And, like flies attracted to dumps of brown release, I present how NUTS it got for a brief moment. First up, on a `UK' Disclosure Gathering YouTube channel comes this nearly STUPID attempt at who knows what - but IF a UFO was making this sound - for 10 minutes - why does it cut off at 40 seconds and why aren't people out in the streets (even if it is supposedly in the middle of the night, a convenient explanation IMO). And, why is it a UFO and NOT an air conditioner? Yeah, it's that dumb.
But, got nearly a quarter MILLION hits, - And about a 1-1 ratio of pos/neg votes by viewers ----- and here is Strange Sounds In Venice Florida the first of THREE fake Sky Sound Phenomena the guy made in days, -- this one got him again nearly a quarter million views. Sheeesh. Typical YT name for a BS'er ROFLaughing...... yepper.
As Clockers know, UDCC is not really for lightweights. To that end - ?Conscious Influence of Quantum Collapse . This is the highlights of some research into the double-slit quantum collapse theories and in this research they found that folks that meditate and even those that don't could influence the outcome of the experiment based on their concentration. Zowie.
Finally, thanks for your visit today. A big hello to all the Facebook folks visiting for the first time today (and a big thanks to the folks posting UDCC on their page) - please look around before you go as there are over 500 posts to explore and lots of content. -------------- Oh, the Feather video may be seen by lots more folks if my inside info happens - stay tuned. Over 35K views in 10 days.
Here's some summer reads for you.
nice post!!........also when's the new time thingy gonna be up????