Also, for myself - I found a treasure trove of UFO phenomena in the FB group that I joined run by Scott Browne (In The Field) that has 100's of sky observers like myself. And, it has been a trip... as expected ... having a FB page for UDCC's Facebook Page - started on January 1st. IF you haven't `liked' that page... please do so.
And then there is the phenomena itself and the reaction to it by folks and by the MSM in general.... and without question IMO... the LACK of any significant UFO coverage in 2015 is simply the continuation of what I called the `Disclosure With Suppression' announcement in 2011 by the Obama administration. Something not even noted by other UFO websites. Talk about being blinded to a point of view. Additionally IMO... 2015 has brought the continued deterioration of anything associated with the `alien abduction' research so highly believed in by many just a few years ago.
All that said, the phenomena itself... except for just a few videos ever... has never seemingly been so actively caught on camera - Orbs that is...the real UFO phenomena. Lastly as an overview.. the increased scrutiny by YouTube at some of the FAKE UFO websites promoting FAKE UFO videos might be a sign of sanity.... something UDCC has pointed out for years and years.
Below is some of the best from 2015 - dig in, bookmark, return, share, do your part to bring some sanity to the overall view about the UFO phenomena. Thanks. Oh... and buy some of my E-Books. Or donate... real UFO blogging isn't free of effort... links to donating are in the sidebar. OR if you have a website... use my affiliate link to make Real Bitcoin by placing a banner on your website... I've made about 1/3 BTC in 2015 using it. Using my affiliate link to make your banner - costs nothing to your earnings. Thanks for your readership in 2015.
2015 Year In Review
Hottest Posts - Most Important Links
January - while Don Lemon on CNN theorizes about the supernatural (ie-UFOs) might have taken down a missing airliner... interest in UFO's continues an uninterrupted downward Trend as noted in this Jan. 5th posting.... also pointing out that the UFO Dog and Pony show would have folks believe that interest has never been higher (a common slogan) for UFO Disclosure..... January also started with some excellent `structured orb' photos from Payne Ohio that you can see Here.....Also in January I took up an old Unpublished comment from my bin and finally addressed The 1977 Ft.Benning Incident ... which again... largely turned on the testimony of one individual making HUGE claims about 100's of men if not 1000's..... This post like many others I've done on UDCC shows how old UFO accounts often simply do not stand up to the test of time and often morph out of recognition to what may have been experienced (or not).....But perhaps the BEST post of the month was this re-examination of the Early FBI Files On Aliens specifically the nine attributes they had. Was all this DISINFO? ..... January also covered the 1949 Norwood Ohio UFO Searchlight Incident... some of these early day UFO incidents compared to what is seen today... was more physical apparently in nature IMO..... Also in January was the first identified Orb Videographer in New Hampshire called Low Fly Orbs regular readers are aware that one of the main features of UDCC is to feature such individuals. But, January ended with a look at Kickstarter and a way to raise money to tell the real story of Bob Lazar... yes BL.... All enough to wonder what can the rest of 2015 be like... right?
February - began with the biggest UFO hoaxing/BSing, whatever you want to call it of 2015 as a breaking story with one image - The Roswell Alien Coming 5-5-15 - which turned out on 5-5 to be as big a letdown as possible.... and further tarnished the Dog and Pony show called UFO Disclosure... if such a thing is possible..... in mid-month UDCC took up another `old' alien photo.... The Amoco Alien Photo...see how murky all alien photos are when an attempt is made to source them... fun in-depth read. Then on February 22nd I did the strange story and follow up with Frank Kimbler THE man who previously had `proven' Roswell via isotopes in anthills and the strange sample that is now missing. I ended the month with some ISS photos and conspiracy... but I can't link to everything of course.
March - In possibly THE POST of the year (as far as my evolving theory on the UFO phenomena) - I've identified the UFO motif to include Helicopters And Low Flying Jets that happened immediately AFTER the UFO phenomena when seen by humans are a close proximity. Later in the month I did this Probing Post About UFOs And The Phenomena .... On March 5th I covered IMO what may be the BEST LIVE TV UFO video of the year (show could have been just taping prior to being live too I guess) - anyway... I covered it Here and you can see the video below:.... perhaps the best `saucer' video of the year. While I covered this in March the event happened in February.
I rarely feature my Google Plus page ... but IF you like such things... and I do have cool stuff there... and have had over 6 MILLION views.... CLICK HERE TO SEE IT.
On March 17th - Was the First Orb I Saw Near A Chemtrail and this is how I blogged that event. .... ALSO an excellent post is this Deep Theory Post About Chemtrails And Orbs - I challenge my readers to not miss this one if you truly want deeper understandings into the sky phenomena. And finally March ended with some REAL UFO BLOGGING as I take 23 reports of UFOs in one small area and turn it into ONE via a little legwork ....perhaps...... what can the rest of the year hold?
April - Took on Ccrow777 and his ... well... craziness... but not without at least inspiring the idea of orbs having micro intelligence again. In 2015 I cleaned up many of my unpublished comments and even some previously Unpublished from my bin of posts. Fox News also covered in April a 2013 UFO Video shot by Chilean miners that has some impressive details ... such as length of daytime event, with a VERY `SAUCER' type of object seen below:

And,,, was there a Kingston Ontario UFO wave in April? With Video Too. And finishing the month was a GREAT video `Orb Near Volcano Plume - great 2015 daytime Orb video and from Facebook too.
May - Started with an update on 2013 Orb Caller Sir Farquat who like many others...seems to have his `powers' declining after an active period. Indeed as I review my posts for May I had a number of `UFO'/Orb posts with video and pictures... here's one posting I did about a Multi Hour Multi Witness Orb and is worth your year end click.... as is this post with GREAT pictures from Richmond Kentucky. But... for me.. May will be remembered as having this post in which Bruce Duensing identified a possible UAP theory which include the intentions of the human and my own ORB seeing in May that included multiple times near Chemtrails. And finally in what may be THE video of the year.. another Orb Summoner in the UK may have caught on video the actual Orb/Helicopter/UFO phenomena - and the video can be seen Here (yes, I've covered this guy before too).
June covered everything from John Lennon's UFO Experience to the death of Bruce Duensing. June also covered Dubmani an Atlanta Orb Videographer who has several of the POWER up and fake plane phenomena in his video Orb portfolio (which ended in 2013). June continued its connection to strangeness as at my fathers funeral a close cousin not seen in decades... in his first conversation with me since we were teens (except for one time) he asks IF I Remember The UFO We Saw As Kids... I about crapped my pants..... but perhaps you prefer FICTION? Well.. I gave it my best as to how the UFO dog and pony show would treat Alien Bones Found In Desert Via ATV - a rare fiction blog post with some humor IMO.
This is the end of Part One... See July - December soon too. As you can see above... real UFO blogging is not free of effort. Perhaps you'd like to support real UFO blogging once a year... all donations are appreciated... click below. Thanks.
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