Now, here's the photos offered:

Some VERY aggressive Chemtrailing going on too, evidently. So again.. to the testimony... the thing shot across the sky to then stop `hover and spin and split' in front of the witness and then to fuse again and to shoot off rapidly..... here's the other picture:

More description:
She added: 'I'm a country girl and I know what sheep sound like, but the sheep in the field beyond were making a horrible, high pitched sound all the time it was there.
'Slowly, the two pieces joined back together and then about 15 seconds later it just shot off straight up into the sky - in the blink of an eye.
'I've never seen anything move so fast. I've seen a shooting star before and it was faster than that - there's no way it could be man-made, it moved too fast
Oh, Nick Pope (they love NP in the UK) in the spirit of disinfo perhaps said "'Perhaps it was some new secret, prototype spy plane or drone,...."
Let's F'ing hope to H it's not some new `spy plane or drone'.... Christ... what kind of worthless spin is that. But, lets see here.... a lighted up space, like a structured Orb, moved, hovered and then ascended.... sounds a bit like the Jerusalem Orb to me..... even looks a bit like it....
BTW, this is what an UFO looks like, not like `saucers' or `triangles' IMO.... something, from somewhere or somewhen is able to put into our real reality space a projection of something of THEIRS ..... (to tell us they exist? to gather into about us?) - a probe, `unmanned' - and perhaps, not even of our on-going reality structure.
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Let's F'ing hope to H it's not some new `spy plane or drone'.... Christ... what kind of worthless spin is that. But, lets see here.... a lighted up space, like a structured Orb, moved, hovered and then ascended.... sounds a bit like the Jerusalem Orb to me..... even looks a bit like it....
BTW, this is what an UFO looks like, not like `saucers' or `triangles' IMO.... something, from somewhere or somewhen is able to put into our real reality space a projection of something of THEIRS ..... (to tell us they exist? to gather into about us?) - a probe, `unmanned' - and perhaps, not even of our on-going reality structure.
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