Bloggers get e-mails from readers and people of like interest with some frequency if you have a quote `popular' blog (btw, UDCC is currently well inside the top million websites in America according to this Alexa.Com Statistic). Real bloggers don't mind at all. Then, occasionally, lines get pushed or crossed when the purpose is to push merchandise that is targeted at one's readership or at the least oneself. And, today's UDCC headline was in the subject line of an e-mail I got today from one Ron James - a person not above my threshold of awareness.
Now I guess I was targeted as part of the elite club that even knows the EBE term well enough in my top of mind - to not immediately toss the E-mail into my spam folder. Now it's possible that many if not most of my UDCC readers do know the term too, due to their science interest, and open minded interest in the UFO phenomena, by being on these pages to begin with.
So, I knew it was about `extraterrestrial' biological entities - who, evidently, were now of the status of `Film Festival' awards. Hmm. Too bad I am not a big fan of such; except intellectually. But, nonetheless, I was intrigued - just imagine, there must be dozens of filmmakers competing for such a prestigious award. Right? -------------- Heck was this going to be a special invitation from the mysterious Ron James to ME - a popular UFO blogger?
Upon opening the email this is what I found:
Dear UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock,
The biggest collection of films ever produced documenting the disclosure movement is the "The Disclosure Dialoges". This Amazing 5 DVD Set features the documentary "It Could Happen Tomorrow". This film recently won People's Choice and Best Film at the 2012 EBE Film Festival.
We would like to offer you the opportunity to sell this film on your website or to host a banner linking to a special page just for you. Another way you can earn money and help spread the information, is to send an email blast to your mail list telling them about the film and offering them a special price.
You will earn 20%-40% for each sale you help generate. If you are interested, let us know and we will determine the best sales scenario for you and supply you with links, artwork and information so that you may begin right away.
At the link we find lists like these of folks on the Five DVD's:
Own the film that premiered at MUFON 2011 L.A. and started a buzz throughout the field!
If there is a smoking gun... It's in here.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell
Danny Sheehan
Nick Pope
Richard Dolan
Stephen Basset
Paul Davids
Paola Harris
George Noory
Ronald Reagan | George Knapp
Linda Moulton Howe
Paul Stonehill
Peter Robbins
Stan Romanek
Ron James
Christopher O’Brien
Gary Heseltine
and many more |
Yeah, it's largely the same group of folks that declared Obama will disclose every other week back in 2009, mixed in with more `legitimate folks' like US Presidents and such. (Mixed in with the man with phony alien equations - Romanek. Then again, remembering from dreams can be tricky.) I can imagine their disappointment in B.O. when he did the exact opposite last fall via the Phil Larson statement. Might have a tendency to dry up sales a bit. As `Disclosure' via the government about EBE's has never been more off the table IMO. Perhaps Ron James should dig into the UDCC sidebar?
Anyway, from this above page you can access some of the others pushing the `Disclosure' agenda that evidently still is able to support about a handful of `traveling speakers' to `conferences' they all attend. Bless them.
However, despite the name of UDCC - I am much less inclined to travel down the `ideas' of the UFO Disclosure crowd. For one, IMO, almost any `government' scenario of `disclosure' would have significantly LESS impact on society than what is envisioned by the disclosure crowd. I've covered my thoughts any number of times before - Could UFO Disclosure Be Done With Limited Impact - this was the first time.
Second, while I believe some technology could indeed be from `alien technology' (note the word could) and that some technology is probably suppressed by big corporate interests - I also believe that the same suppression would be while the same corporate interests invested millions/billions/trillions (take your pick) in the suppressed technology so that they will be able to corner the market when it is viable.
Folks, everything will be peachy and things will be rosy when they can make money on the sunshine.
So, to me, the primary focus of those deeply invested in the `UFO Disclosure' scene - misses the point on two of their main points. All while touting that to a more than willing to buy that viewpoint public.
Frankly, I find folks who read UDCC a lot more skeptic than that of anyone who professes to have ANY answers.
So, yes, IF (which is unlikely by the government without some watershed event) the government would have chosen a DIFFERENT strategy last fall - IF they would have said (quoting from my above link):
So, ultimately, the Government can `say' - here's the data. You are welcome to study it. Whatever the data represents - it is a rare occurrence. Some of the events are so strange as to suggest causes with physics that humans do not understand. No final determination can be made as to the overall phenomena - make up your own mind.
I can even imagine President Obama taking the time for some softball questions by our ever so investigative media -- `what do you think sir' - to which our President will say something like this "well, I've read the report and it does have some interesting testimony and many strange, almost surreal, occurrences - of which I don't know what to make of" "parts of it - do have a security aspect and our military has had an interest in such reports -- but -- I have 100% knowledge that we can defend our airspace - there is NO reason for concern and never, evidently, has been" "And, while a very very limited number of reports over the decades - seem to suggest entities not of human origin - I will leave it to others and the American people what to ultimately believe - because as you know, the mind can play strange tricks" "And, after reviewing this data and talking with our military - I can assure you we are not under any threat. That said, I have instructed MR. _________ to form a taskforce - to review any threats of unknown origin and to yearly provide a look from a security angle about phenomena"
Something like the above could have been said by Obama himself in 2011 and guess what - nothing would have happened except for a 48 hour story.
I guess the other revelations in the 5 DVD set is that the government is less than truthful about ---- everything. IMO. And, for 29 bucks - I take no cut - you can be enlightened and for a special 49 dollar package can gain even more bonus DVD's. Heck you'll be able to set up your own theater to enlighten your friends to all this suppressed info. (I thought google was free?)
And, not a word about ORBS. Or Bigelow.
Amazon Ringers from 2.99 below
The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure
Includes some from the above list too.
So, let's take this a step further - in this video - from about a week ago. Yes, Robert Bingham himself talks about how over EIGHT years he has taught himself how to summon the anomalous. That is about when the MSM covered the Prophet Yahweh and when the first Orb callers started to upload onto YouTube. Take the time for this one.
link - - about 9k views and about a 2/1 pos/neg ratio of voting.
Description with video: