This video, up all of two days (by this poster) with 2K views or so was brought to my attention by one of my Squidoo readers at my 2012 UFO videos page. 2012 UFO Videos On Squidoo Anyway, more after the video, which has an amazing 47-1 pos/neg ratio out of the box:
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So, is this a blimp? UFO? Human made, alien made? Is this possibly CGI (YouTube video editor used)? NO attribution beyond itself. AND, belongs to (uploader) , evidently, a Russian `end-timer' - as shown by this `livejournal' blog of the uploader found via the YTube account - Government Disinfo? Ludicrous Foes?
AND, THAT FOLKS, FOR ME, IMO, is a bit too far down the slippery slope of belief. That said, form your own opinions and if you can enlighten us all on this video, UDCC is all ears.
NOT Full yet? Well, how about a serving of `hovering jetliner' for you?
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I'd say the obvious noise eliminates the above video from the now occasionally reported SILENT `hovering jetliners'? Right? LOL. But, when I pushed a bit deeper - never expecting that the more nefarious `hovering planes' might have also been captured on YouTube - guess what I found?
What I found is OMG material that will be in a future post.
BTW, this post today came from out of the blue with my Squidoo reader lead. I had already gotten together a whole slew of new SKY Noise Phenomena stuff to continue yesterday's focus; it's like that with UFO blogging folks -- the bins I have are literally overflowing with stuff I don't even have time to write up. I continue to try to bring to you what I feel is the most important at telling a story as near the truth as one can get...... Oh, BTW, The Feather Video now has MORE than ONE Mass Media outlet interested in using it -- yes, the video link that FIRST appeared here IN THE COMMENT SECTION before making it as a Featured Post on March 26th and now with over 6,000 readers at UDCC. The video passed 35K views too.
I've been enjoying all the `Facebook' shares with readers using the `share F' button below. You can also easily e-mail using the e-mail button too. Thanks for your support - think any friends of yours would be interested in a Russian UFO?
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