but in doing so always pay attention to your surrounding and be careful out there as you never know when that light will flash in your direction!   
KENS NOTE :  I have known Chris Holly for a few years now and she has incredible insight about many things but I feel the Alien Abduction topic is her best work.  Check out her work at Chris Holly’s Endless Journey with the Unknown -
And, what do Clockers think?
And as Clockers also know - over 1100 posts - a person develops trust with the reader base - authority even perhaps. It's along those lines that I bring to you - regular readers (newbies are okay) something I found in just the last week - have tried out myself - and am now recommending it to you. It has to do with a Venture Capital Companies business plan to have people become comfortable with all the attributes of Bitcoin or other Digital Currencies. Now - are you ready for this - the business plan is to GIVE YOU FREE Digital Currency - including Bitcoin - Daily and Automatically - and all you have to do is let it accumulate until you'd like to make a withdrawal. As 1000's have done since September already.

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Saturday, October 11, 2014

UFO Stories - October Weekend Edition - Part Two

I hope you enjoyed last Saturday's edition too.

The bin is full of pre-screened stories from Ken Pfeifer of MUFON - here's a sampling of excerpts: Lots of excerpts. UFOlogy at it's best. Indeed, below is perhaps a `breakthru' in the decades old Billy Meier case. Or is it?

Websites sited in the reports below:


MARCH 26, 2013    ....    BROWNSBURG INDIANA

Hi, My name is Chris. On March 26, 2013 I had a strange experience. I filed a report with MUFON. This happened in Brownsburg, Indiana. At the time of my report I did not realize that I had been abducted.  This was on my way home from work. I have driven this path every day for the last 20 years. I felt this strange light and could not move and when it quit I saw the UFO.  I know when I felt the light and when I saw the UFO and realized I had driven a mile down the road that I don't remember.  A few weeks later I was pulled out of my bed then awoke seconds later back in bed. The missing time is 20 to 30 minutes every time. This usually happens around 2:30 AM.  I have lost count of the times I have been  abducted. Twice I was aware of my surroundings. One time I was on a hard surface and felt heavy weight on me and finally screamed to get off me. It took a lot of effort to get the words out; then I was back in bed.  The other time I was being forced to walk and felt something happening behind me. When I turned my head I saw an alien standing there for just a second then I was back in bed.  Each time this happens I get a two inch "dent" in my head... This is about a half inch wide with a circle indentation at the end. This takes several hours to appear.  A couple of time the dent is bigger and wider at the top back of my head and this one appears quickly. I have had headaches from the start.  I don't always wake up when this happens.
The somewhat rare car experience UFO - mixed the UFO amnesia - mixed with missing time in nighttime `bedroom' abductions UFO - it's a long slippery slope in UFOlogy - often associated with `light' events that distort space literally for the observer.


My wife and I were driving on the Apache Trail road towards Tortilla Flat. A couple of miles before reaching the saloon at Tortilla Flat, we noticed a silver disc in the sky on our passenger side. My wife was taking pictures the whole way with her phone (sitting in the passenger seat), so she already had the camera ready to go. We literally took dozens of pictures on our trip, so I not only have this picture but pictures leading up to it and afterword if they need to be provided in the future as proof. The object was hovering in place, and then appeared to start moving. Our view was obscured for a split moment after the sighting, and when we could see again, it was no longer there. The disc was highly reflectant, bright silver ,like a bare aluminum can, with no lights other than the light reflecting from the sun, which was significant. It had a very large dome in the top center of the craft. We never saw the bottom half of the craft, so the best description I can give is that it was slightly tilted downward so we could see the top part, not the bottom. Almost as if the craft was banking a turn, although it didn’t appear to be moving in a curved line. It was too far away to see a great amount of detail, such as windows or panels, but it was close enough that it was right in line with the closest rock formation in the distance. I’d estimate it to be about a half a mile from our vehicle.....Thinking back, the only oddity would be that my 2014 Jeep Wrangler made an audible “ding” sound literally right after we saw the craft the first time. I’d say, maybe 5-10 seconds after the sighting. It’s the same “ding” as you’d hear if the safety belt wasn’t fastened or the door was open. At the time, I didn’t correlate it with the sighting, but thinking back it is a bit weird, especially since both me and my wife had our seat belts on, and the doors were closed, with no error light on my dashboard. ....The only other thing worth noting I guess is that it didn’t feel like anything significant was going on during the time, but the more I think about it now, the more amazing the experience really was. I guess that’s opposite of how I should have felt, instead being shocked at the time of seeing it and then not caring later.

