You see, Orb callers and videographers are dangerous to the very power structure we live within. IF ordinary people are able to `perform miracles' that science doesn't understand as of yet - it hardly gives us confindence in our Government to `protect us'. And, IF ordinary people are able to perform miracles - all those houses of Worship worldwide are suddenly LESS important. A threat to the very power structure is what Orb Callers are. That is why they get no attention or are debunked.
Up till now, folks have only been able to `produce' atmospheric anomalous phenomena that is roughly in the Orb Plasma theater - NOT producing `solid structures'. But, then, a day or two ago - I became aware of a NEW `Orb Caller' name - one that if one is to believe the hype - produces UFOs upon demand; and, some of these `objects' ARE MORE WORRISOME than some plasma ball floating around that MAY be spiritual in some manner. His name is Robert Bingham, seems like a simple spiritual man, and he's in California.
First up, the video I first ran across - with the title of - UFO Sightings UFOs or Angels? Massive Sighting Man Summons - it has about 5k views on a `Gathering Site' with suspicious material all around. Uploaded this month with NO attribution. About a 5/1 positive ratio of pos/neg votes. Is this what UFO Disclosure has become?
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The comments below this video are classic:I've always known i had a guardian angel, she talks to me and gives me good ideas. Lately i have learned that the help is actually from the PLEIADIANS, who are 5th dimentional Extraterrestrials who are around earth in spaceships. They will make their presence known in the months ahead. Keep your eyes on the skys and say hello. PEACE, & Love.
So, let's take this a step further - in this video - from about a week ago. Yes, Robert Bingham himself talks about how over EIGHT years he has taught himself how to summon the anomalous. That is about when the MSM covered the Prophet Yahweh and when the first Orb callers started to upload onto YouTube. Take the time for this one.
link - - about 9k views and about a 2/1 pos/neg ratio of voting.
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