No, the amazing thing is that the BEST photo doesn't resemble the description yet this isn't mentioned.... and NO ... lots of folks didn't see this.... and Forteana too.



A disturbing chain of livestock mutilations has plagued farmers and ranchers throughout all 50 states for decades, but law enforcement has failed to name a perpetrator. Cows, horses, goats, and other livestock have been randomly found dead—the corpses mutilated and organs removed with surgical precision. With each of these attacks, no tracks of any kind surround the site, perplexing ranchers and law enforcement.  Many theories surround this mysterious and persistent wave of attacks. Suspects include predatory animals, satanic cultists, extraterrestrials, and even the U.S. government. To this day, no arrests have been made even though more than 10,000 attacks have been recorded throughout the country, according to KLAS-TV Las Vegas.  These cases stand out from regular predatory attacks on livestock. Their surgical nature is eerie and unexplainable. Colorado rancher Tom Miller recalled his first encounter with the mysterious mutilations: The eyes, ears, tongue, and reproductive organs had been removed from one of his cows with surgical precision. No blood was found onsite, which is typical among the mutilation attacks. Miller said that his cattle have been periodically attacked in this way since 1999.  Adding to the bewilderment are the fractured bones, including ribs, inside the carcasses of the mutilated animals, suggesting that the animals were taken, operated on, and then dropped from an elevated height.  Supporters of the extraterrestrial theory suggest that aliens take the animals aboard their craft and then discard the remains, according to the “Unexplained Files.” Ufologists—those who study UFOs—believe that the mutilation of these animals represents a need for bodily tissue in order to create alien-human hybrids. This claim is perhaps lacking in evidence, but in many cases of cattle mutilation, the reproductive organs were removed—embryos included. In the scientific community, cow embryos were used in human cloning attempts by the company Advanced Cell Technology in 1999, reported the BBC and NewScientist news.
In no way do I believe that aliens are using human reproductive organs to breed hybrids - which is also part of the alien abduction from bedroom lore too. That said, the animal mutilations certainly seem nefarious at the least. That said, IF humans have back engineered or simply figured out anti-gravity - humans could have these crafts too and then the nefariousness may be more explainable. 
In 1980, Billy Meier, the Swiss UFO contactee, took 63, clear 35mm film photographs and a five-minute video of an object dubbed the Wedding Cake UFO, or WCUFO.  Skeptics immediately pounced on the photos claiming they showed a model made from a garbage can lid and Christmas tree ornaments. With MUFON, the international UFO investigating organization, lacking the technology to determine the authenticity of his UFO photos, and Meier himself not saying anything in his own defense, the matter was perceived as a hoax and became just another UFO "cold case."  Enter "CSI"  Fast forward to today where - just like in an episode of CSI - independent researcher Prof. Rhal Zahi revives the Meier cold case by taking a took a close look at the "DNA" in the WCUFO photos using PhotoShop, professional 3-D computer modeling software and actual scale models.  His 74-page report, including his reproducible protocols, conclusively authenticate the photos as large, unknown objects and rules out small models or special effects.  Prof. Zahi then discovered never before seen details in a nighttime WCUFO photo that have been hidden in not so plain sight - for 34 years - revealing that the craft is hovering over a gravel road and that Meier somehow actually took the photo from... above the object. 

MUFON Takes Another Look.  Armed with Prof. Zahi's authentication of the WCUFO, Meier's American representative, Michael Horn, contacted Jan Harzan, the Executive Director of MUFON, who has known about the Meier case for 25 years and struggled with it being simply "too good."  Harzen and Horn formed a precedent setting alliance and, for the first time in 34 years, MUFON opened the Meier case to its 3,000 members worldwide.  Staggering Implications.  According to Horn, "Prof. Zahi's work vindicates Meier of charges that he hoaxed his evidence. It also makes the SETI program unnecessary because it conclusively shows that the UFOs photographed and filmed by Billy Meier are extraterrestrial in origin.  With Meier's well-documented contacts with the Plejaren extraterrestrials still ongoing for over 72 years - and so rich in scientific information- the implications are truly staggering.  "Now along with NASA aerospace engineers recognizing its significance, modern technology makes it easy enough for an eight year-old child with a computer to prove the most important discovery in all of science and human history for themselves. We are not alone, we've been contacted and now it's up to us to see if we can actually recognize - and handle - the truth."  An update on the remarkable, historical developments in the Billy Meier case may be announced at the upcoming MUFON Symposium, July 17 - 20, in Pennsylvania. 

I'll provide some blogging with this one - here's the MUFON page about Billy Meier - it does include the work above BUT also has several debunking examinations too. My question would be has anyone at MUFON verified the latest findings? Seems not and I could find nothing suggesting anything happened in July other than it was discussed. All that said, it's not like 100's of folks have such `evidence' and claims.... only this one.... just perhaps that makes some sense.

MARCH 24, 2014     .....     ARLINGTON TEXAS

I was traveling south. One block south of me and traveling north toward me, a dark grey and black saucer-shaped craft topped the hill. It was as wide as the three lanes of traffic and had two red triangular lights on either side in a similar position to where the parking lights are on an automobile but on the bottom edge.  However, no light from these reflected onto the ground and they were not bright like headlights, but they were large rectangles and most definitely red.  The largest part of the craft was very dark gray and the top “bubble” part was black. This craft was only a few inches off the roadway. My light changed and as I proceeded toward it, it was as if something came between us and it was no longer visible. As there was nothing there to actually come between us, I feel as if it “cloaked ” itself, but it was gone.  This area is very well lit as there are street lights on either side and there are businesses on both sides of the road so my visibility was excellent. At this time of morning, there was no one else on the road except for it and me. This road runs directly behind my house and this happened 1/2 block north from my backyard.  I went home and immediately called my friend who I had just dropped off and told her about it. However, over a period of 20 minutes, we were only able to maintain a phone connection for about 5 minutes, as our call would get dropped and I would get the message “Call Failed” which never comes through when a call is dropped but rather when it doesn’t go through to begin with.  I would try to call her back and it would do absolutely nothing. Just like dead air. She left me a voicemail message but my phone had not rang. She would call me and get the same nothing. One time, I called her and as the phone was ringing, it sounded as if there was a third party on the line and I could hear! some scratching like claws on a piece of wood but just when the call should have gone to voicemail, it just disconnected and I got the “Call Failed” message.  She said when we finally were able to talk that she had never experienced anything like that ever before with a cell phone. I hadn’t either. I was unable to go to sleep until about 6:00 a.m.  The next day she told me that she had checked the Arlington Police Dept. active police “blotter” after we hung up and that from 3:00 a.m. until 3:30 a.m. there had been 9 calls to 911 that were only classified as “disturbances” within a 1-mile radius of where this occurred and my house.  She tried to take a screen shot of this information, but it would not work. I can get a copy of that night’s activity from the police department, but cannot do so for 30 days. At that time, I will forward you a copy of that to go with this report.
High Strangeness can be associated with UFO perceptions/phenomena.
I did some real UFO blogging
only two reports 3-3:30 and neither nefarious. 

There did not seem to be a way to search 911 calls other than the active ones.
time to go?








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition